Infectious diseases of the human digestive system and their prevention

Infectious diseases of the human digestive system and their prevention
Infectious diseases of the human digestive system and their prevention

Infectious diseases of the human digestive system, or gastrointestinal infections, are a huge group of diseases that differ in the degree of danger, incubation period, severity, etc. In many ways, they are similar in symptoms, ways of infection. Since they affect the intestines and stomach, they are classified as intestinal infections, or infectious diseases of the digestive system.


infectious diseases of the digestive system
infectious diseases of the digestive system

There are many types of infection. The classification is based on the type of pathogens of infectious diseases of the digestive system. There are 3 general groups:

  1. Bacterial.
  2. Viral.
  3. Food.

They are also distinguished by the course - an acute inflammatory process and asymptomatic carriage. Food intoxications are not infections because they do not have a pathogen.

Types of intestinal infections

infectious diseases of the digestive system prevention
infectious diseases of the digestive system prevention

Intestinal infections are localized in the gastrointestinal tract,are acute, cause inflammation in the mucous membranes, disrupt the digestive processes, are accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the general condition.

About 90% of cases go away on their own, without medication, but subject to full replenishment of water and electrolyte balance in the body. Without this, even a mild form can lead to severe complications. And only in 10% of cases, drug therapy is required. That 10% without treatment can be fatal.

What are the infectious diseases of the human digestive system? The causative agents are viruses and bacteria, protozoa (protozoa). The following are the most common intestinal infections.


infectious diseases of the digestive system and pathogens
infectious diseases of the digestive system and pathogens

Viruses causing major infectious diseases of the digestive system:

  1. Enterovirus.
  2. Norovirus.
  3. Rotavirus or intestinal flu, etc.

Infection occurs by alimentary, contact-household (from a patient or carrier), aerogenic way, through unwashed hands, when drinking unboiled water.

Viruses infect the walls of the stomach and small intestine, the respiratory tract. The disease occurs more often in the autumn-winter period. With the right approach, the cure occurs on the 7th day, but for another month the person remains an infectious carrier.

Treatment of viral infections is symptomatic, based on diet, fluids to restore fluid and electrolyte balance, and medication for symptoms. Quarantine recommended.


diseases of the digestive system
diseases of the digestive system

Intestinal bacterial infectious diseases of the digestive system include:

  1. Staph infection.
  2. E. coli.
  3. Salmonella.
  4. Shigella is a dysenteric bacillus. She has multiple strains.
  5. Causative agents of acute infections such as typhoid, paratyphoid, botulism, cholera.
  6. Possibly pathogenic microflora (Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) of the body can also affect the intestines with a decrease in immunity. Causes purulent processes.

What are the infectious diseases of the digestive system yet? They are also protozoan, that is, they are caused by protozoan parasites - amoebas and giardia.

Diseases of the bacterial group often lead to complications, therefore they are considered more dangerous.

Ways of infection - contact-household and fecal-oral. Bacteria infect the stomach, intestines, urinary tract. The complexity of this group of infections is that microorganisms release toxins even after their death, and in such quantities that they can cause toxic shock. Therefore, the task of treatment is not only the destruction of the pathogen, but also the removal of toxins from the body. The main role belongs to antibiotics, but only under the condition of proper intake and a full course. Bacteria very easily become insensitive to them otherwise.

Common symptoms of a digestive system infection

Symptomatology of infections depends on the pathogen, but there are general symptoms. The first manifestations do not occur immediately after infection, it can take up to50 hours. This is the incubation period necessary for the pathogen to penetrate the intestinal wall, begin reproduction and release toxins. The duration of such a latent period for pathogens is different: for example, with salmonellosis - from 6 hours to 3 days, and in the case of cholera - 1-5 days, but more often the symptoms are observed after 12 hours.

Slight malaise is quickly replaced by abdominal pain. Vomiting and diarrhea occur. The temperature rises, chills and signs of varying degrees of intoxication appear.

Vomiting and diarrhea quickly dehydrate the body, and if treatment is not started, irreversible changes occur - violations of cardiovascular activity and kidney function, up to death.

The temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees, but, for example, with cholera it remains normal, and with staphylococcus it quickly returns to normal.

When vomiting, the remains of food come out first, then gastric juice, bile and drunk liquid. Frequent urge to vomit.

Abdominal pain is acute or aching, cramping, localization is different. It may be accompanied by flatulence, rumbling, seething, colic.

Dysentery is characterized by tenesmus - false urge to stool.

Diarrhea manifests itself differently depending on the pathogen.

With cholera, feces resemble rice water. Salmonellosis is characterized by thin, green, fetid stools with mucus. With dysentery, mucus and blood come out with feces. Stool frequency varies.

General weakness and malaise - the result of intoxication and dehydration. For the same reason, the pulse quickens, breathing decreases,AD, pale skin. There is also weakness and a sharp deterioration in appetite.

In 70% of cases, there is a strong thirst, talking about dehydration. This leads to convulsions, arrhythmias. There may be loss of consciousness, hypovolemic shock.

You need to see a doctor. Only by complaints, even an infectious disease specialist cannot determine the nosology, but he can make a presumptive diagnosis.

Clinic for Viral Diseases

Viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract has 3 main forms of flow:

  1. Easy. Malaise, subfebrile or normal temperature are observed. Rotavirus infection is called the intestinal flu. In this case, there are catarrhal symptoms of SARS: runny nose, sore throat, cough. Then join the rumbling, seething in the stomach, flatulence. In adults, the clinic is often erased, so such patients serve as a source of infection, continuing to work actively. The frequency of stool (mushy) - up to 5 times a day. No special treatment required.
  2. Medium heavy. The rise in temperature to febrile figures. Multiple vomiting, with dehydration. The abdomen is swollen, diarrhea up to 15 times a day, with a sharp unpleasant odor, foam. Urine dark, cloudy, intense thirst.
  3. Heavy form. Stool up to 50 times a day, abdominal pain of varying severity, exsicosis. There is a development of hypovolemic shock - a drop in pressure, a thready pulse, diuresis of not more than 300 ml per day. The skin is flabby, earthy-grayish, the face is pointed. Severe forms are observed in the weakened and the elderly. Percentage does not exceed 25%.

Clinical presentation of bacterial infections

major infectious diseases of the digestive system
major infectious diseases of the digestive system

Dysentery is an infectious disease that occurs everywhere, more often in summer. Caused by Shigella bacteria. The source is a sick person, as well as eating unwashed vegetables or fruits, contaminated water, or while swimming in lakes. It also has to do with the mentality - people often relieve themselves while swimming.

Salmonellosis, perhaps the most common infection, is active throughout the year. Salmonellosis pathogens like to nest in perishable products, while externally and by smell, these products are perceived as fresh. Especially salmonella like eggs, dairy and meat products, sausages. The bacteria are found inside the eggs, not on the shell. Therefore, washing eggs does not prevent infection.

Salmonella is very tenacious, at 70 degrees they die only after 10 minutes. With low boiling, s alting, smoking, they perfectly survive inside thick pieces. Activity remains for several months.

Classification of forms of salmonellosis:

  • localized;
  • generalized;
  • isolation of bacteria.

Localized form - the most common, develops with all symptoms on the first day. Dangerous complications. The infection is severe in children.

Staphylococcus is conditionally pathogenic, in the normal state of the intestinal microflora it will not develop. Activation occurs when immunity decreases.

Staphylococcal intestinal infection develops rather slowly, and its firstmanifestations - runny nose and sore throat, not very high temperature.

Then the clinic resembles a typical food poisoning. Symptoms:

  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea mixed with blood and mucus;
  • general weakness.

Contaminated products often include cakes, salads, creams, dairy products, eggs. Staphylococcus aureus is difficult to treat due to its mutation and resistance to antibiotics.

Klebsiella and Escherichia coli actively behave when immunity is weakened - in young children and the elderly, people after surgery, patients with diabetes mellitus, hematological pathologies, and alcoholics. Runs sharp. Treated with probiotics and bacteriophages.

Coccobacillus causes an intestinal infection called yersiniosis. It usually occurs in infants and young men. Its carriers are animals - rodents, livestock. Antibiotics are ineffective, treatment is symptomatic. For no more than 5 days when taking action.

Intestinal coli infection, escherichiosis are caused by bacteria of the same name - escherichia. The infection can affect the intestines, biliary and urinary tract. Premature babies and young children are most commonly affected.

First aid

what are infectious diseases of the human digestive system
what are infectious diseases of the human digestive system

Help with the development of intestinal disease of the digestive system (infection) should begin at the first symptoms. You can suspect a problem by a rapid increase in body temperature, diarrhea and vomiting. The general condition is rapidly deteriorating. You need to call an ambulance right away. Beforewhen the doctors arrive, some measures must be taken - rinse the stomach, put a cleansing enema, take a sorbent.

Gastric lavage

Needed to remove at least some of the toxins from the body. For gastric lavage, water at room temperature is used, 2-3 glasses are drunk in one gulp to induce vomiting. According to modern protocols, the use of potassium permanganate solution for washing with a disease of the digestive system is not welcome. In terms of effectiveness, it is no better than ordinary water, but it can cause a burn of the mucous membrane.

Cleansing enema and taking sorbents

In infectious diseases of the digestive system, it also helps to remove bacterial toxins. Simple boiled water is used, but only at room temperature. Cold water will cause spasm, while hot water will increase the absorption of toxins.

Sorbents. Any sorbents are suitable ("Laktofiltrum", activated carbon, "Smecta", "Phosphalugel", "Sorbeks"). They can be taken until the ambulance arrives. They remove toxins by absorption and reduce the level of intoxication syndrome. Do not exceed recommended dosage.

Fluid for intestinal infections is essential for the body in the first place. You can drink boiled water, mineral water without gas, green tea. Reception should be done in small portions, but often - 5 sips every 10 minutes.

The rest of the help will already be provided in the hospital. The main drugs for an infectious disease of the digestive system will be prescribed after diagnosis.


In addition to examining the patient and collecting a detailed history, they conduct blood biochemistry to detect electrolyte failure and disorders of the internal organs, take a blood test. Bacteriological examination of feces is necessary to determine the pathogen and prescribe etiological treatment.

Prevention measures

infectious diseases of the digestive system
infectious diseases of the digestive system

You can prevent the development of infectious diseases of the digestive system, first of all, by observing the rules of personal hygiene, while you must:

  1. Wash hands after going to the toilet, returning from the street.
  2. Separate the patient's dishes and household items.
  3. Buy products in stores that have a certificate and permission to sell.
  4. Carefully wash vegetables and fruits, even peeled ones; Throw away spoiled ones without acting on the principle of "better in us than in a basin".
  5. Drink only filtered or boiled water. It is forbidden to drink from wells and reservoirs.
  6. Cook your own salads without buying ready-made ones from supermarkets. Observe the shelf life of products - meat, milk, eggs, etc.

Prevention of infectious diseases of the digestive system is not only about clean hands, but also not to try unwashed fruits on the market, not to buy cut gourds.

Timely treatment and diagnosis is important. To do this, if a child or an adult shows signs of an infectious disease of the digestive system, you should immediately consult a doctor.
