Deformity of the foot (see photo below) is a pathology characterized by damage to the joints at the base of the thumb, near which a so-called outgrowth is formed. This defect can spread to other fingers. When the foot is deformed, the patient may experience aching pain in the legs, which is accompanied by rapid fatigue. As a rule, older women suffer from this defect.

Foot deformities: causes
The main factors leading to the appearance of this pathology include:
- Not enough calcium in the body.
- Osteoporosis.
- Changes of a dystrophic and degenerative nature.
- Uneven distribution of load on the foot.
- Wearing narrow and hard shoes.
- Flat feet (transverse or combined).
- Wrong gait.
- Wearing shoes with high heels, which leads to the fact that the entire basicthe load is concentrated on the forefoot.
- Endocrine disorders.
- Chronic bursitis.
- Genetic predisposition.
Degrees of foot deformity
- The first degree of this pathology is characterized by a slight transverse flat foot, in which the angle of change of the big toe will be no less than 20 degrees.
- At the second degree, there is already a moderate transverse flat foot, and the angle of deformation of the toe is from 20 to 35 degrees.
- At the third degree, there is a pronounced flat foot with a toe deformity angle of more than 35 degrees.

As a rule, this pathology is visible to the naked eye, but for a more accurate diagnosis, an x-ray or computed tomography examination of the foot is prescribed. With their help, the exact degree of deformation is determined, on which the method of surgical intervention depends.
Treatment of foot deformity
With the initial signs of this disease, you can get rid of it with the help of special orthopedic devices, which include: arch supports, insoles, digital correctors, silicone interdigital rollers, ties, etc. Also, to reduce pain, it is possible to prescribe various physiotherapy procedures, massage and warm baths. It is very useful to perform special exercises (walking on heels, on toes, clown walk, etc.). It is desirable to do them every day.
Valgus deformityfeet. Operation

The main method of treating this pathology is surgical intervention, prescribed on an individual basis. The choice of method by which the defect will be corrected largely depends on its degree. For example, at the first stage of the disease, a bump on the finger is removed and the capsular-ligamentous apparatus is restored. In this case, the defect is corrected by transferring the tendons of the muscle that holds the thumb to another place. In the second degree of damage to the foot, the bone is dissected and further fixed with a screw. At the last stage, a complex osteotomy is performed with fixation of the bone with two screws.