"Phytomucil Slim Smart": reviews, description, instructions

"Phytomucil Slim Smart": reviews, description, instructions
"Phytomucil Slim Smart": reviews, description, instructions

Who doesn't want to be slim and fit? After all, the absence of excess weight is one of the components of a he althy body. Someone has free time to systematically play sports and eat right, while someone has neither free time nor, most importantly, the willpower to force himself to comply with the regime.

In order to stimulate the human body to lose weight, a lot of medicines have been developed today. However, drugs are drugs: synthetic drugs based on chemical compounds, as a rule, are effective when used for their intended purpose, but can be harmful, have a negative side effect on human organs and systems. A completely different matter is biologically active food supplements. Here, the harm is minimal, and the composition of such funds, as a rule, includes components of natural origin. One of these natural preparations is Fitomucil Slim Smart. Consumer reviews characterize the drug as an effective remedyto regulate the digestive tract, reduce appetite and, as a result, gradually reduce body weight.

Component composition and release form of bioadditives

The main components of Phytomucil Slim Smart are crushed plum fruits and psyllium husks. The ratio of the components to each other is 5:1, respectively. One sachet of the supplement contains 5 mg of fiber. The dietary supplement is offered to consumers in powder form in sachets of 5 mg each. Those patients who only want to try Fitomucil and evaluate its effectiveness can purchase a package of 10 sachets in pharmacies. Also, this form of release is convenient for those who are going on a trip or on vacation and take a bioadditive, as they say, just in case.

fitomucilslim smart reviews
fitomucilslim smart reviews

For those who take Phytomucil Slim Smart for the purpose of losing weight (the instruction contains complete information about the regimen and dosages), the manufacturer offers a package of 30 sachets. It will last for a longer period, and you can take a few bags with you to work.

People who intend to take a dietary supplement for a long period of time, or if the drug is intended to be taken by all family members, it is best and more profitable from an economic point of view to purchase Fitomucil in a jar (250 mg). From such a container, the medication is used at the rate of: 2 teaspoons - 1 sachet.

Working principle

"Phytomucil Slim Smart", the composition of which is soluble fiber fibers, is recommended to be diluted in a glass of water (1 sachet) orany unsweetened drink (kefir, juice, drinking yogurt) and drink before meals. Then you need to drink an additional glass of pure non-carbonated water.

phytomucilslim smart instruction
phytomucilslim smart instruction

Once in the stomach, fiber absorbs water, increases in volume and turns into a gel. The gel fills the cavity of the stomach, resulting in a feeling of fullness, i.e. a person’s feeling of hunger weakens, and he does not overeat. Moving through the intestines, the gel-like mass softens fecal deposits, as a result of which they are easily excreted from the body.

"Phytomucil Slim Smart", the description of the principle of which is clear to any consumer, is mixed with the food taken during meals. The fiber present in dietary supplements slows down the absorption of nutrients, sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels are stopped, which together makes it possible to avoid attacks of hunger. Fiber fibers reduce the rate of absorption of fats and carbohydrates in the intestines, which, in turn, significantly reduces the calorie content of the food taken. In addition, fiber is an excellent absorbent, which helps to remove from the body the products of the functioning of the body and toxins from food.

Thus, "Fitomucil Slim Smart" instructions, reviews of consumers and he alth workers are characterized as a means of reducing the calorie content of food and giving a feeling of satiety. As a result, a person does not overeat, and his weight decreases without any emotional and mental stress, which is very important for the body.

Indications for taking the remedyFitomucil Slim Smart

phytomucil instruction
phytomucil instruction

"Fitomucil Slim Smart" instruction recommends taking with a number of problems associated with digestion and excess weight. The drug will be effective as a component of complex therapy for weight loss. You can use the drug to treat functional (habitual) constipation and irritable bowel syndrome with a predominance of constipation. The attending physician may recommend a dietary supplement in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids, rectal fissures.

"Phytomucil Slim Smart" consumer reviews are positively evaluated in the treatment of dysbacteriosis of the gastrointestinal tract. The effectiveness of the drug in case of high levels of cholesterol and sugar in the blood is described. Well, among other things, the use of this dietary supplement is a good way to increase the intake of dietary fiber, which is often not enough. Normally, the human body needs to receive up to 35 grams of fiber during the day, but in fact, no more than 15 grams come in, which is extremely insufficient to ensure the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Who should take a supplement?

As for any drug, even if it is not a complex drug, but a biologically active supplement, there are contraindications for the use of Phytomucil dietary supplement. The instruction and he alth workers do not recommend taking it for those who are hypersensitive to the main components of the dietary supplement. People with individual intolerance may develop diarrhea, inflammatory processes in the intestines, there is a possibility of allergic manifestationsin the form of urticaria, swelling on the surface of the skin.

It is unacceptable to take Fitomucil Slim Smart (consumer reviews and doctors' recommendations confirm this) to those patients who suffer from any gastrointestinal diseases, intestinal obstruction or digestive problems, acute inflammatory diseases. You can not combine the reception of "Fitomucil" and oral contraceptives.

Varieties of the drug

Currently, the manufacturer offers consumers three types of dietary supplements. Fitomucil Slim Smart is recommended for appetite regulation and weight loss. To control the level of cholesterol in the blood, Phytomucil Cholestenorm is used. The instructions for use recommend taking the third type of dietary supplement "Fitomucil Norm" for regular bowel release. All complexes contain natural ingredients that stimulate and enhance the specific effect of each product on the human body.

phytomucil norms instruction
phytomucil norms instruction

What to look for: features of the use of dietary supplements

In order to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, experts recommend taking the drug in courses, daily from 2 to 4 sachets per day. Usually the treatment period is 1 month. Then you need to take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course again.

The powder, diluted in water, will resemble a tasteless jelly. In order to achieve tangible weight loss, "Fitomucil" instruction recommends combining with a low-calorie diet. However, it should be notedthat such a set of measures (dietary supplements and diet) should not be used by people who lead an active and eventful lifestyle, as this can cause exhaustion of the body.

Before you start taking Fitomucil Slim Smart (a photo of the medication and recommendations are given in the article), it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Patients with diabetes can also use weight loss supplements.

In order for the drug to be as effective as possible, and the fat breakdown products are excreted as fully as possible, it is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of water during the day.

Duration of taking dietary supplements

Specialists in nutrition say that the safest rate of weight loss is from 2 to 4 kg per month. If the process of losing weight will be forced and go more intensively, it will become a serious stress for the body. And the result will be short-lived.

Burning of body fat (i.e., true weight loss) can only occur with a smooth decrease in body weight and simultaneous acceleration of metabolic processes. In order for weight loss to be successful, it would be right to combine the use of Phytomucil Slim Smart, the reviews of which are positive in most patients, with a decrease in calorie intake and regular exercise (try not to overdo it).

Thus, it is quite acceptable to take the remedy throughout the entire period of weight loss, and when the desired result is achieved, you can continue taking 1 sachet of dietary supplement inday as a maintenance dose.

Standard reception pattern

As mentioned earlier, Phytomucil Slim Smart instructions, reviews of experts and consumers are recommended to be taken before meals. Patients over 14 years of age may take 1 sachet (2 teaspoons) 1 to 4 times a day. A single dose is mixed in a glass of water, kefir, juice, yogurt or any unsweetened drink and drunk. Then you need to drink another glass of pure, non-carbonated water.

phytomucilslim reviews
phytomucilslim reviews

In order to avoid negative consequences when using a dietary supplement, its dose should be increased gradually. During the first week, 1-2 sachets per day (2-4 teaspoons) will be enough, then the daily dose can be increased to 3-4 sachets (6-8 teaspoons).

Consumer Opinion

Patients for the most part about the drug "Fitomucil Slim" reviews leave a positive character. Those who wanted to lose weight achieved positive results, but most emphasize that the process of weight loss was not rapid, the weight was reduced gradually. If the consumer followed the diet in addition to taking the dietary supplement, the result appeared faster and was more sustainable.

Female consumers say that the drug was quite effective in combating constipation after childbirth and quickly and effectively normalized the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, some pregnant women have taken the supplement during pregnancy. And "Fitomucil" justified itself as a safe andeffective bowel cleanser.

phytomucil instruction reviews
phytomucil instruction reviews

A separate group of people took the drug at a time, as a laxative. "Fitomucil" and here was on top. The intestines are released gently, smoothly, without any swelling, discomfort and "sudden signals".

Reviews from medical professionals

The bulk of medical professionals consider Phytomucil an effective dietary supplement when it is necessary to reduce weight and regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The effectiveness of this natural remedy with an unbalanced and irregular diet has been proven. Positive results can be achieved if Phytomucil is used (instruction, consumer reviews confirm the presence of such effects) to normalize intestinal motility, in the treatment of diverticulosis. It will be useful to take dietary supplements for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, suffering from hypothyroidism. For preventive purposes, the doctor may recommend Fitomucil to prevent colon cancer.

However, there is an opposite opinion of experts about this drug. The official website of the manufacturer states that Phytomucil works due to 5 mechanisms of action: it suppresses appetite, inhibits (slows down) the absorption of fats and carbohydrates in the intestines, reduces the caloric content of food intake, helps cleanse the intestines and removes toxins. According to some experts, among these 5 mechanisms worthy of attention can be considered a decrease in appetite and a slowdown in the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. The remaining 3 are contrived and do not affecton the effectiveness of Phytomucil.

fitomucilslim smart description
fitomucilslim smart description

It would be wrong to say that Fitomucil Slim Smart is a useless supplement, and it will not help you lose weight. It really helps reduce appetite and, under certain conditions, will contribute to weight loss, is well tolerated by patients and has virtually no side effects. You can take this dietary supplement for a long time and without visible damage to he alth.

In a word, opinions about Phytomucil can be diametrically opposed. However, the fact that the supplement consists of natural ingredients, does not contain any complex chemical compounds, dyes, sugar, diuretics and senna, and nevertheless has established itself as an effective tool for reducing body weight and regulating the digestive tract, speaks for itself. And there are much more consumers who positively evaluate the properties of Fitomucil in all its varieties than skeptics.
