Hemorrhoids are external and internal. And depending on the severity of the disease, hemorrhoids can be either acute or chronic. With external hemorrhoids, they are located under the skin and above the rectal mucosa. With internal hemorrhoids, these nodes are located above the rectal line. But regardless of the nature of the course of the disease, the main symptom is bleeding - the more neglected the disease, the more abundant it is.

The first stage (external hemorrhoids) usually does not bring significant problems and pain to a person. The only thing that is alarming is the scarlet blood on the toilet paper after a bowel movement, blood stains on the underwear and the prolapse of hemorrhoids, which are easy to "insert" back. There is discomfort in the anus, a burning sensation, heaviness and itching. The fact is that the constantly secreted mucus from the rectum has an irritating effect on the nodes, thereby causing such manifestations.
Usually, the first signs of external hemorrhoids are burning and blood on the toilet paper, but, as a rule, after a bowel movement, all symptoms disappear, and the person continues to live withthese unpleasant sensations, only aggravating the situation and not realizing what complications untimely treatment can lead to. Acute paraproctitis (inflammatory process of the perirectal tissue), anal fissures and fistula can join the neglected disease. These complications are accompanied by unbearable pain, pus and fever. In addition, there may be blood and mucus in the stool during bowel movements.

Internal hemorrhoids are similar in appearance to external ones. There is also blood on the toilet paper, severe itching and a sensation of a foreign body in the anus. As a result of frequent constipation, there is a possibility of intestinal bleeding due to constant damage to the nodes by dense fecal masses.
Especially dangerous acute hemorrhoids, in which all symptoms are pronounced. The patient complains of a sharp piercing pain when walking and emptying, high temperature. There is also profuse blood on the toilet paper and toilet bowl. This stage occurs due to infringement of nodes or thrombosis. At the same time, it is impossible to touch the hemorrhoids, it becomes cyanotic and swollen.
Chronic form of hemorrhoids lasts longer, with periodic exacerbations and remissions. At the very beginning of the disease, the patient has all of the above symptoms, with its development, these manifestations become more intense and can even lead to anemia.

How to relieve the condition?
If a visit to the doctor is impossible for some reasonreasons, and the disease is not in an advanced stage, then follow our advice to stop the discharge if you have hemorrhoids, bleeding. What to do?
- Eat right to avoid constipation.
- Exercise, move more.
- Observe good hygiene: after a bowel movement, wash the anus to avoid infection in the colon.
- Do not lift heavy weights.
Medicine offers three options for the treatment of pathology: conservative, minimally invasive and surgical. It all depends on the course of the disease and its form. In the case of conservative treatment, various antihemorrhoidal suppositories, creams, ointments are prescribed. Often, along with drugs, herbal preparations with hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties (clover, chamomile, nettle) are prescribed.
A minimally invasive method is recommended when a conservative method does not provide the desired result. Latex rings are superimposed on hemorrhoids and over time, the “bump” simply dries up and disappears. This procedure is painless and effective. If these two methods do not help, surgery is required.