According to experts, about such a disease as pneumonia, it is better to know information in theory than to encounter in practice. Especially when it comes to children's form. In fact, this kind of disease is quite common. In three cases out of five, as a rule, a child is diagnosed with pneumonia in our country. It is noteworthy that this ailment lies in wait for the baby at a tender age (2-3 years). Let's take a closer look at it in this article.

General information
How does a child develop pneumonia? Surely many parents are interested in this issue. Everything is very simple. With inflammation of the lungs, the pathogen rapidly penetrates directly into the alveoli themselves (vesicles at the ends of the bronchi). Then the inflammatory process begins to develop. The so-called exudate accumulates in the alveoli. This is a liquid, which, in turn, makes it very difficult for the process of gas exchange in the body. As a result, there is a sharp decrease in oxygen in the baby (hypoxia). Almost all vital organs receive less oxygen, which, of course, is not good.
Why does it developbaby pneumonia?

- Doctors note that the causes of this disease in adults and children are somewhat different. In the adult generation, such a disease mainly develops as an independent one. Most often (about 90% of all cases), pneumonia in a child is diagnosed as a result of recent infections (SARS, influenza, etc.).
- In young children, as you know, the immune system is not yet as well developed as in adults. It is she who plays a direct role in whether the infection present in the body develops into pneumonia or not. Therefore, the younger the child, the higher the likelihood of pneumonia.
- The development of the respiratory system also plays an important role. If the baby was born with underdeveloped lungs or an immature respiratory system, the risk of developing the disease is slightly higher.
Diagnosis of pneumonia in children
When available

and if parents suspect this diagnosis, you should immediately seek qualified help. Doctors, in turn, must necessarily conduct a series of examinations, after which such an unpleasant disease will be confirmed or refuted.
Pneumonia in young children is currently treated by standard methods. First of all, doctors eliminate the focus of inflammation and all associated symptoms. Antibiotics are most commonly prescribed. Certainly, almost allparents are not happy that their child is exposed to the strongest effects of drugs, but at the moment this kind of practice is the most effective.
It should be noted that the treatment of this disease should be carried out exclusively by qualified doctors. In no case should you resort to the help of traditional medicine. So you will only make the child worse, and the disease will not be defeated at all.