A choroid plexus cyst is a formation in the brain, which is detected by ultrasound in a fetus at 6-7 months of its development. After that, she should disappear and never remind herself of herself again. However, after receiving the results of the study, the pregnant woman begins to worry and consider this a deviation. Actually it is not. Such a cyst, which arose in the brain during fetal development, has no threat to the child. Neither his he alth nor his development is in danger.
It needs to be differentiated from a cyst, which has a vascular origin. Namely, it is formed in the substance of the brain after a stroke, aneurysm, infection. That is, this is a consequence of the pathology that has occurred in the body. In this article, we will understand what a choroid plexus cyst is.

Description of education
A cyst in the vascular (choroid, choroid, villous) plexus is not formed so often. In general, this is all1-3% of all pregnancies that are monitored. This formation should disappear by 27-28 weeks of pregnancy. Half of the cysts are bilateral. But there are cases when the cyst is visualized before childbirth. There is nothing wrong with that either.
The fetus is not in danger. In addition, if it is found later in a newborn or in an adult (very rarely it is present in a person throughout life), it does not matter. There may be several choroid plexus cysts, this does not affect the prognosis in any way.
What is this choroid plexus cyst? Inside the plexus, CSF or cerebrospinal fluid accumulates, which is produced in it. It nourishes the brain and back of the fetus. The choroid plexuses are a sign of the early formation of the central nervous system in the embryo, and there are two of them, like the hemispheres of the brain (right and left).
Science does not know why the accumulation of fluid is localized in a certain place. There is no point in understanding this. After all, this cyst of the choroid plexus in the fetus does not really matter. It is called so because the cluster is visualized in this form on ultrasound.
Is there a connection with the pathology of intrauterine development?
Medical literary sources sometimes provide such information that there are links between a choroid plexus cyst and some intrauterine pathology. This can be caused, for example, by a genetic mutation.
Where is the choroid plexus cyst localized (on the right side, on the left orboth sides) doesn't matter. It is important to note that there is a connection, but it is inverse. That is, a choroid plexus cyst does not lead to developmental anomalies, but, on the contrary, a congenital malformation of the fetus causes the formation of cysts in the vessels. But these formations are not necessarily accompanied by anomalies and pathological processes.

What accompanies a choroid plexus cyst in a newborn?
Consider the most commonly diagnosed genetic defect accompanied by the presence of a cyst. We are talking about Edwards syndrome or trisomy 18. With this anomaly 18, a pair of chromosomes does not diverge, one more chromosome 18 is added to it. Thus, normally there are two of them, and with this disease it turns out three. The resulting embryo has a genotype of 47 chromosomes.
A copy of chromosome 18 can cause the death of the fetus, or at birth the baby will have multiple defects and anomalies. This leads to:
- neural tube defect;
- hammer feet;
- twisted fingers;
- hygrome cysts;
- hydrocephalus;
- micrognathia;
- rocker feet;
- limited growth.
There is also trisomy 21 or Down's disease, but for some reason, a choroid plexus cyst in the brain with this disease is less common.
The significance of the cyst is zero even in the presence of Edwards syndrome, since it is the deviations that accompany this developmental anomaly that become important.

Features of a choroid plexus cyst
So, according to the above, we can draw the following conclusions:
- no value, right or left cyst;
- no matter if it is single or represented by several small formations;
- but it is safe;
- she doesn't have any function;
- does not participate in any vital processes;
- does not grow or be reborn.
Pregnant women should not be afraid of the diagnosis of "choroid plexus cyst" or consider it another cystic formation. The names may be similar, but they are with different locations and genesis.
Other vascular cysts
It is important to note that other vascular masses may be found later in pregnancy. On ultrasound of the fetal brain, it is not at all a choroid plexus cyst that is visualized. What does this mean?
Such cystic formations indicate in this case that the mother had an infection or she still has it. These diseases include cytomegalovirus and herpes virus.
But these are not vascular plexus cysts in the fetus.
Vascular and ramolitic (located in the substance of the brain) cyst, which is found at a later date, indicates that the brain is already formed and cystic cavities appear in it due to virus damage.
A newborn baby can become infected with the virus while passing through the mother's birth canal. Then cysticeducation, multiple most often and located in the temporal and frontal areas of the brain, will be detected after birth. If the cyst originated from foci of necrosis, then it is called ramolitic.
Nervous tissues die due to herpes or cytomegalovirus damage. Choroid plexus cysts of the lateral ventricles do not form this way.

A choroid plexus microcyst can be detected on ultrasound, during neurosonography. Every baby under one year old is supposed to undergo such a diagnosis. Ultrasound determines neurological disorders. Neurosonography is required in the following cases:
- Birth trauma.
- In case of suspected intrauterine infection.
- During severe pregnancy.
- In case of premature birth.
- When the newborn has deviations in weight and size.
- In the presence of pronounced violations of the structure and shape of the head, in the presence of anomalies in the anatomy of the organs.
The cause, localization and size of the cyst affect the prognosis of the pathology. Most often, PCR diagnostics are prescribed in order to identify a viral agent. If the analysis is positive, then some therapy and further control is required.
At three months, then at six months and a year, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the brain (neurosonography) for the baby. The prognosis is most often favorable, regardless of the detected viral lesion. This formation disappears in about a year and does not remind ofyourself. There are no relapses.
If we talk about the ramolation cyst, then it can also disappear without a trace in infancy. Otherwise, if it occurs for other reasons, it behaves differently. But then you can't call it a cyst. This formation occurs due to a violation of the walls of blood vessels, and is located in the brain tissues.

Provoking factors
A pathological cyst may form due to other factors:
- Infections.
- Birth and other injuries.
- Microstroke.
- Hemorrhagic stroke (a cyst replaces a hematoma formed as a result of vascular damage).
- Ischemic stroke (remolition cyst of vascular origin just occurs as a result of necrosis).
- Aneurysms.
Most often, if the vascular wall is damaged, it will be arterial. After all, veins do not take part in such a process.
Clinical signs
Hematoma, stroke, aneurysm can provoke a cyst in the brain. In some cases, there is no sign of this formation, and it can only be discovered after the death of a person. But together with a cyst formed from a virus, it can give some symptoms:
- Signs of hypertonicity in newborns.
- Feeling of compression of the brain, headaches.
- Some hearing and vision impairment.
- Minor incoordination.
- Epileptic seizures, which are considered the most seriousconsequences.
Cysts of the choroid plexus of the ventricle do not give such symptoms.

Additional symptoms
Also, permanently compressed brain tissue can lead to other symptoms:
- aching constant pain in the head of varying intensity and duration;
- disrupted functioning of the organs that provide hearing, smell and vision;
- drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia;
- problems with motor coordination;
- muscle hypotension; sensation of pulsation and noise in the head, increased pressure inside the skull;
- sudden frequent fainting and convulsions;
- tremor;
- regurgitation;
- pulsation felt in the fontanel, swelling;
- local paralysis of the arms or legs, complete numbness of the limbs.
The appearance of these clinical signs is provoked by squeezing neighboring tissues. Normal functioning is disrupted in the brain. This happens when the cyst is large or too close to important centers of higher nervous activity. Squeezing leads to circulatory disorders and hypoxia.

Treatment methods
Any special treatment for a brain cyst, as well as for a choroid plexus cyst, is not required. But if herpes, cytomegalovirus or other infection is detected, antiviral therapy is prescribed. If there are epileptic seizures, thentaking drugs with anticonvulsant properties.
It should also be noted that in the case when conservative treatment does not work (the choroid plexus cyst of the fetal brain is too large, for example), they resort to surgical intervention. The focus is eliminated with the help of the operation. After that, as a rule, all symptoms go away.
With mild symptoms and rare patient complaints of dizziness, headache, which has a compressive character, he is prescribed a long-term course of "Cynarizine" and "Cavinton". Drugs can significantly improve the supply of oxygen to the brain, improve blood circulation, and normalize well-being. They are usually well tolerated and do not cause any side effects. But individual intolerance is possible.
We examined in detail the choroid plexus cyst, as well as its main differences from other cystic formations.