Bandage for abdominal hernia: hernia treatment, postoperative period, bandage selection, wearing rules

Bandage for abdominal hernia: hernia treatment, postoperative period, bandage selection, wearing rules
Bandage for abdominal hernia: hernia treatment, postoperative period, bandage selection, wearing rules

A hernia is a prolapse of fatty tissue or internal organs under the skin of the abdomen or groin. This condition becomes dangerous after the infringement of the fallen fragments by tendons and muscles. In this case, necrosis and general infection of the blood is possible. Therapy is carried out only by surgery, conservative treatment in this case is ineffective. Pathology can affect a person of any age and gender.

Causes of hernia

bandage for hernia of the white line of the abdomen
bandage for hernia of the white line of the abdomen

Hernia occurs due to a greatly increased intra-abdominal pressure with a simultaneous weakening of the abdominal wall or inguinal muscles. This situation occurs when lifting weights, a strong and prolonged cough, and in children during a prolonged cry.

Symptomatic manifestations

Manifestations of a hernia are soft to the touch formations on the front wall of the abdomen or in the groin. On the abdomen, a hernia can appear not only around the navel, which is called an umbilical hernia, but also at the junction of the tendons, the so-calledwhite line of the abdomen. It starts under the sternum and ends above the pubis. Passes through the middle of the abdomen.

bandage for abdominal hernia
bandage for abdominal hernia

Ordinary hernia is painless, but if the tendons that have fallen into the hernial sac are clamped, then it turns into a strangulated one. In this case, a person experiences severe pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe prolapse.

Need to use bandage

bandage for abdominal hernia female
bandage for abdominal hernia female

It is clear that with an acute pinched hernia, the patient receives emergency medical care in the form of an extraordinary urgent operation. For those patients in whom the pathology has just begun to manifest itself, a special belt was created.

Bandage for abdominal hernia does not allow the hernial formation to pass into the pinching phase or increase to a large size. This greatly simplifies the life of a person. The bandage for abdominal hernia helps to reduce the formation and prevents its occurrence even with a significant increase in internal pressure in the abdominal cavity.

But you need to understand that this is not a panacea, adaptation can even worsen the situation. For example, a bandage for a hernia of the white line of the abdomen causes relaxation of the tendons, which ultimately leads to the loss of an even larger formation. It only lasts for a few days or weeks. That is, a bandage for a hernia of the abdomen is a temporary measure that allows the patient to calmly wait for his turn for surgery.


bandage after removal of a hernia of the abdomen
bandage after removal of a hernia of the abdomen

With all the convenience and ease of use, the abdominal hernia bandage cannot bewear in a number of situations.

First of all, these are open wounds from cuts or abrasions. It is also not recommended to use a bandage for skin diseases, which are characterized by a rash and acne on the abdomen and groin.

The bandage should not be worn by patients with heart failure, as it can pinch some vessels and cause circulatory disorders. And, of course, a bandage for abdominal hernia in adults and children is not used for strangulated hernia.

Types of bandages

bandage for ventral abdominal hernia
bandage for ventral abdominal hernia

As many types of hernias exist, as many bandages have been developed. Moreover, they are made of various materials, allowing the patient to choose the one that is most comfortable for him.

  1. The umbilical bandage is an elastic belt with an adjustable fastener on the back 20 cm wide. It is used not only for umbilical hernia, but also for its prevention, for example, during strong physical exertion.
  2. The bandage for a hernia of the abdomen does not differ from the male one, but the inguinal one is panties made of elastic bands that meet the anatomical features of the female body.
  3. Inguinal bandage for men is a set of elastic straps with attachments for pilots. It is used for left-sided and right-sided inguinal hernia.
  4. Bandage for ventral abdominal hernia - a pathology that occurs at the sites of surgical operations on the abdominal cavity - looks like a wide elastic belt. Its width can reach 40 cm. This device, in fact, is a bandage after a hernia of the white line of the abdomen, and is used after surgeryboth as part of maintenance therapy and as a preventive measure.
  5. Prenatal bandage has been developed for pregnant women. Its task is to support the woman's stomach and prevent the development of an umbilical hernia or hernia of the white line. Indeed, during pregnancy, the tendons of the abdomen of a woman are subjected to extreme stress. This device consists of wide elastic bands with adjustable fasteners.
  6. Children's brace. This device, made of hypoallergenic materials, is a belt with a pocket for a pelot located opposite the navel. Children's bandage does not tighten the stomach, does not constrain movements and does not interfere with breathing. The kid sometimes does not even notice it on himself. But you need to remember that only a pediatrician can make the right choice of model.

Post-operative period

bandage after a hernia of the white line of the abdomen
bandage after a hernia of the white line of the abdomen

Treatment of a hernia has only one thing - surgical removal. During the operation, the hernial sac is opened and its contents are either set back into the abdominal cavity or removed if necrosis has begun. After the hernial ring is sutured and closed with skin. But a hernia is a disease that is characterized by relapses. Therefore, it is all the more relevant in the use of a bandage after removal of a hernia of the abdomen. It helps to hold tendons and hernial orifices until they are completely healed, thereby reducing the risk of recurrence.

Modern medicine uses various methods of carrying out an operation to remove education. So the patient spends 2-3 days in the hospital, and if there are no complications, he is sent after the operationhome.

It is at this time that he is ordered to wear a post-op bandage. This is due to the fact that the human body regenerates its tissues at different rates. And since the operation involves the dissection of various layers of the skin and muscles, their fusion will proceed in different ways. This process will be successful if the patient wears a tight bandage all this time. The recovery period after surgery usually takes 2-3 weeks. After the patient begins a course of physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. In the course of such treatment, the tendons and muscles acquire the necessary elasticity and strength, so the need for a bandage will disappear.

In order not to expose their abdominal muscles to critical loads, the patient must carefully follow the doctor's instructions immediately after the operation. Namely - do not expose yourself to physical exertion, do not run and do not lift weights. Be sure to follow the prescribed diet, which includes foods that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. That is, the risk of constipation is reduced.

Be sure to stop smoking and drinking alcohol in the postoperative period. These addictions reduce the functioning of the immune system, and even sepsis can develop.

The medical course of treatment in the postoperative period includes antibiotics that reduce inflammation, painkillers, vitamin complexes. All appointments are made by the attending physician.

How to choose the right brace

bandage after removal of a hernia of the abdomen
bandage after removal of a hernia of the abdomen

The price of the abdominal hernia bandage varies depending on the materials andquality of this product.

It is clear that the type of bandage is determined by the doctor. He can also advise the manufacturer and the material from which the bandage should be made. If a person himself decides to choose the designated bandage for himself, then he must pay attention to a number of mandatory conditions when choosing it.

  1. The fabric of the product must be elastic in all directions. That is, they stretch both along and across.
  2. You need to choose the product according to the size of your waist. Too small will not fit, and a large one will not pull with due force.
  3. The material of the product should not cause allergies. In order to make sure that it is hypoallergenic, you should try to apply it to a bare area of \u200b\u200bthe skin for several minutes. Many people are allergic to latex but don't know it until they come into contact with the material.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the device mounts. After all, if it breaks on the street, then the hernia may fall out.

It is advisable to buy this device on specialized sites or in stores. They have all quality certificates for the product itself and for the materials from which it is made.

Rules for wearing a bandage. How to wear?

If, despite the fact of wearing a bandage, the pain in the area of the hernia increases, and it increases in size, you should immediately consult a doctor. This means that the brace is not fitted correctly and is not working.

When putting on the product, you need to carefully listen to the doctor's advice, but it's better if for the first time he himself shows how to do it right. After all, you don't needonly to fix the device on the human body, but also to pre-set the hernia. This is done lying down, so that the hernial sac is on top. With your fingers, you should gently push the contents of the hernia into the hernial fissure, and only then put on the bandage. It is clear that not everyone will be able to do it right the first time.

Remember that a properly fitted brace will wear well, won't create discomfort, and often the person will even forget they're wearing it.

Conclusion and conclusions

Selecting a bandage is an individual matter, so do not try to do it yourself without reading all the recommendations of professionals. Especially if it is necessary as part of preventive measures against abdominal hernia. After all, such a product will have to be worn for quite a long time.
