Oliguria is a condition in which the production of urine in the body is reduced. There are certain factors in the development of this phenomenon, including inflammation of the kidneys, infections, medication, insufficient fluid intake, the reaction of the adrenal glands to stress, and others. This article discusses issues such as the causes of the disease "oliguria", symptoms, treatment of the disease, diagnostic methods. Some folk remedies for this disease have also been proposed.
What is oliguria
The disorder occurs when the body produces a sharp decrease in the amount of urine produced. The norm for kidney function is the volume of urine equal to 1.5 liters per day. With illness, this figure decreases to 300-500 ml or less. Doctors do not consider oliguria as an independent disease, it acts as a side condition as a reaction to other he alth problems. What can lead to the development of the disease? Read more about it below.
Oliguria: causes
Let's consider the mainfactors contributing to the onset of the disease. Oliguria is a condition in which the body produces too little urine. This can be the result of insufficient fluid intake, damage to the kidneys, which become unable to function normally and produce urine. The factors that provoke the development of the disease "oliguria" are quite diverse. Causes may be dehydration, heart disease (heart failure, collapse of the cardiovascular system, also known as hypovolemic shock). A low level of fluid leads to the fact that the kidneys fail, the amount of urine excreted decreases.

Infection, glomerulonephritis
Oliguria is a pathology that can also be caused by some infectious bacterial infections, in particular cholera, leading to dehydration due to loss of fluid and electrolytes, weakness, hypotension, intense thirst, muscle cramps, acute watery diarrhea, tachycardia and vomiting. If cholera is not treated, a person can die within hours.
Acute glomerulonephritis is another factor that can provoke the occurrence of the disease "oliguria". Symptoms in this case include fatigue, slight fever, high blood pressure and swelling, nausea, vomiting, headache, as well as congestion in the lungs and abdominal pain.
Heart failure
With heart failure, oliguria can also develop along the way,which results from a decrease in cardiac output and an increase in renal perfusion. In such cases, a person may experience fatigue and weakness, distention of the jugular veins, tachycardia, shortness of breath, as well as peripheral edema and dry cough.
Hypovolemia is another reason for the development of the disease "oliguria". Symptoms, treatment of the disease based on overcoming the signs of the primary disease, include fatigue and lethargy, muscle weakness, anorexia, nausea, dizziness, hypotension. A hallmark of the signs of oliguria caused by hypovolemia is dry mucous membranes and sunken eyeballs.

Other factors
Other causes include pathologies such as chronic renal failure, especially in its final stages, acute pyelonephritis, renal vein occlusion, preeclampsia during pregnancy. There are also patients who develop oliguria after surgery, in which case the disease is the body's response to a number of factors - dehydration, loss of large amounts of blood, severe infections leading to toxic shock, urinary obstruction caused by prostate enlargement. It is also possible to react to postoperative medications such as diuretics, methotrexate, and anticholinergic medications.
For the disease "oliguria" treatment is prescribed after the diagnosis and identification of the exact causes of the pathology. The doctor examines the patient, examines his medicalstory, conducts a conversation in which important information is the amount of fluid consumed per day, the amount and color of urine excreted. Particular attention is paid to the presence of any aggravating factors and accompanying symptoms - fever, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, increased thirst, recent injuries, medication, allergies.
Diagnostic tests are also needed to confirm the causes of oliguria. The doctor will order a urine test to check for inflammation or infection in the kidneys. X-rays with contrast can help identify kidney stones and tumors, and ultrasound is needed to check for cysts.

Other diagnostic procedures include computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis, cytoscopy, in which a flexible telescope is inserted into the urethra. A blood test shows the presence of anemia, kidney failure and possible urinary tract infections.
Signs and symptoms
Oliguria is classified based on the factors that caused the disease. For example, prerenal oliguria develops as a result of renal hypoperfusion and reduced fluid intake, resulting in dehydration, diarrhea, bleeding, and sepsis. Renal occurs due to impaired functioning of the kidneys caused by medication, hypoperfusion, that is, a decrease in their filtering ability. Postrenal oliguria develops when the outflow of urine is difficult due to prostate enlargement, tumor, hematoma.
The disease is determined based onthe amount of urine excreted. For example, in infants it is diagnosed with a urine volume of less than 1 ml per kilogram of body weight per hour, in older children less than 0.5 ml per kilogram of body weight per hour, in adults less than 400 ml per day. If a person notices a steady decrease in the amount of urine produced, then this is a cause for concern and may signal the presence of the ailment "oliguria". In children, the first 3 days of life, an insufficient amount of urine produced is considered the norm. This is a feature of the functioning of the kidneys during this period. It's called "transient oliguria".

In adults, the illness often presents with general symptoms such as dizziness, heart palpitations, diarrhoea, often high fever and vomiting. If a gradual decrease in diuresis is observed within two weeks, then acute necrosis of the renal tubules may be the culprit of the disorder. Symptoms of oliguria may also include arrhythmia, muscle weakness, lethargy, confusion, itching, convulsions, heart failure. The formation of stones in the ureters, urethra and kidneys also often leads to oliguria. The symptoms are as follows: severe pain in the groin, pubic region and in the area of the external genital organs, nausea, bloating, vomiting, fever and chills.
Oliguria and nephrotic syndrome in children
Since the kidneys are responsible for the production of urine in the body, the features of diuresis can be considered as a reflection of the state of these organs. Nephrotic syndrome is a common kidney problem in children andoften leads to the development of renal failure. In a he althy kidney, blood passes through it and releases excess fluid, waste, and creatinine to form urine. For children with nephrotic syndrome, a decrease in urine output means that the kidneys are not able to properly filter the blood. The less urine is produced per day, the more severe the condition of the kidneys. Oliguria in children with nephrotic syndrome is a warning sign, as it indicates that damaged kidney tissue cannot be repaired. Under these circumstances, immediate medical attention and treatment is the only option to avoid dialysis and the need for a kidney transplant.

Nephrotic syndrome can be managed with drug therapy, but damaged kidney tissue is more difficult to repair.
Cure disease
Oliguria is a disease, the effective treatment of which involves three successive stages:
- elimination of the pathological cause, the underlying disease;
- restoration of body homeostasis;
- treatment of complications.
Therapy of an ailment always depends on the cause that caused it, and in most cases diuresis can be restored and normalized. One of the methods of treatment today is the introduction of a catheter into the urethra in order to eliminate its obstruction and remove the accumulation of urine. If there is a risk of kidney failure, then an artificial filter is used instead of the kidney, which allows you to restorenormal removal of waste products from the blood.

In some cases, hospitalization is necessary, in the hospital the patient is given intravenous fluid if dehydration is observed. It is also indicated to stop taking any medications that can have a toxic effect on the kidneys. It is important to restore normal renal perfusion, which requires correction of arterial hypotension and vasodilator drug therapy.
Polyuria, anuria, oliguria
Problems with the production and excretion of urine can be of a different nature. There are also forms of impaired diuresis, in addition to such a failure as oliguria. Anuria is a pathology in which the flow of urine into the bladder is suspended. It is important not to confuse anuria with acute urinary retention, when it enters the bladder, but is not removed from there. Another violation is polyuria, in which urine, on the contrary, is formed a lot. An increase in urination may be associated with diseases of the kidneys themselves, with hormonal and other disorders of the body. Polyuria, oliguria, anuria require treatment, which is based primarily on the elimination of the root cause.
Home remedies for treatment
There are several natural and safe remedies for treating oliguria, the risk of side effects from their use is minimal. Some of the folk recipes are very popular and have long been used to normalize diuresis. For example, juniper berries are very useful, which help remove toxins from the body, as well asstimulate the kidneys and pancreas.

A very effective blend of ground cilantro and buttermilk (the fat-free by-product of butter making). Drink this drink with every meal. Anemarrhena leaves and roots are very useful in the treatment of oliguria. All you need to do is pour a tablespoon of the dried mixture of this plant with 300 ml of boiling water and let it brew for a couple of hours. To improve the condition, drink two glasses of this infusion daily until diuresis returns to normal.
Plantain seeds and gentian root are considered very effective in the treatment of the disease. Reception of a decoction of these herbal remedies promotes urination, in addition, reduces swelling of the prostate gland. Many healers advise drinking the so-called copper water. Pour pure water into a copper container at night, and drink this water with copper ions the next day. You can increase urine flow by using cardamom powder diluted in warm milk. Drink such a drink should be daily until the result.
So, we have considered such issues as oliguria, symptoms, treatment of the disease. In case of any manifestations of the disease, immediately consult a doctor. In addition, it is recommended to avoid fatty and s alty foods, eat a balanced diet, including as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible in your diet. Urinate as soon as the urge to urinate occurs. Drink more water to keep your body hydrated.