Chickenpox is a disease called "childhood" because the vast majority of people get it before the age of twelve. The source of chickenpox is a type of herpes virus. But it can also affect adults, whom it bypassed at a young age, but they did not want to be vaccinated.
Features of the disease in adults and children
Chickenpox is fairly mild in young patients. The older a person is, the more severely he suffers from this disease. However, some children may experience complications. They are mainly observed in babies with weak immunity, as well as in those who suffer from chronic diseases, such as diabetes.
Adults have a slightly different picture. Almost everyone who gets chickenpox over the age of 20 develops complications in the form of scars on the skin, fever, pneumonia, otitis media. In addition, there may be visual impairment,inflammation of the heart muscle, even brain damage. Let's consider whether it is possible to give the chickenpox vaccine to an adult.

Who is shown the vaccine
This disease is especially dangerous for women in "position" and people with immunodeficiency. Oncological diseases, the use of corticosteroid hormones are also considered factors that lower the body's defenses, so such patients are more likely to get sick.
There is a theory that people who have had chickenpox may later face its consequences - shingles. This lesion is provoked by the same type of herpes as chicken pox, but it is more severe and often recurs. Should an adult patient get the chickenpox vaccine?
This procedure is optional and is optional. But the introduction of antigenic material in order to induce immunity to the disease is the only sure way to neutralize the infection in adults who did not suffer from the disease in childhood.

When to vaccinate
Vaccination can be done at any age. Vaccination is carried out free of charge in a medical facility with a referral from a general practitioner.
Doctors recommend vaccinating everyone who did not have this disease in childhood. It is imperative that the chickenpox vaccine be given to an adult in the following categories:
- Women who are planning to get pregnant.
- People with disabilitiesimmunological reactivity, which are characterized by the loss of one or more substances of the immune apparatus.
- Patients with malignant tumors.
- Persons with leukemia (damage to the bone marrow, which is provoked by a violation of its functioning of the hematopoietic system).
- He alth workers.
- People who work in preschools.
- Citizens with chronic heart failure.
- Those with diabetes (a metabolic disease caused by a lack of insulin production and an increase in glucose levels).
- People with hypertension (increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure).

Vaccination and pregnancy
This is a dangerous time for a woman, which is characterized by the vulnerability of the body to various infections, in particular, to herpes. Chickenpox can lead to the loss of a child, as well as cause fetal pathologies, underdevelopment of internal organs and limbs in a baby.
It is especially necessary to be afraid of chickenpox for women in the "position", who have preschool children and attend child care facilities. It is impossible to get vaccinated during pregnancy, but it is necessary to get vaccinated during its planning. This procedure should be done three months before conception.
Persons after coronary heart disease, as well as with severe chronic lesions of the lungs and kidneys, should also be vaccinated against chicken pox. The disease can exacerbatetheir ailments and to grave consequences.
At retirement age, vaccination is not prohibited, and in certain situations it is even recommended. It is definitely necessary to be vaccinated if the patient is at risk.

Vaccination against chickenpox is given after contact with the patient, as well as for preventive purposes. It is done within 3 days after close contact with the sick person, it neutralizes the disease at an early stage.
There is a widespread belief that a person who had chickenpox in childhood may no longer be afraid of re-infection. However, there are situations when people become infected with this disease again. Experts attribute this to the fact that the virus is able to mutate.
After ten, maybe twenty years, there is a chance to get chickenpox again, because another virus will provoke it. Therefore, all adults who are at risk should be given the chickenpox vaccine.
Pros and cons
- Decrease in incidence.
- Neutralization of herpes zoster.
- Prevention of the occurrence of autoimmune diseases provoked by chickenpox.
- Chickenpox in adulthood can lead to death, the vaccine saves from this.
- There is the possibility of emergency vaccination against chickenpox when communicating with the infected.
Cons include the following:
- Vaccination in childhood is not considered evidence that a child will not get chickenpox. The process will only be pushed back to the adult period.
- Vaccination is carried out with a live virus, therefore, the vaccinated individual can be contagious to other people.
- There is a possibility of post-vaccination effects.
- A protective reaction against chickenpox begins to appear immediately after vaccination. But the maximum performance is achieved after 1.5 months.

What chickenpox vaccines are available
Only two medicines are used in Russia. Varicella vaccine name for adults:
- "Okavax".
- "Varylrix".
These preparations contain live but attenuated varicella-zoster viruses. They are allowed to be used by both adults and children. Okavax is produced by the French company Sanofi, and Varilrix is produced by Belgium. They can be installed both planned and in emergency situations.
But there is a main difference - "Okavax" is administered once, and "Varilrix" - in two stages. The first vaccine is made with live varicella-zoster viruses. It can be used to prevent infection and comes with two vials and a diluent.

Varilrix contains a weakened varicella-zoster virus. This vaccine can be used for adults, children, and people who have had contact with a sick person with chickenpox.
Whenplanning pregnancy for prevention, it is important for women to make an injection a few months before conception.
Where do they put the vaccine
Chickenpox vaccine for adults is injected into the upper part of the shoulder under the skin. If it is not possible to give an injection in this way, then an intramuscular injection can be given.
It is forbidden to vaccinate intravenously. The buttocks are not suitable for injection, because subcutaneous fat is strongly expressed there, so the medicine will be absorbed for a long time.
How long does the drug work
According to reviews, the Okavax chickenpox vaccine forms long-lasting immunity for many years. Studies of the drug "Varilrix" confirmed that protection against the disease lasts for about one year.
Any varicella vaccine for adult patients will need to be repeated as none guarantees lifelong immunity.

What to do if there was contact with a sick person
Giving the chickenpox vaccine within seventy-two hours of exposure may prevent infection or minimize signs and complications. The effectiveness of the drug is 90% for 3 days and 70% on the fourth day.
A patient who has been vaccinated with a live virus is contagious to other people for some time. The varicella vaccine has been effective for 20 years, which indicates its increased effectiveness.
Vaccination does not guarantee that a personwill never become infected, but it will help to avoid serious complications, and the disease will proceed in a mild form with a small amount of rashes.
Vaccination or chickenpox vaccine for adult patients has prohibitions:
- Pregnancy.
- Acute pathology.
- Leukopenia (a condition in which there is a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood).
- Bronchial asthma (chronic inflammation of the respiratory system).
- Increased sensitivity to the previous injection.
- Use of immunoglobulins.
Vaccination side effects
Negative reactions to vaccination in both children and adults are very rare. As a rule, these are local manifestations in the form of pain at the injection site, as well as hyperemia and swelling. These signs are observed from the first days, but quickly pass. Up to five percent of those vaccinated may additionally report the following symptoms:
- Temperature increase.
- Rash and itching.
- Lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes).
- Weakness.
- Fatigue.
- Pain in the abdomen.
- Muscle pain.
- Diarrhea.
- Gagging.
- Rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa).
- Cough.
Chickenpox symptoms are likely to appear, but they will be milder and without complications. The development of allergies is not excluded. Anaphylaxis and angioedema are especially to be feared.
What doctors say
Medical professionals ask patients to pay attention to a number ofcertain factors:
- Whether or not to vaccinate against chickenpox, only the person himself should decide. There are no regulations requiring this.
- It is advisable to consult a doctor before vaccination about indications and restrictions for use.
- People at risk should be vaccinated first.
- Vaccination protects not only against chickenpox, but also against shingles.
- Thanks to vaccinations, emergency prophylaxis can also be carried out after contact with an infected person.
- It is advisable to give an injection when planning a pregnancy.
Patient opinions
According to reviews of the chickenpox vaccine for adults, the disadvantages include the possibility of post-vaccination consequences, as well as the short duration of immunity and its long formation.
Patients of any age receive the same concentration of the drug. The cost of one vaccine can vary from 2500 to 5000 rubles. For some, it's expensive. There are people who believe that vaccination should be carried out routinely and free of charge. Where to get a chickenpox vaccine for an adult in Samara or in another city in the country? You can go to any medical institution with a referral from a therapist.