Fresh vegetables are a source of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. They should be used by people of all ages, he althy and sick. But some ailments involve rather strict restrictions that apply even to country fruits. Today we’ll talk about whether or not tomatoes are possible with pancreatitis. This issue is especially relevant with the beginning of July, when red-sided beauties appear on the beds and on the shelves. Some nutritionists believe that you should completely abandon tomatoes, but most doctors allow them to be included in the diet, albeit with slight restrictions.

Inflammation of the pancreas
This is exactly what is meant by the term "pancreatitis". This tiny organ is very important in the digestive process, as it is involved in the production of the necessary enzymes. If its functioning is already significantly hampered, then you have to adhere to a strict diet and undergomandatory treatment. However, this does not eliminate the need for a full and varied diet. And in the summer, cucumbers and tomatoes are the most affordable and delicious side dish. Bright and juicy, they will replace many boring dishes that are boring over the winter. Let's figure out whether or not tomatoes are possible with pancreatitis.

When exacerbated
The disease can occur in different forms. The launched inflammatory process leads to the fact that the disease becomes chronic. Even a slight violation of the diet can lead to an exacerbation. This period is characterized by severe pain. To alleviate the condition, the patient is prescribed a diet. Can or not tomatoes with pancreatitis at this time?
Most vegetables in the acute phase are given to the patient boiled and grated, and then not earlier than a week after the attack has stopped. These are zucchini and pumpkin, carrots. But if you ask whether or not tomatoes are possible with pancreatitis in the acute phase, then most likely the doctor will say that they should be completely abandoned.
Any competent nutritionist will explain why he makes such adjustments in nutrition. There are objective reasons for that. Speaking about whether it is possible to eat fresh tomatoes with pancreatitis, it must be remembered that in the acute phase of this disease, pancreas rest is shown. That is why any products that can cause irritation of the mucosa are excluded. Now it is important to give the digestive tract an opportunity to recover, which means that it is necessary to minimize the load.
Secondmoment is the presence of toxic substances in tomatoes. If for a he althy person this is almost imperceptible, then it can deal a significant blow to a sick gastrointestinal tract. Nutritionists answer in detail the question of whether tomatoes can be used for pancreatitis and gastritis, emphasizing that unripe tomatoes pose the greatest danger. Even after heat treatment, toxins remain. So choose vegetables for your table carefully.

Tomatoes are banned
Summing up what has been said, we can confidently answer the question "is it possible or not fresh tomatoes with pancreatitis." They are completely incompatible with the acute phase. Until good results of treatment are achieved, you will have to control yourself. And do not decide for yourself when you can treat yourself to a fresh vegetable. This can only be decided by a doctor based on tests. Therefore, do not forget that you need to come to a specialist not only to prescribe a course of treatment, but also to control the dynamics.
As you recover
If the treatment gave good results, the pain is completely gone, and all tests are normal, then you can gradually switch to a regular diet, which means you can start introducing new products to the menu. As for tomatoes, everything is much more complicated here. They are strictly forbidden to eat without heat treatment. No matter how much time has passed since the aggravation, there is still a danger that you will provoke a new attack.
Thus, to answer the question of whether it is possible to eat tomatoes withchronic pancreatitis, you can do this: you should definitely forget about fresh ones, but they can be steamed or baked in the oven. Be sure to remove the peel from the tomatoes and grind the pulp into a puree. Under these conditions, tomatoes and pancreas may well "make friends".

Introduce into the diet gradually
This is another principle to follow when expanding the menu. It is possible or not tomatoes in chronic pancreatitis, we have already discussed above, but the reaction of the body may be different. Therefore, tomatoes prepared in the oven should be introduced into the diet in small portions. One teaspoon is enough to start. If no negative reaction followed, then you can continue to use one fruit per day.
And again, you need to add that if you have pancreatitis, then you can choose only ripe vegetables. Brown and especially green tomatoes should be excluded from the diet once and for all. Store-bought, greenhouse tomatoes, and even more so those that are sold in the winter, cannot be eaten either. They contain a large amount of nitrates and other harmful substances that are harmful even to a he althy person.

If a person with pancreatitis avoids the use of store-bought pickles, then homemade ones consider it a lesser evil and are not averse to eating them. This is actually true, but only if we are talking about the digestive system of a he althy person. You already know the answer to the question"is it possible to eat tomatoes with pancreatitis if they are fresh", as for marinades and other snacks, we must disappoint you. Any canned tomatoes are prohibited even in the absence of symptoms of the disease. This list includes pickled vegetables, s alted, stuffed and even in their own juice. The reason is simple: they contain a large amount of s alt, citric acid and food vinegar, various spices. Ketchups, tomato paste and sauces from the store are contraindicated even for perfectly he althy people, not to mention cases of chronic or acute pancreatitis.

Acceptable dosage
Let's ask the doctors how many tomatoes can be eaten in chronic pancreatitis, outside the exacerbation phase. The maximum amount per day is 100 grams. In this case, vegetables must be thermally processed and ground. And you need to start with a much lower dose. What about tomato juice? Can it be used by a person with pancreatic diseases? Doctors say that it is even necessary, as it stimulates the proper functioning of this organ. But be sure to breed it with pumpkin or carrot.
Cucumber for pancreatitis
This is where no one expects bans. This vegetable is 95% water, how can it harm? It turns out it can. The fact is that it is a source of coarse fiber, which is quite difficult to digest. It is because of this that it is undesirable to eat cucumbers during the acute phase of the disease, so as not to harm the weakened organ.
Even thoughremoval of an acute attack, with a chronic course of the disease, cucumbers should be introduced into the diet gradually. The reason is the same: hard to digest fiber. At the same time, nutritionists recommend eating no more than half a vegetable per day. And that provided that for a long time there were no pain attacks. Be sure to choose young fruits, remove the skin and grind the pulp on a grater. In this form, the vegetable can become a source of nutrients and will not overload the body. It is worth noting that this is one of the best helpers in the fight against excess weight, so it is worth including it in the diet.

Instead of a conclusion
Pancreatitis is a very insidious disease. Once having started inflammation, a person gets a chronic disease of the pancreas, which will remind of himself throughout his life. The diet will now have to be followed constantly, regardless of the holidays. Even vegetables and fruits should be consumed in moderation, taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician. Tomatoes and cucumbers are the most popular, delicious and inexpensive summer vegetables. However, they cannot be abused even in conditions of stable remission. Eating half a fresh cucumber and one large roasted tomato daily will provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals. And exceeding this dose can provoke inflammation, which will end with long-term treatment and an even more strict diet.