Papillomavirus - what is it? Not many people know the answer to this question and they do not understand at all what to do if they encounter a similar problem. The biggest danger of infection is that it often leads to cancer of the cervix, anus or vulva.
Timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease is important. This helps to minimize the development of cancer. That is why, you need to know exactly what it is - papillomavirus, for what reasons it occurs and what symptoms are characteristic of it. In addition, disease prevention is important.
Features of the virus
Papillomavirus - what is it? This question worries a lot of people who have been diagnosed with this infection. HPV is a special family of viruses that provoke the formation of papillomas, warts. In addition, it can lead to dysplasia or cancer of the genital organs. This is one of the most common viral infections of the genital area.

More than 100 major types of virus are knownpapillomas, but only 80 of them are pathogenic for humans. In children, such an infection provokes the appearance of a wart. To cure the disease completely and forever will not work. You can only temporarily suppress its spread and prevent the emergence of new formations.
Main classification
It is important not only to know what papillomavirus is, but also what its main types can be. This largely determines how the infection will develop and manifest further, as well as the choice of the method of therapy. The papilloma virus is usually divided into degrees according to their oncogenicity. All types of papillomavirus in women can be divided into three main groups:
- The first group includes five types of non-oncogenic HPV, namely 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. They do not degenerate into malignant tumors, therefore they cannot provoke cancer.
- The second group includes such types of HPV as 6, 11, 42, 43 and 44. If there are provoking factors, they can degenerate into cancer, but this happens rarely.
- The third group is considered the most dangerous for humans, which includes such types of papillomaviruses as 16, 18, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 59 and 68. They have the highest degree of oncogenicity. Almost 80% of infected women are bound to develop cancer sooner or later.
Causes of occurrence
The papilloma virus is quite contagious and is transmitted not only from person to person. Among the main causes of papillomavirus, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- use of other people's hygiene products;
- lowered immunity afterdisease;
- open wounds or scratches;
- bad habits;
- sexual contact with a carrier of the virus;
- high stress;
- other diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse;
- violation of the natural microflora of the vagina.
There may be infection of the baby during childbirth if the mother is infected. This form of the disease is very difficult to treat. HPV often occurs through sexual contact. At the same time, the use of condoms does not give a full guarantee that excludes the possibility of infection.
When an infection enters the human body, it becomes only its carrier, until the virus matures and begins to spread through the blood. If the immune system is strong, then the body can independently cope with the human papillomavirus without developing it. However, if the infection breaks out of dormancy, neoplasms will begin to appear.
How is the virus transmitted?
The papillomavirus enters the body of women through skin lesions, scratches. Infection is possible even from a carrier who does not know about the disease. The virus can be transmitted not only sexually, but also through everyday life.
You can also get infected through other people's towels, toothbrush, manicure tools, soap, razor. The main causes of infection are considered to be such factors as:
- sexual intercourse with a carrier of the infection;
- women who often have abortions;
- shared toilet and shower use;
- visiting beauty parlors.
In addition, women withchronic diseases, in particular, such as erosion. The virus can be activated when using oral contraceptives, as they disrupt the hormonal background.
Main symptoms
Each variety of HPV has its own specific characteristics and is characterized by specific features. Papillomavirus type 16 is considered one of the most common and is detected in almost half of all infected people. This type of infection is highly oncogenic.
Pathogenesis is due to the fact that the pathogen is introduced into the genes of the cells of the body and blocks the natural processes of antitumor defense. As a result, papillomas, warts and condylomas form on the skin.
Infected with papillomavirus type 16, brown or gray flat spots with a rough surface form on the skin of the genitals and anorectal area. These rashes are called bowenoid papulosis.
In addition, a sign of type 16 papillomavirus may be the formation of genital warts, which are formed not only in the genital area, but also on the eyelids, neck, and hips. The most dangerous manifestation of infection is cervical dysplasia, which is a precancerous condition.
Papillomavirus type 18 is also oncogenic. It has the ability to integrate into the DNA of the cells of the human body, blocking the normal functioning of the immune system and contributing to the formation of benign tumors. They have a tendency to malignancy. Papillomavirus type 18 can quickly develop into a cancerous tumor. Among the mainsigns need to highlight education:
- spiky papillomas on the skin of the genital organs;
- papillomas;
- warts.
Papillomavirus type 31 is considered not only dangerous, but also highly oncogenic, as it can be completely asymptomatic in the body for a long time. The first signs of infection appear only after favorable soil is created, in particular, immunity weakens under the influence of various factors. It is worth noting that this type of virus is equally dangerous for women and men.
Among the symptoms of type 31 papillomavirus, it is necessary to note the presence of condylomas and papillomas in the genital area and rectal area. In addition, there may be vaginal discharge during intercourse, discomfort in the vagina.
HPV type 33 can also lead to cancer. Signs of infection are manifested in the form of warts located on the genitals. The incubation period lasts 12-16 weeks. Condylomas do not have clear boundaries. This type of virus can cause a dangerous precancerous condition rather quickly.
HPV type 35 provokes the formation of genital warts and warts, which cause severe itching, discomfort and soreness. In addition, there may be signs of intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in the form of excessive sweating, chills, severe weakness, fever.
Human papillomavirus type 39 is highly oncogenic. It is worth noting that it is very dangerous for women, since men are mostly just carriers of the infection. This type of viruscan provoke the formation of genital warts, warts and papillomas, which are prone to degeneration into cancer. Often, such neoplasms are located on the mucous membrane of the cervix and line the vagina.

HPV type 45 is highly oncogenic. The first signs of papillomavirus can appear even 20 years after infection. During the course of the infection, warts or condylomas initially appear, then dysplasia develops, which turns into cervical cancer.
Symptoms of papillomavirus type 51 appear already in the incubation period, which can last several days. In this period, genital warts, flat or genital warts are formed. These neoplasms are localized on the genitals, but can also spread to the axillary, groin, eyelids. Helps to recognize the symptoms of papillomavirus photo genital warts.
A feature of HPV type 52 is that it is activated mainly during the period when active aging of the body begins. It is characterized by all the same symptoms as for other types of papillomavirus.
It is very important to make a correct and timely diagnosis, as well as to carry out complex treatment in order to prevent the development of complications. Be sure to get tested for papillomavirus. This is a very accurate study. With the help of special reagents, the presence of papillomavirus DNA in the material of the patient is detected. Material for research is taken from the walls of the vagina and cervix of the woman. In men, material is taken frommucosa of the penis.

PCR analysis for papillomavirus will help detect the presence of infection even in a latent, that is, not active state. Therefore, it is important to determine the viral load or the concentration of the virus in the body. The PCR reaction can sometimes give an incorrect result. This happens especially often if the required conditions for the study are violated.
It is also recommended to do a Digene test. This is a new, modern study that is gaining great popularity. It is used to determine the presence of a virus in the body. This test is used in conjunction with the main cytological examination of the cervix. You also need to be examined by a urologist or gynecologist.
If a malignant tumor is suspected, a histological examination is prescribed. To do this, a piece of tissue is taken and the degree of its change is assessed under a microscope.
Features of treatment
How to treat papillomavirus is decided only by the attending physician, and the symptoms and diseases that a person has are taken into account. In addition, possible complications are taken into account. The course of therapy is prescribed by a dermatologist. It is impossible to remove papillomas on your own, as they will grow more and more, and it will be very difficult to eliminate the pathological process. The main methods of treatment are considered to be:
- strengthening immunity;
- medication use;
- removal of tumors;
- fight against the source of infection.

However, the mere presence of a virus is not an indication for treatment. Therapy is carried out only with the progression of the infection. HPV treatment methods are selected separately for each patient. Therapy should be carried out together with your sexual partner and for a while to refuse sexual contact.
Medicated treatment
Treatment of papillomavirus in women can be conservative or surgical. The drugs used should have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. The most effective are such drugs as "Allokin-alpha", "Ganferon", "Viferon". Monotherapy with all these drugs is rarely used. Basically, one drug is combined with another. For example, the drug "Allokin-alpha" is prescribed systemically, and the cream "Epigen-intim" - locally. In addition, it is recommended to supplement therapy with immunomodulators, in particular, such as Immunomax or Likopid.

Cycloferon and interferon ointment will help reduce the size of papilloma. With extensive damage, Vartek and Podophyllin are used.
Folk remedies
Some women prefer to treat papillomavirus with traditional medicine. However, they should be used in combination with medications.
You can lubricate papillomas with freshly squeezed potato juice several times daily. Well proven celandine. To do this, steam the problem area and apply a little vegetable oil on it. After a few minutes, lubricate the wart with celandine in the morning andin the evening. It is important not to touch he althy areas.

Lubricate warts with castor oil 3-4 times a day until the formations disappear completely. Herbal teas are used to suppress the activity of viruses in the body.
Other methods
Papillomavirus in women is treated using the following techniques:
- cryolysis;
- radio wave condensation;
- diathermocoagulation;
- laser exposure;
- operation.
Cryodestruction uses liquid nitrogen to freeze. The result is simply amazing, as there are no scars and scars. Radio wave thickening implies the excision of tissues with a radio wave scalpel.
Diathermocoagulation - removal of neoplasms by using electricity or an electric scalpel. During pregnancy, laser excision of affected tissues is used, since such a technique does not have a negative effect on the fetus.
In case of extensive lesions or if oncology is suspected, an operation is prescribed. The intervention is performed under local anesthesia. All of these therapies must be combined with medication.
Papillomavirus during pregnancy
Human papillomavirus does not affect reproductive function, that is, it does not prevent a woman from having a child. If HPV was detected during pregnancy, then it is necessary to observe a qualified gynecologist before the birth itself. What kind of symptoms a woman will have of an infection depends largely ondoctor. In addition, you need to remember that:
- the virus has absolutely no effect on the fetus;
- papillomas and warts can be removed after childbirth;
- important to minimize medication intake;
- during delivery, a child can become infected while passing through the birth canal;
- if there are pronounced changes in the cervix, a pregnant woman may be given a caesarean section;
- in the absence of obvious manifestations, natural childbirth is possible.
HPV abortions are very rare. After childbirth, the disease may disappear on its own.
HPV treatment in pregnant women is recommended immediately after the onset of infection, since active growth of papillomas and warts is possible during the bearing of the baby. In addition, it is possible for a child to become infected when passing through the birth canal, which can provoke the development of laryngeal papillomatosis.
Possible Complications
The papillomavirus with strong immunity is cured on its own. However, in the presence of beneficial soil, the infection is activated and after a while it can lead to the emergence of a malignant neoplasm.
The most dangerous are HPV types 16 and 18. If a lesion of the cervix is detected, it is necessary to immediately diagnose and treat it in order to exclude the occurrence of dysplasia or cancer. In addition, papillomavirus increases the risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections.
HPV can harm a pregnant woman and fetus, which is why you need to be regularly screened forinfections in the body. If papillomavirus was detected in the process of planning a pregnancy, then you need to postpone it until you are completely cured.
To reduce the risk of infection, young women must adhere to certain rules and recommendations. You need to use only your personal towel, soap, napkins. Do not take other people's washcloths and bedding.
It is recommended to educate teenagers about HPV, as the required knowledge will help protect them from infection. Vaccination will help prevent the onset of the disease.
At the first symptoms of infection, you need to see a doctor and preferably do this together with your sexual partner. Twice a year you need to be examined for the presence of infections. It is worth having a permanent sexual partner.

It is important to always use a condom in casual intimate relationships. However, it is worth remembering that it cannot completely protect against HPV, since the infection can be transmitted even through a kiss. It is important to monitor your immunity, treat diseases of the urogenital area in a timely manner and regularly undergo examinations with a doctor.
In addition, the main ways to prevent HPV include:
- increasing immunity and maintaining it;
- vitamin therapy course;
- leading a he althy lifestyle;
- avoiding stress;
- maintaining hygiene;
- get rid of bad habits.
These simple rules will help prevent infection and the occurrence ofunwanted growths.
Viruses that have a high risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor, it is very important to eliminate them in a timely manner. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to completely remove the infection of their body, therefore, vaccination against papillomavirus is carried out as a preventive measure.
For this, 3 injections are made every six months. Vaccination is recommended for girls aged 10-17 years. At an older age, there is no point in vaccinating, since there are many modern drugs that suppress the activity of the virus in the first days after therapy.

The US-made Gardasil vaccine is mainly prescribed. It protects against viruses types 6, 11, 16, 18. Vaccination helps prevent the development of symptoms of infection such as genital warts, dysplasia or erosion, as well as cancer of the cervix and skin of the penis.
Any drug for papillomavirus is prescribed only by the attending doctor. Self-medication is completely unacceptable. The effectiveness of drug therapy has not been proven, and not everyone has a positive trend. No doctor can guarantee a complete cure.