In recent years, the endocrinological field of medicine has made very significant progress in understanding the whole variety of hormonal manifestations and their impact on the vital activity of the human body. Impressive research results and innovative techniques used today help to successfully treat a wide variety of endocrine diseases. But still, there is still a lot of unknown in this area.

The endocrine system is extremely important for the normal functioning of the human body. It plays a key role in the mechanisms of reproduction, the exchange of genetic information, and immunological control. Endocrine diseases, causing pathological changes, lead to irreversible consequences for the whole organism.
In our time, the horizons of clinical endocrinology are constantly expanding. This area of medicine now includes a large number ofhormonal disorders and autoimmune pathologies, which are based on endocrine diseases. In addition, it became known about many pathological syndromes in this extremely important system, the primary stage of pathogenesis of which is closely associated with lesions (often infectious) of the gastrointestinal tract, violation of various functions of the liver and other vital internal organs.
Thus, it is appropriate to say that endocrine diseases are very often associated with pathological disorders in other body systems. Now medicine is rapidly pushing the boundaries of knowledge. It is now known, for example, that cancer cells of lung and liver tumors in some cases are able to secrete adrenocorticotropin, beta-endorphins, vasopresin and other equally active hormonal compounds, an excess of which can cause any endocrine disease.

With all the achievements of modern science in general and medicine in particular, the endocrine system continues to be the most mysterious and poorly understood in our body. The external manifestations and symptoms of disorders in this system are so diverse that often patients suffering from such pathogenesis turn to representatives of various medical speci alties. The most common diseases in endocrinology today are thyroid pathologies and diabetes mellitus.
Prevention of diseases of the endocrine system involves the regular intake of biologically active and iodine-containing food supplements. Among the mainsymptoms of this kind of pathologies are fatigue, a sharp change in weight, frequent and dramatic mood changes, constantly tormenting thirst, decreased libido, and some others.
If the disease is caused by insufficient activity of the endocrine glands, then the basis of treatment, as a rule, is hormone replacement therapy. Otherwise, when there is excessive activity of these glands, surgical intervention may be required to remove pathological tissues.

But in any case, when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist of the appropriate profile.