Arthrosis: stages of development, treatment and consequences

Arthrosis: stages of development, treatment and consequences
Arthrosis: stages of development, treatment and consequences

Arthrosis of the joints is a chronic disease associated with their deformation, limiting mobility. The disease is characterized by the slow progression of the destruction of the internal cartilage of the joint. The possibility of developing the disease increases significantly with age: degeneration of articular tissues occurs, inflammatory processes occur, and bones change. Osteoarthritis is considered one of the most common joint diseases in the world and is increasingly affecting people of working age.

What is deforming arthrosis?

Deforming arthrosis is a degenerative, dystrophic disease with a different etiology. It is associated with the destruction of the surface of the joints and cartilage tissues, which is constantly progressing. In this case, continuous intra-articular growths, deformations of the joints occur, disrupting their functionality and causing pain. Due to the progressive nature of the disease, one stage of deforming arthrosis will necessarily pass into another, more complex and severe. ByAccording to statistics, the number of patients suffering from arthrosis under the age of forty is 2%, and it develops in 80% of older people. It should be noted that deforming arthrosis affects various human joints, but most often suffers from this disease:

  • shoulder;
  • ankle;
  • knee;
  • brushes;
  • cervical;
  • hip;
  • lumbar.

Deforming arthrosis of the knee, ankle, hip and shoulder joint is the most severe disorder in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Rapid detection of signs and timely treatment of the disease in the early stages of arthrosis of the joints preserve the capacity of patients.


There are several main reasons for the destruction of the cartilage of the joints. These include:

  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • decrease in blood flow in the joint;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • injuries;
  • certain joint inflammatory diseases;
  • age;
  • an unbearable load that cartilage cannot overcome.
Arthrosis and normal cartilage
Arthrosis and normal cartilage

In addition to these reasons, the development of arthrosis is affected by:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • hypothermia;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • overweight;
  • frequent colds;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • Perthes disease, which causes circulatory disorders in the hip bone;
  • failuresthyroid;
  • diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, tick-borne encephalitis;
  • adverse environmental conditions;
  • surgical interventions in the joint and periarticular zone;
  • articular changes in the intrauterine period;
  • failure in the structure of the fibrillar protein contained in the connective tissue of the joint.

Symptoms of arthrosis

When suffering from arthrosis, the patient has the following symptoms:

  • Pain. Its presence is the first sign of articular arthrosis. Sharp pain sensations occur during movement of the joint and disappear at rest. At night, discomfort does not bother a person, sometimes it can occur when the patient's joint is in an uncomfortable position. The pain is often like a toothache when there are painful shootings in the morning hours. This happens only in the first stages of arthrosis. Over time, the pain increases and the joint needs to be more and more at rest. When the hyaline cartilage thins, the bone is exposed, the osteophytes grow and the acute pain begins to torment incessantly, increasing with the change of weather and on the full moon.
  • Crunch is no less significant symptom of the disease. In connection with the abrasion of the cartilage, the bones rub against each other, which causes a specific sound. A crunch can also occur with he althy joints, but with arthrosis, it is particularly dry. All the time it increases with the progression of the disease.
  • Reduced mobility. At the initial stage of arthrosis, the patient does not notice any changes. With the progression of the disease, muscle spasm occurs due togermination of bone neoplasms, reduction and almost complete disappearance of the gap between the joints. At the site of the lesion, mobility is severely impaired.
  • Deformation of the joint is one of the late signs of arthrosis, when the disease has significantly affected the joint and its appearance has changed.

The manifestation of each symptom depends on the location of the disease, the degree of its development, the individual characteristics of the person. It should be noted that the disease proceeds with exacerbations, which are followed by remissions.


What are the stages of arthrosis?

Stages of arthrosis
Stages of arthrosis

Doctors, according to the severity and course of the disease, divide it into four stages:

  • the first is accompanied by a violation of metabolic processes in the body. No visible changes yet;
  • in the second, osteophytes begin to form and a slight narrowing of the joint space occurs, more often it appears as a result of injuries and non-specific infectious diseases;
  • in the third, a significant narrowing of the gap is formed and multiple osteophytes appear, joint deformity begins;
  • the fourth is characterized by significant changes and disorders: the joint space is almost completely absent, there are multiple osteophytes and a large deformity is noted.

First stage

At the 1st stage of arthrosis, the human joint still moves normally and even with the help of an X-ray it is impossible to notice changes in it. During this period, the composition of the synovial fluid changes, which acts as a lubricant. The development of the disease is notaccompanied by no symptoms. The patient has no fever, no swelling and redness. He only feels a little discomfort, but does not attach any importance to this. However, you need to be more attentive to your he alth and consult a doctor in time. At the initial stage of arthrosis, it is possible to use special ointments, various lotions. It is recommended to limit long walking and physical stress on the joint, but to do feasible daily exercises. It is very important to balance the diet. A sparing diet will help reduce body weight, which means that it will reduce the load on the sore joint. The diet should include more natural foods containing vitamins and minerals.

Second stage

Untreated arthrosis of the first stage passes into the second. Violations begin to appear more clearly. The patient feels constant fatigue, after physical exertion, acute pain appears, accompanied by a crunch. It becomes difficult to bend and unbend the limb. The disease proceeds with periodic exacerbations. There is a slight violation of muscle function. In the treatment of stage 2 arthrosis, certain difficulties arise. Folk remedies often do not give a positive effect. Doctors prescribe chondroprotectors for vasodilatation, anti-inflammatory and pain medications. In addition, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are prescribed. The patient is not recommended to move a lot, stand in one place, perform physical activity and lift heavy things.

Third stage

With stage 3 arthrosis, irreversible changes occur. Cartilagecompletely erased, the bones rub against each other during the movement of the joint, forming cracks and chips. Shrapnel parts, when they enter the joint cavity, cause unbearable pain. Periarticular muscles lose their ability to function normally. Complex therapy is prescribed. In addition to taking medication, the patient is prescribed the following procedures: resonant microwave and laser therapy, UHF, magnetotherapy and electrosleep.

Fourth stage

The condition with complete destruction of the joint, when it completely ceases to function, is often distinguished into a separate, fourth stage of arthrosis. The pains become so intense that they cannot be relieved by potent painkillers and intensive physiotherapy. The patient is recommended to replace the affected joint with an endoprosthesis. This method is considered effective and is gaining more and more popularity. The patient's quality of life becomes much better, constant pain disappears, and he returns to normal life. During endoprosthetics, an identical metal or plastic joint is placed instead of the damaged one. This operation is done mainly for the elderly, because the young quickly wear out the prosthesis. In order to avoid prosthetics, it is necessary to start treatment at the first stage of the disease with arthrosis.

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint

In medicine, this pathology is called coxarthrosis. It develops more often in older people. It is treated for a long time and is difficult, first in a conservative way, and then with the help of surgical intervention. The disease is not inherited, butgenetic features of the structure of the skeleton, weak cartilage tissues, metabolic disorders that provoke the development of arthrosis, may well pass from parents to children. In addition, osteoarthritis of the hip joint contributes to:

  • impaired blood supply and nutrition of the femoral head;
  • congenital dislocation of the hip;
  • inflammatory infectious processes;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • fractured femoral neck and pelvis;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • increased physical activity.
Coxarthrosis of the hip joint
Coxarthrosis of the hip joint

The development of the disease is slow, and in medical practice the following stages of arthrosis of the hip joint are noted:

  • First - there are minor pain during and after exercise. With prolonged walking or running, pain is felt in the joint itself, which rarely radiates to the knee or hip. The muscles are in a normal condition, the gait is normal, there is no lameness. The x-ray obtained during the examination shows small bone growths located near the inner and outer edges of the acetabulum. With stage 1 arthrosis, there are no abnormal changes in the neck and head of the hip bone.
  • The second is marked by significant pain symptoms that appear constantly and even in a calm state. Pain is given to the groin and thigh. The range of motion of the joint is reduced, it is impossible to completely take it to the side. During physical exertion, a person beginslimp. On x-rays, there is a significant narrowing of the joint space. Bone growths increase, they appear on the outer and inner edge of the femoral head. At the second stage of arthrosis, the bones are deformed, their edges become uneven.
  • Third - the pain becomes excruciating and permanent. The range of motion of the joint is severely limited, it becomes difficult to move, the patient begins to use a crutch or cane. The muscle tissue of the lower leg, buttocks and thighs begin to atrophy. The limb is shortened, and when walking, the human body leans towards the diseased joint. The center of gravity shifts and the load on the damaged joint increases. X-ray images show that bone growths have appeared, the femoral head has increased, and the gap has become barely noticeable.

Arthrosis of the knee joint stage 2

Arthrosis of the knee joint affects people in adulthood. Although medical statistics indicate that the disease is getting younger and often occurs after the age of forty. In medicine, there are three stages of knee joint disease:

  • First - there is a slight discomfort and mild pain, which appears only after physical exertion and in the morning, after waking up. This period lasts from several months to several years. People do not pay attention to minor inconveniences, and the joint is gradually destroyed.
  • Second - there is a strong crunch in the knee, which is accompanied by intense pain. At this stage of arthrosis of the knee joint, it occurs not only with physicalloads, but also when walking, and even at rest. The knee gradually stops bending, lameness sets in.
  • Third - the deformity of the joint becomes severe. The knees do not bend, and the legs take on an X-shaped position or in the form of a wheel. The pain does not stop, it gets worse when the weather changes.
Pain in the knee area
Pain in the knee area

Many people with knee pain go to the doctor when it becomes difficult to move around. During the examination, they were diagnosed with "second stage of arthrosis of the knee joint." The initial stage of malaise has already been skipped, and now, when pain accompanies every movement, it is urgent to take measures to treat the joint. To do this, use:

  • Medications. With the help of drugs, they relieve pain and replenish the nutrition of the cartilage. For this, analgesics and chondroprotectors are used. Glucosamine and chondroitin ointments and injections containing hyaluronic acid are used to improve joint lubrication.
  • Physiotherapy treatments. With the help of reflexology, mud therapy, hydrogen sulfide and radon baths, magnetotherapy and laser, the blood supply to the joint improves, and hence its mobility. In addition, the effect of medications is enhanced.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics. Moderate exercise improves knee nutrition and mobility.
  • Diet. Proper nutrition relieves the patient of extra pounds, easing the load on the knee joint. In addition, the use of B vitamins and pectin improves joint lubrication.

It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease, but it is quite possible to alleviate the condition and slow down the process of its development with timely treatment.

Arthrosis of the joints of the fingers

Painful sensations in the hands may indicate the occurrence of arthrosis. Usually, the disease manifests itself with age, as the production of synovial fluid, which is necessary for lubricating the joints, decreases, and the cartilage becomes less elastic. The deformity leads to the curvature of the fingers, which is accompanied by severe pain and a decrease in the motor activity of the hands. The occurrence of the disease is facilitated by injuries, chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, arthritis), heavy physical exertion, hormonal disruptions, and systematic hypothermia.

Arthrosis of the joints of the fingers
Arthrosis of the joints of the fingers

The disease is characterized by pain during work with hands and at rest, the formation of thickenings on the fingers, the occurrence of curvature and shortening of the phalanx, the appearance of a crunch and swelling. The severity of the disease depends on the stages of arthrosis of the hand, of which there are three:

  • First - there is a gradual loss of elasticity of the joints, but there is no difficulty in moving the fingers. There is muscle tension, discomfort, aching pain, which intensifies after physical work.
  • Second - the pain syndrome torments more and more often, even in a state of complete rest. In the second stage of arthrosis, a crunch occurs, movements become difficult. Fingers look swollen and deformed.
  • Third - increases the curvature and thickening of the joints,cartilage and bone tissue are destroyed. There is severe swelling, redness and pain.

Ways to treat the hands at the beginning of the disease

At the initial stage of the disease after sleep, the patient has stiffness of the joints, unpleasant sensations that disappear at the beginning of vigorous activity. The pain appears only after significant physical exertion. When the joints move, a specific crunch occurs. X-rays show no changes.

Alflutop drug
Alflutop drug

In the treatment of the initial stage of arthrosis of the hands, the main task is to stop the process of deformation of the joints and restore their functionality. To do this, use:

  • Drug therapy. The patient is prescribed chondroprotectors: "Alflutop", "Chondroxide", which help restore the functioning of the joints and modify cartilage tissue, as well as vitamin complexes.
  • Physiotherapy methods. Electrophoresis, phototherapy, magnetotherapy, laser therapy are used. All these procedures speed up cartilage metabolism.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics. To prevent the spread of the disease process, it is recommended to perform several daily exercises, the complex of which will be recommended by the doctor.
  • Massage. To treat the initial stage of arthrosis, the procedure should be gentle so as not to injure damaged joints. Usually use stroking and rubbing the brush. This reduces muscle spasm, increases blood circulation.
  • Diet. When choosing it, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. ATthe patient's diet requires the presence of products containing alkalis: bone broth, goat's milk, cabbage and birch sap, vegetables, herbs, aspic. Food should be moderate in calories and contain vitamins and minerals.
Brush massage
Brush massage

At the initial stage of the disease of the hands, it is recommended not to overcool, move more, observe the daily routine, monitor nutrition and, if necessary, consult with your doctor.


The appearance of discomfort, crunching and pain in the joint signals the development of deforming arthrosis. At the beginning of the disease, the signs are insignificant, and patients do not pay attention to them. And if you immediately visit a doctor and follow all his recommendations, you can reduce the likelihood of arthrosis. For prevention it is necessary:

  • reduce excess weight that puts extra stress on joints;
  • constantly be on the move, walk at least seven kilometers a day;
  • avoid joint injury;
  • observe the correct daily routine;
  • adhere to the main rule for joints - never overcool them;
  • balance nutrition. The diet should contain enough protein, calcium and he althy fats contained in lean meats, fish, dairy products, aspic.

For preventive purposes, you should wear comfortable shoes, use special insoles and insoles, and do water aerobics. Do not sit with one leg crossed, this impairs blood circulation. After laborday it is useful to perform the “bicycle” exercise, which relieves tension in the joints and leads to muscle tone. And when signs of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is important to remember that arthrosis of the third stage leads to disability.
