Warts are a disease that affects the skin. It occurs due to the human papillomavirus that enters the body. Growths tend to grow, and sometimes they appear in such an uncomfortable place that it gives a person very severe discomfort.
Warts can change size, shape and color, and some patients may be left with scars when removed.
Key Features
Warts (dangerous and non-dangerous) are a fairly common form of neoplasms that are located on the skin and are provoked by certain types of human papilloma. The prognosis for the treatment is generally favorable, although the possibility of relapses, that is, their re-formation on the skin, is not ruled out.

Infection occurs when the virus enters through contact transmission. The duration of the incubation period is from 6 weeks to 6 months. It should be borne in mind that one infection is not enough, since the presence of predisposing factors is required. As such it is worthnote the presence of microtraumas on the skin, decreased immunity, increased sweating.
Doctors distinguish 4 main types of warts, in particular, such as:
- ordinary;
- pointed;
- flat;
- senile.
Simple warts are rather dense neoplasms 1-10 mm in size. Often they are localized on the hands. Most of them go away on their own and no further treatment is needed.
Now let's look at the signs of a wart on the heels, the photo of which helps to recognize them easily, they form in the area of shoe pressure, especially if the feet sweat a lot. Initially, this neoplasm is a shiny, and then keratinized yellowish papule with an uneven surface. The formation is mostly single, but 3 or more warts may occur.
Small warts can merge with each other. If the neoplasm is very dense and keratinized, gray in color, then it is painful and prevents normal walking. Sometimes this type of wart provokes severe pain, which makes it difficult to even stand on the leg.
Flat warts - clearly defined papules with a smooth surface, 1-5 mm in size and 1-2 mm, rise above the skin. Basically, such neoplasms are formed in children. They look like small, round nodules, but may be irregular in shape. Mostly warts are located on the hands, face, lower legs. Various kinds of irritations can provoke their formation on the skin.

Genital warts or condylomas are small pink nodules that, gradually merging together, form papillary growths that have a soft consistency on a stalk base. This type of neoplasm is mainly formed on the genitals. They are transmitted mainly during sexual contact. Over time, such neoplasms can grow strongly, causing considerable discomfort, and sometimes degenerate into malignant tumors.
Often, warts lead to other infectious diseases of the genital organs. According to statistics, this type of wart is mainly found in women and can provoke the development of cervical cancer.
Keratomas mainly develop in the elderly. The pathogenesis of their development is unclear, but it is believed that such a lesion develops from the basal layer of the epidermis. Keratomas are often multiple, they are located mainly on the chest, less often on the neck, face, back of the hand, and other areas of the skin. The number of foci is mostly no more than 20. Basically, the disease is of a genetic nature.
Signs of a wart largely depend on the location of the neoplasm and the time of their development. Initially, small flat spots form. They have well-defined borders, yellow or pink color, uneven surface and are covered with rather easily removable crusts. Over time, the surface of the neoplasm becomes denser, covered with cracks.
Causes of occurrence
Basically, similar neoplasms onskin occur in the presence of the papillomavirus, but there must also be predisposing factors. The ways of its transmission are sexual, household, the penetration of the virus into the blood with microcracks on the skin. In addition, infected animals can act as a source of infection.
When the skin is injured, papillomavirus particles that get on the skin easily penetrate into the deeper layers, where they begin to multiply rapidly. People who visit public places with high levels of humidity are most at risk of infection. Often warts on the hands are formed in poultry and food production workers.

The main causes of senile warts are genetic predisposition, the presence of some systemic diseases, skin hyperpigmentation. Among the main factors affecting the occurrence of warts, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- decreased immunity;
- neuroses;
- strong stress;
- excessive hand sweating;
- impaired capillary circulation.
It is worth noting that depending on the type of warts, they may vary somewhat in size and location.
Main symptoms
Doctors identify several types of neoplasms, so the signs of a wart may vary slightly depending on many factors. Among the main symptoms, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- skin inflammation;
- nodule formation;
- appearance of neoplasms.
Signsthe appearance of a wart largely depends on the location and size of the neoplasms. Simple forms of neoplasms are located on the palm, hand and fingers. Outwardly, they resemble a small knot that has a flesh or yellowish color. Among the symptoms of warts, it is necessary to highlight the fact that the skin over the formation becomes dry, rough and slightly rough.
Flat warts affect the face and the back of the hand. Outwardly, they are almost the same as ordinary ones, somewhat rise above the skin, and are slightly rough to the touch. Their hue slightly resembles natural skin color, except for old growths, as they become dirty gray.
Among the signs of warts, the photo of which helps to determine the peculiarity of neoplasms that are localized on the sole, it should be noted the presence of a small thickening resembling a corn or just keratinized skin. Due to the constant wearing of shoes, growths can be injured or rapidly spread to free parts of the body. Severe discomfort and pain is possible, which interferes with the patient's full life.

Perungual neoplasms appear in those who like to bite their nails or constantly injure them. Among the main signs of warts on the fingers, one should single out their small size, so it is quite difficult to confuse them with other diseases.
Spiky neoplasms affect the genitals, especially in those who often change sexual partners. Among the signs of the appearance of a wart, it is necessary to highlight what it looks like, like cauliflower inflorescences, andit has a thick consistency. The number of them can be large, while they affect sexual life and interfere with even going to the toilet normally.
There are also dangerous warts, signs and photos of them help to determine the presence of malignant neoplasms. Among them, it is necessary to single out senile growths that appear in old age. The characteristic signs of a wart are small foci and similarity with melanomas.
Papillomas of the bladder look like small growths of light color, covered with villi. Among the symptoms of a wart, it is necessary to highlight the presence of pain, bleeding, impaired urination. This type of pathology can develop into a malignant form, so an urgent operation is required.
When the first signs of a wart appear, you should definitely visit a doctor for a diagnosis. Only during the inspection, the specialist will be able to establish:
- character of warts;
- the degree of their danger to humans;
- required therapy method.
Delaying a visit to the doctor may lead to the need for a longer and more complex treatment. An accurate diagnosis can only be determined by consulting a doctor on the basis of an examination. The specialist initially makes an assessment of the external growth, and to determine whether the warts are dangerous or not, he recommends undergoing an additional examination, which includes:
- dermoscopy;
- blood tests;
- ultrasound diagnostics.

Dermatoscopy is a study of changes in the structure of the skin. It means by itself that the upper part of the wart is carefully removed and its inner part is examined. Also, at the first signs of a wart, you need to take a blood test to determine the presence of the human papillomavirus. With the help of the study, you can make the most reliable diagnosis and choose the required method of treatment.
In some cases, the doctor may recommend an ultrasound diagnosis to assess the depth of tissue damage. Only after that individual treatment is selected.
Features of treatment
When the first signs of a wart and papilloma appear, you need to visit a doctor for diagnosis, as the treatment may differ slightly depending on the type of neoplasm. The doctor selects the method of removing these skin growths individually. Conservative therapy is carried out with the help of antiviral drugs that are applied directly to the wart area and the skin around it.
This prevents the infection from spreading to unaffected skin. For this, oxolinic, viferon, tebrofen ointments are used. The concentration of the drug and the duration of its use, the doctor determines individually.
In order to eliminate the signs of a wart on the arm or foot, intralesional administration of interferon preparations, a solution of "Bleomycin", is required. Also, rubbing interferon, colhamic, fluorouracil ointment, cauterization with trichloroacetic acid is carried out.

For flat warts, it is recommended to take magnesium oxide by mouth for 2-3 weeks. To treat the affected area, salicylic ointment is used, as well as phonophoresis. A good result is given by the parallel use of antiviral drugs. Treatment should be long, and it is at least 3-4 weeks.
Surgical method involves the removal of warts mechanically using hardware intervention. Often, with typical localizations of neoplasms on the skin, methods such as:
- cryolysis;
- electrocoagulation;
- laser treatment.
Warts are removed in layers, which guarantees scarless healing of the skin and the absence of pigmentation. Only a small indentation remains, which heals within 1-2 weeks.
If a wart is detected in time and treated, in most cases the outcome is positive. There are many options for neoplasm therapy, each of which is selected by dermatologists purely individually.
If the warts are small and do not cause pain, then drug therapy is allowed. With extensive tissue damage and the presence of pain, removal of the neoplasm is recommended. A special approach is required in the treatment of children.
When conducting drug therapy, the application of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ointments to the affected area is indicated. In addition, it is recommended to carry out the treatment of neoplasmsantiviral agents, in particular, such as "Viferon". Drug therapy is selected exclusively by a dermatologist and is performed in accordance with the strict recommendations of a doctor.
Deletion methods
When a wart appears, you need to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe sedatives, immunity boosters and vitamin complexes. In addition, the doctor will help to correctly determine the method of removing neoplasms. These techniques include:
- cryolysis;
- electrocoagulation;
- laser coagulation;
- surgical excision.
Cryodestruction is the freezing of warts with liquid nitrogen. It is applied with special swabs to the neoplasm. Freezing of the wart is carried out within 10-30 seconds. At the same time, it becomes dense and white, and after about 1 hour a bubble forms in its place, which lasts about 5-7 days and gradually dries up. Finally, the crust disappears after 2 weeks, leaving behind only a light pink spot. For plantar warts, a longer treatment period is needed. The course of therapy consists of several freezes with an interval of 2-3 days.
Electrocoagulation involves the removal of a wart by electric current. To do this, the wart is removed using a thin metal loop under a high-frequency current. This avoids bleeding and decontaminates the tissue. At the same time, there is a lot of material for histological examination. This technique is used if there is a suspicion of oncology. Atexposed to current, a small crust forms, which disappears after a week.
Laser coagulation implies that the wart is removed by a laser in layers under anesthesia. A small depression remains at the site of the neoplasm, which levels out after about 2-3 weeks. If there are signs of recurrence after removal of the wart with a laser, inflammation or suppuration is observed, then you should immediately visit a doctor, as this condition can be quite dangerous.
Surgical excision of warts is used if they are large or several merge into one. Under anesthesia, all excess is cut out with a scalpel, and the resulting tissues are sent for examination. The skin is sutured with a cosmetic suture, after which only a small scar remains.
Folk remedies
Folk techniques are widely used for the treatment of warts. To eliminate the neoplasm, you need to lubricate it several times a day with an infusion of wormwood, rub it with garlic, celandine or dandelion juice.

To eliminate warts, garlic baked with butter can be applied to the affected area. If the neoplasms are located on the soles, then you just need to lubricate them with tea tree oil. You can remove warts with dry ice. To do this, a piece of ice should be kept on the skin growth for as long as possible, repeating this procedure several times a day. It is worth noting that in order to achieve the desired result, folk methods must be applied for a long time.
Treatment of children
In children older than 5 years, warts are quite common. It should be noted that not all treatments that are used for adults are suitable for a child. For therapy, it is recommended to use antiviral ointments. They rarely cause side effects and are extremely safe.
Growths can also be removed using folk methods. For children's delicate skin, only the most gentle and safe products can be used. If redness or burning appears, then it is better to cancel the procedure and choose another remedy. For radical treatment, laser wart removal is most suitable, as it is very fast and painless. Signs of wart recurrence are very dangerous, therefore, if such symptoms occur, you should immediately visit a doctor.
What could be dangerous
Warts can be quite dangerous and, in addition, give a person a lot of various inconveniences. In some cases, there is a serious he alth hazard, namely:
- probability of degeneration into a malignant tumor;
- squeezing nerve endings;
- densification of tissues located near the growth;
- aching pains.
Also a great danger is the recurrence of the wart, its signs are expressed in the formation of growths on the skin, darkening of the affected area and the addition of redness and suppuration. To minimize the likelihood of harm to he alth, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner.
Prognosis after treatment
Average forComplete healing takes 2-3 weeks. During this time, the crusts also heal after the removal of the neoplasm. Quite often there are relapses, especially in advanced stages of the wart. It is worth noting that the earlier the treatment was carried out, the better the prognosis will be. For the life of the patient, this disease is not at all dangerous, and relapses are mainly associated with a decrease in immunity.
To avoid the appearance of a wart, you need to protect any damage to the skin and carefully follow the rules of hygiene so that infection does not penetrate. Self-infection is also possible if a person is a carrier of the virus.
In prevention, strengthening immunity is important. Until the immune system weakens, the virus will not manifest itself at all. Strengthening the immune system requires a balanced diet, lack of stress, good sleep and regular intake of vitamins.
Ozone therapy shows a good result in terms of prevention. A course of injections helps to stop the development of the papillomavirus for almost 10 years. In addition, this technique helps to strengthen the immune system, increases the ability to fight infection.
Patient testimonials
Reviews regarding laser wart treatment are very good. Many say that the removal of the neoplasm is as quick and painless as possible, the recovery is short-lived and there are absolutely no traces left on the skin. Some patients say that a very good result can be obtained when the neoplasm is removed by the methodcryotherapy, as no discomfort or pain is felt.
If there are signs of recurrence of the wart, the feedback from patients and doctors in this case is not very good, since it takes much more time and effort to re-treat.
Warts on dogs
Some dog breeds get warts all the time, while others may not have any. This is largely due to the immaturity of the animal's immune system. In addition, not so long ago, a certain genetic predisposition to the formation of these growths was revealed. Some scientists believe that warts on the face of a dog are a sign of the breed, since pugs, cocker spaniels, terriers and miniature schnauzers mainly suffer from this problem.
When neoplasms appear, it is important to immediately consult a veterinarian, as they not only cause significant discomfort to the animal, but can also be very dangerous.