"Daflon 500": instructions for use, composition, analogues, manufacturer, reviews

"Daflon 500": instructions for use, composition, analogues, manufacturer, reviews
"Daflon 500": instructions for use, composition, analogues, manufacturer, reviews

Sometimes doctors prescribe the drug "Daflon 500" as part of complex therapy for their patients from varicose veins. Instructions for use positions it as an effective venoprotective and venotonic agent. Who manufactures this medicine? What is included in the composition of the drug and what do specialists and patients think about it? Does Daflon have cheaper analogues?

What are they prescribed for?

What is varicose veins, people know firsthand, whose working day is spent on their feet. Also, this problem often overtakes those who are overweight. If you do not treat this disease in time, dangerous complications can develop, up to a fatal outcome. Not to mention the fact that it becomes very difficult for a person to move around and lead a full life.

daflon 500 instructions for use
daflon 500 instructions for use

Often in therapeutic practice, experts advise their patients to pay attention to such a medicine as"Daflon" 500. Instructions for use recommends it for the treatment of varicose veins, venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids and other circulatory pathologies.

Composition and manufacturer

Each pharmaceutical company that supplies medicines to the market is interested in promoting their product. Not always the promises made by the brand are true. What is known about the drug "Daflon 500"? The manufacturer of this drug is the French company Servier Laboratories, which has a good reputation in the world market. They promise that the drug will not only help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins, but also restore the structure and elasticity of blood vessels.

The effectiveness of any medication depends on what active ingredient is in its composition. "Daflon 500" contains diosmin as the main substance, its concentration is 450 mg. The composition also includes hesperidin - 50 mg. The synthesis of these components provides a pronounced therapeutic effect after taking the drug. In addition to them, in the tablets "Daflon 500" (instructions for use contains this information) there are excipients that enhance the action of the main components.

detralex analogues price
detralex analogues price

How to store and where to store?

In order for the medicine not to lose its properties, you need to pay attention to what the instructions for use say about its storage. "Daflon 500" is recommended to be stored at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees, in a dark and dryplace. The shelf life of the drug is 4 years from the date of issue. Doctors strongly discourage the use of the drug after this period.

Only varicose veins?

Before buying any drug, it will not be superfluous to find out about its indications. "Daflon 500" is prescribed in the following cases:

  • With varicose veins, venous insufficiency.
  • To eliminate night cramps.
  • In the complex treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • To relieve swelling and prevent blood clots.
  • In the treatment of lymphedema and trophic ulcerative wounds.
  • As a prevention of circulatory disorders.

If you believe the reviews left by patients, we can conclude that the medicine quite effectively helps to stop hemorrhoidal bleeding in just a few doses. As for the treatment of varicose veins, the opinions here are not so unambiguous.

daflon 500
daflon 500

How does the drug work?

Daflon 500 belongs to the group of angioprotectors. Thanks to him, the vascular tone increases, the wall of the affected vein is restored, and blood flow is accelerated. A combination of two active substances that enhance each other's action allows you to achieve the following results:

  • reduce blood viscosity;
  • reducing painful distensibility of veins;
  • reducing the permeability and fragility of capillary walls;
  • increasing elasticity and vascular tone;
  • improve the outflow of lymphatic fluid;
  • prevention of scleroticvascular damage.

Due to the action of the components of the drug, the viscosity of leukocytes decreases, thereby reducing the risk of their sticking to the walls of blood vessels.

Contraindications and side effects

The list of contraindications for the drug "Daflon 500" is small. This is primarily individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as the period of bearing and feeding the child. Although in the case of pregnancy, the attending physician, at his discretion, may prescribe a medication if the benefit to the mother outweighs the possibility of risk to the fetus. With regard to breastfeeding, here doctors unanimously recommend stopping feeding if there is an urgent need to use the drug.

There have been no cases of overdose with this drug. In the case of an individual negative reaction of the body to the medication, the following manifestations are possible:

  • dizziness and general weakness;
  • allergic skin rashes;
  • adverse gastrointestinal reactions such as diarrhea or constipation, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.

In pediatric practice, the drug is not prescribed, since studies in this age group have not been conducted.

daflon 500 reviews
daflon 500 reviews

How to apply?

The method of application will depend on the disease and its stage. As a rule, the doctor prescribes the necessary dosage, but the instructions for use say that for the treatment of varicose veins, the patient should drink 2 tablets per day. And the receptionthe drug should take place during meals. With the improvement of the condition after a month, a single daily use of the medication is possible. The total course of therapy with Daflon should not exceed 3 months.

For hemorrhoidal bleeding, the dosage will be higher. To achieve a stable therapeutic effect, you will need to use 6 tablets per day for four days, in the next three days you can drink 4 tablets per day. The course of therapy for hemorrhoids is much shorter and ranges from 7 to 10 days.

And if you need to replace?

There are cases when it is impossible to use "Daflon" for the treatment of varicose veins and venous insufficiency, then you can choose equally effective analogues. Detralex, the price of which is much lower, is produced in Russia by Serdiks LLC, but under the license of the same French Servier Laboratories, since this drug is its property.

daflon 500 indications
daflon 500 indications

If we compare the compositions of both medicines, we can see that the active ingredients in them are absolutely identical. Therefore, many patients, in order to save money, do not buy Daflon, but its full-fledged analogue Detralex. The price of the latter varies from 750 to 800 rubles for 30 tablets, while "Daflon" in the same dosage will cost the buyer at least 1,400 rubles for the same 30 tablets. Many consumers note that this is a rather impressive difference, and opt for Russian-made Detralex.

What do doctors think about such a replacement? They note that the analogue of "Daflon", which is produced in Russia, is no worse and equally effectively treats all the diseases described above. And the difference in price is due only to the place of production, of course, a medicine made in France will cost much more.

In addition to Detralex, there are a number of drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of varicose veins:

  • "Venolife".
  • "Phlebodia".
  • "Troxevasin".
  • "Venarus".
  • "Vaseket".
  • "Anistax".
  • "Hepatrombin".

Not all of them are drugs in the full sense of the word, for example, "Venozol" is a dietary supplement, in which the active ingredient is a red grape leaf. It is much cheaper and has fewer side effects.

daflon 500 composition
daflon 500 composition

You should not choose a replacement drug yourself, in this case it is extremely important to consult a specialist, since only a doctor can choose the most effective medicine for a particular patient based on the clinical picture.

"Daflon 500": patient reviews

Those who have completed the full course of treatment with the drug note its high efficiency in the treatment of varicose veins. They claim that blood circulation has significantly improved, swelling and pain in the legs have disappeared. The vascular network on the legs also decreases.

daflon 500 manufacturer
daflon 500 manufacturer

Of the negative impressions, the most important thing is that the drug is almost impossible to purchase in Russia. To buy "Daflon", you need to order it online or ask someone to send it from France. Some people attributed the high price of the medicine to the negative points, arguing that the analogue produced in Russia copes with the task no worse.
