Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. In the female body, a small amount of it is also produced by the endometrial layer. There are several types of hormone: monomeric, tetrameric and dimeric prolactin. To the greatest extent, the body contains its monomeric form.

Despite modern methods of scientific research, the final effect of prolactin on the body has not yet been revealed. It is known that it promotes the development of the mammary glands in women, the formation of colostrum, the formation of milk lobules and ducts in the breast, and also affects the subsequent decrease in the activity of the lactation process. In addition, prolactin regulates water-s alt metabolism in the human body. In women, the hormone also acts as a contraceptive. It is thanks to prolactin during pregnancy and lactation that the risk of re-conception is minimized. But as soon as a woman stops the process of lactation, or it ends for other reasons, this effect of the hormone is canceled.
Elevated prolactin in women in some cases is considered the norm. For example, during pregnancy, its concentration in the blood gradually increases. Immediately before childbirth, its activity decreases, and then increases only with the onset of breastfeeding.

If pregnancy does not occur, increased prolactin in women can lead to unpleasant consequences. But, before drawing any conclusions, it is necessary to retake the tests, and strictly on an empty stomach. You also need to maintain emotional stability, because. hormone levels can change under the influence of stressful situations in any direction. A huge role is played by the day of the menstrual cycle at the time of diagnosis. The fact is that increased prolactin in women is directly related to the phase of ovulation.
Symptoms of an increase in hormone levels are known: decreased sex drive, hair growth in uncharacteristic places, acne, excess weight, menstrual irregularities and lack of ovulation. Some symptoms also characterize elevated prolactin in men.

Such changes in the human body lead to disruption of its performance. Women complain of a long absence of conception and a minimum of separated milk after childbirth. Men experience impotence or decreased erectile function, infertility, breast enlargement, and even colostrum separation.
Increased prolactin in women of a physiological nature can be, as already mentioned, during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, with emotional stress, after intercourse. In the morning hours, that isaround 5 – 6 am, the hormone levels increase in both sexes.
A pathological increase in prolactin indicates the presence of damage to the pituitary gland, tumors, radiation exposure, trauma to the thoracic region, kidney failure, lack of B vitamins. Some drugs also increase prolactin.
At the slightest suspicion of this pathology, you should consult a doctor - an endocrinologist. If necessary, he will prescribe additional diagnostics, on the basis of which the final diagnosis is made. Treatment is prescribed strictly on an individual basis.