Herpetic eczema is a skin lesion. This is a viral disease that is more common in infants and young children. About 90% of the population are carriers of the virus in a latent state.
In 1887, the Hungarian scientist Kaposi M, as a result of studying rashes on the skin, assigned the name "eczema herpetiformis" to the disease. Today, the old terms have been replaced by a new definition. The herpetic eczema shown in the photo (formerly herpetiform) most clearly reflects the features of the origin and course of dermatosis.

The disease is the result of the development of infections provoked by herpes of the first or second type. A virus that infects organs and causes red blisters on the skin, sometimes manifesting itself in the form of a solid spot and causing discomfort, has another name - Kaposi's herpetic eczema. The disease complicates the course of chronic dermatoses progressing against the background of disordersimmunity.
Sources of the disease - a person infected with herpes, the closest relative. Ways of transmission - airborne, direct contact or during pregnancy from mother to fetus, as well as in contact with affected skin, mucous membranes, saliva. The pathogen is neutralized within ten hours, so the virus can be transmitted through household items, children's toys.
Other causes of herpetic eczema: mycosis, burns, ichthyosis, chronic follicular dyskeratosis, weakened immune system. The disease is diagnosed in people who have used topical corticosteroids.
With the penetration of the virus into the body by contact, sexual contact, through damage to the skin and mucous membranes, the layers of the skin are broken and organs are affected, including the eyes, brain, lungs, liver. Herpes in a dormant state can be present in the body of many people. Stress, colds, poor-quality nutrition, lack of hygiene, contact with a sick person provoke his activity.
In adults, Kaposi's herpetic eczema is observed less frequently than in children, which is associated with different stability of immunity, which is formed before reaching the age of 15. In order for the disease to begin to progress, the virus needs to integrate into the DNA chain. This occurs in case of infection with HSV-1 or HSV-2.
Eczema herpetiformis is most often activated in atopic dermatitis (allergic rash), neurodermatitis (as a result of stress and neuroses), which aggravates the condition of the skin.

In adults, the disease may be associated with prolonged use of hormonal drugs, low immunity, frequent furunculosis, pityriasis versicolor.
Factors contributing to the manifestation of herpetic eczema in children:
- exhaustion of the body;
- prematurity;
- poor-quality artificial feeding;
- prone to breakouts.
Signs of herpes are found several days after infection. The incubation period lasts from two to seven, sometimes up to ten days. The incidence increases in late autumn, winter, early spring.

How herpetic eczema manifests itself:
- At the end of the incubation period, in the absence of symptoms, the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, the lymph nodes swell. The skin turns red, inflamed, and then rashes appear in the form of papules.
- A depression forms in the center of the eczema element, and an inflamed epidermis is present around it.
- After all stages of development have passed, noticeable lesions will appear on the skin due to bursting elements.
With a mild form of herpetic eczema, the photo of which is posted in the article, the elements dry up within three weeks after the formation of a crust - a dried liquid of bursting blisters. Other signs of the disease are disturbing depending on the he alth of the victim.

Symptoms of herpetic eczema:
- increasetemperatures sometimes - up to 40 degrees, which cannot be brought down;
- swelling and redness of the skin;
- priority lesions - upper body;
- vesicle formation with purulent fluid;
- prevailing shades - from red to black;
- profuse rash;
- deterioration, shortness of breath and heartbeat, shortness of breath;
- enlarged lymph nodes;
- appearance of wounds, cracks, sores that can bleed.
The rash can affect the eyes, mucous membranes, and digestive organs. More serious complications of herpetic eczema are typical for babies. The duration of the disease depends on the state of immunity, the method of treatment, the responsibility of the patient. Recovery is possible within three weeks. Damage to the nervous system leads to death.
Any kind of disease gives reason to see a doctor. If time is lost and the disease progresses, the treatment of herpetic eczema in children becomes much more complicated.
During a visual examination, the specialist will confirm the presence of an existing disease. The result will be positive if the child has direct contact with a patient with herpes simplex 5-10 days before the onset of the disease. For the purpose of diagnosis, the patient must take a blood test, as well as particles of affected tissues for examination.
Popular methods for diagnosing herpetic eczema:
- Cytological examination of the contents of herpetic vesicles: cells with intranuclear inclusions of herpes infection are found in the liquid.
- Virological culture study is the most reliable, but time-consuming method, in which intranuclear inclusions are detected in infected tissues on the second day.
- Informative method: virus isolation from various cell cultures, detection of viral antigens. High-speed methods are characterized by high specificity, but less susceptibility to virological research. PCR is the most sensitive and fastest type of laboratory diagnostics.
- electron microscopy. The contents of the vesicles serve as a medium for microscopy preparations contrasting with phosphotungstic acid. Electron microscopy and immunofluorescence methods are used for clarification.
- Serological methods can detect antibodies to the virus. They are of relative value, since at an early age the presence of antibodies may indicate the result of their passive transfer from the mother's placenta, and at an older age - a past herpes disease. A fourfold increase in antibody titer and the appearance of IgM to HSV in the blood serum can be considered reliable.
A characteristic feature for a year old up to a year is a pronounced leukocytosis in the peripheral blood. There may be secondary infection, while older children have neutropenia or a normal white blood cell count.
The most common drug for herpes is Acyclovir: for patients in serious condition - in the form of injections, for early stages - tablets and external use. Permissiblethe use of folk remedies, but you can use them after consulting a doctor.

Treatment for herpetic eczema includes:
- Diet: exclusion of spicy, smoked, fried, plentiful drink.
- Antipyretics, if necessary, to be prescribed by a doctor.
- Antibiotics as a prerequisite in order to limit the spread of infection throughout the body.
- Antifungal medicines.
- Ointments and creams for external use.
- Antihistamines - to eliminate allergy symptoms (itching, swelling).
- Vitamin complexes to improve immunity.
During treatment, contact with patients with eczema is prohibited, as it becomes more difficult to cure the disease. The course of therapy is designed for a duration of about two weeks. Advanced cases may require treatment within six months.
Features of the disease in children
Eczema herpes may appear in a child as young as two months old. Most often, children who are formula-fed and suffering from atopic dermatitis are among the sick. But the largest number of patients are children aged six months to two years.
In the baby's blood, the level of immunoglobulins that fight foreign microorganisms drops. A child's own antibodies are produced by the age of two. The norm of immunoglobulins by age is as follows:
- 4 days of life - 5 months - 94% of cases;
- 6 months - 1 year - 20%;
- 1-2years - 60% of cases, due to the formation of own antibodies.

The highest incidence of herpetic eczema falls on the interval from 7 months to a year. At risk are children who were treated with hormonal ointments for atopic and other types of dermatitis, as well as those who had ARVI.
In extremely severe cases of herpetic eczema, meningitis, pneumonia, kidney and liver diseases, sepsis are possible, which is unsafe for babies. Causes of death include acute edema, stenosis of the larynx, palpitations, convulsions, stiff neck, and other symptoms.
With herpetic eczema in adults and children, septic complications are not excluded: purulent otitis media, strepto- and staphyloderma. In children under one year old, the disease is severe, the development of complications is very likely.
Regardless of the severity of the condition, regional lymphadenitis is observed - an increase in the cervical, occipital, submandibular nodes. In 60% of cases, hepatosplenomegaly develops, in 20% - splenomegaly. Perhaps a disorder of the stool, relapses occur without disturbing the general condition.
Folk remedies for eczema
Only a qualified dermatologist can accurately determine which internal disease caused eczema, as well as an effective method of treatment. Traditional methods for quality treatment are not enough, but they can be a good help in recovery.
Eczema affected areas should be protected from direct sunlight by bandaging,sprinkled with talc. Skin weeping from eczema should not be wetted: baths with oak bark and others are prescribed for treatment.

Natural remedies and simple methods for eczema:
- Lemon. On the first day, take the juice of 5 lemons in several approaches. The next day - juice of 10 lemons, and increasing the dose, reach 25 citrus fruits. Then, every day, reduce their number by 5 pieces. Lemons can "get rid" of the most stubborn eczema.
- Starvation. This method is carried out under the supervision of specialists, and it is suitable only for adult patients. Recommended 5-7 days of dry therapeutic fasting.
- Honey with garlic: products taken in equal quantities (pre-cook garlic and mash) apply on gauze to the affected area, cover with wax paper, strengthen the bandage. The next day, wash with green soap, and repeat the procedure. After the disappearance of the scales, apply a compress with a bandage only at night, after wiping with gasoline.
- Nutmeg (1 pc.), Ginger and Galangal (little by little): pour the ingredients with alcohol (1 bottle), leave for two days. Rub the skin with the prepared product. At the same time, it is recommended to take a glass of decoction of yarrow and elderberry herbs, taken equally.
- Fresh geranium leaves: boil for about an hour over low heat, then take a bath with the decoction. A cloth soaked in the resulting product will help relieve acute symptoms on the skin. At the same time, it is advisable to drink an infusion of juniper berries to purify the blood.
- Garlic and herbs. It is recommended to use garlic in large quantities, taking an infusion of mint, elderberry, wormwood, taken in equal amounts.
- Nuts with fish oil. The remedy is suitable for the treatment of eczema in children. Bake nuts in the shell in the oven until brown, then pound, add fish oil (1 tsp). Lubricate sore spots twice a day.
- Corn oil. Take a tablespoon in the morning and evening for a month with a glass of warm water, adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey. The product will relieve symptoms, soften the skin, giving elasticity.
Tincture of birch buds for oral and bath use:
- Infusion: birch buds - 100 g, alcohol (70%) - 500 g. Grind the raw materials in a blender, pour over sleep, leave for 7 days.
- Bath: Dissolve 10 ml of tincture in 10 liters of water to take a bath. Improvement is observed after five treatments. The skin takes on a he althy appearance, but pain and tightness are felt in the process.

Compresses for eczema:
- Burdock. Put the crushed leaf on the affected skin, cover with a whole sheet, secure with a bandage. Let's say a compress from the infusion of dry leaves.
- Pumpkin. Grate the pulp, apply to the sore spot, secure with a bandage.
- Fir oil. Apply to the skin, leave for a while to absorb.
- Salo. Mix melted lard or goose fat with fir oil in equal volumes, and to make the mass homogeneous, hold a little on a quiet fire.
- Carrots. Apply grated carrots, after squeezing the juice, to eczema-affected areas 2-3 times a day.
- Cabbage. Cabbage gruel mixed with egg white, apply 2 times a day. Recommended poultices from the leaves of a vegetable, boiled in milk and mixed with bran. Compresses should be done up to two times a day. An additional method: dip a cabbage leaf in apple cider vinegar, mash until the juice comes out, put it on the affected area and fix it with a bandage. The compress will relieve itching and pain.
The prognosis is disappointing due to the risk of dangerous complications. According to statistics, the death rate ranges from 5 to 30%. The most common causes: sepsis, meningoencephalitis, pneumonia. The likelihood of serious consequences is reduced if the diagnosis is made in a timely manner, proper care is provided to the patient, and treatment is organized correctly.
Since weakened children are more likely to become infected, strengthening immunity is the prevention of atopic dermatitis and herpes infections in general. The prognosis of the course of the disease in a child depends on the timeliness of the treatment of herpetic eczema, skin care. If the condition is complicated by sepsis, pneumonia, meningoencephalitis, the likelihood of death increases significantly.
Prevention of herpetic eczema has no specific methods for preventing the disease. It consists in protecting he althy people from communicating with sick people. At the first suspicious signs, you should seek confirmation from a specialist and thereby take care ofother members of the family or team.
The development of preventive measures is difficult because infection begins with the simple entry of a virus that is incurable. The causative agent can be asymptomatic in the body for a long time. It is impossible to prevent infection by the virus in other ways than protecting the sick from the he althy.
Prevention and treatment of herpetic eczema are aimed at maintaining and strengthening the immune system. The recommendations also include a number of simple rules, such as hygiene. Washing your hands will avoid not only dermatosis, but also a number of other infections.
For the sake of avoiding allergic reactions, any foods that can cause a rash (acute, fatty, alcohol) should be removed from the diet. Avoid fatty fish, young meat, pork, game, strawberries and strawberries. The best preference is plant foods.

You need to cook in enamel or earthenware. Allergens act through both food and tissues - this must be monitored. Bathing in herbal decoctions of chamomile, succession is useful for babies, which will relieve dry skin.
Exercise outdoors will benefit the child's immunity, thereby reducing the likelihood of eczema.
As the photos confirm, herpetic eczema in children has an unsightly appearance, and constant itching adds discomfort. Scratching the affected areas leads to eczema on the fingers. Therefore, careful prevention will help to avoid relapses.