The formation of warts on the human body is provoked by the penetration of the papillomavirus into the body, so it is important to know that it is HPV type 51 in women, what the disease is characterized by and how to get rid of it. This disease has been known for a very long time, but doctors started studying it relatively recently - only after they found that such disorders can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.
What is the disease
Many are interested in what it is - HPV type 51 in women, what characterizes this disease. This disease is an anogenital infection, characterized by a high risk of malignant tumors. It can affect human skin, genitals and oral cavity.

The main sign of the course of papillomavirus is the formation of warts and genital warts. Many women are diagnosed with pathological changes in the cervix. This virus is dangerous because there is a high probability of its degeneration into a malignantswelling.
Causes of occurrence
HPV type 51 is very rare in men, but they are carriers of the infection, infecting their sexual partners. This virus is not transmitted by household, airborne droplets, as well as through a handshake. It can only be transmitted through blood and sexual contact. In addition, the virus can be transmitted from mother to fetus when it passes through the birth canal. If a woman has condylomas on the genitals, then there is a high probability of transmitting the infection to the child, so a caesarean section may be prescribed. For this reason, it is imperative to be tested for infection.
HPV types 51 and 56 in women are dangerous because they can provoke mutational changes that occur in the genital area. All this can end with a malignant neoplasm of the cervix and significant hormonal disorders. Even if treatment is started in a timely manner, sexual intercourse without a condom is contraindicated for the next 2-3 years.

Doctors believe that the causes of infection with this virus are also frequent abortions, because women do not always do them in professional clinics with specialists. An incorrectly performed operation presents a huge risk of injury to the cervix. At the site of bleeding, a scar subsequently forms, which becomes a favorable environment for the spread of HPV.
Main symptoms
It is important to know that it is HPV type 51 in women and how this disease manifests itself. Initiallythe pathogen settles in the epithelium and does not show any signs. Then it begins to actively multiply and penetrates into the deeper layers of the epithelium. The peculiarity of the disease lies in the fact that HPV type 51 DNA in women is characterized by a rapid introduction into the genetic code of cells, while provoking the division of malignant neoplasms.

Clinically, this virus manifests itself in the form of genital warts. Such growths are formed on delicate skin and practically do not differ in color from the surrounding tissues. Neoplasms can be single or multiple. Additionally, the virus can provoke symptoms such as:
- discomfort when urinating;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- soreness during intercourse;
- bloody discharge after sex.
If a malignant tumor has begun to form on the female genital organs, then this can manifest itself in the form of periodic or constant bleeding. If such signs of infection occur, then you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
HPV types 31 and 51 in women are often accompanied by skin rashes. However, even if the virus does not cause any discomfort, this does not mean that it is safe for he alth. Therefore, if symptoms of the course of the disease occur, it is imperative to consult a doctor for diagnosis. Papillomavirus can be diagnosed using methods such as:
- researchPCR method;
- oncogenicity test;
- visual inspection;
- cytological examination;
- histological analysis.
Often, the virus in the body of women is detected by conducting a PCR study. To conduct such an analysis, biological material is taken from the woman's vagina. During a visual examination, the progression of malignant neoplasms in the body can be determined.
Features of treatment
If HPV type 51 was detected in women, the treatment is prescribed complex, which is selected strictly individually, taking into account the characteristics of the condition of each patient. Often, the scheme of therapy involves the use of several methods, namely:
- drug therapy;
- surgery;
- folk methods.

When the papillomavirus is found in the blood in high concentrations, warts are removed, and then a course of antiviral drugs is applied. In addition, immunomodulatory therapy is selected, aimed at strengthening the immune system. If the disease is diagnosed at later stages, then chemotherapy is carried out.
Medicated treatment
Treatment of HPV types 51 and 56 in women is selected purely individually, it all depends on the location of the growths, the symptoms present, as well as the level of oncogenicity.
Medical therapy is mandatory. Even though medicationIt is not possible to completely eliminate the infection, properly selected antiviral drugs will help reduce the concentration of the virus in the blood. The immune system itself will be able to finally suppress the activity of the disease.
For therapy, drugs such as:
- "Viferon";
- "Cycloferon";
- "Epigen-intimate";
- Panavir.

Immunomodulatory drugs are used to increase the body's resistance to infection. The best are considered such as:
- Lavomax;
- "Immunal";
- "Isoprinosine";
- "Immunomax".
These remedies have a complex effect on the body, as they help strengthen the immune system, and also enhance the effect of antiviral drugs. With a high probability of the formation of malignant tumors, cytostatics are prescribed. They help to suppress the growth of the neoplasm and ensure its destruction.
Traditional medicine
It is important to know not only what it is - HPV 51 in women, but also how it is treated. Popular methods of therapy are widely used, such as:
- celandine juice;
- castor oil;
- Kalanchoe.
Celandine juice helps to quickly and effectively get rid of papillomas. To do this, you need to treat the juice of a fresh plant 4 times a day. After treatment, the papilloma must be sealed with adhesive tape. Processing should be carried out until the formation becomes soft and disappears.yourself.

A fairly simple method of therapy is the use of castor oil. To do this, apply it to the affected areas of the skin. The course of therapy is approximately 8 weeks.
Other treatments
Treatment of HPV types 51 and 16 in women involves the removal of papillomas. To do this, apply methods such as:
- electrocoagulation;
- chemical method;
- laser removal;
- radio wave surgery;
- surgical removal.
Surgical excision due to the high degree of trauma and the risk of bleeding is rarely performed. If there are small papillomas on the skin, then cryotherapy is performed.
With timely therapy, the prognosis is quite favorable, most of the viruses are destroyed by the body through the use of medications. It is easiest to treat such a disease at the initial stage of its occurrence, so it is necessary to carry out diagnostics in a timely manner, which will allow you to determine the onset of the disease, when there are no visible symptoms yet.
To reduce the likelihood of HPV type 51, timely preventive measures must be taken. It is desirable to have no more than 1 sexual partner, as promiscuity can lead to various kinds of violations. Women are advised to start sexual activity after 18 years, when the cervix is alreadywell formed and the body can withstand the attack of viruses.

You need to protect the genitals from scratches and wounds, which can be with rough sexual contact. It is important to lead a he althy lifestyle, eat right and exercise. In addition, you need to visit the gynecologist regularly.