Treatment of polyarthritis of the joints: drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of polyarthritis of the joints: drugs and folk remedies
Treatment of polyarthritis of the joints: drugs and folk remedies

Of course, the treatment of polyarthritis is best left to a specialist. Only a doctor knows how to get rid of the problem, how to quickly alleviate the patient's condition with minimal negative consequences and side effects. The disease is not easy, it is extremely difficult to tolerate, it deprives the quality of life and mobility, therefore, at the first signs of it, you should immediately contact a specialist. The sooner you can start a therapeutic course, the better the result will be.

What is it about?

Polyarthritis is multiple arthritis, that is, a disease in which foci of inflammation are localized in the articular region. To a greater extent, pathologies were confirmed in persons over the age of forty, but there are also cases of joint damage in children and adolescents.

It so happened that the townsfolk often confuse when you need treatment for polyarthritis, and when - arthrosis. The second term isdegenerative processes leading to joint deformity. The condition is accompanied by pain during movement, especially strong in the daytime. Arthritis is caused by inflammation of the synovial membrane. The sensations are strongest in the affected areas at night, and there is no dependence on physical activity.

Often, treatment of polyarthritis and arthrosis is required simultaneously - the second condition develops against the background of the first. Arthritis often provokes a fever. There is a chronic, acute form of the disease. Although polyarthritis is always accompanied by painful joints, this symptom can also indicate other he alth problems.

polyarthritis treatment
polyarthritis treatment

Where did the trouble come from?

To this day, doctors cannot say for sure that all the reasons are known, due to which there is a need for the treatment of polyarthritis. Most often, the problem occurs due to the activity of pathogenic microflora - bacteria, viruses, fungi. Sometimes arthritis is caused by a malfunction in the immune system and metabolic problems. Polyarthritis can appear after the flu and in the presence of hormonal failure. Sometimes the disease develops due to neurological disorders, injury or hypothermia. Unhe althy diet, lack of vitamins and other compounds indispensable for the human body can provoke a he alth problem. There are many reasons for polyarthritis, for different types and areas of localization they can be different. The main task in the treatment of polyarthritis by a doctor is to determine for what reason the inflammatory process began, and to stop its influence.on the patient's body.

How to notice?

You can understand that you already need drugs for the treatment of polyarthritis if you have pain in the joints. True, you first need to visit a doctor - only a doctor can choose the best means for a particular case. Additionally, severe pains, as if pulsating, become stronger at night, when a person spends a long time without movement, indicates polyarthritis. Arthritis may be indicated by swelling and swelling of painful areas, redness of the skin near these areas, and a local increase in temperature. As a rule, with polyarthritis, the ability to move freely is impaired, the patient feels stiffness in the affected area. Against the background of illness, a person weakens, his weight decreases, his appetite disappears.

If you do not figure out in time what treatment of polyarthritis is necessary in a particular case, the likelihood of complications is high. The most severe option is purulent inflammatory processes in the articular region, as well as degeneration of this part of the body. Some types of polyarthritis can provoke a violation of the activity of vital internal organs. Most often, a negative effect is on the kidneys, heart, liver. Polyarthritis can damage the bladder. Violations are possible severe, up to irreversible, if the therapeutic course is not started on time.

polyarthritis of the legs treatment
polyarthritis of the legs treatment

What to do?

You should not practice the treatment of polyarthritis at home - the probability is too high that the chosen methods will be ineffective, the condition will worsen. To deal withdisease, you will have to go through a full-fledged comprehensive course, and only a qualified doctor can compile one. Even with the use of the most modern and effective drugs and procedures, the treatment will be delayed for a long time, and it will be successful only if you treat it responsibly, take the recommended medicines and do all the prescribed procedures regularly.

Choosing treatments for polyarthritis of the legs, shoulders and any other part of the body, you first need to understand what triggered the disease. Only by eliminating the cause, you can cope with arthritis. Also, the doctor will select painkillers and inflammation-relieving agents to alleviate the patient's condition. The prognosis will depend on the severity of the course, the form and type, and the characteristics of the disease. It must be understood that the longer a person delays with the start of adequate therapy, the worse the prognosis.

Classic approach

Drug treatment of polyarthritis involves the use of non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs containing diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen. Trade names: Voltaren, Brufen, Indovazin. Such drugs are injected into a vein, joint or muscle tissue. To increase the effectiveness of the course, the doctor may recommend the local use of ointments, gels (Nise, Mataren Plus). Also, hormonal drugs ("Medrol", "Dexamethasone") are used to inject into the diseased area with polyarthritis to inhibit the activity of inflammatory foci.

Brufen for polyarthritis
Brufen for polyarthritis

To relieve muscle spasm, drug treatment of polyarthritis is supplemented with the use ofmuscle relaxants, for example, Tizanil, Sirdaluda. Muscle spasms provoke quite strong painful sensations superimposed on joint pain, which in total leads to a significant deterioration in the patient's condition. If funds from this group do not show a pronounced effect, medications may be prescribed to prevent convulsions (for example, Epial, Pregabalin). Such drugs are used for long-term programs until the symptoms are exhausted.

What else to try?

If treatment is necessary for symptoms of polyarthritis of the shoulder, knee joint or localized in any other part of the body, formed against the background of severe stress, a course of antidepressants on amitriptyline, nortriptyline, trazodone, sertraline can be prescribed. Popular drug "Tofranil".

To alleviate the patient's condition, painkillers are injected into the trigger areas of pain: Meloxicam, Nimesulide, Celecoxib. The duration of the program should not exceed two weeks.

To minimize the negative consequences of a complex drug course in the treatment of the disease, it is recommended to use means to protect the gastrointestinal tract, as well as compounds that depress the proton pump. Popular are drugs containing omeprazole ("Omeprazole", "Ultop", "Omez"). This is especially important if the patient is prescribed non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. Usually the duration of the course is from 4 to 8 weeks.

To improve the quality of tissues that form cartilage, as part of the treatment of polyarthritis of the knee joint, shoulder and any other area to the patientprescribed chondroprotectors. Such funds are used for long courses - often they are prescribed immediately for six months. The drugs "Glucosamine", "Chondroitin sulfate" have proven themselves well. If a six-month course of using such drugs does not show a significant improvement in the patient's condition, the reception is stopped.

chondroprotector glucosamine
chondroprotector glucosamine

Multifaceted approach

To improve the general condition and maintain the strength of the patient, to saturate the tissues of the body with useful substances, the treatment of knee polyarthritis, shoulder and any other is carried out using vitamin complexes. The most significant are the B vitamins, but it is important to ensure the intake of ascorbic acid, retinol and tocopherol.

No less important than vitamins, trace elements, minerals. Their adequate intake into the body provides tissues with substances for rapid regeneration. Zinc and copper, manganese and selenium are considered especially useful. On sale there are special multivitamin complexes enriched with minerals - their compositions are chosen just so as to help people suffering from joint diseases. Calcemin, Supravit, Solgar have proven themselves well.

It is important to ensure the supply of amino acids to the body. For patients with polyarthritis, methionine and arginine are especially significant.

polyarthritis of the shoulder joint treatment
polyarthritis of the shoulder joint treatment

What else matters?

Treatment of polyarthritis of the shoulder joint, knee and any other area of localization obliges to adjust the lifestyle. The doctor will explain how to distributeexercise and rest to minimize disturbance to the affected area. The doctor will recommend using a bandage, special insoles if the disease has affected the legs. Orthoses are sometimes advised.

Based on the characteristics of a particular case, the doctor will develop a nutrition program that allows you to achieve healing of the body. The therapeutic diet will be aimed at minimizing the intake of harmful compounds, fatty, fried, heavy foods. Instead, the emphasis will be on boiled and steamed, fish and vegetables, fruits. With food, the body should receive as many beneficial compounds as possible.

polyarthritis of the shoulder joint symptoms and treatment
polyarthritis of the shoulder joint symptoms and treatment

To alleviate the patient's condition and speed up healing, it is recommended to exercise regularly. A set of exercises is selected based on the specifics of the case. With symptoms of polyarthritis of the shoulder joint, treatment (as, indeed, with other areas of localization) usually includes manual therapy. Such techniques allow you to return mobility to diseased areas, eliminate congestion, and prevent dystrophic changes.

Physiotherapy is indicated for polyarthritis. They use magnets, electric current, lasers, shock wave method. In some cases, it is advised to supplement the course with homeopathy.

Case features and choice of treatment

Polyarthritis can be sequential, possibly simultaneous inflammation of several areas at once. If the disease proceeds in an acute form, its phenomena are usually reversible. The chronicle leads to uncorrected degenerative changes. Soreness may explain the dysfunction of certain areas, while others lose the ability to work due to tissue dystrophy.

When the disease proceeds in a mild form, a person remains able to work. In a serious condition, the ability to work is either limited or completely disappears. Since the disease has multiple etiologies, the correct diagnosis is one of the most important steps in preparing for the choice of treatment. Based on the cause, the treatment of symptoms of polyarthritis of the shoulder joint, knee and other areas of the body will be occupied by an orthopedist or rheumatologist, possibly a venereologist or an infectious disease specialist. Sometimes the patient is seen by a general practitioner, but may also be referred to a highly specialized doctor.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The peculiarity of this form is a systemic violation of the integrity of the connective tissue. Up to 70% of patients receive the status of a disabled person. The disease is diagnosed three times more often in women. Risk group - 30-35 years. This disease greatly affects the quality of life. It belongs to the class of autoimmune, that is, its specific feature is an inadequate reaction of the body to its own cells, due to which the immune system takes organic structures as an “enemy”. At the moment, it was not possible to identify all the reasons leading to such a violation of he alth. It is known that the disease can appear against the background of general poisoning and as a result of the influence of heredity, as well as due to infection, stress factors.

There are many methods of alternative treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, but they are all rather weak. Resorting tothem, you should not hope for a complete cure - it will only be possible to ease the symptoms. To achieve improvement in the condition, you need to come to the doctor's appointment. The doctor will prescribe a course of medicines and medical procedures. Already at the reception, you can clarify how reasonable it is to resort to any method from the category of healers. The doctor will explain what in a particular case can be beneficial, and what will only harm.

polyarthritis drug treatment
polyarthritis drug treatment

Case refinement

In order to choose an adequate treatment, you must first conduct a thorough diagnosis. This already explains why the treatment of polyarthritis at home will not show effectiveness - a non-specialist simply does not have the knowledge and access to technologies that make it possible to understand why the disease appeared, according to what scenario it develops. And without this information, it is impossible to choose an adequate course of treatment.

Diagnosis begins with the collection of complaints and medical history. The doctor reveals all the features of the case. If the disease begins gradually, the joints are affected symmetrically, we can assume a rheumatoid form, with psoriasis, a corresponding polyarthritis develops. Some diseases may coexist. There are cases when polyarthritis proceeded atypically.

To clarify the patient's condition, they are sent for x-rays, ultrasound, CT, MRI, take samples of synovial fluid and blood, check ESR, creatinine clearance, AST.

What to do next?

As the results of the tests are received, a therapeutic program can be drawn up. It is not worth practicing the treatment of polyarthritis at home, only a program under the supervision of a specialist will be really effective.

A comprehensive course is developed in such a way as to restore the functionality of the diseased area, stop discomfort, slow down the deterioration of the patient's condition. If polyarthritis is accompanied by foci of infection, an antimicrobial course is prescribed (for example, drugs on azithromycin, erythromycin, Amoxiclav). Plasmapheresis shows a good result.

If the situation is very difficult, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are injected into the affected areas. Often, rheumatoid arthritis is accompanied by osteoporosis. To minimize the risk of such a complication, it is necessary to review the diet and include an abundance of foods rich in calcium and calciferol in everyday life. Calcium supplements will benefit.

In order for the articular area to retain functionality longer, massage, phonophoresis, dimexide applications are prescribed. If the deformities are serious, conservative approaches do not show a pronounced result, the patient is referred for surgery.

polyarthritis treatment at home
polyarthritis treatment at home

Methods and approaches

In case of reactive polyarthritis, it is necessary first of all to choose the means that successfully stop the unpleasant manifestations of the disease. The main primary task of the doctor is to relieve pain, deactivate foci of inflammation.

With an infectious form of the disease and provoked by a violation of metabolic processes in the body, it is necessary as part of a therapeutic courseuse drugs to relieve symptoms and remedies to cure the underlying problem that led to polyarthritis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, and pain relievers have gained wide popularity. Apply "Voltaren", "Naproxen", "Advil". Sometimes patients are prescribed antihistamine formulations. In some cases, treatment is accompanied by antimicrobial therapy.

Physiological procedures are an important and indispensable element in the treatment of polyarthritis of any form and type. The procedures are aimed at easing the pain syndrome, eliminating swelling and inflammation. It is necessary to regularly come for a massage to a specialist, do ultrasonic procedures and paraffin, magnetic. Barotherapy, phonophoresis, UHF will benefit from polyarthritis. In the chronic form, it is necessary to take regular courses to alleviate the condition. As a rule, the need for them arises in the off-season, since the disease usually worsens during this period.

If there are no contraindications, the patient is referred to a specialized sanatorium or resort for specific treatment.

How to help yourself at home?

It is not always possible to cure polyarthritis even with the help of specialized medicines and procedures in the clinic. It is almost impossible to achieve a complete cure at home - but there are certain ways that can be combined with the main therapeutic program.

As soon as a diagnosis is made, it is necessary to take a responsible attitude to your daily routine and reconsider your lifestyle. Polyarthritis imposes a ban on bad habits. You will have to completely give up drinking alcohol, stop smoking, start leading a he althy lifestyle, if possible active.

The menu should be dominated by vegetable broths and natural juice, herbal teas, fruit and herbal infusions and decoctions. It is believed that with polyarthritis, the diet should contain rice, legumes. Useful fresh vegetables, fruits. Proper nutrition is perhaps the main way to alleviate your condition at home. This is not surprising, because it is the imbalance of the diet that is one of the causes of the disease. Patients should eat food rich in vitamins and minerals. If possible, avoid citrus fruits, chocolate, fatty meats. Whole fat milk, rye and oats should be excluded from the diet.

polyarthritis treatment drugs
polyarthritis treatment drugs

What else to try?

To relieve soreness, you can use a potato drink for polyarthritis. A full-fledged medical course will not replace this, but as an additional remedy it will somewhat alleviate the pain syndrome. The cooking process is quite simple. One fresh root crop is rubbed into a fine slurry, mixed with a glass of kefir and used for food for ten consecutive days in a glass. For the next 10 days, the mixture is consumed once every two days, then another ten days - once every three days.

It is believed that the patient's condition can be alleviated using a ranunculus compress. To do this, take the inflorescences of the plant, rub them into a fine gruel and squeeze the juice out of it. A gauze swab is impregnated with liquid and applied to the diseased area, a compress is fixedcellophane film. A bandage of dry gauze is applied on top. The duration of the procedure is two hours. Frequency - once daily until the patient's condition improves.

Another method of treating polyarthritis involves the use of thistles. An infusion is prepared on the plant - a glass of water is boiled for 20 g of grass, the product is poured over it and insisted for at least two hours. In the finished medicine, gauze is moistened and applied to diseased areas, waiting until the material dries. You can repeat the procedure daily.

An alternative way to use thistle is to make a decoction on it. For a couple of tablespoons of the plant, you need to boil a couple of glasses of water. The product is poured into a container with boiling water and boiled for a quarter of an hour over low heat. The finished liquid is filtered and allowed to cool slightly, eaten in one day. You can use this medicine daily until the patient's condition improves.

folk remedies
folk remedies

It is believed that lava leaf can help with joint pain. On sale there are ready-made packs with dried leaves. For half of such a package (about 10 g), it is necessary to boil one and a half glasses of water, throw the spice into the liquid and let it boil over low heat for 10 minutes. The finished broth is filtered and allowed to cool at room temperature. Then the medicine is drunk at a time. The optimal duration of treatment is three days in a row. The decoction is used once a day.

You can try eating sprouted wheat. It is believed that such a product has a positive effect on joint he alth.and allows you to quickly defeat polyarthritis. Wheat sprouts are washed and used fresh for food. Single dose - 50-100 g. Frequency - once every day.

Home treatments for he alth benefits

At the risk of polyarthritis, healers recommend paying special attention to hardening. It is believed that such procedures can prevent the disease. It is necessary to regularly wipe with cool water, sleep in a cool room and provide yourself with physical activity in everyday life. At the same time, drafts and too humid atmosphere should be avoided. You can reduce the likelihood of polyarthritis if you revise the diet.

If precautions have not helped, you can use radish, horseradish to treat the disease. Compresses are prepared from these products. They are recommended to be applied at night in order to minimally disturb the diseased area with movements during exposure to a natural medicine. The preparation of compresses is quite simple - one root crop is carefully rubbed into gruel, wrapped in clean gauze and applied to the diseased area and fixed with a bandage. You can leave such a compress all night, but with sensitive skin it is better to limit the time to a couple of hours. If pain and burning begin to disturb, the bandage is removed and the skin is washed.

Cabbage is no less effective. Cabbage leaves need to be heated in the microwave or in hot water, brushed with honey. Attach to the sore spot, cover with cellophane on top, secure with a bandage. Wrap something warm on top. Compresses are best put at night for a month.

cabbage compresses
cabbage compresses

Another method of using compresses involves the presence of ice packs, snow. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes. After removing the compress, stretch and massage the affected area. After 10-20 minutes, the approach is repeated, then the diseased areas are kneaded again and wrapped in a warm shawl. The duration of the course is 3 weeks, the frequency of repetition of procedures is every day.
