"Enterosgel" for acne: instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

"Enterosgel" for acne: instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews
"Enterosgel" for acne: instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

One of the effective drugs included in the combined treatment regimens for most diseases is the modern adsorbent "Enterosgel". For acne and other inflammatory rashes, doctors often recommend it.

"Enterosgel" for acne
"Enterosgel" for acne

It effectively fights toxins from the inside, and also has a beneficial effect on the skin from the outside, being part of active masks. Dermatologists also warn that the result of treatment depends on the cause of acne.

Enterosgel: composition

According to external signs, the drug is a homogeneous paste-like mass of white (or almost white) color with a slight additional shade. 100 g contains:

  • 70g polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate;
  • 30g purified water.

The gel has no smell, which is highly appreciated by patients with poisoning or people who react negatively to various fragrances.

Structure and actionpopular enterosorbent

The preparation "Enterosgel" in the instructions for use is characterized as an adsorbent produced on the basis of organic silicon. This remedy, when ingested, exhibits powerful detoxifying and sorption activity.

The consistency of "Enterosgel"
The consistency of "Enterosgel"

Its structure is a molecular sponge. This structure helps to absorb small and medium toxins that appear in the process of metabolic reactions. But at the same time, it is unable to absorb large molecules of beneficial bacteria. This allows you to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, protecting the intestinal microflora from harmful substances, prevent the occurrence of dysbacteriosis and improve metabolism in general. "Enterosgel" helps to cleanse organs and tissues from:

  • food toxins;
  • various allergens - drugs and others;
  • alcohol;
  • radionuclide;
  • heavy metal s alts.

"Enterosgel" in the instructions for use is described as a sorbent that rids the body of excess metabolic products:

  • dense cholesterol, which worsens the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • bilirubin;
  • lipid complexes;
  • urea.

The drug also removes metabolites responsible for the progression of endogenous toxicosis. In the gastrointestinal tract, the gel-like consistency of the enterosorbent is not absorbed and is excreted unchanged within 12 hours.

Indications from the annotation to the drug

Thanks to the drug "Enterosgel", the composition of which is aimed at combatingvarious toxins, large molecules of beneficial microbes remain in the body and do not fall into the molecular sponge of the medicinal substance in size. It is considered a detoxifier that helps with:

  • acute and chronic poisoning of various origins;
  • acute intestinal infections caused by a variety of pathogens (salmonellosis, dysentery, toxic infections, diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious nature and dysbacteriosis);
  • acute poisoning with potent toxic substances - alcohol, drugs, s alts of heavy metals, plant alkaloids;
  • purulent-septic diseases, accompanied by obvious symptoms of intoxication. The drug is used as part of combination therapy;
  • drug and food allergies;
  • viral hepatitis and chronic renal failure.

A popular enterosorbent is also prescribed to workers in hazardous industries to prevent chronic diseases associated with occupational intoxication with chemicals, radionuclides, organic solvents, s alts of heavy metals and other compounds hazardous to he alth.

Causes of acne

There are 4 types of acne and each one is treated individually:

  1. Comedone.
  2. Inflammatory.
  3. Cystic.
  4. Hormonal.

Does Enterosgel help with any acne?

Causes of acne
Causes of acne

The detoxifying effect of the drug cleanses the body, qualitativelyimproves and accelerates the treatment of acne. If one of the diseases - comedonal acne in the T-zone - can be eliminated at an early stage by washing with antibacterial soap, using masks and a 3-5-day course of enterosorbent, then the inflammatory one will require complex therapy for 7-10 days. To cure cystic and hormonal acne, you must first eliminate the root cause - signs of the underlying disease of the endocrine organs, gastrointestinal tract or nervous system, and then proceed to the treatment of a concomitant ailment that manifests itself in the form of acne.

At the initial stage of acne: the first symptoms

The product is great for use on problematic skin - oily or combination:

  • dirty pores and blackheads - comedones;
  • heterogeneous skin tone of the face and décolleté;
  • frequent rashes, irritation and flaking of the skin;
  • increased functioning of the sebaceous glands that produce sebum.

Independently using the drug "Enterosgel" for acne, it is not always possible to achieve complete elimination of aesthetic flaws. The result depends on the cause of a common disease and adequate complex treatment, which can be found out during a medical consultation and examination.

Fighting acne: pros and cons

In international practice for the treatment of acne, enterosorbents are not indicated as essential drugs. They can be used at the discretion of the doctor as an auxiliary component to relieve certain symptoms.

"Enterosgel": pluses
"Enterosgel": pluses

Most domestic dermatologists are convinced that "Enterosgel" from acne helps by effectively combating toxins and cleansing the body from the inside, as well as as part of home external products that adsorb harmful substances on the surface of the skin. This drug shows especially bright and noticeable results in the treatment of acne with the allergic nature of the disease. A less impressive effect of the enterosorbent is observed in the treatment of teenage and other acne, the trigger of which is hormonal causes. But in any case, to qualitatively improve the treatment, accelerate the cleansing of the skin from papules and pustules, this remedy can help.

How to take a popular enterosorbent for acne

Cleanser is available as a suspension and paste. Both drugs are diluted in water at the rate of 1 part of the sorbent to 3 parts of liquid at room temperature. Take "Enterosgel" for acne between meals and other drugs for 1-2 hours, so that the spongy structure of the drug does not remove the active components of the medication or nutrients along with toxins.


The dosage of the paste or hydrogel depends on the degree of damage to the body by toxins and on the age of the patient, so the doctor should prescribe the course of treatment and the daily rate of the drug after examining the skin and receiving the results of the tests:

  • The standard rate of the drug "Enterosgel" for adults is 1-1, 5 table. spoons of paste 3 times a day. The daily dose in this case will be equal to 45 gr - 67.5 gr.
  • Teenagers under 14 are recommended 1 table. a spoondrug, which is taken 3 times a day. The total volume of the enterosorbent per day in this case will be 45 gr.

The amount of drug used does not depend on the form of release, since both have an equivalent effect and differ only in ease of use. In any case, after taking the enterosorbent, you need to drink at least 200 ml of pure water to prevent constipation. This side effect can occur from lack of moisture, antibiotics and other drugs prescribed by a doctor.

External agents with enterosorbent

Masks with Enterosgel for acne on the face perfectly complement the care and serve as an indispensable home remedy to improve the aesthetic appearance of the epidermis.

"Enterosgel": nourishing mask
"Enterosgel": nourishing mask

But they should be used only at the initial stage of acne, when antibiotics, which are part of Differin or Zenerit, are not needed for treatment. In addition, it is necessary to study the composition of acne talkers. Those that contain chloramphenicol or other antibacterial components will also be incompatible with a mask based on an enterosorbent paste. At the first signs of acne - increased oiliness of the skin and unnatural shine, black spots and pimples - experts recommend applying Enterosgel in its pure form or preparing a mix with other active ingredients.

Purifying mask

To remove pimples from your face, you need:

  • remove makeup from face and wash;
  • steam the skin with a decoction of chamomile, arranging a steambath;
  • treat your face with an alcohol-free tonic;
  • apply "Enterosgel" with a thin layer on problem areas, without affecting the area around the eyes;
  • hold for 15-20 minutes;
  • wash off the rest of the paste with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

This mask can be done 2 times a week for a month.

Anti-Aging & Brightening

Moisturizing, brightening and rejuvenating mask will be obtained by mixing "Enterosgel", fresh cucumber puree and raw egg white. Components are taken in equal proportions.

"Enterosgel": refreshing mask
"Enterosgel": refreshing mask

The product is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Protein cleanses and tightens pores, while cucumber moisturizes, restores the skin's natural shade and freshness.

Nourishing mask

Cleansing and nourishing the skin is obtained from Enterosgel, honey and egg yolk, taken in equal proportions:

  • 1 yolk.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp
  • The drug in question is 1 tbsp

If the skin is oily, but very sensitive, then honey can be replaced with sour cream or yogurt.

Drying and bleaching products

"Enterosgel" from acne in reviews, experts advise mixing with cosmetic clay, rice starch or zinc paste to get an effective drying and whitening mask.

Mask with "Enterosgel"
Mask with "Enterosgel"

For 1 tablespoon of gel take:

  • 1 teaspoon abrasive - clay, starch or paste withzinc oxide. You can keep the mask with these ingredients on your face for no more than 10-15 minutes, so as not to overdry the skin;
  • You can diversify this remedy by adding the pulp of a banana or avocado. Mix the same volume of fruit pulp and "Enterosgel", pour a little starch, rub it so that there are no lumps, and apply to the cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Such a mask acts more delicately on the epidermis than starch with enterosorbent paste, so you can keep it on the skin for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off. This mask saturates the cells of the epidermis with moisture and vitamins, tightens the skin, evens out its color, makes it silky.

Analogues: gels, tablets and powders

The active substance of the popular enterosorbent - polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate - is produced only in its pure form and is used as a component of the described preparation.

"Enterosgel": analogues
"Enterosgel": analogues

Analogues of "Enterosgel" can be found in pharmacies - these funds are similar to the original in terms of the mechanism of action: "Polysorb", "Polifepan", "Smekta", "Laktofiltrum", "Enterodez", "Neosmectin", "Carbopekt", "Entegnin", activated carbon and "Carbactin". However, they differ in individual properties:

  • none of the above sorbents, unlike the original, does not act selectively on microorganisms, therefore useful substances are also removed from the intestine along with toxins;
  • only acne paste and hydrogel are absolutely compatible with the tissues of the human body, and Laktofiltrum contains ingredients that can cause allergies;
  • The described drug forms a hydrogel, delicately enveloping the intestinal mucosa and protecting it. At the same time, the gel substance does not accumulate in the body, helps to remove 2.5-3 times more toxins than other sorbents, and then leaves the body within 12 hours.

"Enterosgel" and analogues are also not the same in terms of application time: a paste or hydrogel can be safely used under the supervision of a doctor for a long time - more than six months, while the rest of the sorbents begin to irritate and damage the membrane of the gastrointestinal tract after a week and a half.

Reviews positive and neutral

In most reviews, "Enterosgel" from acne is praised for its high sorption capacity. It cleanses the body of toxins and speeds up the process of acne treatment in cases of problems with digestion of food, increased production of sebum, deterioration of the epidermis. The drug removes all harmful substances that contribute to the formation of acne and the appearance of foci with inflammation.


After complex treatment, along with a popular enterosorbent prescribed by a doctor, patients report a significant improvement in the condition of the epidermis, a decrease in unnatural shine and the appearance of a he althy complexion.

Neutral or negative opinions about the drug are more often expressed by adolescents who use it on the advice of friends and girlfriends. Hormonal surges that provoke skin rashes and the appearance of teenage acne do not respond to cleansing with enterosorbents. In this case, the doctor always prescribesother drugs. The use of "Enterosgel" by people with problem skin is called an excellent solution, but it is necessary to coordinate it with the attending physician.
