Perhaps, otitis can be called a childhood disease. Babies under the age of three years in 80% of cases at least once, but suffered this pathology. By the age of 5-7 years, otitis media appears less frequently. Adults can also suffer from this pathology. However, in them it is often a complication of a disease. From this article you will learn what otitis has signs. You can also find out how to treat this pathology. It is necessary to say what are the signs of otitis in the baby, because a small child is unable to explain what hurts him.

What is otitis media?
This disease is an inflammation of the ear in its different parts. In this case, there may be abundant discharge from the ear canal (purulent otitis media). However, more often the pathology has an acute form. Chronic otitis media is less common. In this case, the disease has practically no symptoms, but can greatly harm human he alth.

Currently, there are three main types of pathology. Signs of otitis in an adult with different types of disease can be different. So the pathologyoccurs in the following form:
- Otitis externa. In this case, the skin near the ear canal and the gap to the eardrum become inflamed.
- Otitis media. Inflammation affects the eardrum, Eustachian tube and additional elements. Signs of otitis media are most often found in children.
- Labyrinthite. This form may also be called otitis media. The inflammatory process develops behind the eardrum and affects the cochlea.
Symptoms of pathology
Otitis media symptoms may be different. It all depends on what form of pathology develops. In most cases, there is pain. The patient complains of shooting sensations in the ear that come on suddenly and disappear just as spontaneously. Signs of otitis in an adult can be identified as follows:
- The appearance of inflammation and redness around the entrance to the ear canal. In this case, we are talking about otitis externa. An abscess with a rod appears here, which gradually increases in size and turns blue.
- Redness of the auditory canal and eardrum. These first signs of otitis media most often indicate inflammation of the middle ear.
- The appearance of an abscess in the eardrum. In this case, we are talking about purulent otitis media. The inflamed area grows and after a while opens up. It is worth noting that this does not always happen spontaneously.

What are the symptoms of illness in children?
Signs of otitis media in an infant cannot always be identified correctly. Oftenparents are not able to recognize the cause of the baby's anxiety and trigger the disease. That is why it is so important to know what signs of otitis media have in young children. The most common manifestations are as follows:
- restless behavior during the day and disturbed sleep at night;
- sudden causeless crying;
- baby grabs his ears with his hands and turns his head;
- there is severe pain when swallowing, so the baby can take mother's breast and immediately move away crying;
- when pressing on the tragus of the auricle, the child pulls away and starts to cry.
Causes of pathology
So, you know what signs of otitis has in different cases. What causes the development of the disease?
In most cases, pathology is a complication of a prolonged runny nose. This is especially common in children. If you blow your nose or position your head incorrectly during sleep, the snot flows into the Eustachian tube and causes inflammation.
Also, the disease can develop when microbes enter the ear. This often happens when swimming in public waters.
Otitis media can be caused by damage to the eardrum and ear canal area. This occurs when the ears are not properly cleaned and due to the insertion of foreign objects into the ear.
Often from patients you can hear the expression "ear puffed out." Indeed, drafts and hypothermia can also cause the development of the disease. However, this happens with a general decrease in immunity.

How to cureillness?
Depending on what signs of otitis has, an appropriate correction is prescribed. Be sure to take into account the age of the patient and the form of pathology. Do not engage in self-assignment, as it can lead to running the process.
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs
Antimicrobials are often prescribed to treat otitis media. They can be used locally or taken orally. These include Summamed, Flemoxin tablets, Isofra, Protargol nose drops, Otofa, Otipax ear canal treatments.
It is worth noting that ear drops should not be used for purulent otitis media. Otherwise, the drug may get on the eardrum and cause temporary hearing loss and severe pain.

Antipyretics and painkillers
If during the pathology the temperature rises or there is severe pain, then you need to use these medicines. When it comes to children's otitis, it is better to give drugs before bedtime. Otherwise, the baby may not sleep well and worry all the time from pain. This group includes such means as Paracetamol, Nurofen, Nimulid, Nise. All of them are prescribed in a certain dosage according to age.
Surgical treatment
In the purulent form of otitis media, when the affected area does not open on its own, surgical intervention may be necessary. Most often it is carried out within the walls of the hospital. Doctoropens the abscess and cleans its internal cavity. After that, antibiotic therapy and precautionary measures are recommended.
Additional funds
Always prescribed nasal remedies for otitis media. Most often, these are vasoconstrictor drugs. They help relieve swelling and improve the permeability of the walls for the action of drugs.
Warming up with camphor oil can also be prescribed. In this case, a cotton swab soaked in the product is inserted into the ear canal for a while. If necessary, the doctor prescribes the treatment of the throat, as these organs are closely related.

To avoid illness, you should carefully monitor your he alth. Follow these rules to keep yourself as safe as possible:
- Clean your ears with ear protectors.
- Do not put foreign objects in your ears.
- Shake water out of your ear after bathing.
- Avoid getting fluid from open water into the ear canal.
- Treat runny nose and sore throat in time.
- Don't self-administer, see an OR if needed.
- Avoid drafts and hypothermia.
- Increase immunity and temper.
Take preventive measures and stay he althy!