Health 2024, October

ECG for coronary artery disease: interpretation of the results. Signs of coronary heart disease on the ECG

ECG for coronary artery disease: interpretation of the results. Signs of coronary heart disease on the ECG

Functioning and contractile activity of the heart are possible due to the fact that spontaneous impulses constantly arise in it. Within the normal range, their source is localized in the sinus node, which is located next to the right atrium. The purpose of such impulses is to pass through the conductive nerve fibers through all parts of the heart muscle, causing their contraction

Diagnosis of coronary heart disease, classification, symptoms and treatment

Diagnosis of coronary heart disease, classification, symptoms and treatment

Ischemia, accompanied by disruption of the normal blood supply to the heart muscle, is today considered a very serious problem. It is this pathology that is the most common cause of sudden death. Moreover, as a rule, patients of working age suffer from the disease. Diagnosis of coronary heart disease is sometimes difficult. That is why it is worth familiarizing yourself with the basic information about this disease

Why is my stomach grumbling, and what should I do?

Why is my stomach grumbling, and what should I do?

Why is my stomach growling? What to do in this case? This is often asked by people of all ages. In our article we will answer these and other questions

Subdural hygroma: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Subdural hygroma: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Subdural hygroma is a neoplasm consisting of cerebrospinal fluid that has accumulated in the brain. Left without timely treatment, the tumor puts pressure on various parts of the brain, causing dangerous deviations in the functions of the body

Subdural hemorrhage: types and consequences

Subdural hemorrhage: types and consequences

The brain consists of several shells. The most durable of them is the outer one. For this reason, it is also called solid. Quite often, various head injuries lead to bleeding between the outer shell and the brain. In this case, the victim is diagnosed with subdural hemorrhage. It is this pathology that will be discussed in today's article

Intracranial hematoma: causes, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Intracranial hematoma: causes, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Dangerous neurological disease is an intracranial hematoma. It is an accumulation of blood in various parts of the brain and its membranes. Treatment of intracranial hematoma should be carried out as early as possible. Thus, it will be possible to avoid irreversible consequences

Inflammation of the vocal cords: symptoms and treatment. Hoarse voice - what to do?

Inflammation of the vocal cords: symptoms and treatment. Hoarse voice - what to do?

Not every person knows what inflammation of the vocal cords is. The symptoms and treatment of this disease are quite simple

Meningitis: types, causes, symptoms, treatment

Meningitis: types, causes, symptoms, treatment

Probably, each of us in childhood had to hear from our parents about the need to wear a hat, even with a slight cold snap, so as not to get sick with meningitis. In fact, this insidious disease has only little to do with hypothermia of the body. Often, pathology develops against the background of complications of other negative processes that occur in the body

Itching and burning in the anus: possible causes and treatments

Itching and burning in the anus: possible causes and treatments

Anal itching is common in children, women and men. There are many factors that cause burning in the anus. A person can suffer from intestinal diseases, dermatological pathologies and much more

Stinging pain in the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Stinging pain in the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Stinging pain in the stomach occurs for many reasons. When such a symptom appears, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination by a specialist. He will establish the true cause that causes such sensations, and prescribe treatment

Indigestion: symptoms and treatment

Indigestion: symptoms and treatment

Each of us at least once and firsthand faced such an unpleasant phenomenon as abdominal pain. And very often they say that this is "indigestion." Vomiting is not always present. Especially in childhood, this phenomenon is common. In fact, there is no such concept in medical terminology. This disease is called dyspepsia, which is a process of pathological disorder of the functioning of the stomach

Pain in the ears in a child - possible causes and features of treatment

Pain in the ears in a child - possible causes and features of treatment

Acute pain in the ear of a child is always a great stress for parents. The child cries, and we often do not know what and how to do, and instead of the necessary help, we make mistakes that lead to the complication of the disease. In order for you not to find yourself in a similar situation, we have collected all the necessary information in this article

How to get rid of acne on the pope?

How to get rid of acne on the pope?

Many women are familiar with the problem of acne on the pope. These small red spots can either just spoil the mood and aesthetic appearance, or bring severe discomfort and even pain. And as with any problem, before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to find out why pimples on the pope still appeared

Benign pancreatic tumor: prognosis

Benign pancreatic tumor: prognosis

The benign tumor of the pancreas is a serious problem. It is very difficult to diagnose this disease at an early stage, because it does not give any symptoms. The extreme stages of this disease are very dangerous, and they can be treated only with certain consequences, which will be discussed in this article

Why high lower pressure: what to do, how to treat?

Why high lower pressure: what to do, how to treat?

The human body is a complex system, where every deviation requires immediate correction. This also happens with blood pressure, which can be evidence of the emergence of a huge list of various diseases. In this article, we will tell you what to do with high lower pressure in order to maintain your he alth

How to treat a watery eye?

How to treat a watery eye?

This is a very common problem - a watery eye. You don’t have to look for reasons for a long time, because they are at every turn: computers, reading, hard work with small numbers or details, and also infections, dust, wind, cold

Stop hyperhidrosis - where to run?

Stop hyperhidrosis - where to run?

Sweat is the regulator of body temperature in the body. Excessive sweating is a sign of a malfunction of the sweat glands, which causes severe discomfort. Increased sweating can appear on various parts of the body - feet, face, palms, armpits, in general, on the whole body. General hyperhidrosis of the body is a consequence of high temperature, and in local areas - the result of vegetative-vascular dystonia

How can you get HPV? Ways of transmission of the human papillomavirus

How can you get HPV? Ways of transmission of the human papillomavirus

Ways of transmission of the human papillomavirus, the mechanism of HPV infection, how women become infected with it, varieties of the virus, causes that provoke the disease; plantar, flat, pointed, simple and filiform papillomas, diagnosis of the disease and methods of treatment, including traditional medicine

How can a child prevent colds?

How can a child prevent colds?

Colds take the first place among children's diseases. If a child has strong immunity, then he effectively fights viruses that have entered the body, avoiding complications. Weakened children get sick more often and endure the common cold very hard. To protect the baby from viral diseases, parents need to know a few basic rules

Itchy scalp: causes and treatment

Itchy scalp: causes and treatment

Many people face the problem of itchy scalp. This is an unpleasant sensation that occurs in the form of a reaction of the body to external and internal factors. Sometimes inflammation of the epidermis and deep layers appears due to certain skin ailments. When combing, the situation only gets worse, which causes microcracks, abrasions and sores. The causes and treatment of itching of the scalp are described in the article

Neoplasm in the liver: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Neoplasm in the liver: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Unlike many common pathologies, most people do not have a clear idea about neoplasms in the liver. However, this organ plays an important role in the normal functioning of the body and maintaining he alth. With its help, toxic substances are neutralized, they are removed from cells and tissues. Any disturbances in the activity of the liver negatively affect well-being

Pressure surge: symptoms, causes and methods of normalization

Pressure surge: symptoms, causes and methods of normalization

Stable blood pressure is rare. For many people, blood pressure levels fluctuate many times, usually abruptly. Such changes are usually immediately felt. It may be associated with dangerous conditions. The symptoms and treatment of pressure surges are described in the article

Diseases from alcohol. Consequences of alcohol abuse

Diseases from alcohol. Consequences of alcohol abuse

Everyone knows about the harmful effects of ethanol on the human body. With the systematic abuse of alcohol, the patient often develops diseases from alcohol. In the early stages, they can occur without severe symptoms. Often, diseases of alcoholic etiology make themselves felt only when irreversible changes have already occurred in the body. What pathologies can occur against the background of alcohol consumption? And how to recognize them? We will answer these questions in the article

How to restore cartilage tissue in the joints? Preparations and nutrition for the restoration of cartilage tissue of the joints

How to restore cartilage tissue in the joints? Preparations and nutrition for the restoration of cartilage tissue of the joints

For problems with cartilage tissue in the joints, medications will help. Additionally, you can use infusions prepared according to folk recipes. We will also consider what vitamins you need to take in order to quickly restore cartilage tissue

Bloating after eating: causes and treatment

Bloating after eating: causes and treatment

Many people around the world face the problem of bloating. Often this symptom appears after 30 years or in pregnant women. It may indicate a disease or pathology. The causes of bloating after eating and treatment are described in the article

Constipation with gastritis: causes and effective treatments

Constipation with gastritis: causes and effective treatments

Any person at least once in his life faced with an inflammatory process in the stomach. This pathology is accompanied by various symptoms. A common sign of stomach dysfunction is stool retention. Constipation with gastritis is a problem that causes great inconvenience to patients. What can cause such a symptom and how to deal with it? This is discussed in the article

Type 2 diabetes: treatment. Modern treatment of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes: treatment. Modern treatment of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is increasingly affecting young people. The reason is malnutrition, leading to obesity and malfunction of the endocrine system of the body, as well as many other factors. It is very important to identify the problem in time and start adequate treatment

Why does it hurt to cough: causes, possible diseases, methods of therapy

Why does it hurt to cough: causes, possible diseases, methods of therapy

In the article we will consider why it hurts to cough. People say that this symptom is a watchdog that protects the body from any dangerous invasion. It is a defense mechanism that eliminates irritants from the respiratory system. It actually has a very powerful impact force, as the gust of air created in the presence of a cough is stronger than any hurricane. The speed of this phenomenon can reach one hundred and thirty meters per second

Rickets: prevention in children. Prevention of rickets in infants

Rickets: prevention in children. Prevention of rickets in infants

This article will highlight a disease such as rickets. Prevention, treatment and clinical signs of it in children of different ages. What parents need to know about this disease

Non-stenosing atherosclerosis of BCA - what is it?

Non-stenosing atherosclerosis of BCA - what is it?

Non-stenosing atherosclerosis of BCA is a chronic disease of the blood arteries caused by the deposition of plaques inside the vessel channel. It affects men over 50 to a greater extent. However, in recent years, the pathological process is increasingly being diagnosed among the young population

Cholesterol plaques in the vessels: causes, treatment and consequences

Cholesterol plaques in the vessels: causes, treatment and consequences

Cholesterol plaques in blood vessels are very dangerous for humans. They are the cause of heart attack, stroke, gangrene of the extremities. And this is explained by the fact that as they grow, the passage narrows, which is a serious obstacle to normal blood circulation

Displacement of the pelvis: causes, treatment and consequences

Displacement of the pelvis: causes, treatment and consequences

The pelvic ring is one of the most important bone structures in the entire human body. The pelvis is a cavity in which organs important for the normal functioning of the body are located. In addition, the pelvic ring is a kind of center of gravity. Displacement of the pelvis indicates a serious violation that requires immediate action

Paleness of the skin, its causes and possible consequences

Paleness of the skin, its causes and possible consequences

Paleness of the skin, always considered a sign of the aristocracy, is by no means always just a natural state for the body. In some cases, the cause can be quite dangerous diseases, it is important to notice them in time and prevent them

Skin diseases: photo with names and descriptions

Skin diseases: photo with names and descriptions

There are more than 300 skin diseases, and they all have their own symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Knowing everything about them is the prerogative of specialists, and it is enough for an ordinary person to have a general understanding of the most common pathologies in everyday life in order to be able to distinguish them

Back muscles hurt along the spine causes possible diseases methods of treatment and prevention

Back muscles hurt along the spine causes possible diseases methods of treatment and prevention

Surely each of us has experienced the feeling of pain in the back muscles along the spine. Various factors can cause these discomforts, therefore, such discomfort often occurs in the elderly and in very young patients

High blood sugar in children: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, tests, treatment and advice from pediatricians

High blood sugar in children: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, tests, treatment and advice from pediatricians

Increased blood sugar in children is a serious signal of the body about the possible development of any disturbances in the endocrine system, so such manifestations should be carefully studied

Pyelonephritis, pathogenesis: classification, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, symptoms and treatment

Pyelonephritis, pathogenesis: classification, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, symptoms and treatment

One of the most common kidney diseases is pyelonephritis. The pathogenesis of this process is associated with inflammatory and degenerative changes in the tissues of the organ. With inadequate treatment, this disease leads to the formation of multiple ulcers

Cervical chondrosis: treatment at home. Consequences of cervical chondrosis

Cervical chondrosis: treatment at home. Consequences of cervical chondrosis

Treatment of cervical chondrosis is one of the most common problems in the world, since most people over 35 suffer from this disease. This is due to the fact that a very large part of the world's population leads a sedentary lifestyle

Acoustic neuroma: symptoms and treatment

Acoustic neuroma: symptoms and treatment

According to WHO statistics, acoustic neuroma is diagnosed on average in one person for every 100,000 examined. How this disease manifests itself and what is the prognosis of its treatment, let's try to understand this article

Blisters on the tongue: what is it, causes, treatment

Blisters on the tongue: what is it, causes, treatment

The appearance of blisters on the tongue is a signal from the body that there has been a malfunction in its work or some kind of disease has appeared. After all, it is not in vain that doctors begin examining a patient from the oral cavity: it is the tongue that first reacts to any pathological processes occurring inside our body