Almost every person has experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon as skin inflammation. It manifests itself in completely different ways. These can be ulcers, acne, herpes around the lips, boils, barley on the eye and acne. Someone only occasionally suffered from skin inflammation, while someone struggles with such an unpleasant phenomenon throughout their lives. So why does it occur and can it be de alt with? Much in this case depends on the characteristics of the organism, the type of skin and the extent of the affected areas. The main thing is not to start the disease that caused this phenomenon. After all, you can provoke a more serious complication.

Is it worth treating yourself
Many people try to overcome the inflammation of the skin on the face on their own. Most often, in such situations, they resort to prescriptions for alternative medicine. If the inflammation is insignificant, then such remedies can help. To combat the unpleasant phenomenon, you can use antibacterial washes, as well as disinfectant masks. However, if large areas of the skin are affected and there are abscesses, then an experienced doctor should deal with therapy. But to begin with,find out why the inflammation of the skin occurred.
Main reasons
Among the main reasons are:
- Infectious lesions. Such phenomena often occur due to the activity of harmful microorganisms that are able to penetrate into the deeper layers. As a result, furunculosis and herpes on the face may develop.
- Allergic reaction. Inflammation of the skin on the face can result from intolerance to any product. Allergies are different. It can be on detergents, cleaning products, pets, nickel products, dust, some insect bites, pollen, cosmetics, sun, canned food and medicines.
- Inflammation of a thermal nature. It could be a burn or frostbite. Most often, such inflammation of the skin is received by those who love the solarium, as well as relaxing on the southern beaches.
- Complications and injuries resulting from an improperly performed cosmetic procedure.
- Skin damage caused by trying to fix a pimple on your own.
- Any violations occurring in the body, as well as hormonal changes. Inflammation can occur during adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, as well as long-term use of certain drugs.
- Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition.
- Weakened immunity.
- Depressive, anxious state, constant stress and neuroses, experiences. In this case, the body releases adrenaline and vasopressin. The last hormone is capable of stronglydamage the blood supply to the skin. As a result, the cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen and useful components.
- Chickenpox, measles.
- Genetic predisposition. This should include eczema, acne, psoriasis.
- Bad habits: use of drugs, alcohol, nicotine.
- Obstruction of the sebaceous glands.

Only by establishing the causes that caused inflammation of the skin, you can start treatment. If the problem lies in malnutrition or lifestyle, then you can gradually make changes to your daily routine, create a menu and give up bad habits. If the cause lies in a certain disease, then you should consult a doctor to solve the problem.
Skin inflammation: drug treatment
Experts do not recommend self-administration of anti-inflammatory drugs. It is dangerous without consulting a doctor. After all, only a specialist can identify the exact cause of the development of the inflammatory process. Cosmetic procedures allow to eliminate the problem for a long time. In addition, they have a positive effect on the condition of the skin in general. Among the drugs that allow you to get rid of skin inflammation, it is worth highlighting:
- Beer yeast.
- Furacilin for lotions and washing.
- Antibiotics. This list includes Erythromycin, Synthomycin, Tetracycline. They can be used in the form of ointments and tablets.
- Activated charcoal.
- Antibacterial ointments, for example, Ichthyol,"Sulfuric", "Zinc", "Streptocid".
- Multivitamins.

Cosmetic treatments
To overcome inflammation, skin irritation, you can use the services of salons. Some cosmetic procedures can eliminate the focus. Here are the most effective ones:
- Ultrasonic cleaning. This procedure is considered the safest and most effective. It allows you to quickly get rid of inflammation of the skin.
- Ozone therapy. Eliminates pimples and acne, improves complexion and smoothes wrinkles.
- Peeling. This procedure is only allowed for minor inflammation.
- Mesotherapy. This is one of the expensive procedures that allows you to completely eliminate signs of inflammation on the face. In this case, a medical cocktail is injected under the skin.
- Laser cleaning. This procedure is very similar to ultrasonic cleaning.
- Cryotherapy. This method is not suitable for everyone, as the skin may respond differently to cold treatment.
- Darsonvalization. In this case, the treatment is carried out with the help of microcurrents.

Parsley ice
If inflammation of the scalp or face is caused by any disease, then you should seek help from doctors. They will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If the inflammation on the face is manifested by acne and acne, then you can resort to alternative medicine.
In a blender or with a knife, you need to chop freshparsley. A few tablespoons of the resulting mass must be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for two hours. After this, the product should be filtered and cooled. The resulting infusion should be poured into ice molds, and then placed in the freezer. Such ice can be used daily for rubbing. The procedure should be carried out carefully so as not to damage the skin.

Disinfectant mask
A variety of masks based on available products will help eliminate skin inflammation. To prepare a medicinal composition, it is necessary to mix a teaspoon of talc and a teaspoon of white clay. The resulting mixture must be diluted with low-fat, warm kefir or milk. This amount of powder requires only two tablespoons of liquid. The result should be a creamy mass. The mask should be applied to the skin and washed off after 15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out several times a week.