Pain in the head and pressure give a person considerable discomfort and lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being. This is a rather dangerous and unpleasant symptom. It is very important to identify a pathological disorder and treat it in a timely manner so as not to worsen the situation even more.
In addition to the headache, nausea, dizziness and heart failure can be observed in parallel. Often a person complains of hearing loss and concentration, as well as the presence of tinnitus. Although low and high blood pressure indicate a clear problem, the greatest danger is hypertension.
Causes of hypertension headaches
Increased intracranial pressure in the head occurs as a reaction to the expansion or narrowing of blood vessels and provokes a severe headache. An increase in the lumen of the arteries and veins causes intense pain, as the vessels put pressure on nearby nerve endings. Vasoconstriction greatly reduces the blood supply to the brain, which provokes the appearance of a headache.
Hypertension may be the cause,arterial hypertension. A sharp rise in diastolic pressure, as well as very high lower and upper readings, can provoke a headache. Also, among the causes of pressure in the head, the following should be highlighted:
- pregnancy with late toxicosis;
- drug overdose;
- adrenal neoplasm crisis.
Headaches in violation of intracranial pressure often occur with the development of a tumor in the brain, hematomas, and a similar problem is typical for overweight people.
Features of a headache
It is important not only to understand why the head hurts with pressure, but also what features of this pain can be. Often, discomfort occurs when the pressure rises to the level of 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and more, and also has a continuous character. Headache with hypertension has a very clear localization, and soreness is mainly observed on both sides or in the fronto-occipital part. Sometimes the pain radiates to the temples.

Basically, with hypertension, discomfort occurs in the morning and in the evening, but it can manifest itself and proceed in completely different ways. With hypertension, pain can be:
- liquor;
- vascular;
- neuralgic;
- ischemic;
- muscular.
These types of pain differ in intensity, causes, and concomitant symptoms. Vascular arises as a result of a violation of the outflow of blood from the ready, as well as a decrease in the tone of the veins. Vessels stronglyfilled with blood, which causes irritation of the receptors. In this case, the pain is aching, with a sensation of throbbing in the occiput and temples. It increases with bending over and coughing.
Liquor is provoked by a violation of the microcirculation of the cerebrospinal fluid. The headache is throbbing, bursting and intensifies with any activity. Sharp surges in pressure provoke a spasm of the arteries, and irritation of the nerve endings of the brain also occurs.
When ischemic, there is a spasm of the arteries, and the brain does not receive the required amount of oxygen. The intensity of the pain is very strong. At the same time, the head is spinning, nauseous, the pressure is increased. The pain is dull and very intense.
Neuralgic cephalgia mostly happens in case of mental disorder. Pressure surges occur in a state of hysteria, nervous breakdowns and depression. The pain in this case is shooting and can give to nearby areas. This syndrome is chronic and the discomfort may recur periodically.
Muscular cephalgia occurs due to physical or emotional overstrain. It grows very slowly, and there is a feeling of squeezing the brain. With severe stress, cephalalgia is sharp and does not go away for a long time. At the same time, the following signs are observed: a headache, nausea and increased pressure.
Noise in my head
If the pressure is increased for a long time, damage to the small arteries of the brain occurs in the head. They are very sensitive to any violations, as a result of which they not only narrow, but also becomenot flexible enough. As a result, oxygen starvation is observed due to insufficient blood flow to the brain. Then comes dizziness, noise in the head and ringing in the ears.
Such symptoms can be eliminated or reduced if the exact cause of its occurrence is known. To eliminate such a violation, a long course of therapy is required.

When medical attention is needed
If there is pain in the head, pressure, what to do, only the attending doctor can recommend after a comprehensive examination. Be sure to urgently need to visit a doctor if there are signs such as:
- sharp acute headache;
- discomfort in the eye sockets;
- clouding of consciousness;
- nausea without signs of poisoning.
With such symptoms, hemorrhage is possible, therefore it is strongly not recommended to self-medicate. During the initial examination, the doctor should clarify which medications the patient is taking, examine existing complaints and measure pressure. Only after this is the diagnosis established and therapy prescribed.
Hypertensive crisis
Stopping medication can lead to a very dangerous condition, namely a sharp jump in pressure. This is a hypertensive crisis. With vasospasm, ischemia of the tissues of the heart and brain occurs, which leads to the risk of stroke and heart attack. Against the background of a sharp increase in pressure in the head, there are signs such as:
- nausea;
- severe headache;
- dizziness;
- weakness;
- eye and heart pains;
- clouding of consciousness;
- cold sweat.
In this case, you should definitely call an ambulance.

And before she arrives, you should definitely:
- seat the patient so that he takes a half-sitting position;
- give a sedative;
- keep your eyes open;
- measure blood pressure with a tonometer;
- put Corinfar under the tongue;
- ensure fresh air flow.
Until the ambulance arrives, it is strictly forbidden to leave the patient alone unattended.
Causes of a headache with normal pressure
Discomfort in this case can occur for a variety of reasons. If the head hurts, and the pressure is normal, then this can be triggered by a traumatic brain injury. This is especially true for children, as they are constantly on the move and often hit their heads during play. When you get an injury, be sure to see a doctor to find out how serious it is.
For several days a headache may occur due to purulent processes and inflammation. At the same time, weakness, fever, loss of appetite are observed. Inflammatory processes can be very different, which is why the treatment is selected separately in each case.

In trigeminal neuralgia, headache isshooting, one-sided. It is mainly localized in the lower jaw and occurs paroxysmal. With a brain abscess, the headache is felt much more strongly in the temporal region. Sometimes it goes into the frontal lobes. A distinctive feature of abscesses is the duration of soreness. In addition, patients have impaired hearing, smell, decreased muscle tone. During the treatment, complex therapy is used, which consists of several stages.
Frequent symptoms of colds with normal pressure are fever and headache. It is very important to correctly recognize the cause of the discomfort and only then treat it.
Possible non-illness causes
If there is pain in the head, and the pressure is normal, then this may be due to excessive muscle strain. Soreness, provoked by such causes, is localized in the back of the head and radiates to the temples. It has a tightening character and passes within about 5 hours. Very rarely accompanied by nausea.
Often a headache is triggered by stress. In this case, it can last for 3 days, periodically dulling, and then reappearing. It is recommended to take a pill and have a good rest. It is also recommended to take a relaxing bath and go to bed.

Headaches often bother women who are in position. In this case, discomfort is observed for several days, and at the same timepain radiates to the eyes. The body returns to normal only after childbirth, and no dangerous consequences threaten the woman.
Headache with low blood pressure
With hypotension, a person may feel worse. With reduced pressure, the head is spinning, soreness is felt, it darkens in the eyes. The pain may be pressing or throbbing. She worries for a long time or rolls in attacks. It is characterized by only one place of manifestation, and mainly it occurs in the region of the crown and forehead.
Many are interested in why the head is dizzy with pressure, since such a condition can be quite dangerous. The reason for this violation is the expansion of blood vessels, as a result of which oxygen does not enter the tissues in the required amount. In this case, the headache may be accompanied by nausea, numbness of the limbs, increased fatigue, and dizziness.

Symptoms of the disease can be removed if the work of the vascular system of the body is normalized. This will affect the level of pressure and relieve discomfort. For prevention, it is recommended to provide yourself with rest, organize proper nutrition, and also give up bad habits.
Often, with low blood pressure, you feel dizzy, and the following symptoms are also observed:
- palpitations;
- vision deterioration;
- nausea;
- vomit;
- fainting.
Throughout the day, an adult may experience a decrease in performance, and children significantlylearning ability is deteriorating.
Characterization of pain
Cephalgia with reduced pressure can manifest itself with a variety of symptoms. The main role in the mechanism of manifestation of headache is played by a violation of the contractile function of the vascular walls. Soreness manifests itself in completely different ways, while affecting only one part of the head or is of a shingles character. With reduced pressure, it presses on the head, but the pain can be:
- dull or throbbing;
- prolonged or paroxysmal;
- sharp or aching.
It is not localized only in a separate area. Discomfort spreads around the entire circumference, or the head hurts in one area.
Migraine can be quite common, which is manifested by one-time or regular attacks, in which a person is worried about significant discomfort. If the pressure is low, but there is an intense headache, then this may indicate the presence of a migraine. The pain can also radiate to the back and jaw. It can last for several hours, and because of this, a person falls into a state of depression, there is severe irritation, as well as nausea.
Other symptoms include a low temperature, palms and feet become wet and cold. The neck and chest become reddish. If you get up abruptly in the morning, then dizziness and darkening of the eyes are possible.
When a doctor's help is needed
If the pressure is low and at the same time the head hurts, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Hypotension mayindicate the development of serious diseases. Pregnant women should definitely be observed by a doctor, especially if pregnancy is accompanied by headaches and low blood pressure. There are certain symptoms that require urgent medical attention. Among these signs, the following should be highlighted:
- sudden onset pain that gets worse over time;
- feeling of numbness in legs and arms;
- there is a violation of coordination of movements and vision;
- body temperature rises.
If you are worried about low blood pressure with a headache, then you need to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor. Caffeine helps a lot, which allows you to quickly normalize your well-being, as well as increase efficiency. However, it is worth considering the presence of contraindications for products containing caffeine in their composition.

With hypotension, tinctures of ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus help well. In addition to medications and folk remedies, acupuncture and massage help well. If the disease is very severe and becomes chronic, the patient may be referred to a hospital.
Regardless of what kind of pressure, if a headache occurs, it is imperative to determine the cause of such a violation, as well as conduct a comprehensive treatment that will help normalize well-being.