Shoulohumeral periarthrosis: symptoms, treatment methods, exercises

Shoulohumeral periarthrosis: symptoms, treatment methods, exercises
Shoulohumeral periarthrosis: symptoms, treatment methods, exercises

Shoulohumeral periarthrosis is a degenerative process in the tissues that surround the joint. Periarthritis, as a rule, differs from periarthrosis in that it is only inflammation, it is not always characterized by a structural change in tissues. But periarthritis can be complicated by deformation and, if not cured, it can turn into periarthrosis. The process of development of the disease is very fast. Most patients go to the doctor already at the stage of humeroscapular periarthrosis, which has arisen against the background of inflammation. In this regard, the diagnoses of periarthritis and periarthrosis are sometimes used as synonymous.

Shoulder-shoulder periarthrosis
Shoulder-shoulder periarthrosis

Basic information

The disease can bring a person great difficulties in everyday life. Patients are concerned about the pain, which increases with pressure, in connection with this, it is difficult for a person to find a suitable position for sleeping, moreover, he is not able to sleep on the side affected by the disease. In addition, to a large extentlimited motor functions of the limb. Against this background, it becomes, for example, hard to raise your hand and wind it behind your back. Carrying a bag in the affected hand becomes simply impossible, as this intensifies the pain that already haunts the patient.

Is the disease treatable?

It is quite possible to successfully cure this disease. To do this, you just need to contact a specialist who, having studied the symptoms, will help you choose the required treatment. Alternative methods should also be added to traditional treatment, but first they must first be discussed with the attending physician.

In the event that the pathology has arisen as one of the symptoms of rheumatism, an arthrologist or rheumatologist deals with humeroscapular periarthrosis. Also, you may need the help of a surgeon if the disease requires surgical intervention. Next, we will learn in detail about how this pathology can be detected, and what methods are used to treat it.

Causes of disease

Shoulohumeral periarthrosis can rarely occur as an independent disease. As a rule, it develops with other pathologies, namely:

Shoulder-scapular periarthrosis, treatment
Shoulder-scapular periarthrosis, treatment
  • In the presence of cervical osteochondrosis.
  • With humeroscapular periarthritis.
  • With adhesive capsulitis, which is an inflammatory process in the synovium and joint capsules.
  • Against the background of fasciitis, which is an inflammation of the muscle membrane.
  • With bursitis, which is an inflammatory pathology of the articularbags.
  • Tendinitis, which is inflammation of the ligaments.

And any inflammatory diseases of the joint and its surrounding tissue appear due to frequent hypothermia, injuries and reduced immunity as a result of stress, and, in addition, due to malnutrition and bad habits.

In addition, this disease can occur in people due to circulatory disorders in the area of the shoulders and shoulder blades. Therefore, this disease often appears after a heart attack or surgery associated with the removal of the mammary gland. Among other things, this pathology develops against the background of rheumatism, which is caused by impaired immune function.

Independent disease

As an independent disease, periarthrosis occurs due to constant physical stress on the shoulder joints. It can develop in athletes whose activities are directly related to the active work of the shoulder blades and shoulders. Rowers, tennis players and so on are especially affected by this disease.

Before considering how to treat humeroscapular periarthrosis, let's describe its symptoms.

Characteristic symptoms

Periarthritis is the thinning and malnutrition of the tissue that surrounds a joint. The fabric weakens and becomes less durable and elastic. In addition, s alts are deposited in the tendons and synovial sac. Along with this, fibrous connective tissues grow in the capsules of the joints. This whole process, as a rule, is accompanied by the following symptoms of humeroscapular periarthrosis:

humeroscapularperiarthrosis - treatment with folk remedies
humeroscapularperiarthrosis - treatment with folk remedies
  • Pain in the shoulder and shoulder blades.
  • The appearance of painful sensations, which are aggravated by pressing on the affected hand.
  • Presence of stiffness in the sternum and subscapularis muscle.
  • The inability to raise a hand, and, moreover, to bring it behind the back. Because of this, periarthrosis is sometimes called frozen shoulder disease.
  • Rise in temperature due to the presence of a constant inflammatory process. At the same time, overheating occurs in the body from time to time, that is, hyperthermia.

Against the background of an advanced stage of the pathology, a decrease in pain is sometimes characteristic, as patients, trying to reduce discomfort, instinctively immobilize the shoulder. Being in a state of absolute inactivity for a long time, the muscles, along with the ligaments surrounding the joint, are completely weakened. Against this background, to bring them into tone may require regular exercise therapy, which should be carried out for a long time. As a rule, such classes are held from six months to several years.

To be able to get rid of this disease as quickly as possible, you need to see a doctor at an early stage of the pathology, as soon as the above symptoms occur.

Symptoms and treatment of humeroscapular periarthrosis are interrelated.

Exercises for humeroscapular periarthrosis
Exercises for humeroscapular periarthrosis


To establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will most likelyrecommends a series of the following examinations:

  • X-ray of the shoulder and scapula.
  • Performing magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Computed tomography.
  • Handling a blood test. This test is for the differential diagnosis of infectious arthritis.

Now let's go directly to therapy and find out what methods are used to treat humeroscapular periarthrosis.

Medicated treatment

One of the most common treatments for this disease is drug therapy. In order to eliminate the symptoms of pathology, it is extremely important to get rid of inflammatory processes in the tissues. For this, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the form of Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Tenoxicam and others.

In the event that these drugs suddenly turn out to be ineffective and the symptoms persist, then doctors prescribe intra-articular injection of anti-inflammatory drugs of a hormonal nature, that is, in this case, patients are prescribed corticosteroids. Periarthrosis is most effectively treated with the following corticosteroid injections: Flosteron along with Diprospan, Hydrocortisone and Kenalog.

What else is the treatment of humeroscapular periarthrosis?

Therapeutic exercise for humeroscapular periarthrosis
Therapeutic exercise for humeroscapular periarthrosis

Physiotherapy in the treatment of periarthrosis

In medical practice, various physiotherapy procedures are used in the treatment of this disease. Tofor example, this might:

  • Laser therapy.
  • Hirudotherapy procedures.
  • Performing magnetotherapy.
  • Ultrasound treatment.

But there are the following contraindications to physiotherapy:

  • Presence of acute allergic reactions.
  • The patient's individual intolerance to the main effects of physiotherapy.
  • Having severe infectious or respiratory diseases.
  • Development of serious skin lesions.
  • The emergence of severe heart disease.
  • Physiotherapy should not be done after a recent heart attack.
  • Presence of pregnancy.

Massage for humeroscapular periarthritis and periarthrosis is very effective.


In order to relieve pain, and, in addition, muscle tension, patients are prescribed massage. This procedure is also performed to improve blood circulation. But it is worth noting that in the presence of a too acute inflammatory process, such a procedure may be strictly contraindicated.

How to treat humeroscapular periarthrosis?
How to treat humeroscapular periarthrosis?

Exercises for humeroscapular periarthrosis

Another integral part of the treatment of this disease is exercise therapy. Without it, drug therapy will not be as effective, since the muscles with shoulder ligaments are extremely weakened against the background of periarthrosis, and without the right loads, they simply cannot get into the desired shape. Very good for rehabilitationperiarticular tissue exercises that were developed by an American doctor named Ernest Codman:

  • It is necessary to take the starting position. At the same time, the legs are placed shoulder-width apart and stand up straight, after which they tilt the torso forward. Next, you need to freely lower your shoulders and hang your arms to the floor. In this position, you must remain for fifteen seconds. Then they return to their original position. You need to repeat the exercise up to fifteen times. This exercise is great for relieving tension from the muscles around the shoulder girdle.
  • Next, the person should take a different starting position. To do this, stand near a chair, and tilt your body slightly forward. Then a he althy hand is placed on the back of a chair, and the diseased limb is straightened and lowered. Then swing the arm back and forth up to twenty times like a pendulum. This exercise allows you to increase the range of motion and at the same time does not allow you to put a lot of stress on the shoulder joint and the muscles that surround it.

Therapeutic exercise for humeroscapular periarthrosis should be done regularly. In order to improve blood flow, hot compresses are applied to diseased tissues. However, their use is advisable at a time when inflammatory processes are already not so pronounced.

Consider the treatment of humeroscapular periarthrosis with folk remedies.

The use of folk methods of treatment

Treatment with folk methods for periatrosis helps to reduce pain, thereby stopping inflammation. But applysuch funds can only be after medical permission. Traditional methods are used as an auxiliary treatment. The following recipes are considered the most effective:

  • Pour a spoonful of dry nettle with a liter of boiling water. Further, the remedy is insisted and taken in a third of a glass against the background of an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.
  • They take two spoons of pharmacy St. John's wort, fill it with 300 milliliters of water and boil it. Take the resulting medicine during the day, 20 milliliters.
  • Dilute a spoonful of sea s alt in one glass of water. Then you need to moisten the gauze in the prepared solution, and then compresses are performed.
  • Mix a spoonful of chamomile, mint and burdock root. Pour the herbs with a liter of boiling water. Ready tincture is used for rubbing the joint.
  • Steam a fresh leaf of burdock, then apply it on the inflamed area of the shoulder. Then they fix the sheet with a handkerchief and leave it in this state all night.
  • Shoulder-scapular periarthrosis - symptoms and treatment
    Shoulder-scapular periarthrosis - symptoms and treatment

Surgical treatment

Conservative therapy of this disease, as a rule, takes from six months to one and a half years. In the event that during this time the treatment has not brought the expected result, the doctor may decide on the advisability of surgical intervention. In addition, surgery is required immediately after contacting a doctor, when there is an extensive growth of fibrous tissue in the joint capsule.

A weighty indication for surgery can be a complete limitation of shoulder mobility that has developeddue to hardening of the joint capsules. The operation that is carried out in such cases is called decompression. During its execution, the affected areas of the joint are completely removed. As a result, the return of normal shoulder mobility becomes possible.

We reviewed the symptoms and treatment of humeroscapular periarthrosis with folk remedies and medicines.
