Diseases and conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Over the past few decades, cases of astheno-neurotic syndrome have increased significantly. Such a mental disorder is usually associated with functional or emotional exhaustion of the nervous system
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The baby is not yet a year old, and he is already sick! Frequent stools, moreover liquid, with mucus and streaks of blood. Remember that the cause of blood in the stool in a child must be determined immediately
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How is arthrosis treated? There are many effective methods of treatment, the use of which makes it possible to significantly slow down the development of the disease and reduce pain
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For natural reasons, a woman is not able to independently determine the cause of why itchy nipples occur. Therefore, the wisest decision is to contact a specialist who will not only explain why the nipples hurt and itch, but also tell you how to deal with this problem. However, to fix the problem, you need to know the root cause
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Determining the signs of worms in humans is not such a difficult task. They manifest themselves in the state of he alth and in the appearance of the patient
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If a child spits up a fountain, is it worth worrying? The article discusses in detail the causes of frequent and profuse regurgitation, gives advice to young mothers
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If you are faced with such a phenomenon as anal itching, you need to find out its cause. Treating an itchy butt may be more of a problem than you thought
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Red dots on the tongue may indicate the development of serious diseases in the body. The article describes in detail the reasons for their appearance
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It is impossible to find such a person who would not know at least one folk remedy for a sore throat
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Zelvereg syndrome is considered one of the rare hereditary pathologies. It is a peroxisomal disease transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner
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Hypospadias is considered one of the most common abnormalities of the urethra, which are observed in boys, less often in girls. According to the latest data, out of 125 children, this defect occurs in two or three males. It's all hypospadias. What is it, what symptoms does it manifest, what is it associated with and how is it treated?
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine disease in which there is a decrease in the susceptibility of body tissues to the pancreatic hormone insulin. To detect type 2 diabetes, it is not enough to know only the signs of its onset. An accurate diagnosis is made only through the analysis of urine and blood for sugar levels. In type 2 diabetes, the norm of blood sugar will not differ by gender or age
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Adrenal cyst is a benign neoplasm, which is a cavity with a membrane filled with anechoic contents. However, it does not have any effect on the production of hormones by these endocrine glands. An adrenal cyst develops without obvious symptoms, so it is determined more often during a routine medical examination using ultrasound
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
According to statistics, about 60% of people complain of a burning sensation in the stomach after eating. This rarely happens one-time, most often this symptom occurs with pathologies of the stomach. Stomach burning is not synonymous with heartburn. Heartburn is treated a little differently, manifests itself differently and arises from other causes
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The disease begins with a slight tingling on the lips, but then develops into itching, after which a rash of small bubbles appears. Most people who notice such symptoms in themselves will accurately guess the manifestation of the herpes virus. Such signs are now relevant for most people, which means that you need to start treating herpes at home
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Pigmented spots on the hands most often do not disturb a person, because they do not hurt or become inflamed. But despite this, they represent a noticeable cosmetic defect, clearly visible even in photographs. Their appearance should not be ignored, as they reflect a deterioration in he alth: a prolonged disruption of the functioning of the liver associated with the cleansing of the body and blood from carcinogens
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According to the ICD-10, allergic dermatitis is coded as L23. At present, the incidence of this disease is quite high. Doctors have accumulated a lot of information about the causes that provoke pathology, methods for its elimination, as well as possible complications and consequences
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Symptoms of diseases of the pancreas and treatment by various methods. medical methods. The use of the diet and its features. Symptoms of pancreatitis and diabetes. Pancreas cancer. Feedback on the treatment of folk methods
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Pityriasis versicolor in humans is a chronic fungal infection that affects the stratum corneum of the skin. It is often called pityriasis or solar, in connection with the manifestation after prolonged exposure to the sun. The disease is not contagious and is not accompanied by an inflammatory process. The causative agent is a yeast-like fungus, has three forms of existence: oval, round and mycelial. Each of them can move from one to another
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Any of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract requires long-term and systemic treatment. Gastroduodenitis, the symptoms of which are caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, occurs in almost every second adult. The etiology of this disease is diverse, so finding and eliminating its true cause may take more time than dealing with symptoms and treatment
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For every person, the feeling is familiar when the nose hurts inside. In most cases, such an unpleasant sensation occurs with rhinitis
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Osteoma of bone is a benign neoplasm of the skeleton. The disease is usually diagnosed in children, sometimes incidentally detected during x-ray examination
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Cervical lymphadenitis (ICD 10 - L04) is an inflammation of the lymph nodes in a chronic or acute form. Cervical localization almost immediately manifests itself in the form of typical symptoms, which makes it possible to start therapy in a timely manner and, accordingly, a quick recovery
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Quite often, patients complain to their doctors that they are (constantly) belching air. The causes of this pathology can be of a different nature. In this article, we will try to identify the most common ones, and also tell you how you can get rid of this deviation
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The spine, if properly formed, has slight natural curves. When viewed from the side in the thoracic and sacral regions, it bends backward, and in the cervical and lumbar regions it bends forward. Thanks to this structure, the spine is able to bend and absorb. However, there are cases when at birth or after a while the posture is bent, the vertebral bend deviates from the norm
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External hydrocephalus of the brain is a rather serious disease, which is caused by an excess of the volume of cerebrospinal fluid, that is, cerebrospinal fluid. It is for this reason that the people call such a pathology dropsy. The cerebrospinal fluid itself does not cause any harm, its presence is mandatory for the brain, but only when its level is within normal limits
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Congenital hydrocephalus is an excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain from birth. With this type of pathology, the ventricular systems of the brain and the subarachnoid space expand. This phenomenon is better known as dropsy of the newborn. However, according to ICD-10, congenital hydrocephalus is defined precisely as "hydrocephalus" and nothing else
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The size of the tonsils is quite small, but their role in the body is significant. They serve to perform a protective and hematopoietic function, take part in the formation of immunity. The tonsils are the first to establish a barrier to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the human body. Scientists have not been able to fully elucidate their immunological role. The article is devoted to clarifying the problem of why the tonsils hurt
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The costal hump, formed as a result of the curvature of the spinal column, is called scoliosis. It is lumbar, thoracic and cervical. Sometimes there are mixed types of scoliosis. The causes of this disease have not been fully identified, but they are usually considered to be weakness and insufficient development of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Intestinal infection - a disease in which its pathogens penetrate the intestines of the victim. Intoxication, indigestion, fever are the main symptoms in this case. Such types of pathogens of intestinal infections as salmonella, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera - disrupt digestion processes and dehydrate the body
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Cysticercosis is a rather dangerous parasitic disease. The causative agents of the disease are the larvae of the pork tapeworm. There is a disease among the population around the world. However, it most often affects people who live in unsanitary conditions
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One of the dangerous pathologies of an infectious nature is tuberculosis. Previously, such a diagnosis sounded like a death sentence. To date, there are several ways to combat this formidable disease. However, for many it still ends in death. The signs of tuberculosis, its therapy and prevention are described in the sections of the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Suppuration of soft tissues is the result of the inflammatory process and the activity of pathogenic bacteria. And since this phenomenon is considered quite common, many people are interested in questions about why an abscess occurs, what it is and what are its first signs. Indeed, in the absence of timely treatment, the purulent process can give some unpleasant complications
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Sometimes, feeling very unwell, we come to the clinic or call a doctor at home, and he, having carefully asked about the symptoms, makes us an incomprehensible diagnosis - acute respiratory infections. What it is is unclear. This article is devoted to a detailed explanation of this issue
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Prostate cyst is a fairly common disease in men. Such a violation can occur for a variety of reasons, which is why it is important to recognize the course of the pathology in a timely manner and carry out complex treatment
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Celiac disease is a genetically determined disorder of the function of the small intestine, which is associated with a deficiency of enzymes that break down gluten. Against the background of pathology, malabsorption develops, which has varying degrees of severity and is accompanied by foamy diarrhea, as well as symptoms such as flatulence, weight loss, dry skin and delayed physical development of children
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Dyshidrosis of the skin is a disease characterized by the appearance of painful blisters filled with liquid on the epidermis. Most often, the problem occurs between the fingers, on the palms or feet. This pathology does not belong to the category of life-threatening and extremely dangerous, however, if the need for its treatment is ignored, there is a risk of dyshidrosis becoming chronic
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Scarlet fever is a fairly common and dangerous infectious disease, which is accompanied by lesions of the larynx, as well as the appearance of a small rash on the skin. Statistics show that children are more prone to this disease than adults
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Bone fracture is always a problem. Long recovery after injury and poor bone healing due to a trimalleolar fracture make it one of the most difficult to treat injuries
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Many parents are interested in the causes of childhood enuresis and treatment. Dr. Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician, believes that the presence of this problem may not be associated with any serious pathologies in the body. With the right treatment, you can quickly get rid of involuntary urination during sleep