Kidney stones, which are a solid crystalline mass, are formed as a result of violations of metabolic processes and the ability of the kidneys to filter metabolic products. During normal operation of all systems, chemical compounds that have been processed are excreted from the body with urine. In the case of kidney diseases and, as a result, disruption of their work, chemical compounds are deposited in the body in the form of small crystals, and then, as they grow, they are grouped into formations of a complex shape.

The presence of the disease is difficult to guess until the stones in the kidneys, causing excruciating pain, begin to change their position or move along the urinary tract.

Despite the seriousness of the disease, it is in most cases treatable. In addition, there is the possibility of relapse prevention.
Causes of kidney stones
Currently, the reasons for the formation of these elements are not fully understood. Kidney stones are more likely to occur in people who have a hereditary predisposition.
Risk factors include a violation in the body of such processes as metabolism,urine outflow, various diseases and pathologies, diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system caused by infection. Eating disorders, bad habits, harsh climatic conditions in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence and the chemical composition of the water - this is what causes kidney stones to appear at an earlier age. It is noted that in regions with soft water, cases of urolithiasis are recorded much less frequently than in places where hard water.
Urolithiasis symptoms
The main symptom that stones in the kidneys are present and have already begun to advance is pronounced pain. The pain is usually localized in the lumbar region, right or left side, or in the lower abdomen. In intensity, it can be both aching and acute, tolerable thanks to painkillers. In some cases, renal colic occurs, lasting from twenty minutes to one hour, accompanied by unbearable pain. Kidney colic may subside for a while, but will soon recur again.

In addition to pain, sand or blood in the urine, nausea, vomiting, or cutting pains that occur during urination may indicate the presence of stones in the kidneys. In some cases, kidney stones can only be detected by an ultrasound examination.
How to dissolve kidney stones
If it is necessary to relieve an acute attack of renal colic, antispasmodic painkillers and analgesics are usually used. Then a course of treatment with diuretics is prescribed.
Surgical removalor crushing with the help of shock waves, large stones are subject to. Stones of small diameter can be dissolved using traditional medicine as an additional treatment. However, the use of any medication or folk remedy requires prior consultation with a urologist.