Scaly lichen and psoriasis are different names for one fairly common disease, which is characterized by relapses and a chronic course. It manifests itself as a rash.

It consists of epidermal papules that are covered with silvery, loose and easily scraped scales. The disease occurs with the same frequency in both sexes.
Scaly lichen: causes
Until the end they have not been installed yet. It is generally accepted that not environmental factors are of greater importance (their coefficient does not exceed 28-36%), but genetic ones (64-72%). It is noticed that among the closest relatives the disease occurs much more often than in the general population. Environmental factors that influence the formation of the pathological process are vascular, metabolic and neuro-endocrine disorders, various infections, including viral ones.
Scaly lichen: symptoms
Multiple small papules are symmetrically located on the surface of the skin. They are covered with silver andwhitish scales, which are very easily scraped off. If they are saturated with blood, they become blackish-red. Papules, due to growth along the periphery, merge into plaques, which can sometimes occupy fairly large areas of the body. Their outlines are also very diverse: scalloped, ring-shaped, resembling a garland, etc. If psoriatic plaques exist for a long time, they thicken sharply.

In the folds they are shiny, smooth, sometimes slightly damp. Psoriasis has several varieties, depending on the course and features of the clinical picture. For example, psoriasis is common on the soles and palms. This is what this type of scaly lichen looks like. The photo allows you to see that the papular elements are isolated, appearing as squamous plaques and thickenings. For children's psoriasis, the location of the foci is in the folds, the tendency to exudation is characteristic. One of the most severe varieties of scaly lichen is erythroderma. It can develop as an independent disease or occur in patients who already have simple psoriasis forms.
Scaly lichen: flow
This is a chronic disease characterized by frequent relapses. In the winter form, psoriasis is exacerbated in the cold season, in the summer - in the hot. In some patients, the rash appears only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints or on the head, while in others it quickly spreads from limited areas throughout the body. Remission can last several weeks, and sometimes even years.

In some patients, even intensive therapy does not lead to complete healing and characteristic plaques remain in some places, more often over the joints.
Squamous lichen: recognition
In most cases, it does not cause difficulties. However, diagnostic difficulties may arise if the rash is localized only on the soles and palms. In this case, the disease should be differentiated from microbial eczema. With it, the itching is more pronounced, bubbles appear, and the edges of the lesions are not so clear. When localized on the hair, psoriasis should be differentiated from seborrheic eczema, in which itching is stronger and peeling has no sharp boundaries.
Scaly lichen treatment
Treatment should be comprehensive, especially during an exacerbation. The use of topical preparations (for example, creams that are applied exactly to the focus of the disease) is combined with vitamin therapy. Some patients are prescribed ointments containing corticosteroids, that is, hormones. They help to quickly reduce inflammation and eliminate the main symptoms. Ointments containing tar, salicylic acid or sulfur are also used.