Why are the lymph nodes behind the ears inflamed?

Why are the lymph nodes behind the ears inflamed?
Why are the lymph nodes behind the ears inflamed?

Not every patient can know why his lymph nodes are inflamed behind his ears. That is why with such a deviation it is better to immediately contact the specialists. It should be noted that in the normal state, the lymph nodes are small (no more than 8 millimeters). If they are inflamed, then you can not only feel them with your fingers, but also determine the location purely visually. By the way, such a deviation occurs as a result of a peculiar reaction of the body to localized or generalized infections.

swollen lymph nodes behind the ears
swollen lymph nodes behind the ears

Inflamed lymph nodes behind the ears: the most likely causes

Often, the development of lymphadenopathy is associated with infections that affect the throat, ears or eyes, as well as with some kind of allergy. However, there are rarely cases when inflammation of the lymph nodes is the very first sign of the development of a tumor of this peripheral organ. Of course, you should not immediately put yourselfterrible diagnosis. But to exclude its slightest possibility, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination.

If you have an inflamed lymph node near your ear, and the process is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as peeling of the skin on the head, itching, hair loss, then most likely you have a rather serious fungal disease. In this case, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor, as the disease may progress or affect your loved ones.

Other causes of swollen lymph nodes

As you understand, there are many more reasons why this ailment can manifest itself in you.

sore ear swollen lymph node
sore ear swollen lymph node

In order to protect ourselves from such a misfortune, we decided to list all possible diseases, a symptom of which sometimes becomes a big bump behind the ear. So, if your lymph nodes behind your ears are inflamed, then most likely your body is exposed to one of the following ailments.

  • Local infections that usually enter the human body through the scalp, ear, throat, temples, or temple area.
  • Adenoviral infections.
  • Viral exanthema.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Fungal infections.

Among other things, a person may observe that he has inflamed lymph nodes behind the ears due to diseases such as rubella, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, as well as as a result of any pathologies of the salivary glands or taking certain medications.

Treatment and diagnosis of inflammation

swollen lymph node near ear
swollen lymph node near ear

Quite often, people go to their doctors complaining that their ear hurts a lot. Whether the lymph node is inflamed or not, can be determined not only by the specialist, but also by the patient himself. To do this, feel the cervical region behind the ears. And if on palpation you find a large subcutaneous ball, then you have lymphadenopathy.

Basically, in this area, the nodes become inflamed due to a viral infection, which often disappears after a certain time. But if the cause lies in other, more serious bacteria, then you should definitely undergo antibiotic therapy. To find out why you have developed inflammation, it is advisable to donate blood for analysis. In other cases, examinations such as x-rays or computed tomography, and sometimes a biopsy, may be required.
