Many people are familiar with itching in the ears, and this is one of the most common problems with which they turn to an otorhinolaryngologist. The natural cause of itching in the ear is the accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal. As a rule, such itching intensifies after water enters the ear canal, because as a result, the sulfur masses soften. To get rid of this symptom and the source of its occurrence, special hygiene procedures are needed - cleaning and washing the ears, which should be done at least once a week.

However, it happens that the itching in the ear does not stop for a very long period of time, and this may be evidence of a certain pathology that requires serious therapy. Against its background, in addition to itching, some other clinical signs may appear, which include: the appearance of purulent discharge from the ear canal, pain, ear congestion and discomfort, peeling of the skininside the ear canal, dizziness, incoordination, fever, hearing loss.
Unpleasant symptom
Intensive itching in the ears is one of the main indicators of systemic diseases in the body, since itching itself is not a disease. If it appears occasionally and does not cause serious discomfort, then you can not pay much attention to it. However, it should be remembered that the development of such severe pathologies as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and many others can begin with such a symptom.
The causes and treatment of itching in the ears will be discussed below.
Itching in the ears can be in people with hypersensitivity to certain medications or allergens. Poor hygiene can also cause excruciating itchy sensations. When the skin in the external auditory canal is traumatized with cotton swabs or other ear care products, sulfur can penetrate into microtraumas, which is manifested by characteristic discomfort and itching.
To get rid of such manifestations in the ears and find out the cause of their occurrence, you need to consult a specialist, because you should not ignore this symptom or treat it yourself.
Causes of occurrence
The main reasons for itching in the ears are as follows:
- Hyperproduction and accumulation of sulfur masses in the ear canals.
- Irritation of the auditory passages of unknown etiology.
- Old age.
- Excessive hair growth in the ear canals.
- Increased dryness in the ears.
- Allergy.
- Ear injury.
- Bacterial otitis media.
- General hypothermia.
- Skin diseases in the outer ear.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Furuncles in ear canals.
- Violation of the overall metabolism in the body.
- Ear mites.
Itching in the ears should be diagnosed by a doctor.

When hypothermia, pathogens begin to activate and exert their pathogenic effect, causing some diseases of the hearing apparatus, accompanied by itching.
Otitis media
What can cause itchy throat and ears? Acute or chronic infectious pathologies of the ear are manifested by itching, catarrhal and pain syndrome, swelling and redness of the auricle. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate, as a rule, into the tympanic cavity from the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tubes, from the external environment to the outer ear.
There are several varieties of otitis media:
- Otitis externa is a mild form of inflammation that affects the auricle and ear canal. In patients with this, there is an acute, dull or throbbing pain in the ear, touch becomes painful, hearing weakens, ringing and discomfort in the ears appear, and persistent subfebrile condition may develop. A characteristic symptom in this case is unbearable ear itching.
- Otitis media, which is characterized by inflammation of the middle ear, which is caused by dysfunctions of the auditory tube and the accumulation of exudate in the area of the eardrum. A similar pathology is manifested by congestion in the ears, a decrease inhearing, fever, autophony, throbbing pain radiating to the temple and crown, as well as symptoms of general intoxication. With the formation of purulent secretions, pain decreases and the most common symptom appears - itching in an inflamed ear.
- Inflammation of the inner ear. It is a disease, the main symptom of which is considered to be a violation of balance and hearing. Itching sensations can also be observed, however, vestibular changes come to the fore, which are the initial signs of pathology, which are manifested by dizziness, impaired coordination in movements. Shortly after the vestibular changes, patients experience hearing impairment, itching and tinnitus, which is usually aggravated by turning the head, especially with rapid movements. What else causes itchy ears?

This pathology is an inflammation of the ear caused by a fungal infection that develops against the background of chronic otitis media, as well as with insufficient observance of the rules of ear hygiene, when wearing a hearing aid, damage to the integrity of the ear canal. Ears itch and peel.
Candida fungi are natural inhabitants of the surface of human skin and in most cases do not cause any harm. However, under the influence of certain endogenous or exogenous factors, their number begins to increase sharply, which is why a disease such as otomycosis develops. The disease is just manifested by itching, and may be accompaniedflushing of the skin and white flaky discharge from the ear canal. Over time, patients develop whitish crusts in the outer ear. In some more complex cases, fungi penetrate deep into the organ of hearing, affecting the labyrinth and even the cranial bones.
The causes of itchy ears don't stop there.
Allergic factor
Allergic reactions are the most common cause of ear itching. Allergens in this case can be a variety of cosmetics, swimming caps made of latex, insect bites, poplar fluff, the use of headphones, and dandruff. Otolaryngologists, together with allergists, should conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient, identifying the type of allergen and prescribing the appropriate treatment for the disease.
Itching in the ears with an allergic syndrome may not occur constantly, but only from time to time. It is a signal of the body about the presence of serious violations. With allergic dermatitis, the formation of a keratinized rash is observed when the skin is thickened and thickened.
The causes and treatment of itching in the ears we are considering today.
Skin pathology
Itching in the ear passages is one of some of the symptoms of dermatological diseases. Sensitive and delicate skin in these areas with such pathologies itches from the inside.
- Clinical symptoms of ear dermatitis can range from slight itching to severe inflammatory processes that are characterized by unbearable itching both inside and around the ear, andalso redness, the formation of nodules that break and leave weeping areas. Long-term pathology of this type leads to thickening of the upper layers of the epidermis and hyperpigmentation.
- Symptoms of eczematous dermatitis are also intense itching, skin hyperemia and peeling, the appearance of small blisters covered with brown and yellowish crusts.
- Seborrheic dermatitis. It can develop as a result of infection of the skin of the outer ear with pathogenic fungi. The skin with this pathology is irritated, it is covered with plaques and greasy crusts. Seborrheic scales are located inside the ear, in the area around it, and can also spread to the cheeks and neck.
- Psoriasis, which is a disease of an unexplained nature, which is manifested by the appearance of itching in the ears and peeling. If such a disease is not treated, the plaques begin to increase in size and spread deep into the auditory canal, causing pain and tinnitus. The appearance of such plaques is unpleasant, which is why it seems to others that such a disease can be contagious.

Mechanical injury
Injury to the skin in the ear canal leads to microtrauma that causes symptoms of itching in the ears. Ear wounds are a direct route for infections that cause ear inflammation and associated symptoms. These include itching in the ears. Mechanical injuries of the ear include: foreign bodies entering the ear canal and their careless removal, craniocerebralinjuries, insect bites, etc.
How to treat itching in the ear, many people are interested.
Other reasons
There are also a number of causes of itching, which must be taken into account when determining its origin:
- Itching often occurs with sore throat, only with severe sore throat and fever.
- Itching and peeling in the ear canal can occur in the spring with beriberi.
- Furunculosis. It is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle in the ear, usually caused by such a pathogen as Staphylococcus aureus. In patients, hearing is impaired, itching occurs in the affected area and pain. Visually, boils are reddened tubercles with a yellowish dot in the center where pus is contained.
We've covered the most common causes. How to treat itchy ears?

An otorhinolaryngologist can help eliminate this symptom. After diagnostic procedures, the specialist will determine the exact cause of the pathology and prescribe therapeutic measures.
Drug treatment mainly depends on the type of pathology that provoked the occurrence of this symptom, and is as follows:
- In case of otitis, patients are prescribed ear drops that contain an antibacterial substance - Anauran, Tsipromed, Otofa. Severe intoxication, itching and fever are the main indications for the use of oral antibiotics. With recurrent or indolentotitis media, some immunostimulating drugs are prescribed - Lavomax, Polyoxidonium, Amiksin, Viferon.
- Topical medications are widely used, for example, combined ear drops, which contain not only antibiotics, but also glucocorticosteroids. The most popular of them are "Sofradex", "Polydex", "Garazon". They are good for treating itchy ears in humans.
- Anti-inflammatory ear drops containing NSAIDs - Otinum, Otipax, which significantly reduce itching, reduce inflammation and pain, and also have a local anesthetic effect.
- Otomycosis is usually treated with local antimycotic drugs - ear drops "Candibiotic", "Clotrimazole", etc.
- For washing, some antimycotic solutions are used - Nystatin, Amphotericin, Clotrimazole. They quickly relieve severe itching in the ears.
- The use of vitamins and tonics is also recommended.
- When itching in the ears of allergic origin, antihistamines are prescribed, which include Cetrin, Loratadin, Suprastin.
- For the treatment of psoriasis, experts recommend ointments based on oil, tar and grease, as well as corticosteroid and keratolytic drugs.
- With seborrheic dermatitis, it is necessary to use external antimycotic agents and wash with shampoos containing antimycotics, for example, Nizoral.

Use drops for the ears should be after removing the purulent dischargeand sulfur from the ear canal. When itching in the ears, it is strictly forbidden to comb them, as this often leads to the appearance of microtraumas, the spread of infection and the deterioration of the condition. What else is used in the treatment of itchy ears?

Folk recipes
At home, you can independently get rid of the problem of itching in the ear canal, but this is done in the absence of serious pathological processes in the form of inflammation and purulent formations in the ear. In this case, some traditional medicine can help, among which you can designate:
- Wipe the external ear with a 6% solution of vinegar, as well as vegetable oil or a warm soda solution injected into the external ear canal.
- In order to soften and remove the wax plug, it is recommended to instill a solution of hydrogen peroxide into the ear.
- Tea tree oil or almond oil can be instilled into the ear, which are effective antifungal agents that can eliminate itching in the ears at the initial stages of the development of the infectious process.
- Salicylic alcohol. Reduces inflammation and has a pronounced bactericidal effect. First of all, the ear is washed with hydrogen peroxide, after which two drops of salicylic alcohol are instilled into the ear canals. What other folk remedies for itching in the ears are used?
- Calendula tincture. Also a very effective composition for instillation of the ear with itchy sensations.
- Cure from green walnuts that insist on vodka.
- Alcoholicpropolis infusion.
- If itching is due to psoriasis, an ointment made from birch tar, egg white and honey can be used.
- For ear furunculosis, mixtures of raw eggs, honey, flour and s alt are applied to a gauze pad and placed in the ear.
We have described the main causes of itching in the ears. How to treat it is described in this material.