Nail fungus iodine treatment: reviews of treatment results

Nail fungus iodine treatment: reviews of treatment results
Nail fungus iodine treatment: reviews of treatment results

The appearance of a fungus on the nail plates of the legs is called onychomycosis. There are several stages of the disease. A harmless alternative to medication when nail fungus appears is iodine treatment. Reviews of such therapy are different. Some do not like that the fungus does not recede instantly. Therefore, you need to be patient.

nail fungus iodine treatment reviews
nail fungus iodine treatment reviews

Description of iodine

Iodine is one of the most effective remedies for treating nail fungus. The solution is used both at the initial stage of the disease, and in advanced cases. Iodine is an element with index 53. The substance is halogen, chemically inactive, belongs to the non-metallic category.

The initial state of matter is black crystals. When they are heated, a purple vapor is formed and a pungent odor is felt. For medical purposes, a five percent alcohol solution is used. It is intended to decontaminate the skin around the damaged area.

Why iodineeliminates nail fungus? Iodine treatment (a growing number of people leave reviews of successful therapy) is effective due to the properties of the substance, which is an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, has cauterizing properties.

Benefits of iodine treatment

How to remove nail fungus? Iodine treatment (reviews describe this substance as an inexpensive and affordable remedy for any person) is considered very effective, as it destroys the protein structures of pathogens. At the same time, the plates are disinfected. Bacteria are simply cauterized with iodine. But the therapy is carried out very carefully.

Correct treatment regimen

Treatment of toenail fungus with iodine (reviews testify to it as a very effective drug) must be carried out correctly. First, check the skin for allergies to the product. To do this, iodine is applied in a small amount on the wrist. If during the day no redness, rashes or other irritations appear on the skin, then the solution can be used.

treatment of toenail fungus with iodine reviews
treatment of toenail fungus with iodine reviews

It is important to observe the exact dosage, since you cannot use a large amount of iodine. After the first procedure, some discomfort may appear (unpleasant smell, yellowing of the nails, etc.). Therefore, it is recommended to start treatment on the weekend. Iodine should be applied carefully, avoid touching the skin around the nails.

Treatment of fungus directly with iodine

Treatment of nail fungus on hands with iodine (reviews say that you can use the solution withoutany additives) begins with hand washing. They are then dried with a towel. Iodine is applied with a cotton swab soaked in a solution to all nails, including he althy ones. This is done to prevent the growth of fungus on unaffected plates.

Iodine is applied in a small amount and preferably without contact with the skin. If it is sensitive, daily application of the solution can cause slight burns. A week later, a strong burning sensation will begin in the areas affected by the fungus. This means that the destruction of harmful microorganisms has begun. Iodine is applied to the nails every day for a month. Sometimes the course of treatment can last up to 40 days. People who have used this method of therapy were not disappointed with the result. The nails acquired a he althy look, there was no trace of the fungus. Of course, in this therapy an important factor is constancy and patience. But the result is worth it!

Iodine solution with baking soda and s alt

Treatment of nail fungus (advanced form) with iodine (reviews about this method are only positive), soda and s alt can eliminate the infection within 1-2 months. A liter of hot water is poured into a basin, into which thirty grams of sea s alt and half as much soda are poured. Mix everything and immerse your feet in the bath for forty minutes.

nail fungus treatment neglected form with iodine reviews
nail fungus treatment neglected form with iodine reviews

After that, you need to remove the regrown nails, all the keratinized skin on the foot and around the plates. Upon completion of the procedure, the areas infected with the fungus are abundantly lubricated with iodine. Baths are done twice a day for a month. First resultwill be visible after two weeks.

Iodine baths

Treatment of nail fungus with iodine on the legs can be done using a bath based on the drug in its pure form. To prepare it, you need a bowl of warm water, to which a little iodine solution is added. You need to lower your legs into the bath and keep them there for 15 minutes. Then you need to cut off the damaged part of the nails, treat them with peroxide and apply a gauze compress with an antibacterial agent applied to it.

The procedure should be repeated three times a week. Treatment is carried out until the complete disappearance of the fungus and signs of the disease. Some patients note that even after restoring the structure of the nail plate, it is better to do baths for some time. This is necessary for prevention, in order to avoid re-infection.

nail fungus treatment with vinegar and iodine reviews
nail fungus treatment with vinegar and iodine reviews

Ointment with iodine and celandine

How to remove nail fungus? Treatment with iodine (reviews indicate that ointments based on medicinal herbs help well) and celandine quickly cope with harmful microorganisms. To prepare the ointment, you need 20 g of powder from dry celandine leaves.

Then add some iodine solution to it. Mix everything. The resulting mixture is applied to the nails several times during the day. If the infection has affected the skin (between the fingers, feet, etc.), then all affected areas are treated with the remedy. Ointment with celandine copes even with the advanced form of the disease, at the same time eliminates the processes of suppuration.

Treatment of nail fungus with iodine andvinegar

Treatment of nail fungus with vinegar and iodine (reviews of successfully cured people are increasingly advised to use this mixture for therapy) is sometimes carried out with the addition of "Fukortsin". First, the nails are treated with only one iodine for two weeks. Then the plates and the affected skin are rubbed with 9% vinegar for 14 days. Next, "Fukortsin" is used. They are lubricated within two weeks of all areas affected by the fungus. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.

treatment of nail fungus on the hands with iodine reviews
treatment of nail fungus on the hands with iodine reviews

Blue iodine treatment

Many people who have experienced fungal infection firsthand have used a drug such as blue iodine for treatment. The tool has the same characteristics as the usual product (ordinary iodine) and was first tested during the Great Patriotic War. The healing composition successfully treated dysentery. In addition to removing a fungal infection, blue iodine stimulates the thyroid gland, which is responsible for all the main functions of the body.

To get rid of a fungal infection, you should prepare the following composition: a few drops of iodine should be dissolved in a small amount of vinegar. Apply the resulting mixture to all nails. The procedure is carried out twice a day. The course of treatment is on average 14 days. Then a short break is made for a week, and the therapy is repeated again.

Masks to kill nail fungus

According to the reviews of patients who have experienced a fungal infection, one of the effective methods is the treatment of nail fungus with iodine and vinegar. A healing mask can be made frommultiple ingredients:

  • vinegar;
  • yoda;
  • "Nitrofungin";
  • garlic juice.

All of the listed components are antiseptics, and "Nitrofungin" is a good antibacterial agent. All substances from the list perfectly interact with each other, significantly increasing the effectiveness of treatment. Before the mask, you need to make a s alt bath for the feet and dip them in water for 10 minutes.

Then dry with a towel and cut off the damaged parts of the nails with disinfected nail scissors. The components listed above are mixed in equal proportions, mixed and applied to the plates at bedtime. Then clean cotton socks are put on.

treatment of nail fungus with iodine on the legs
treatment of nail fungus with iodine on the legs

This mask can be done every other day. The course of treatment is two weeks. If the skin is hypersensitive, then glycerin is added to the mask. It helps to soften the aggressive effect of the remedy.

Effectiveness of iodine treatment

Iodine remarkably destroys the fungus, even penetrated deep into the nail and skin. The result is not immediately visible. According to the reviews of people who have used iodine therapy, positive dynamics will appear a week after the start of treatment. Usually, after the initial procedures, burning and itching appear in the affected areas.

There is no need to be afraid of this, since discomfort means that iodine successfully destroys the fungus and destroys all foci of infection. But if the symptoms are very strong, and it is impossible to endure them, then you just need to reduce the dosage of iodine or apply it only once a Treatment can last from a week to two months. It depends on the stage of the disease and the condition of the nails. During this time, the plate gradually grows, and the affected areas are cut off.

nail fungus treatment with iodine and vinegar
nail fungus treatment with iodine and vinegar

To prevent the infection from spreading to he althy nails, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • use separate manicure accessories for affected plates;
  • shoes and feet treated daily with antibacterial agents;
  • need to constantly change socks (preferably daily);
  • change cotton swabs every time you apply iodine.

You can not increase the dosage of the solution or the frequency of procedures. This can only harm or lead to complications. You need to constantly wash your feet and hands, trim the growing affected nails, change bedding and clothes more often.

Contraindications for treating fungus with iodine

Despite the fact that iodine is considered safe, there are some contraindications for its use. The solution should not be applied to the nails of people who have hypersensitivity to this remedy.
