Diseases of the oral cavity are usually referred to as diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature. One of them, which is often encountered in adulthood, is glossitis. The treatment of this unpleasant disease must be approached with all seriousness in order to avoid dangerous complications, which we will definitely mention in this article. In addition, inflammation of the tongue can manifest itself against the background of other pathologies of the body. Find out more about the features (with photos of symptoms), the treatment of tongue glossitis and much more.
According to statistics, this problem most often worries men over 40 years old. The development of glossitis is a common occurrence among children, however, in children, inflammation of the tongue usually results from mechanical trauma, thermal or chemical burns. To get rid of the disease, it is fundamentally important to determine the provoking factor. The success of therapy can only be guaranteed if the cause of glossitis is eliminated. Treatment of superficial manifestationspathology will not give a long-term effect, inflammation will occur again and again.
Main reasons
They are conditionally divided into two groups: pathological and non-pathological. The first category is more extensive. Most often, any infection becomes the cause of the development of this disease that affects the tongue. Viruses (measles, scarlet fever, herpes, chickenpox), yeast Candida and various representatives of bacterial pathogenic microflora (diphtheria bacillus, streptococcus, staphylococcus) can provoke a problem. Especially quickly, the disease is formed against the background of a weakening of the body's immune forces. The most common causative agent is staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, which quickly spread along the surface of the mucosa, damaging it and penetrating into the deeper layers of tissues.

Inflammation of the tongue in adults and children is sometimes formed against the background of chronic diseases:
- anemia;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- diphtheria;
- allergic reactions;
- rheumatism;
- avitaminosis caused by deficiency of vitamins E, A and folic acid;
- lupus erythematosus;
- poisoning with s alts of heavy metals.
What else can cause glossitis?
Non-pathological causes of illness also occur. One of them, for example, is the consumption of food that is too hot or too spicy. Frequent burns become a favorable condition for the appearance of microcracks on the surface of the tongue. An infection quickly enters the wounds, which gives the "green light" to the inflammatoryprocess. Often a problem arises due to traumatic biting of soft tissues, damage to cutlery or sharp chips on the teeth resulting from carious lesions. Less often, the need for treatment of glossitis is caused by minor injuries due to the wearing of orthopedic and orthodontic dental structures (dentures, lingual braces).
The disease is often diagnosed in smokers. Treatment of glossitis in adults (in the photo, unfortunately, it will not be possible to consider the external manifestations of the disease) begins primarily with the elimination of tobacco smoke, which contains a large number of irritants. Nicotine and resins present in its composition negatively affect the entire oral cavity. Smoking combined with the use of strong alcoholic beverages is the strongest chemical injury to the sensitive surface of the tongue.
Non-pathological reasons for the development of glossitis in adults also include the lack of timely sanitation and care of the oral cavity. In many ways, the prevention of this disease is associated with the quality of hygiene care. It is important not only to brush your teeth, but also not to forget about the surface of the tongue. Special devices are used to clean the body. In case of injury to the clean mucous membrane, the risk of infection and the onset of an inflammatory focus becomes minimal.

Forms of the disease and their treatment in adults
It is quite difficult to recognize the symptoms of glossitis from the photo. However, an experienced physician is able to make a differential diagnosis andrecognize one or another type of inflammation of the tongue, distinguish it from another form of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. The classification of the inflammatory process of the soft tissues of the oral cavity includes several varieties of glossitis.
Deep gloss
The course of this pathology occurs at the bottom of the oral cavity. If the glossitis of the tongue is not treated, the inflammatory process can spread to the soft tissues of the neck and chin. In severe clinical cases, the disease can lead to an abscess, which is extremely dangerous for the patient. The accumulation of pus is fraught with a serious aggravation of his general well-being and he alth.
Diamond-shaped glossitis
This type of inflammation develops mainly against the background of chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common cause is gastritis. It is possible to explain why glossitis is called diamond-shaped, due to the peculiarities of the shape of the inflammatory focus. The site of the lesion on the tongue is outlined by a diamond-shaped border of red or slightly cyanotic color. The disease affects the organ by about a third of its size in the region of the posterior wall, sores, grooves and tubercles appear on it. There is no point in treating glossitis: the symptom usually resolves on its own, without drug intervention, as soon as the level of acidity in the stomach returns to normal.
The patient is advised to give up bad habits. With papillomatous rhomboid inflammation of the tongue, the growths can be excised surgically.
Desquamative glossitis
Treatment of this form of the disease has its own characteristics. By the way, the second name of the pathology is “geographic language”. The specifics of the disease are its symptoms: desquamation appears on the mucous membrane of the organ - characteristic grooves, due to which the tongue looks like an unfolded map of the earth. The affected surface of the organ seems to be divided into uneven sections by dark lines. Patients usually complain of pain and burning, which are exacerbated by eating, drinking hot drinks.
The presence of desquamation in the tongue is associated with systemic disorders in the body. He alth problems with this form of glossitis can be caused by helminthic invasion, blood diseases. The development of the desquamative form is facilitated by an acute lack of vital vitamins. Often this inflammation of the tongue occurs in pregnant women.

Gunter's glossit
The disease is predominantly diagnosed in individuals with folic acid deficiency. Since no specialist will prescribe the treatment of glossitis via video link or sent photo, the patient must definitely visit the doctor.
Gunter's form of inflammation can develop against the background of anemia and lack of B vitamins. Symptoms and treatment of glossitis are directly related to the provoking factor. With this type of inflammation, the tongue acquires a bright red color, often with a burgundy or raspberry tint. The surface of the organ is smooth, due to the many atrophied papillae it seems shiny.
Catarrhal glossitis
Unlike the previous varieties, this one is characterized by a dense coating,covering the inflamed organ and tissues in the oral cavity. At an advanced stage, the tongue swells, which makes it difficult to speak, swallow, and breathe through the mouth. After a while, the tongue turns bright red. Often, catarrhal glossitis is formed in children against the background of scarlet fever. In adults, this infectious disease practically does not occur.
Villous glossitis
The most unusual form of the disease is manifested by overgrown filiform papillae, which turn black, and in appearance very much resemble hairline. It is surprising that the length of these papillae reaches 1.5-2 cm. The altered papillae will gradually harden and become keratinized if the glossitis is not treated appropriately. Photos of the clinical picture can be shocking. But villous glossitis is dangerous not only in appearance. In the future, the disease leads to irritation of the hard palate and the appearance of a pathological gag reflex. Among the reasons why this particular form of inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity develops, doctors note thrush, smoking, injuries and a long period of use of drugs, in particular antibiotics.

Pleated glossitis
The disease owes its name to a special type of mucous membrane of the tongue. The surface of a soft organ, when affected by a fungal or bacterial infection, becomes folded with fairly deep depressions. Due to poor oral hygiene, pathogenic microflora actively multiplies in the recesses. The patient experiences burning, itching,puffiness. In some cases, the inflamed tongue hurts a lot. Antibacterial or antifungal treatment of glossitis symptoms (they look unaesthetic in the photo) is prescribed by the therapist.
Interstitial glossitis
Such a disease carries the greatest threat. The danger lies in the likelihood of malignancy of the inflammatory process. Without appropriate treatment, interstitial glossitis, which is essentially a benign tumor, will develop into an oncological formation. The process of malignancy is activated against the background of weakened forces of the body, frequent stress, chronic diseases of the larynx, gastrointestinal tract.
The most common precancerous form is diagnosed in patients with tertiary syphilis. Since during the development of this sexually transmitted disease, muscle fibers are transformed into coarse connective tissue, the lesion becomes malignant. The sooner syphilis therapy is started, the greater the chance of avoiding tongue cancer.
Basic Principles of Therapy
Ignoring the need to treat the symptoms of glossitis in adults is impossible. Refusal of therapy can lead to complications in the form of swelling of the organ, which can subsequently affect its swallowing, respiratory and chewing functions. In addition, inflammation can spread to nearby tissues, which will significantly worsen the prognosis. Regardless of the drugs chosen by the specialist, the treatment regimen should be based on the main principles: first, the cause of the pathological (non-pathological) process is eliminated, and then removed andthe inflammation itself. Glossitis treatment is:
- Diet correction. First of all, the patient is prescribed a sparing diet that excludes from the daily menu any products that can provoke irritation of the affected mucosa.
- Topical treatment. Symptoms of glossitis of the tongue can be treated with antiseptic mouthwashes. Ideal for this purpose is a weak solution of potassium permanganate, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Furacilin, etc. For pain relief, drugs with an analgesic component are used.
- Systemic treatment. To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes, immunostimulating drugs containing echinacea, ginseng, as well as antihistamines (Loratadin, Tavegil).

In addition, the treatment of glossitis involves regular treatment of the inflamed organ. If erosions form on the surface of the tongue, they must be periodically cleaned of fibrinous or necrotic plaque. This can be done with a cotton swab or swab soaked in an antiseptic solution.
This is a universal remedy for glossitis. The ointment is an excellent stimulator of regenerative processes in the affected tissues. The medicinal substance is used as an application, combined with vitamins in liquid form (“Retinol acetate”), rosehip oil. In the treatment of glossitis "Socoseryl":
- heals wounds and erosion on the surface of the organ;
- accelerates local metabolism in tissues;
- replenishes the deficiency of oxygen and nutrients in the cells;
- stimulates the body's production of collagen fibers;
- renews tissue cells.
"Solcoseryl" promotes the formation of he althy tissue, prevents the formation of pathological secretions from ulcers. The tool creates an invisible protective film on the surface of the body, preventing pathogenic microorganisms from getting on them.
Before applying the ointment, the affected areas are treated, dead tissue, plaque, and discharge are eliminated. Before proceeding with the local treatment of glossitis with Solcoseryl, it is important to make sure that there is no allergy to this remedy.
The ointment is applied in a thin layer on the inflamed tongue three times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but, as a rule, the drug is used until the formation of the first granulation changes and healing of erosions.
The remedy is used in the treatment of wound and burn lesions, non-healing ulcers. Doctors prescribe Olazol for the treatment of glossitis of the tongue. In the photo, this drug is presented in the form of a spray for local action. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.
Before applying Olazol, the tongue must be thoroughly cleaned of any pathological accumulations and ulcerative elements. The medicine is gently sprayed onto the damaged mucosa at a distance of 10-15 cm for 2-3 seconds. This procedure is repeated twice a day for 2-3 weeks.
Olazol can cause allergic reactions in people with increasedsensitivity to certain components. During the application of the aerosol, one should be careful not to get its particles on the mucous membrane of the eyes. If this happens, the eyes should be thoroughly rinsed with water.
The simplest antiseptic and disinfectant "Chlorhexidine" also has a strong bactericidal and bacteriostatic property - the drug not only retards the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora, but also kills pathogens.
The advantage of "Chlorhexidine" also lies in its pharmacological properties: the active components of the disinfectant affect gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, but remain ineffective in fungal infections. Allergy to "Chlorhexidine" in patients occurs in isolated cases, so the drug is considered universal in terms of hypoallergenicity.
For the treatment of the affected organ, a moderately concentrated solution of the drug is used (from 0.05% to 0.5%). They irrigate, rinse, lubricate the affected mucous membranes throughout the day. The solution cannot be taken orally. However, in case of accidental ingestion, you should not worry: the solution is not absorbed into the blood. Against the background of prolonged use of Chlorhexidine, the color of tooth enamel may change, plaque may appear and the taste in the mouth may change.

Antibacterial therapy
Treatment of glossitis in adults does not always involve the use of antibiotics. Basically, drugs of this spectrum are prescribed to patients with purulent-phlegmonousan inflammatory process, covering, in addition to the tissues of the tongue, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and nearby lymph nodes. The reason for the use of antibacterial drugs is the progression of the disease and the deterioration of the general well-being of the patient: an increase in body temperature, the development of intoxication of the body. In advanced cases, this condition even needs surgical intervention, associated with the treatment of glossitis of the tongue with antibiotics. You can’t take medicines on your own - only a specialist can choose the best antibacterial drug:
- "Doxycycline" is a semi-synthetic drug of the tetracycline group. The drug is prescribed for oral and parenteral administration. The average dosage is 200 mg on the first day of treatment, then it is reduced to 100 mg once a day. Contraindications include pregnancy, children under 8 years of age, individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
- "Supraks" ("Cefixime") - an antibiotic of the cephalosporin series has a wide spectrum of action. For adults, the average daily dosage is 400 mg as a single dose or 200 mg twice a day. The duration of the course should not exceed ten days.
- "Rocefin" ("Ceftriaxone") is a representative of the same cephalosporin group. Used to treat glossitis in adults, 1-2 g twice a day (maximum dose 4 g). The drug is administered intramuscularly, less often - intravenously. Take up to stabilization of the general condition, neutralization of clinical manifestations, complete removal of inflammation.
- "Tetracycline" - affectsdifferent types of microorganisms, however, like other antibiotics, it is powerless against fungi and viruses. Doctors prescribe "Tetracycline" for adults at a dosage of 250-500 mg at least 3-4 times a day. The drug is available in the form of tablets, injections and ointments. For the treatment of glossitis, tablets are mainly used.

Indication for surgical intervention is a life-threatening edematous condition of the tongue, damage to the larynx. In the postoperative period, the patient is usually prescribed at least two antibacterial drugs, the choice of which depends on the sensitivity of pathogens.
Oral hygiene
Toothbrushing is a mandatory regular procedure, which is the most effective measure to prevent glossitis. It is important to choose the right toothbrush for cleaning the tongue: it should be soft and comfortable for subsequent processing. Choose toothpaste and mouthwash without sodium lauryl sulfate in the composition. At home, after eating and brushing your teeth, it is useful to rinse your mouth with herbal infusions (chamomile, sage, oak bark).