The human body is a complex system. All its elements must work in harmony. If failures and violations appear somewhere, pathologies and he alth-threatening conditions begin to develop. The well-being of a person in this case is sharply reduced. One of the common pathologies is anemia. Why hemoglobin in the blood falls will be discussed in detail later.
What is hemoglobin?
Why does hemoglobin in the blood of men and women fall? This question is faced by people of different professions, ages. Taking care of your own he alth should be a priority for people. One of the indicators of good he alth is a normal level of hemoglobin. It has a huge impact on our body. If the hemoglobin level drops, it affects the functioning of all systems.

Hemoglobin is produced by erythrocytes (red blood cells). Thisthe process occurs at an early stage in the development of these blood cells. When you inhale, red blood cells are saturated with oxygen. These cells are the vehicle for hemoglobin. It is he who is able to combine with oxygen molecules. Hemoglobin transfers it to the cells of our body that need it so much.
Hemoglobin functions
Hemoglobin not only delivers oxygen to cells, but also takes away carbon dioxide, which is formed during metabolic processes. The substance transports CO2 back to the lungs. If the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, this is always the result of certain abnormalities in the body. There are many factors that lead to a decrease in hemoglobin production. As a result, metabolic processes in cells occur incorrectly. This is fraught with a number of negative consequences for the body.

There is a long list of reasons why hemoglobin in the blood falls in women, children and men. If this indicator does not correspond to the norm, anemia develops.
Why does hemoglobin in the blood drop sharply? To establish the cause of this phenomenon, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination. To establish the level of hemoglobin in the blood allows a simple examination of the blood (general analysis). This is one of the most commonly used methods for diagnosing various diseases. One of the main indicators that are examined during the analysis is the level of hemoglobin.

To be diagnosed, you need to go to the hospital. The therapist will give an appointment forconducting such an analysis. Blood is taken from a finger. Before this, you can not eat for several hours, as well as smoke. Therefore, such an examination is carried out in the morning. The result can be obtained in a few hours if an express test is carried out in the laboratory. More often the answer is given the next day.
Hemoglobin level is indicated in grams per liter of blood or gamma per deciliter. This indicator may vary depending on age, gender, as well as the physiological characteristics of the body. There are a number of factors that can give an incorrect result during the examination.
So, quite often there is a situation when low hemoglobin is determined during pregnancy. On average, for an average adult, this figure should be in the range from 110 to 165 g / l. It is also worth noting that an elevated level of this protein in the blood is diagnosed infrequently. In most cases, the deviation may be towards a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin.
Considering why hemoglobin in the blood falls, it is worth noting that each group of people has its own standards for this indicator. Diagnosis of the compliance of the result obtained with the established norm should be handled by an experienced doctor. It necessarily takes into account a number of factors that affect this indicator.

Considered normal for an adult male if hemoglobin is between 130 and 175 g/l. In women, due to physiological characteristics, this figure is somewhat lower. Hemoglobinshould be between 127 and 162 g/l. The difference in the level of this indicator is explained by the presence of a large amount of androgens in the blood of men. They stimulate the production of red blood cells.
Norm for pregnant women and children
A separate group includes pregnant women. Their hemoglobin level in the blood normally ranges from 108 to 142 g/l. During pregnancy, the body needs more iron. This explains why hemoglobin in the blood drops in pregnant women.

In children under 18, this indicator changes with age and does not depend on gender. In the first 2 weeks of life, a child normally has hemoglobin at a level of 137 to 197 g / l. Over time, this figure decreases. By the first year of life, it ranges from 108 to 132 g / l. By school age, hemoglobin increases. It ranges from 113 to 137 g/L.
Many people are faced with questions about what factors lead to the development of anemia in the elderly, childhood, why hemoglobin in the blood drops in women after childbirth. Causes and treatment should be considered in detail. It is also worth paying attention to the symptoms that accompany anemia.
When the level of hemoglobin drops below the established norm, a person feels weak. He quickly gets tired, drowsiness is felt, dizziness appears. Sometimes people with low hemoglobin levels experience severe headaches. Blood pressure drops, and the heartbeat rises because of this. If the case is neglected, fainting may occur.

Ifthe development of anemia is associated with a lack of iron in metabolic processes, a number of unpleasant symptoms appear. The epithelium becomes dry. Nails also become brittle. Some patients with low hemoglobin levels report severe hair loss on their heads.
Considering why hemoglobin in the blood falls, it should be called one of the most common causes of iron deficiency in the body. At the same time, all tissues do not receive the nutrition required for them. Because of this, the cells live less. A person has a number of unpleasant symptoms. Memory deteriorates greatly, it becomes difficult to concentrate. There may be deviations in the perception of taste and smell. A person may crave inedible foods, such as earth. This is a clear sign of low hemoglobin. If such negative phenomena occur, it is necessary to consult a therapist and take a general blood test. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner it will be possible to restore the normal level of this indicator.
Categories of causes of low hemoglobin
There are many diseases that result in low hemoglobin levels. Also, the wrong behavior of the person himself often leads to such negative phenomena. Why does hemoglobin in the blood fall in older women, as well as after childbirth? Why do people face similar problems in their lives? There are many answers to these questions.

All the reasons due to which hemoglobin falls can be divided into 3 groups. The first category includes violations in the areaproduction of iron-containing protein. This is due to the lack of molecules of this trace element. Similar situations occur if a person has pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the substances necessary for metabolism are poorly absorbed from the food consumed. Strict diets and starvation have a similar effect. With an unbalanced diet, a person consumes few foods rich in iron. As a result, he does not receive the necessary substances. Iron deficiency is also seen in people who have undergone stomach or duodenal surgery.
The second group of reasons includes the rapid destruction of red blood cells. This process can be influenced by external factors. In some cases, a person's own immunity attacks red blood cells. The average lifespan of red blood cells should be about 4 months. But under the influence of adverse factors, it is significantly reduced.
The third group of reasons is a decrease in hemoglobin synthesis in the presence of all the necessary components for this in the body. Often such a pathology is caused by a genetic factor.
There is a whole list of reasons why hemoglobin in the blood falls. One of the most common adverse factors that affect this indicator is improper, malnutrition. In the diet of a person who suffers from a similar phenomenon, there is not enough animal food. If a person is on a diet for a long time, his hemoglobin level decreases. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you need to contact a nutritionist. He will be able to choose a balanced diet. This will eliminate harmful foods and supplement the diet with the necessary vitamins and microelements.
Vegetarians often suffer from low hemoglobin levels. Plant foods contain sufficient amounts of iron. It's just less digestible than animal products.
The second common cause is significant blood loss. If a person has recently had an injury in which he lost a lot of blood, you should not take a hemoglobin test. It will be leveled down. Severe bleeding can be observed not only with injuries, but also during surgery, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also during ectopic pregnancy. Also, if donors donate blood too often, they become anemic.
Why does hemoglobin in the blood of women fall? Often this situation happens during menstruation. During this period, the body loses some blood. Therefore, taking a complete blood count during menstruation and after them in the first few days is not recommended.
Other reasons
Decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones can lead to the development of anemia. This explains why hemoglobin in the blood falls in older women. Treatment in this case is prescribed by the therapist after consulting the patient with an endocrinologist.
Chronic infections can cause these disorders. These include tuberculosis, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, pneumonia, etc. In addition, anemia develops with prolonged diseases of the kidneys, liver, and lungs. This is especially common in older people. itoccurs due to improper absorption and redistribution of iron in the body.
With SARS, influenza, hemoglobin also decreases. After recovery, he returns to normal.
Sometimes the cause is said to be the rapid destruction of red blood cells. This situation occurs with diseases in the brain (stem cells die). In malignant blood pathologies, hemoglobin decreases. At the same time, the level of leukocytes also decreases.
Autoimmune pathologies lead to the development of anemia. They can be caused by thyroid disease, systemic connective tissue disease, and glomerulonephritis.
A few more factors…
Pregnant women often lack hemoglobin. Their position requires a lot of iron. The amount of blood in the body of pregnant women increases rapidly. Therefore, a decrease in hemoglobin in this state is the norm. However, the doctor will definitely monitor this indicator. Below the established norm for pregnant women, this indicator should not decrease.
Also, a woman needs an increased intake of iron during breastfeeding. During childbirth, the body loses some blood. This is also quite normal, but requires medical supervision. These factors explain why hemoglobin in the blood drops in women after childbirth.
If there are worms in the human body, this also leads to the development of anemia. Parasites consume significant amounts of vitamin B12. Without it, iron absorption is not good enough.
Due to stress, excessive physicalHemoglobin levels may also drop during exercise. Therefore, people whose work is associated with such unfavorable factors should eat fully, variedly. Smoking and alcohol also lower blood hemoglobin levels.
To restore the level of hemoglobin when the indicator is slightly reduced, it is enough to review your diet. In advanced cases, serious therapy with the use of iron-containing drugs is required. In this case, the disease that led to the development of this disease is necessarily detected.
It is important to supplement the diet with vitamins. B12 and B6 are especially important. They are involved in the synthesis of iron, converting it into hemoglobin. The food should be rich in animal proteins. You need to eat fish, meat, eggs every day. These products must be combined with complex fiber (fruits, vegetables). You also need to add liver, white meat chicken to the diet. You need to eat buckwheat, beans, peas and lentils. It is also worth buying more tomatoes, onions, pumpkin, new potatoes, lettuce, greens.
Some fruits are rich in iron. These are, for example, apples, pomegranates, bananas, peaches and apricots, quinces and plums. You should also eat seafood, nuts, chocolate and dried fruits.
Having considered the main reasons why hemoglobin in the blood falls, as well as the treatment of this condition, you can reconsider your lifestyle by harmonizing it. This will avoid the appearance of anemia and its negative consequences.