It is quite common to hear complaints about a feeling of stickiness in the mouth.
However, this condition is often accompanied by the following symptoms:
- lip cracking;
- rough tongue (it turns red);
- hoarseness after waking up;
- bad mouth odor;
- difficulty swallowing food;
- thirst, dry mouth and throat.

To eliminate the discomfort that has arisen once and for all, you must definitely find out why it knits in your mouth.
Constant viscosity
If the viscosity in the mouth has appeared for a long time and does not disappear for a long time, then it may indicate that a person has the following diseases or pathological conditions:
- impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes mellitus;
- cystic fibrosis;
- Hodgkin's disease (oncological process occurring in the lymphatic system);
- parkinsonism;
- chronic lack of iron in the blood, caused by impropernutrition or diseases of the digestive system;
- high blood pressure;
- diarrhea;
- hormonal fluctuations (which is why pregnant women often complain about their mouth knitting);
- breathing disorder (occurs in patients who snore or constantly breathe through the mouth);
- weakening of the strength of the muscles of the palate;
- inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
- age-related changes (with aging, the amount of saliva produced decreases sharply);
- damage to nerve fibers located in the neck and head area.

In rarer cases, persistent viscidity is due to past salivary gland surgery or severe head trauma.
Temporary viscosity
As for the situation where the patient periodically knits in the mouth, the reasons for this may be as follows:
- eating s alty foods;
- presence of a runny nose;
- too high house temperature and/or low air humidity;
- long and intense sports training;
- Smoking cigarettes or hookah (smoke dries out mucous membranes).

In addition, discomfort may appear if a person has used narcotic or poisonous substances the day before. This symptom indicates a strong intoxication of the body. For the same reason, viscosity develops during the course of radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Viscosity due to drugs
Sometimes knitsin the mouth while taking certain medications.
The most often unpleasant symptom is provoked by medicines of the following groups:
- anxiolytics (anti-anxiety);
- antidepressants;
- laxatives;
- analgesics;
- antihistamines (against allergies);
- antifungal pills.

It should be said that some dietary supplements for weight loss also cause a feeling of viscosity in the mouth. If discomfort developed during the treatment of any disease, then the patient is advised to carefully study the instructions for the drug. If it has such an effect, it will be written about it.
Viscosity after eating persimmons
Persimmon contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, making it not only tasty, but also extremely he althy.
However, sometimes, having come home from the store and having tasted the purchased fruits, the buyer is disappointed. Persimmon turns out to be absolutely not sweet, there is an unpleasant sensation - it knits in the mouth. It has this property due to the high content of tannin in it. It is also often referred to as tannic acid. It forms various chemical bonds with naturally occurring polysaccharides, resulting in a tanning effect.
Tanin, which is found not only in the fruits, but also in the leaves, as well as the bark of the plant, protects them from being eaten by various animals.
It is worth noting that tannic acid in a small dosage does not harm the body. Moreover, shehas a beneficial effect on the digestive organs and calms the nervous system.
Careful in this case should be patients who have recently undergone surgery on the organs of the abdominal part.
If a person does not like tart persimmon, then he can easily change its properties by putting the fruit in the freezer for several hours. Also, if desired, they can be placed in one bag with apples. The latter produce ethylene, a substance that accelerates the ripening process of persimmons.
You can also get rid of astringency by heat-treating the fruits or by drying them. The same rules apply to sloes.
Diagnosis of causes
If the patient knits in the mouth, the symptoms that accompany this condition must be taken into account.
So, if the discomfort is accompanied by weakness and nausea (which can end in vomiting), then he has a pathology of the stomach (usually gastritis). If a high temperature joined all this, the patient probably “picked up” a viral or bacterial infection.
Viscosity in the mouth combined with a bitter taste and pain in the side on the right side indicates the presence of gallstones.
Sometimes discomfort is accompanied by a metallic taste in the mouth. This is indicative of gum disease.

Also, if the patient has knitting in the mouth, the reasons for this can be identified by conducting
- oral examination;
- general blood and urine tests;
- hormonal study;
- blood test for vitamins and minerals;
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
- endoscopic examination of the stomach;
- MRI head and neck;
- analysis for infection;
- analysis for tumor markers, etc.
In addition, during the diagnosis, it is imperative to measure the patient's blood pressure.
Treatment in this case is to eliminate the underlying pathology, which knits in the mouth.
If this is not done, insufficient saliva will increase the risk of oral diseases. In addition, a malfunction of the salivary glands will sooner or later negatively affect the protective functions of the mucous membranes. This can result in candidiasis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, caries and many other diseases.
Also, do not forget that the underlying disease is getting worse every day. That is why it is so important not to delay the time, but to go to the doctor. In this case, to a therapist, and he, in turn, will refer you to another, narrower specialist. Usually a neurologist, gastroenterologist or dentist.