As soon as a woman sees two lines on the test, she immediately runs to the gynecologist. This is a very correct decision, because the doctor checks your he alth, prescribes an ultrasound and tests. Also in the early stages of pregnancy, a good specialist will consider the indications for the use of folic acid. Moreover, taking this drug is mandatory.
Let's see what folic acid is and why it is so necessary for a pregnant woman. In simple terms, this is vitamin B9, which affects the proper development and growth of the fetus, contributes to the normal formation of the human appearance. Folic acid for pregnant women is the most important drug, it significantly reduces the risk of autism in a child. All he alth authorities are running a campaign telling about the benefits of this medicine. And yet, most women refuse to take this drug during pregnancy. Although the indications for the use of folic acid show that it is completely safe for the he alth of the mother and her child.

Thisthe drug can be prescribed from the first weeks of pregnancy. It has no side effects. Very often, women who are just planning to conceive a child start taking folic acid. In the United States, in recent decades, cases of the birth of children with autism have become more frequent, so folic acid is prescribed there in a strict order. Indications for use with such statistics are not questioned by anyone. In addition to autism, an insufficient amount of vitamin B9 in the body of a pregnant woman leads to a high probability of developing a cleft in the spine in the fetus, disorders in the formation of the nervous system. Subsequently, this responds to the incorrect physical and intellectual development of the child.
Any woman during her pregnancy is worried when she is prescribed an unfamiliar drug. But in this case, there is no reason to worry, because folic acid for pregnant women (the dose must be prescribed only by a personal doctor) is a safe and very useful drug. Vitamin B9 is found in spinach, rice, asparagus beans. But these products are not enough to fill the daily need for gestation. Folic acid intake should be carried out every day, one tablet during the first months of pregnancy. The synthetic version of the drug is very cheap, so any expectant mother can afford to buy it.

In addition, all B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Indications for the use of folic acid confirm its benefits in cases such asincreased nervousness, stress and anxiety. The body of a pregnant woman should have a large supply of essential nutrients, especially in the early stages. Therefore, it is advisable to take folic acid when planning conception (four weeks before the start of pregnancy) and during the first two months.
The risk of various pathologies and deviations in children is too great in our time. To protect your baby as much as possible during its prenatal development, be attentive to the doctor's recommendations.

Medical indications for the use of folic acid have already fully justified themselves in the US and Europe, in Russia this drug is only gaining its popularity. Responsible parents will go to any lengths to have a he althy, full-fledged child. And a good specialist gynecologist will prescribe vitamins, folic acid and, probably, other preventive drugs at the first visit to him. There is no need to be afraid to take them, because they are completely safe for you and your child.