Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Lacunar cyst of the brain - what is it? Description of the disease, causes, methods of treatment, reviews

Lacunar cyst of the brain - what is it? Description of the disease, causes, methods of treatment, reviews

A lacunar cyst is a neoplasm that appears between the membrane of the cerebral cortex and lacunae, which, in turn, arise due to the inflammatory process. This type of cyst, when growing, presses on the vessels surrounding the brain and its soft tissues, causing pathologies of varying severity

Why does the top of my head hurt? Causes and Treatments

Why does the top of my head hurt? Causes and Treatments

Headache is a common occurrence in people. It is also called cephalalgia. Usually a person takes painkillers and does not consider it necessary to seek help from a doctor. But it is worth noting that there are many causes of pain in the upper part of the head, and not all of them are harmless. Therefore, if such discomfort occurs frequently, a doctor's consultation will not hurt. It is worth considering questions about why the upper part of the head and temples hurt

Abscess of the eyelid: symptoms and treatment

Abscess of the eyelid: symptoms and treatment

Such an ophthalmic process as an extensive purulent formation on the eyelid is called an abscess of the eyelid (according to ICD-10 - H00.0). The disease is manifested by swelling and redness, soreness and even an increase in body temperature. Headaches and a feeling of general weakness are not excluded

Rash on elbows and knees in a child - possible causes and features of treatment

Rash on elbows and knees in a child - possible causes and features of treatment

Knees and elbows are the places most likely to be injured. When falling back, they often land on their elbows, a push forward - and they suffer again. Therefore, so often a rash on the knees and elbows in an adult and a child (this is especially true for them) occurs initially here - in places that take part everywhere. On the elbows themselves, the rash can be of different localization: outside, on the folds, on the side, etc. The same applies to the knees and the reasons for this mass

Scraping for demodex: submission process, indicators

Scraping for demodex: submission process, indicators

If the treatment of such a disease as demodex or demodicosis is not started in time, it will be fraught with consequences. If the eyelids are affected, then conjunctivitis may begin, eyelashes will fall out, pain in the eyes will appear. If the scalp is affected, then in advanced cases, inflammation, dandruff and alopecia (hair loss) appear. All these circumstances should prompt a person to take an analysis in the form of a scraping for demodex

Cerebellar atrophy: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, consequences, reviews

Cerebellar atrophy: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, consequences, reviews

Atrophy of the cerebellum is a disease of the small brain of a progressive, but not rapid, nature with degenerative changes. The process is caused by trophic disturbances. Pathology is pronounced in history and occurs for a variety of reasons. Most often diagnosed after age 40

Coma after a stroke: causes, chances of survival, treatment, medical supervision and consequences

Coma after a stroke: causes, chances of survival, treatment, medical supervision and consequences

Coma after a stroke occurs as a result of brain damage. It is accompanied by a complete shutdown of all human systems. This condition occurs as a protection of the body from further destruction and is reversible, but only under certain conditions. A coma after a stroke resolves only if the patient is given appropriate care and the right treatment is provided

Tuberculosis of the genitourinary system: symptoms, diagnosis, ways of infection

Tuberculosis of the genitourinary system: symptoms, diagnosis, ways of infection

Diseases of the urinary system are quite common. They can affect the kidneys, urinary tract, bladder. Of all the existing diseases, it is worth highlighting and considering tuberculosis of the genitourinary system. Every person needs to know about this disease, because no one is immune from the disease

A large number of white blood cells in the urine: causes and treatment

A large number of white blood cells in the urine: causes and treatment

If there is a noticeable decrease in the level of leukocytes, it is necessary to check the lymphatic system and the red bone marrow, since they produce these blood cells. The number of leukocytes can also be reduced with radiation sickness, various types of typhus, while taking certain medications. But there are times when there are many more. What to do with it?

Thyroid gland: signs of disease, symptoms of disorders

Thyroid gland: signs of disease, symptoms of disorders

The number of diseases of the thyroid gland (in everyday life - "thyroid gland") is steadily growing every year. The causes of pathologies associated with a violation of the production of iodine-containing hormones can be different - from the influence of psycho-emotional stress to malnutrition and unfavorable environmental conditions. Let's find out what role the thyroid gland plays in a person's life, signs of the disease of this organ and diagnoses

Diagnosis of deep thrombophlebitis: Homans symptom

Diagnosis of deep thrombophlebitis: Homans symptom

A positive Homans symptom is the most characteristic sign of deep vein thrombosis. If superficial thrombophlebitis is easy to identify, then the diagnosis of the state of deep vessels is difficult. Almost half of patients are unaware that they have a pathology

Unaesthetic rosacea, what is it?

Unaesthetic rosacea, what is it?

Couperose, what is it? This is an expansion of blood vessels located very close to the skin. Places of concentration of rosacea look like red and dry areas that are sensitive to heat and heat. Therefore, excessive heat, stress, itching of the skin can cause blood vessels to expand or cause damage to small capillaries

Pain in the back of the head: causes, characteristics of pain and treatment methods

Pain in the back of the head: causes, characteristics of pain and treatment methods

Pain in the back of the head brings a lot of discomfort to a person, limiting his ability to work. The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon can be very different. Their list begins with pathologies of the cervical spine and ends with neuralgic ailments

Lactostasis in a nursing mother: symptoms and treatment, causes and prevention

Lactostasis in a nursing mother: symptoms and treatment, causes and prevention

Lactostasis in a nursing mother, the symptoms and treatment of which can only be determined by an experienced specialist, is a fairly common disease. The woman experiences severe pain in the breast area. Some even have a desire to stop breastfeeding. E

Cockane Syndrome: genetic causes, photo

Cockane Syndrome: genetic causes, photo

Cockayne Syndrome is a very rare genetic pathology associated with impaired repair of damaged DNA. Children with this disease look like little old people

Why does blood appear in the stool in children

Why does blood appear in the stool in children

Blood in the feces in children is a pathology that may indicate problems in the digestive system. If such signs are found in their baby, parents should urgently show it to the doctor

Why does a newborn's eyes fester?

Why does a newborn's eyes fester?

Today, many parents complain to pediatricians that the newborn's eyes are festering. Why is this happening? How to help the baby? This is exactly what we will discuss in detail in this article

Blood in the feces of a child: causes and diagnosis

Blood in the feces of a child: causes and diagnosis

As soon as parents discover blood in their child's stool, they should consider contacting a doctor immediately, because such symptoms can be dangerous and indicate a serious illness

Kawasaki disease: photo, symptoms and treatment, clinical guidelines

Kawasaki disease: photo, symptoms and treatment, clinical guidelines

Kawasaki disease is a syndrome that occurs most often in children under five years of age. This disease is a rare complex immune or infectious pathology, which is characterized by the presence of lesions of the coronary arteries, and, in addition, the manifestation of fever, conjunctivitis and other severe symptoms. Treatment of the disease is carried out in a clinical setting using medications

Spots on the tongue: photo, reasons

Spots on the tongue: photo, reasons

Most often, the spots that appear on the tongue do not cause any alarm in a person. However, it should be borne in mind that such a phenomenon may indicate serious violations that have arisen in the work of various internal organs

White tongue: causes of plaque and treatment features

White tongue: causes of plaque and treatment features

White tongue - almost every person has encountered such a symptom in his life. This phenomenon scares some, while others do not pay attention. Which of them is right? White tongue can sometimes be observed in an absolutely he althy person. But it may indicate a serious illness

Hypospadias in a child: causes, forms and methods of treatment

Hypospadias in a child: causes, forms and methods of treatment

Hypospadias in a child is a congenital anomaly of the urinary system, in which there is a lack of the posterior wall of the urethra. A similar pathology is most often found in boys, but in girls it is considered a rarity. In any case, a sick child needs help

Hypoplasia of the left vertebral artery. The reasons. Symptoms. Treatment

Hypoplasia of the left vertebral artery. The reasons. Symptoms. Treatment

Hypoplasia of the left vertebral artery is characterized by narrowing of its lumen. Pathology may not manifest itself for a long time. When symptoms appear, conservative therapy consists in normalizing blood circulation

Causes and symptoms of atrophic gastritis

Causes and symptoms of atrophic gastritis

Atrophic gastritis is a fairly common disease that is most often diagnosed in adulthood. Such a disease is accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which gradually leads to its thinning and atrophy. It is important to know what are the symptoms of atrophic gastritis

The growth on the eyelid of the eye: methods of treatment

The growth on the eyelid of the eye: methods of treatment

Provoke an outgrowth on the eyelid of a person's eye can be different reasons and factors, and only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Sometimes the formation appears due to a chalazion, in other cases it is caused by the human papillomavirus. Perhaps the appearance of a wart on the eyelid, under it. Any bump, seal in the area of the visual organ is a reason to consult a specialist

Acute purulent paraproctitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Acute purulent paraproctitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Acute purulent paraproctitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the adipose tissue that surrounds the rectum. Men usually suffer from it - the structure of their cellular space near the anal area predisposes to this

Cyst in the knee: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Cyst in the knee: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

On the back wall of the knee in busy and physically active people, a cyst often occurs, which consists of fluid. At first glance, it may resemble a swelling or hernia, its size can reach 1 cm

Rheumatism in a child: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Rheumatism in a child: symptoms, treatment, prevention

In this article we will consider in detail the disease of rheumatism in a child. Symptoms, varieties, features of treatment, diagnosis and prevention are the main issues that we focus on

Emphysematous chest: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Emphysematous chest: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Emphysematous chest is a sign of serious respiratory problems. Deformation of the bones of the sternum indicates that the disease is progressing. Most often, this symptom is noted with emphysema. Pulmonologists also call this deformity barrel-shaped. What pathologies are accompanied by such a symptom and how to treat them? We will consider these questions in the article

How are heel spurs treated at home and with medical remedies?

How are heel spurs treated at home and with medical remedies?

How are heel spurs treated and why does this disease appear in seemingly he althy people? These questions are often asked by patients to their doctors. After all, the presented problem can bring great discomfort, as well as severe pain both at rest and while walking

How is hemorrhoids treated in modern medicine?

How is hemorrhoids treated in modern medicine?

To understand how hemorrhoids are treated, you should determine the degree of neglect of the disease. It is usually managed with conservative methods, but surgery is still required in critical cases

The first signs of pancreatic disease in women: symptoms and treatment features

The first signs of pancreatic disease in women: symptoms and treatment features

Ancient anatomists believed that the organ located under the gastric sac was only soft muscle matter, and only after a while it became clear how underestimated the importance of this tiny gland

The bridge of the nose hurts: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

The bridge of the nose hurts: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

What is a nose bridge? Causes of pain that occurs in this area of the body: neuralgia, runny nose, sinusitis and sinusitis, trauma. Where to go in case of pain in the nose?

How does myasthenic crisis manifest itself? Treatment

How does myasthenic crisis manifest itself? Treatment

Any crisis is a condition of a person in which the course of the disease suddenly worsens sharply, and life-threatening symptoms increase very quickly. Myasthenic and cholinergic crises, which are companions of myasthenia gravis, are dangerous because the patient may stop breathing and stop the heart

Rhinorrhea - what is it? Symptoms and treatment

Rhinorrhea - what is it? Symptoms and treatment

Rhinorrhea is a special condition of the body, in which profuse discharge from the nose occurs, which is of a permanent nature. These secretions are a watery mucous secretion called exudate

Child bitten by mosquitoes: what to do?

Child bitten by mosquitoes: what to do?

Where do almost all children go on vacation? Of course, in the village, in the fresh air. Indeed, in the countryside, the most beautiful nature, meadows, rivers - a paradise for a child. But in any such fabulous place, as you know, “mosquito hunting” for people begins in the evening. A mosquito bite can cause an allergic reaction and lead to serious problems. The child was bitten by mosquitoes: what to do?

What is a lung abscess? Causes, signs, symptoms and treatment of the disease

What is a lung abscess? Causes, signs, symptoms and treatment of the disease

Abscess of the lung is a non-specific inflammation of the lung matter, as a result of which melting occurs with the formation of purulent-necrotic cavities. Pathogens enter the lung cavity by the bronchogenic route. Staphylococcus aureus, gram-negative aerobic bacteria and non-spore-forming anaerobic bacteria are considered the most well-known causative agents of lung abscess

How to treat psoriasis on the legs? Photos, causes, stages and treatment

How to treat psoriasis on the legs? Photos, causes, stages and treatment

The severity of psoriasis can vary greatly in its various stages. The disease can affect only small areas of the skin or cover the entire body. Often the disease progresses, and patients notice that over time, scaly lichen affects a significant area of the skin

Berger's disease (IgA-nephropathy): causes, treatment

Berger's disease (IgA-nephropathy): causes, treatment

One of the benign inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys is Berger's disease. The main mechanism of its occurrence is the accumulation of immune complexes in the glomerular apparatus. The disease is more common in males

It hurts the stomach in the navel: causes, treatment

It hurts the stomach in the navel: causes, treatment

Situations when the stomach hurts in the navel are very dangerous. This condition may indicate the development of various diseases. Everything is further complicated by the fact that a person cannot indicate in which particular area of u200bu200bthe abdomen he feels pain. It seems to him that the spasm does not have a clear localization. The pain seems to spread all over the abdomen. Determining the cause of this phenomenon can be quite difficult. Let's try to figure it out. Why can the stomach hurt in the navel and what to do in such a situation?