The main purpose of the stratum corneum at the fingertips is to protect the nerve endings located on the phalanges. The formation of the nail plates comes from keratinized cells. That is, there are no nerve fibers directly in the stratum corneum. At a doctor's appointment, some patients are interested in why the nails on their hands hurt. In fact, discomfort occurs directly under the plates or near them. Below is information on why fingernails hurt and how to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
Injuries of various kinds
If discomfort occurs in the area of only one plate, such as on the thumb or little finger, the most likely cause is a bruise.
It is necessary to carefully examine the condition of the stratum corneum. If there is even a slight hemorrhage under it, the cause is clearly an injury. Regarding why it hurts on the handsunder the nails in this case. Upon receipt of an injury that is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin and the stratum corneum, a rupture of the capillaries occurs, located directly under the plate or next to it. The natural result is an outpouring of fluid connective tissue.
Most often under the nail you can see dots, spots or stripes of maroon or black. As the bruise resolves, it begins to take on a bluish tint.
After a serious injury, it is recommended to seek medical attention. Minor lesions do not require treatment and resolve on their own in a few days.

This term refers to acute inflammation of a purulent nature. The tissue of the finger from the side of the nail is involved in the pathological process.
The causative agent of panaritium is most often staphylococcus aureus. Less often, the following pathogens are detected in patients: Proteus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The infectious agent enters the body through minor damage to the skin. Since the wounds are very small, most people do not treat them, which starts the process of the active life of the pathogen.
After a while, a purulent exudate begins to form. The pathological fluid cannot come out, it spreads along the bridges of the subcutaneous fat layer. Over time, damage to muscle tissue, ligaments, joints and tendons occurs. That's why my fingers hurt under my nails.
Clinical manifestations of the disease:
- Purulent mass that is visible directly under the plate.
- Pronounced painful sensations of a pulsating nature.
- Swelling and redness of the fingertip.
As healing progresses, the stratum corneum peels off. The intensity of the pain decreases and the pus resolves.
In practice, near-long felon is often diagnosed. In this case, the skin roller near the plate is involved in the pathological process. Why do fingernails hurt in this case? The infectious agent also enters the body, but through deeper damage.
Symptomatology in this case develops in 5-6 days. Clinical manifestations of periungual panaritium:
- Severe pain.
- Redness and swelling of the skin roller. The fabrics are stretched and seem to burst.
- A collection of pus can be found under the skin.
- With a deep lesion, pathological exudate rushes deep into the tissues, resulting in a loss of connection between the stratum corneum and the nail bed.
Treatment of panaritium is most often conservative. With deep lesions, surgery is indicated, during which the doctor opens the abscess and removes the exudate. Sometimes the inflammation goes to the bones. In this case, it is not always possible to save the finger.

This is a pathology of an infectious nature, the causative agent of which is a fungus. As a result of the active life of the pathogen, one or several nails are affected.
Infectionpenetrates into the stratum corneum, where it begins to form tunnels. As a result, fingernails hurt when pressed.
Why the pathological process develops:
- Visit common areas. Baths, saunas and gyms are a striking example.
- Using the same household items. Very often, the pathogen is transmitted from one family member to another through towels, gloves, washcloths.
Not in all cases, when infected, a pathological process develops. The provoking factors are the following diseases and conditions:
- All kinds of injuries.
- Immunodeficiency.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Ignoring the need for hygiene.
Clinical manifestations of onychomycosis:
- Pain under or near nails.
- Changing the color of the horn plate.
- Thickening the nail.
- Deformation of the plate.
If there are signs of a fungal infection, you should consult a dermatologist. The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures, tell you why the nails on your hands hurt and how to treat the disease.

This term refers to a disease of a chronic nature, in which joints and bone tissue are affected.
Regarding why the fingernail hurts in this case. Under the influence of any provoking factors, there is a curvature and destruction of the joint and bone. At the same time, each patient complains of pronouncedpainful sensations, due to which it is almost impossible to bend the finger. Pressing on the nail also causes discomfort.
The main causes of the development of the disease:
- Natural aging processes of the body.
- A lifestyle that does not imply physical activity.
- Various injuries to one or more fingers.
When you try to bend the phalanx, a crunch is heard. In some cases, the joint becomes so deformed that it becomes impossible to move the finger.
Treatment of the disease requires an integrated approach. It is completely impossible to get rid of the disease. The main task of therapy is to stop the progression of the pathology and achieve a period of stable remission. If conservative methods are ineffective, the doctor evaluates the feasibility of surgical intervention.

Unbalanced diet
Many people do not adhere to the principles of a he althy lifestyle. Meanwhile, its basis is proper nutrition. Regular consumption of junk food negatively affects the functioning of the body's defense system. The consequence of this condition is the deterioration of the stratum corneum.
It is worth understanding why it hurts on the arm near the nail or under it. Against the background of a deficiency of vital components, the plate becomes thinner, it breaks easily. This in all cases leads to the emergence of painful sensations. Sometimes they only appear when you press the nail.
In order to get rid of discomfort, it is necessary to makedietary adjustments. Additionally, it is recommended to make hand baths with sea s alt.
Cosmetics and treatments
Some women experience discomfort after removing nail polish. In this case, the tips of the nails on the hands most often hurt. Why is this happening? It is important to know that any varnish and a means for removing it penetrate the stratum corneum and contribute to a change in its structure. Most often, pain occurs at the tips of the nails immediately after the removal of the pigment.
Discomfort may also occur after the removal of materials intended to build up the plate. Its appearance is due to a long period of lack of access to light and air to the nails.

Who to contact
If you experience pain under or near your nails, it is recommended to make an appointment with a therapist. This is a generalist who will prescribe an examination, based on its results, determine the nature of the disease and tell why the finger hurts on the hand near the nail or under the plate.
After carrying out diagnostic measures, the therapist can refer you to a dermatologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, and even an endocrinologist.
First Aid
In most cases, pain in the fingertips significantly impairs the quality of life. To get rid of them for a while, you can make trays with chamomile, sea s alt or baking soda. The procedure is recommended to be carried out several times a day.
With a fungal infection, you canuse ammonia. A tablespoon of liquid must be added to a glass of water. Moisten a piece of gauze in the resulting product and apply it to the affected area for half an hour.

Doctors' recommendations
To prevent the occurrence of pain under or near the nails, the following rules must be observed:
- Timely treat all identified diseases, including chronic ones.
- Use protective gloves when handling household chemicals.
- Perform cosmetic procedures in strict accordance with the norms. Do not abuse them.
- Even with a slight violation of the integrity of the skin, treat the foci with antiseptics.
- Strengthen the body's defenses.
- Take vitamin complexes.
- Follow the principles of proper nutrition.
In addition, doctors advise to get rid of bad habits.

In closing
There are no nerve endings directly in the nails, so pain cannot occur in the plates themselves. However, in practice, patients often complain of discomfort in the stratum corneum. In fact, the skin around the nails or under them hurts. The reasons for this condition are very diverse. Discomfort can occur even against the background of poor nutrition. The most serious cause is panaritium. This is a pathology, with untimely treatment of which you can not even save your finger.