In the article below, we will study what feces are for pancreatitis, the features of the disease, as well as recipes for dishes that are allowed for such an ailment.
The disease is diagnosed not only in the elderly, but also in young people. As a rule, the diagnosis is established by the results of ultrasound. In addition to urine and blood tests, patients need to donate feces so that specialists can study the intestinal microflora.
The main symptom of pancreatitis (ICD code 10 K 86) is colic and pain in the hypochondrium, aggravated by eating s alty, fried, spicy, sweet foods. Approximately an hour after eating, seething begins in the intestines, accumulation of gases, often there are signs of intoxication, flatulence and stool disorder in the form of diarrhea. Pancreatitis is considered a dangerous disease. Therefore, it is necessary to take tests and undergo examinations. If you start the disease, it can be fatal.

Feces with similar pathology
When studying analysis, 3 components are taken as the basis: the consistency of feces, color and substance. With suchdisease, feces, as a rule, have a liquid, mushy consistency, the output portions are small, often with poorly processed fats and fibers. This suggests that there is a lack of enzymes for the complete digestion of food. It is unprocessed fats that lead to liquid and rather frequent, more than 3 times a day, stools with pancreatitis, as well as pain under the left rib.
The color of feces in pancreatitis is mother-of-pearl or gray-dirty, especially during exacerbations of the disease.
Substance can be as follows:
- ribbon-like, which may indicate the development of a tumor or the presence of spasms of the sphincter;
- cylindrical - this happens with a normal dosage of plant and animal food in the intestines;
- shapeless - in case of eating a lot of fiber or vegetarian food;
- in the form of dark sheep balls - this happens with constipation, if the patient has an ulcer.

The substance should consist of dense fractions and water. Normally, the chair should be regular - up to two times a day, but at least once every two days.
After a person visits the toilet, he should feel good and pleasant. Pain during bowel movements, a feeling of discomfort after that should not occur. The rate of feces in pancreatitis is of interest to those who have encountered such a pathology.
- The daily norm is 150-400 g. If you eat plant foods, the amount of stool may increase, and if it is fatty, it will decrease.
- Normal feces are light, softsinks to the bottom in the water.
- When mixed diet is brown. Breastfed babies have yellow, golden colored stools.
- In an acute attack, the color of the feces will be olive, closer to the grassy color. The acute phase is always accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms in the form of nausea, vomiting.
- If pancreatitis has green stools, this is a sign of severe inflammation in the pancreas. The color change occurs due to the fact that the required volume of bile and other digestive enzymes does not enter the intestinal lumen. If there is a high fat content of feces, the shade changes anyway.
- In the presence of black, one can judge about serious disorders in the body. Most often, this indicates the presence of an admixture of blood in the feces. Possible internal bleeding.
- The consistency of the feces should be soft. If there are diseases of the pancreas and constipation, it becomes dense, ointment.
- If digestion in the intestines is disturbed, the stool is liquid.
- If increased peristalsis - mushy.
- When there is strong fermentation, the stool will be frothy.
- The shape of feces is normal - sausage-shaped, cylindrical. Departure is usually continuous.
- Smell normally should not be too strong, after drinking milk it can be sour.
- Stool acidity - 6, 8-7, 6 pH is normal.

Pancreatitis (ICD code 10 K86) is promoted by digestive disorders. This necessarily leads to a change in the feces and its deviation fromnorms. As already noted, during the diagnosis in the stool, undigested particles of food and fat can be found. Stool may turn white if bile has accumulated in the pancreas.
Fecal disorders in pancreatitis can be recognized independently. It sticks to the walls of the toilet bowl, has a viscous consistency, does not sink in water, is poorly washed off, and has a fetid putrefactive odor. To normalize the stool, along with the main treatment, a special diet and medications (probiotics) are prescribed.
Adult patients with pancreatic necrosis, calculous pancreatitis and other complications have all the symptoms of poisoning. Patients suffer from nausea, repeated vomiting, constant heartburn, abdominal cramps.
In the case of constant errors in nutrition, there are problems with the discharge of feces with pancreatitis. During fermentation in the intestines, the absorption of nutrients is blocked, due to which the patient receives less vitamins and minerals. This leads to exhaustion of the body and weight loss.
How to normalize stool with pancreatitis?
To get rid of diarrhea, you should follow a strict diet, which will be prescribed by your doctor. Moreover, patients should always adhere to special nutrition, and not from case to case. As a rule, use diet number 5 for pancreatitis.
A balanced diet involves the consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, dried bread. Ideally, the menu should be developed on an individual basis, taking into account the specific clinical picture. If there is mucus in the stool, hospital treatment may be required orcompletely surgical intervention. The laparoscopy method is usually used.

In order for a radical intervention not to be required, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. Carry out cleaning with enemas 2-3 times a day for five days. After the cleansing is completed, probiotics are prescribed - preparations containing live bifidus and lactobacilli in their composition.
Most often, to normalize feces in pancreatitis, therapeutic measures are carried out using:
- analgesics;
- antibiotics;
- hormonal drugs;
- vitamins;
- pain pills;
- calcium preparations.
Enzymatic preparations ensure the release of a sufficient amount of pancreatic juice, which improves overall well-being, normalizes the color and substance of feces. Due to problems with the stool, stress and emotional lability often occur. In this case, the doctor prescribes sedatives.

If the color of the feces changes, this will not be considered a sufficient criterion for making a correct diagnosis. With modifications of stool, the appearance of an unpleasant odor and an uncharacteristic shade, in the presence of other symptoms, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. Any disease at an early stage is easier to cure than in advanced cases.
Pancreatic elastase in stool shows what?
Is a representative pancreatic enzyme. According to its content in the feces by specialiststhe functional state of the gland, the presence of structural changes in its parenchyma and the physiological state of the tissue are determined.
This enzyme is actively involved in the process of protein breakdown to the state of amino acids. Pancreatic elastase, in addition to participating in digestion, also performs intrasecretory functions. The carbohydrate metabolism process is corrected and insulin is produced.
About 9% is the mass fraction of elastase in pancreatic juice. After the enzyme enters the small intestine, active breakdown of proteins begins.
So, what does pancreatic elastase show in feces? If the patient has a pathology of the pancreas, the level of the enzyme will be significantly lower than normal. Therefore, its definition is a standard marker for diagnosing digestive insufficiency.
The quantitative and qualitative composition of fecal elastase in chronic pancreatitis does not change in the process of moving along the structures of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, according to the results obtained during the study, it will be possible to identify the existing pathology.
With the development of pancreatitis, you must follow a diet. Nutritious and useful in the disease pumpkin porridge. You will need a medium sized vegetable. It needs to be washed, peeled and cut. Put to boil for 20 min. Pumpkin should be completely covered with water during the cooking process. Then the rice is washed and added to the first component. Boil until tender on low heat, add water or milk. When the porridge is ready, beat the mass with a blender with a piece of butter.
buckwheat with yogurt
Recipes for dishes with pancreatitis are very diverse. Dishes can be not only he althy, but also tasty. This is a fairly simple recipe that speeds up the healing process. Buckwheat with kefir is a dietary product. It contains a lot of calcium, it perfectly restores the normal intestinal microflora. You need to take half a glass of cereal and one glass of kefir.
Step by step recipe:
- The buckwheat is sorted, washed.
- Place in a deep plate, pour kefir.
- Covered with a lid, put in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
- Heated slightly before serving in a water bath.
A light salad can be made with carrots and beets. Root crops are thoroughly washed, s alted, steamed, peeled. After cooling, grate.
Put everything in a bowl and season with a little vegetable oil. The dish is decorated with herbs before serving.

Veal with cheese
This is a more satisfying recipe. Boil 100 g of rice with the addition of s alt. Beets, eggs, veal are cooked in a double boiler. Cheese and yogurt should be bought with a minimum fat content.
Boiled beets are crushed, cheese is grated. Veal and eggs are also crushed. All ingredients are combined, seasoned with yogurt.
What other recipes for pancreatitis are there?
Zucchini caviar
This dish will require chopped and thermally processed zucchini, which have a beneficial effect on the digestivepath.
Needed for caviar:
- 3 kg zucchini;
- 1 kg carrots;
- 1 kg onion;
- 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
- s alt and sugar;
- olive oil.
Carrots, zucchini and onions are peeled, cut into circles. Spread on a deep baking sheet, pour over with olive oil, mix. Placed in the oven (200 degrees). Bake 30-40 min. Grind, add s alt and sugar, boil on fire for 3 minutes. Ready caviar is laid out in jars.
For long-term storage, a teaspoon of citric acid is added, the jars are sterilized.
You need chicken breast for the soup. It is pre-boiled, divided into fibers. Ready meat is poured with cold water, potatoes and carrots are added. Cook until vegetables are completely cooked. Use a blender to make puree soup.
In the presence of inflammation of the pancreas, a steamed protein omelet will be useful. Two chicken eggs are broken into a bowl, the protein is separated from the yolk. Add half a glass of milk. Stir, do not beat, pour into a container. Cover with a lid. Water is poured into the pan, a towel is placed on the bottom.
When the liquid boils, immerse the container with the egg mass in it, cover with a lid. The fire is reduced to a minimum. When the acute stage of pancreatitis has passed, you can make an omelet with the addition of yolks, it is convenient to cook it in the oven.

For this dish, the meat must be lean, such as rabbit, veal, skinless chicken, turkey. ATas a seasoning, you can use cumin, basil, parsley, barberry, sweet paprika.
The meat is cut into small strips along the fibers. Carrots are chopped on a grater. Both components are placed in a saucepan, poured with water, s alted.
You can add a whole onion to the dish, which at the end will need to be pulled out. Bring to a boil, add rice, add a little oil. When everything boils again, the fire is reduced to a minimum. As all the liquid is absorbed, the stove is turned off, the rice is left to simmer for 20 minutes under the lid.