Often a carminative is prescribed for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. What kind of drug it is and how it works - this will be discussed in the article.

Mechanism of action
Preparations of this category help to eliminate excess gas formation. This therapeutic effect is based on a change in surface tension and the subsequent destruction of gas bubbles that form in the intestinal mucus and gastric contents. The released gases are eliminated by peristalsis or absorbed into the intestinal wall. The mechanism of activity may also be due to a number of other factors. In particular, the effect develops as a result of increased intestinal motility and an antispasmodic effect on the sphincter muscles. As a result, bloating is reduced, pain and discomfort are eliminated, and absorption and digestion of food is optimized.
Carminatives for newborns
Flatulence often occurs in infants. It is possible to eliminate the symptoms of a pathological condition in children who are breastfed without the use of drugs. However, if the child is transferred to artificial nutrition, to eliminateflatulence, bloating, the pediatrician prescribes a carminative. Today, a lot of drugs of this group are produced. But not all of them are approved for use in infancy.

Popular drugs for gastrointestinal disorders that do not have age restrictions
The medicine "Bebinos" is available in the form of drops for oral administration. The drug is of plant origin, has an antispasmodic and carminative effect. The drug is effective for both elimination and prevention of discomfort and bloating. The medicine is indicated for intestinal colic. This carminative is not prescribed for intolerance to the components. The drug can be used both in diluted and pure form. Schoolchildren are prescribed 10-15 drops, children from a year old - 6-10 drops, infants - 3-6 drops. The frequency of administration is three times a day. Allergies associated with intolerance to the components may be noted as side effects.

Another very popular carminative is the drug Sub Simplex. The active ingredient in it is simethicone. The drug is available in various forms: capsules, tablets, emulsion, suspension, drops. The medication is intended for oral administration. This medicine is prescribed not only to eliminate or prevent flatulence. The drug is recommended before carrying out various diagnostic measures on the organs of the peritoneum and small pelvis. Before gastroscopy receptionmeans prevents the formation of foam. However, the range of contraindications is somewhat wider. In particular, the remedy is not prescribed for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract of the obstructive type, intestinal obstruction and hypersensitivity. The dosage regimen in each case is prescribed by the doctor personally. When taking the drug, allergies may be noted as undesirable consequences.