In the treatment of diseases of the joints and cartilage tissue, "Chondroxide" gel is used as part of complex therapy. Instructions for use, price and reviews - this information should be studied before purchasing a medicine. Is this drug as effective as advertised, what side effects and contraindications does it have, and can it be replaced with a cheaper analogue?
Medicine in Brief
Gel "Chondroxide" belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. Judging by the feedback from patients, it helps to fight degenerative changes in cartilage and joints, as well as osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis of the spine. Its low cost and ease of use are noted.

The main active ingredient of the gel "Chondroxide" is chondroitin sulfate. This is a natural substance that is obtained from the cartilage of cattle (cattle), or rather, from the trachea of animals. Chondroitinsulfate stops the changes and destruction of human cartilage and belongs to the group of high molecular weight mucopolysaccharides. In addition, it inhibits the activity of enzymes that contribute to degenerative changes in cartilage tissue, activates the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and stimulates the production of intra-articular fluid.
The instructions for the Chondroxide gel also indicate the following additional components that enhance the activity of the main substance:
- isopril alcohol;
- propylene glycol;
- dimethyl sulfoxide;
- sodium metabisulphite;
- ethanol;
- bergamot oil, which gives an orange flavor to the medicine;
- purified water.
The medicine is sold in metal tubes, it has a yellowish tint and citrus aroma, the gel is translucent.

Gel action
Thanks to dimethyl sulfoxide, specified in the instructions for the "Chondroxide" gel as an auxiliary component, uniform penetration of the active substance into the affected tissues is achieved. Patients note that after several uses of the drug, pain symptoms become less intense, joint mobility improves.
Those who used the medicine for osteochondrosis of the spine noted the rapid action of the drug, in addition, degenerative processes slow down, and sometimes they can be completely stopped. Gel "Chondroxide" in 3-4 hours reaches the maximum concentration in the blood plasma, and is excreted mostly by the kidneys duringdays.
Is it always possible to use the drug
Despite the high efficacy and safety of the drug, in some cases, its use may cause harm instead of the expected benefit. You should not buy medication for patients who have acute inflammatory processes in the body, especially at the site of the intended application.
Also, the gel is contraindicated in diseases such as thrombophlebitis, it is not recommended for use with a tendency to bleeding. Another ban on the use of the gel "Chondroxide" instructions for use and reviews of doctors called individual intolerance to the main component of the drug.
Negative reactions to application
In case of ignoring contraindications and non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations for the use of the gel, the drug can provoke negative reactions of the body. These include allergic skin rashes, severe itching and burning at the site of application of the medicine, as well as hyperemia.

Doctors warn: in case of such a reaction of the body, the drug cannot be used further, it is necessary to adjust the treatment plan and choose a medicine that is more suitable for a particular patient.
Drug cost
In the instructions for use, the price of the Chondroxide gel is not indicated. The cost of the drug depends on the region and the pricing policy of a particular pharmacy chain. On average, a tube of 30 grams will have to pay about 250 rubles. You can also purchase Chondroxide gel and analogues of the drug in online pharmacies. Often, the cost of a drug is 10-20 rubles lower there.
You can also buy medication in tubes of 20 or 40 grams.
Special conditions and overdose
The drug deserved positive feedback from patients because it is possible to use it when driving vehicles and during other work that involves increased concentration of attention. The main components do not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions in any way and do not inhibit the activity of the central nervous system.

In the process of using the Chondroxide gel, no cases of overdose were recorded. However, this does not mean that you can change the duration and frequency of use of the medication at your discretion.
Use for children, pregnant and lactating women
Gel is not prescribed for the treatment of children under 16 years of age. At an older age, the use of the drug remains at the discretion of the specialist.
During the period of breastfeeding and in any trimester of pregnancy, the drug can be prescribed only if absolutely necessary. The attending physician will compare the expected benefits and possible harms and, on the basis of this, will decide on the treatment of this group of patients with Chondroxide.
Since studies on the effect of the active ingredient on pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted, it is impossible to reliably assess the degree of risk and effectiveness of using the gel.
How to use Chondroxide for treatment
Ointment or gel "Chondroxide" is used only externally. Course duration and frequencyapplications are prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis and depend on the patient's condition, concomitant diseases and the body's response to the medication.

Basically, the duration of the gel does not exceed 2-3 months in one course. After a month break, it can be repeated as prescribed by the doctor. Chondroxide ointment or gel is used three times a day, applied in a thin even layer around the affected area and rubbed with light massaging movements until the product is completely absorbed into the skin.
The positive aspects of using the gel, many patients refer to ease of use and the fact that it does not stain clothes and does not leave marks on the skin.
Compliance with the safety of use
The instructions for use for the Chondroxide gel (analogs will be discussed below) indicate the safety measures that must be observed during drug treatment.
Do not allow the drug to get on the mucous membranes of the eyes, as well as on scratches and wounds on the skin. Apply the gel only on intact areas of the epidermis. Also, during the period of treatment with the drug, ultraviolet rays (natural and artificial) should not be allowed to enter the skin. This is due to the bergamot oil contained in the drug, which increases the skin's susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation.

How and where to store
The medicine does not need special storage conditions. It is enough to find a place where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees and where direct sunlight does not fall. Alsokeep the medicine out of the reach of children of any age.
Shelf life should not exceed 2 years.
The drug is produced in Russia by the Nizhpharm pharmaceutical company from Nizhny Novgorod.
Interaction with other drugs
No studies have been conducted regarding the cross-interaction of "Chondroxide" with other medicines. However, the patient must definitely inform the doctor about all the funds currently taken.
What to replace
If it is impossible to use Chondroxide, it can be replaced with drugs with a similar effect.
Gel "Chondroitin" contains one active ingredient - chondroitin sodium sulfate. It differs from "Chondroxide" in a more extensive list of auxiliary components.
Indications for the use of "Chondroitin" include degenerative changes in the joints and cartilage, localized forms of diseases of the spine.
The drug is produced by the Ukrainian pharmaceutical company Fitopharm and costs a little less than Chondroxide - around 180-200 rubles per 20 grams of the drug.
As a substitute, Artrafik gel from a Russian manufacturer is also used. It contains the same active ingredient as Chondroxide. The indications for use and contraindications of the drug are the same. The cost of the drug varies from 230 to 250 rubles.

Chondroflex is considered a cheaper analogue that has the same indications for use. Activethe component of the drug is the same, but the auxiliary components are different. It includes: white soft paraffin, purified water, lanolin and dimethyl sulfoxide. Due to the fact that there is no bergamot oil in the composition, there is no need to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the treated areas of the body. The cost of a 30-gram tube is around 150 rubles.
The opinion of doctors and patients
Reviews about the gel "Chondroxide" are predominantly positive. Patients note that the medicine quickly eliminates pain symptoms and improves joint mobility. However, they also say that the gel helps only in the initial stages of diseases. If the problem is running, it is unlikely that you can get by with one "Chondroxide". You will have to undergo a full therapeutic course, including physical therapy, medicines, massages and special therapeutic exercises.
Another group of treated people was dissatisfied with the use of the drug. Patients note that the gel brings only temporary relief, and after the end of the course of treatment, all painful symptoms return again.
Doctors unanimously claim that the drug will give the expected result only in the case of complex treatment, it is not suitable for monotherapy.
Having considered the instructions for the Chondroxide gel and the price of the drug, we can conclude that the drug copes well with the task and is quite affordable for patients even with a small income.