Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Marburg fever: symptoms and treatment

Marburg fever: symptoms and treatment

Marburg fever is a serious and dangerous disease that is accompanied by damage to the liver and central nervous system, as well as hemorrhagic syndrome. This is an infectious disease, the outcome of which is often fatal

Treatment of kidney prolapse. Kidney prolapse - causes and consequences

Treatment of kidney prolapse. Kidney prolapse - causes and consequences

The article talks about nephroptosis - kidney prolapse. The causes of this pathology and the features of its clinical course are indicated. The degree of the disease and the main methods of its treatment are also described

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine. Scoliosis of the thoracic spine - treatment. Scoliosis of the thoracic spine - symptoms

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine. Scoliosis of the thoracic spine - treatment. Scoliosis of the thoracic spine - symptoms

The article describes the lateral curvature of the spine, indicates the etiology and clinic of this pathology. It also describes the main methods of treating scoliosis

Fibromyalgia: symptoms and treatment. Treatment of fibromyalgia folk remedies

Fibromyalgia: symptoms and treatment. Treatment of fibromyalgia folk remedies

The article describes fibromyalgia, indicates the etiology and features of the clinical course of this disease, and also describes the basics of its diagnosis and therapy

General characteristics of reactive meningitis

General characteristics of reactive meningitis

The article describes reactive meningitis, indicates its etiology, as well as features of the clinical course and therapy

Diphtheria in children: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Diphtheria in children: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Diphtheria in children is an acute disease provoked by the ingestion of an infectious agent. Pathology is considered severe, is a danger to life. In a patient, the organs of the respiratory system become inflamed, the foci are quite large, at the same time the eyes and skin are affected. As a rule, an infectious agent affects the genitals. Self-treatment of such a problem can easily cause death or numerous severe complications, irreversible he alth problems

Why do fingernails hurt: causes, symptoms and treatment

Why do fingernails hurt: causes, symptoms and treatment

The main purpose of the stratum corneum at the fingertips is to protect the nerve endings located on the phalanges. The formation of the nail plates comes from keratinized cells. That is, there are no nerve fibers directly in the stratum corneum. At a doctor's appointment, some patients are interested in why the nails on their hands hurt. In fact, discomfort occurs directly under the plates or near them

Crooked fingers: possible causes of deformation, correction options, photo

Crooked fingers: possible causes of deformation, correction options, photo

This phenomenon is understood as a change in the bone tissue or the shape of the joints, resulting in a change in the configuration and direction of the bones. Such a pathology gives a person a wide variety of problems. If, for example, crooked toes, the load on the feet is unevenly distributed, as a result of which joint diseases begin to develop

Rare blue waffle disease is the result of an infection

Rare blue waffle disease is the result of an infection

The "blue waffle" version of the appearance of the disease from sexual relations is wandering around the Internet. Most schoolgirls are sure that such complications are inevitable without the use of protective equipment during intimacy with boys

What should I do if my child has pneumonia?

What should I do if my child has pneumonia?

In three cases out of five, pneumonia is usually diagnosed in a child in our country. It is noteworthy that this ailment lies in wait for the baby at a tender age (2-3 years). Let's take a closer look at it in this article

Hypostatic pneumonia: causes and diagnosis

Hypostatic pneumonia: causes and diagnosis

Hypostatic pneumonia is a serious disease that often occurs in bedridden patients. If the signs were not noticed in time, then the pathology develops very quickly and can lead to death

How does wheezing occur and how to cure it?

How does wheezing occur and how to cure it?

Difficulty breathing, accompanied by wheezing, signals serious problems with the lungs. How to be treated in such a situation?

What does high prolactin in women mean?

What does high prolactin in women mean?

Under the influence of some factors, the level of hormones in the body can change. In some cases, these changes are pathological. In what cases should elevated prolactin in women be considered the norm, and in which to sound the alarm, we will find out in this article

What is gynecomastia? Treatment of this disease

What is gynecomastia? Treatment of this disease

Surprisingly, not only women, but also men are affected by mammary gland pathologies. One such disease is gynecomastia. Fortunately, its treatment in our time is not difficult for doctors, even in advanced cases of the disease

Diseases of the diaphragm: types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Diseases of the diaphragm: types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Diaphragm disease should not be underestimated. As scientists say, this organ is the second heart of the human body. If a person is he althy, for every minute he performs about 18 motor acts, moving up and down by 4 cm from the starting point. The diaphragm is the strongest human muscle that compresses the vascular system of the abdomen, the lymphatic vessels. Thanks to it, the veins are emptied, blood enters the chest

Endocrine infertility - causes, symptoms and treatment features

Endocrine infertility - causes, symptoms and treatment features

Endocrine infertility is a whole complex of hormonal disorders that can lead to irregular or no ovulation in women. In men, it can cause impaired sperm quality. This diagnosis is based on various disorders of the functions of the thyroid gland, and in addition, the gonads

Why does my back hurt? Possible reasons

Why does my back hurt? Possible reasons

Why does my back hurt? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail. Back pain is an inevitable phenomenon that people face sooner or later. Even if a person is not a sleeper or loader, or a woman who carries heavy bags every day, pain still cannot be avoided

Removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis: reviews. Is it necessary to remove the tonsils in chronic tonsillitis?

Removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis: reviews. Is it necessary to remove the tonsils in chronic tonsillitis?

Removal of the tonsils, reviews of which are rarely positive, with advanced forms of the disease is often the only way out

Food poisoning of microbial origin: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Food poisoning of microbial origin: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Poisoning is considered a common ailment. Many people have experienced this condition at least once in their lives. Intoxication can be caused by the presence of bacteria in foods. The article offers information about food poisoning of microbial origin, their symptoms, therapy and prevention

Good cold remedy. The most effective cold remedy

Good cold remedy. The most effective cold remedy

If you treat a runny nose, it goes away in 7 days. If a runny nose is not treated, it goes away within a week. Everyone heard it. But such an opinion is erroneous. Many let the situation take its course, but a runny nose needs to be treated. Sleepless nights, lack of appetite, headache, sneezing, dryness and sensitivity of the nasal mucosa are the most harmless manifestations of acute rhinitis. If untreated, complications are possible: otitis media, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and the transition of the common cold into a chronic form

How to treat kidney stones

How to treat kidney stones

From this article you can learn about what kidney stones are. The causes of their appearance, symptoms and treatment are considered

Intracranial pressure in infants: causes, symptoms and treatment

Intracranial pressure in infants: causes, symptoms and treatment

Intracranial pressure in infants is very common. You should not be scared when you hear such a diagnosis, you need to be patient and carefully follow the recommendations of doctors

Shoulohumeral periarthrosis: symptoms, treatment methods, exercises

Shoulohumeral periarthrosis: symptoms, treatment methods, exercises

Shoulohumeral periarthrosis is a degenerative process in the tissues that surround the joint. Periarthritis, as a rule, differs from periarthrosis in that it is only inflammation, it is not always characterized by a structural change in tissues. But periarthritis can be complicated by deformity, and if it is not cured, then it can turn into periarthrosis

HIV: stages of the disease

HIV: stages of the disease

No one is immune from diseases, everyone can become infected with some kind of illness, for example, HIV infection. Today, everyone knows about this very well-known disease, for which there are simply no drugs to treat. Today we will talk about this disease, find out the stages of HIV infection, symptoms and much more related to the human immunodeficiency virus

Why does my head hurt with pressure?

Why does my head hurt with pressure?

Headache and pressure are closely related. In this case, the deterioration of well-being can be at high, normal and low pressure. In case of significant discomfort, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment

Baker's cyst of the knee joint: signs, diagnosis and treatment

Baker's cyst of the knee joint: signs, diagnosis and treatment

Knots of various kinds can often occur in the knee. The classification is based on development and location. One of the types of pathology is Baker's or Becker's cyst. She is also known as Bekhtereva. There are also alternative medical names, but they are not popular among patients. In everyday life, this disease is often called a common hernia. What is a Baker's cyst? An urgent question is also which doctor should be consulted in order to cure it

Choroid plexus cyst: causes and treatment

Choroid plexus cyst: causes and treatment

A choroid plexus cyst is a formation in the brain, which is detected by ultrasound in a fetus at 6-7 months of its development. After that, she should disappear and never remind herself of herself again. However, after receiving the results of the study, the pregnant woman begins to worry and consider this a deviation. Actually it's not like that

Symptoms and treatment of brain cysts

Symptoms and treatment of brain cysts

Treatment of a brain cyst in a child, an adult may be required quite suddenly. From medical statistics it is known that such a pathological condition is quite widespread, it occurs in many. Without adequate medical care, complications and negative consequences are possible, but proper treatment under the supervision of a doctor, as a rule, ends in a complete recovery of the patient without negative consequences in the future

What is hypothyroidism? Description, symptoms and treatment

What is hypothyroidism? Description, symptoms and treatment

With a lack of hormones of the endocrine glands, disturbances in the work of all organ systems are observed. Especially dangerous consequences can be if hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland develops. Pathology requires immediate treatment, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous

Bartolinitis: treatment, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and consequences

Bartolinitis: treatment, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and consequences

Bartolinitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the Bartholin gland, which is located in the vestibule of the vagina. According to statistics, this is a common pathology faced mainly by young women aged 20 to 35 years. Treatment of bartholinitis is rarely difficult, especially if the disease was diagnosed on time

Treatment of polyarthritis of the joints: drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of polyarthritis of the joints: drugs and folk remedies

Of course, the treatment of polyarthritis is best left to a specialist. Only a doctor knows how to get rid of the problem, how to quickly alleviate the patient's condition with minimal negative consequences and side effects. The disease is not easy, it is extremely difficult to tolerate, it deprives the quality of life and mobility, therefore, at the first signs of it, you should immediately contact a specialist. The sooner you can start a therapeutic course, the better its result will be

Chronic arterial insufficiency: classification, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Chronic arterial insufficiency: classification, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Chronic arterial insufficiency is a pathology that can lead to serious changes associated with blood circulation in tissues and organs. Today it is the main cause of death in many countries of the world

Burning in the left side: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

Burning in the left side: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

Burning in the left side of the patient is most often associated with cardiac pathologies. However, cardiac diseases are not the only cause of discomfort. In this part of the body, not only the heart is located, but also the spleen, sigmoid colon, left kidney, and in women, the left ovary with an appendage. The pathology of any of these organs can lead to a burning sensation. How to determine the cause of discomfort?

Can varicose veins be cured?

Can varicose veins be cured?

Every second woman in Russia has the word "varicose veins" on her tongue. When this word is played, associations immediately begin to appear in the head with swollen, swollen legs with bulging, tortuous burgundy-blue veins. Someone associates this disease with pregnancy, and someone with old age. Is it so? Can varicose veins be cured?

Fracture of the foot: treatment, photos, symptoms and signs. Signs of a broken foot

Fracture of the foot: treatment, photos, symptoms and signs. Signs of a broken foot

Fracture of the foot is a fairly common injury and accounts for up to 20% of all bone fractures. Do not take a broken foot lightly, the consequences can be very negative, up to the inability to move without assistance

Oliguria is Causes, signs and treatment of oliguria

Oliguria is Causes, signs and treatment of oliguria

Oliguria is a condition in which the production of urine in the body is reduced. There are certain factors in the development of this phenomenon, including inflammation of the kidneys, infections, medication, insufficient fluid intake, the reaction of the adrenal glands to stress, and others. This article discusses issues such as the causes of the disease "oliguria", symptoms, treatment of the disease, diagnostic methods

Sinusitis is Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment. antibiotics for sinusitis

Sinusitis is Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment. antibiotics for sinusitis

Inflammation of the sinuses is called sinusitis. This is a whole group of diseases, the name of each of which depends on the localization of the infection in a particular sinus. This publication is devoted to issues such as the symptoms of sinusitis in adults, the treatment of the disease, its features in children and the causes of the disease

Malaria is Malaria vectors. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of malaria

Malaria is Malaria vectors. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of malaria

Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease. People who contract it tend to have severe symptoms, including chills, fever, and flu-like conditions

Signs and symptoms of pancreatitis in men and women. Methods for the treatment of pancreatitis

Signs and symptoms of pancreatitis in men and women. Methods for the treatment of pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which plays an important role in digestion. Statistics indicate that every eighth man and every fourth woman faces this diagnosis. The elderly and overweight people are at risk. Symptoms of pancreatitis in men usually appear more often in a chronic form, and the weaker half of humanity often develops an acute type of the disease. The publication is devoted to the features of the disease and methods of therapy

Coccobacilli in a smear: causes, treatment and prevention

Coccobacilli in a smear: causes, treatment and prevention

The article describes a disease in which coccobacilli appear in a smear. The reasons for their appearance, signs, treatment and prevention - you can find out about all this in this publication