Diseases and conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Let's try to figure out what papilloma is and what is the best way to remove warts. Consider the pros and cons of each of the methods, along with the indications and contraindications of doctors
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
DIC is considered a fairly serious disease characterized by impaired hemostasis, in which disseminated blood coagulation is observed. It is as a result of such a violation that the so-called cell aggregates and the smallest blood clots are formed, which, in turn, block the existing microcirculation, and also subsequently cause dystrophic changes. In this article, we will describe in more detail how DIC syndromes differ
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Diapers have long been an essential part of baby care. Such an unpleasant phenomenon as an allergy to diapers can cause a lot of trouble if not properly treated. Competent care of the child and compliance with certain hygiene rules will reduce the risk of developing this pathology to a minimum
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Often, discomfort in the frontal sinuses is referred to as a headache. But it is important to distinguish between these phenomena, because they are very different. If the frontal sinus hurts, then this is usually referred to as a disease such as frontal sinusitis. With this disease, inflammation occurs in the nasal mucosa. The causes and treatment of pain are described in the article
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In the first stage of hemorrhoids, a person does not experience pain. The only thing that is alarming is scarlet blood on toilet paper after a bowel movement, blood stains on underwear and prolapse of hemorrhoids
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In this article you will learn: What are hemorrhages? Types of hemorrhage, their causes. How to deal with it and how to treat it properly
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The disease is diagnosed not only in the elderly, but also in young people. As a rule, the diagnosis is established by the results of ultrasound. In addition to urine and blood tests, patients need to donate feces so that specialists can study the intestinal microflora
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Surely each of you at least once in your life wondered why the left eye twitches. It is worth emphasizing that such a phenomenon can begin at any time and under any circumstances. Of course, this temporary deviation is not so painful as to be urgently treated with medication
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
From the article you can find out why facial hemispasm occurs, how to treat this disease with medicines and folk remedies, what are the symptoms of its manifestation
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Urates in urine are potassium and sodium s alts, which are determined in the sediment. Most often they are noted with malnutrition or violation of the drinking regimen. In more rare cases, these deposits appear in pathologies
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A rash on the fingers gives a person a lot of trouble, and also has a very negative effect on the quality of life. Skin rashes on the hands can be different in structure and appearance, the causes of the appearance are also varied. A rash on the fingers may appear as a result of external influences, or it may be a signal that problems are occurring in the body
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Not every patient can know why his lymph nodes are inflamed behind his ears. That is why with such a deviation it is better to immediately contact the specialists. It should be noted that in the normal state, the lymph nodes are quite small (no more than 8 millimeters). If they are inflamed, then you can not only feel them with your fingers, but also determine the location purely visually
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Lymph nodes are natural barriers to infections and various toxic substances in the body. Nevertheless, there are cases when they themselves can be affected by self-detained pathological elements. Inflammatory reactions develop, and the disease itself is called "lymphadenitis". Preschool children get it much more often than adults
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Teenage alcoholism is called dependence on alcohol, which occurs directly at the age of 10-16 years. This disease has some differences from adult alcoholism
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Treatment of flat feet today is an urgent problem, since the deformity of the feet in the form of a decrease in height and the shock-absorbing properties of their arches is a very common and, moreover, a very difficult disease of the bone and muscular system. Static flat feet, which occurs more than eight out of ten cases, can irreversibly change the location of the bones of the foot
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Adenomyosis or endometriosis is a disease of the uterus. During the course of this disease, the endometrium, which acts as an internal mucosa, begins to grow into various layers of the uterus. By its nature, adenomyosis, the symptoms of which we will consider in this article, is considered a benign disease
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
If a man has a strong immune system, there are no chronic diseases, he adheres to proper nutrition, tries to lead a correct lifestyle and has a constant partner - the possibility of developing thrush in him is practically reduced to zero. But not every man is able to boast of excellent he alth and not everyone can adhere to a he althy lifestyle
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Food is not only a source of energy. Another of its goals is to deliver positive emotions to a person. A diet for multiple sclerosis should give the individual pleasure from life in general, as well as from the daily menu in particular. The diet is of great importance. A disorganized lifestyle and unhe althy food can certainly bring satisfaction to a person. But this is negatively reflected in the course of the disease, as well as in general well-being
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In young children, dyspepsia, dyskinesia, lack of enzymes, belching and gastrointestinal dysfunction are the most common problems of the digestive system. Infants and children under one year of age are most likely to develop this condition
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Circulating immune complexes in the blood plasma indicate the presence of various inflammation processes in the human body. Thanks to this analysis, you can find out about the presence of autoimmune pathologies in the patient and observe their activity. Such a diagnosis is prescribed by a doctor in a situation where it is impossible to diagnose a patient for a number of reasons, but he has reason to suspect the presence of fungal and viral autoimmune diseases
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Modern medicine pays a lot of attention to the issue of heart pathologies, and among others, the study of acute and chronic heart failure is traditionally considered especially important. The stages of the disease, its signs, diagnostic features and treatment options - all this is considered by the brightest minds of our world in order to find effective methods for preventing and timely detection, treatment of a disease associated with an increased risk to the patient's life
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Newborn babies are very defenseless. Even in the womb, they can be influenced by various negative factors that cause pathologies in the development of the crumbs. As a result, having been born, the little one has many problems. One of the worst abnormalities is Harlequin Syndrome
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Echinococcosis is one of the severe chronic helminthiases for humans, caused by the tapeworm of the species Echinococcus granulosus, namely one of its life stages - the larva
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
A broken or dislocated arm is a big nuisance. Not only will severe pain be felt not only at the time of injury, but also during the entire time before the plaster is applied and for some time after, limb mobility will also be lost for quite a long time
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
What is HPV 51 in women? This question interests many women who have been diagnosed with this disease. Be sure to know what characterizes the course of the virus in the body, what are the symptoms, features of prevention, as well as methods of treatment
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Hearing the diagnosis of cervical dysplasia, many women start to panic. After all, a synonym for this disease is a precancerous condition of the maternity organ. Doctors reassure: do not immediately bury yourself. After all, the first stage in the development of a tumor of the stomach is ordinary gastritis. But not all people with this disease receive a malignant formation in addition
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Infectious diseases of the human digestive system, or gastrointestinal infections, is a huge group of diseases that differ in the degree of danger, incubation period, severity, etc. In many ways, they are similar in symptoms, ways of infection
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Fresh vegetables are a source of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. They should be used by people of all ages, he althy and sick. But some ailments involve rather strict restrictions that apply even to country fruits. Today we’ll talk about whether or not tomatoes are possible with pancreatitis
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The human body is a complex system. All its elements must work in harmony. If failures and violations appear somewhere, pathologies and he alth-threatening conditions begin to develop. The well-being of a person in this case is sharply reduced. One of the common pathologies is anemia. Why hemoglobin in the blood falls will be discussed in detail in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
A child has a hoarse voice - this is a common occurrence. A low timbre can be the result of its breakdown, as well as a symptom of inflammation in the body. In any case, be that as it may, the child needs to be helped immediately
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Any abnormal blood test requires urgent consultation with your doctor. After all, it is very important to start treatment on time in order to lower platelets or, conversely, increase their number
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Myeloproliferative diseases are a group of pathologies in which there is an increased production of platelets, leukocytes or erythrocytes in the bone marrow. Chronic myeloproliferative disease can transform into acute leukemia
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Coccygodynia is a disease in which persistent or paroxysmal pain occurs in the coccyx area. Most often, this syndrome occurs in women, due to the anatomical structure of the pelvic bones, the special mobility of the coccyx, as well as childbearing function
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
ICD-10 code for acute coronary syndrome - I20.0 (unstable angina). These symbols describe such a state of a person when the blood supply to the heart muscle suddenly weakens. Pathology is extremely dangerous. Statistics say that the probability of death in the first quarter of an hour, especially without qualified assistance, reaches 40%. The most reasonable method for minimizing risks is to know what ACS is, why the condition appears and how to prevent it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The hip joint (HJ) bears a huge load. Therefore, it wears out faster than others and is injured. Any injury to him (considered complex and dangerous) leads to surgery. Treatment is long and difficult. To speed up treatment and recovery at such moments, an orthosis is prescribed for the hip joint. This is its own retainer, an alternative to plaster, since it also maintains the physiologically correct position of the joint
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A bone in the leg can hurt for a variety of reasons. This is a very common complaint of patients at the orthopedist, rheumatologist, traumatologist, arthrologist. In women, this is more of a complaint of pain in the big toe. During the conversation, their habit of walking in high heels is often revealed. Of course, it's beautiful, but the threat of curvature of the first finger is high
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Now diabetic neuropathy is as common as type 2 diabetes. Pathology is accompanied by physical and moral suffering of a person. In ICD 10, diabetic neuropathy is coded E10-E14+ with a common fourth character.4
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In medical practice, there are quite often situations when back pain radiates to the chest. This is due to the fact that in the back, namely in the spine, nerves are concentrated that transmit impulses throughout the body. Therefore, the pain behind the sternum on the right gives to the back, that is, there is a mirror effect
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Tensor headache is a spasm of the facial or occipital muscles, accompanied by swelling and impaired blood flow. As you know, the bloodstream carries oxygen and useful trace elements that ensure the normal functioning of the brain. If the muscle spasm caused by tensor headache lasts 3-4 days or more, then the brain begins to experience a lack of oxygen and other substances, which negatively affects its work
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Bandage for abdominal hernia does not allow the hernial formation to pass into the pinching phase or increase to a large size. This greatly simplifies the life of a person. Bandage for abdominal hernia helps to reduce the formation and prevents its occurrence even with a significant increase in internal pressure in the abdominal cavity