Diseases and conditions

Parakotussus: symptoms in children, treatment and prevention

Parakotussus: symptoms in children, treatment and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What is parapertussis? Symptoms in children, the treatment of this disease and the causes of its occurrence will be presented below

Whooping cough: symptoms and treatment in adults and children. Consequences of whooping cough

Whooping cough: symptoms and treatment in adults and children. Consequences of whooping cough

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

An article about the symptoms and course of a disease called whooping cough, The stages of development of the disease, its treatment, complications and preventive measures are considered

What is hypoxia and why is it dangerous

What is hypoxia and why is it dangerous

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Hypoxia is a state of lack of oxygen in the tissues and occurs due to a large number of reasons. It is especially dangerous in the fetus

What should I do if my ear is stuffed up with a runny nose?

What should I do if my ear is stuffed up with a runny nose?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

ARI is one of the most common diseases in the autumn-winter period. You can get infected anywhere: on the street, at work, in public transport, in a store. Perhaps the most unpleasant symptom of this disease is a runny nose. What to do if the ear is stuffed up with a runny nose? Read about it in our article

The manifestation of appendicitis: the first signs. Where and how does appendicitis hurt

The manifestation of appendicitis: the first signs. Where and how does appendicitis hurt

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Appendicitis is the most common gastroenterological disease. Inflammation usually occurs suddenly. Manifestations of appendicitis are diverse and depend on the form of pathology, the age of the patient and the localization of the appendix. Also, the symptoms depend on the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and in women - pregnancy

Intercostal neuralgia: symptoms and treatment at home

Intercostal neuralgia: symptoms and treatment at home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Intercostal neuralgia occurs due to pinching or irritation of nerve endings, which provokes the occurrence of severe pain. It is imperative to conduct a comprehensive treatment to eliminate the existing problem and normalize well-being

Appendicitis: signs in adults. Signs of acute appendicitis in adults

Appendicitis: signs in adults. Signs of acute appendicitis in adults

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

According to statistics, among all surgical diseases, appendicitis occupies approximately 89% of cases in terms of prevalence and is in first place. It is more common in people of young working age from 18 to 35 years. The prevalence of this disease in women is 2 times higher than in men

Rash with HIV: what it looks like on the body, causes, photos

Rash with HIV: what it looks like on the body, causes, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

HIV is a serious and incurable disease, the therapy of which is aimed only at improving the quality of life. The disease has a wide variety of manifestations, including skin rashes. In this case, dermatitis is not a separate pathology, but refers to concomitant diseases, therefore it is difficult to treat

Why does the ear itch inside

Why does the ear itch inside

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Often, many of us wonder why the ear itches inside. There can be various reasons for this, which we will consider in this article

Dyshidrotic eczema: photos, symptoms and treatment

Dyshidrotic eczema: photos, symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Eczema is a polyetiological chronic disease with skin lesions that is prone to relapse and is the most common cause of disability in the practice of dermatology. In accordance with the location of the pathogenesis and etiology, there are several clinical types of this pathology. Dyshidrotic eczema is one of these

Why do my shins itch? Possible causes of itching

Why do my shins itch? Possible causes of itching

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What to do if the lower leg itches? With a systematic desire to scratch the lower leg, you need to seek help from a dermatologist. Such an unpleasant symptom may appear due to the development of a dermatological disease. To identify the factor that influenced the development of an unpleasant symptom, you should undergo a thorough medical examination. Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the doctor will prescribe an individual treatment regimen for a possible pathology

Spots on the legs itch: causes, methods of treatment, prevention

Spots on the legs itch: causes, methods of treatment, prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many people have encountered a situation where, for unknown reasons, red spots appeared on their legs. This condition may be accompanied by various symptoms. Only an experienced doctor can determine the cause of such an ailment. However, the main factors, as well as approaches to treatment, if spots on the legs itch, will be discussed in the article

Symptom of jaundice in newborns: types and signs of hepatitis

Symptom of jaundice in newborns: types and signs of hepatitis

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Science knows several types of hepatitis. All of them have identical signs - icteric color of the skin. In rare cases, this ailment can be anicteric in nature. To determine hepatitis in a child, you need to know the symptom of jaundice

Anemia in young children: diagnosis and consequences

Anemia in young children: diagnosis and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Anemia in children in modern medical practice is recorded quite often. This pathology is associated with a decrease in hemoglobin levels and a decrease in the number of red blood cells. If untreated, the disease leads to oxygen starvation

Suprahepatic jaundice: causes, symptoms and treatment

Suprahepatic jaundice: causes, symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Prehepatic jaundice is characterized by a very sharp increase in bilirubin in the blood. This pathology is also accompanied by severe anemia. Among the main symptoms, it is necessary to highlight the yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes. When the first signs appear, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment

Itching in the intimate area in women

Itching in the intimate area in women

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

An important aspect for maintaining women's he alth is comfortable and high-quality underwear. Wearing underwear made from non-natural materials can cause skin irritation, which leads to itching in the intimate area

FGR 1 degree: causes and consequences

FGR 1 degree: causes and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

FGR (fetal growth retardation syndrome) grade 1 is a fairly common diagnosis in pregnant women. It is about him that will be discussed in this article

What do they eat in case of poisoning? Let's find out

What do they eat in case of poisoning? Let's find out

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Each of us at least once in our lives faced with such an unpleasant disorder of the body as food poisoning. Its symptoms are known to all: vomiting, nausea, pain in the stomach, as well as general weakness and diarrhea. All of them are very unpleasant, although they most often go away on their own, because our body immediately turns on all the mechanisms for cleansing toxins

How to treat a wound properly. How to treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide

How to treat a wound properly. How to treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Knowing how to treat a wound will be useful to every person. There is nothing difficult in properly washing the site of damage and doing everything possible to disinfect it

The main risk factors for cardiovascular disease: a description. Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels

The main risk factors for cardiovascular disease: a description. Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

To live a long and fulfilling life, the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease must be eliminated. Without their harmful effects, a person is much more likely to avoid arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease and other dangerous ailments

Fasting with gastritis. The rules of therapeutic fasting

Fasting with gastritis. The rules of therapeutic fasting

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Fasting is one of the ancient methods of therapy for various pathologies. Today it is impossible to determine who is the author of this method of treatment. In different periods of history, physicians treated him ambiguously. However, today this method is quite popular. The article talks about the rules of fasting for gastritis

Burning tongue: causes, prevention and treatment features

Burning tongue: causes, prevention and treatment features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The tongue and oral cavity are considered an indicator of human he alth. That is why, during the diagnosis of various ailments, doctors examine the condition of the pharynx. Burning tongue can be due to various reasons, which only a doctor can establish. The principles of treatment are described in the article

Obstructive bronchitis: symptoms and treatment, causes of the disease

Obstructive bronchitis: symptoms and treatment, causes of the disease

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Obstructive bronchitis, the symptoms and treatment of which will be announced in this material, is a sudden spasm of small and medium bronchi, which occurs under the influence of many factors. These include, for example, infectious diseases, viruses, bacteria, as well as allergens, which are important in the development of this disease, as in the case of bronchial asthma

Sinus tachycardia on ECG: signs, symptoms of the disease, causes, treatment and prevention

Sinus tachycardia on ECG: signs, symptoms of the disease, causes, treatment and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Sinus tachycardia is a violation of the heart rhythm, in which the rate of heart rate increases significantly. Such a symptom may indicate the development of serious disorders of the cardiovascular system. An accurate diagnosis can be made by a specialist after a thorough examination

Reactive polyarthritis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Reactive polyarthritis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Reactive polyarthritis is considered multiple inflammation of the articular tissue. Both sequential and simultaneous damage to several joints is possible. The main reason for the development of the pathological process is some immune disorders, metabolic pathologies, as well as some nonspecific and specific infections. Polyarthritis manifests itself in the form of pain, swelling, hyperemia and hyperthermia in the affected area

Manual massage: benefits and harms, indications

Manual massage: benefits and harms, indications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Manual massage is useful for many diseases. Yes, and it is recommended for he althy people, because this procedure helps to relax and improve well-being. Find out how this massage appeared, how it is done, what types there are. You will also know who manual therapy is indicated for and who is contraindicated

How to check eye pressure at home?

How to check eye pressure at home?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Special tonometers will help to measure eye pressure at home. They allow you to regularly monitor the general condition of the fundus. With the help of such devices, the quality of vision is improved, which is negatively affected by pressure that changes sharply under the influence of various factors

Severely bruised coccyx: symptoms and treatment methods

Severely bruised coccyx: symptoms and treatment methods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

"Bruised the coccyx" - with such a complaint, patients often turn to specialists. Indeed, for such damage it may take only a second, but to treat this injury is sometimes very difficult and long

Stomach ache and nausea. How can this be explained?

Stomach ache and nausea. How can this be explained?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

All organs of the digestive system are actively and constantly functioning. At the same time, they are very closely connected with the external environment. This becomes possible due to the supply of food to them from the outside. Why does the stomach hurt and feel sick at the same time? The cause of such syndromes can be many pathological processes

Pinched sciatic nerve: treatment, symptoms, causes

Pinched sciatic nerve: treatment, symptoms, causes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

For the treatment of a pinched sciatic nerve, not all people prefer to go to the hospital. Many simply do not pay attention to it or engage in self-healing. This is not to say that this is correct, but still someone even succeeds. In view of the foregoing, there are no clear statistics on how many people are affected annually by the disease. More details - in the article

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis: folk remedies. Effective treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis: folk remedies. Effective treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Each person has repeatedly experienced such unpleasant sensations as sore throat, difficulty swallowing food

The stomach hurts a lot: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

The stomach hurts a lot: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Every person knows firsthand about abdominal pain. Let at least once in a lifetime, but everyone had to deal with such a symptom. The resulting discomfort is monotonous and barely noticeable or very strong. And they can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from minor causes to serious pathologies

Seronegative spondylitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Seronegative spondylitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Seronegative spondyloarthritis is a disease that is associated with inflammation and damage to the joints, as well as the spine. To be more precise, this is not one ailment, but a whole group of diseases that have similar pathogenetic, etiological and clinical properties

Friedreich's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, ICD-10 code

Friedreich's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, ICD-10 code

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

One of the genetic pathologies is Friedleich's disease. It affects the nervous tissue, resulting in impaired coordination of movements. Pathology manifests itself only by the age of 20, so it is extremely difficult to prevent the disease

Sequestered hernia: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Sequestered hernia: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Diseases of the spinal column are very dangerous. After all, they affect a vital structure - the spinal cord. One of these pathologies is a sequestered hernia. The disease negatively affects the entire body and can lead to a number of severe consequences

Cytomegalovirus infection in children: symptoms, consequences and features of treatment

Cytomegalovirus infection in children: symptoms, consequences and features of treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Most people have no idea what a cytomegalovirus infection is. At the same time, according to doctors, all people are infected with this virus, have already been ill with this sore and have become lifelong virus carriers. Many did not even realize that they were sick. And although it may seem that the enemy is not as terrible as he is portrayed, cytomegalovirus infection in children can be dangerous and have serious consequences

What can be interesting and useful blood lipid spectrum?

What can be interesting and useful blood lipid spectrum?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In order to prevent such a formidable disease as atherosclerosis, it is worth regularly donating blood to the lipid spectrum. It is he who will show the number of different fractions of cholesterol, which can cause atherosclerosis or a significant obstacle to its development. After passing the analysis, the doctor will tell you how best to behave and prescribe treatment if necessary. But along with this, it is worth leading a proper lifestyle, as well as eating rationally, giving the body a rest

Intestine ileum. Functions, diseases, treatment

Intestine ileum. Functions, diseases, treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The ileum (from the Latin word "ileum") is the lower section of the small intestine. Such an element of the gastrointestinal tract has its own functions and structure. You can find out more about them below

Subclavian artery. subclavian artery syndrome

Subclavian artery. subclavian artery syndrome

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The subclavian arteries are large vessels that carry blood to both upper limbs. In this article, all the basic concepts on this topic will be discussed in detail. You will learn what subclavian artery syndrome is and what its features are

Peritonitis: stages of development, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Peritonitis: stages of development, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The peritoneum is formed by two serous sheets - parietal and visceral, which cover the internal organs and walls of the cavity. It is a semi-permeable, active membrane that performs many functions: absorption of exudate, bacteria, lysis products, secretion of serous fluid, mechanical and antimicrobial protection of organs, etc