The endocrine system in the body plays no less significant role than the nervous system. It controls the work of all organ systems by releasing hormones into the blood. With their deficiency, violations are observed, especially dangerous consequences can be if hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland develops. Pathology requires immediate treatment, otherwise the consequences can be dire.
What is hypothyroidism
This is a syndrome of thyroid disease, which is manifested by a decrease in the production of triiodothyronine and thyroxine and an increase in the level of TSH synthesized by the pituitary gland. A serious pathology develops - hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones perform several important functions in the body:
- Regulate growth processes and promote development.
- They are directly involved in the regulation of all metabolic processes.
- Control the work of almost all organ systems.
- Affect the state of the immune system.
- Have an anti-stress effect.

Regardless of gender, the disease is fraught with serious complications, for example, hypothyroidism in women can lead to infertility.
Disease forms
Most experts identify the following forms of hypothyroidism:
- Primary form. It develops as a result of hereditary disorders of hormone synthesis or acquired.
- Hypothalamo-pituitary. In case of pathologies of the pituitary gland, secondary hypothyroidism is diagnosed, and tertiary hypothalamus.
- The peripheral form is characterized by the insensitivity of body tissues to thyroid hormones.
- Subclinical. With this form, thyroxine and triiodothyronine are normal, and TSH is elevated.
- Transient develops against the background of therapy with certain drugs and certain diseases. If this factor is eliminated, then hypothyroidism resolves without treatment.
The most dangerous is the congenital form of hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland. Treatment is required almost from the birth of the baby, if this is not done, then there is an irreversible damage to the mental and physical development.
Causes of disease development
Among the reasons for the development of the primary form of the syndrome, the following can be noted:
- Resection of the thyroid gland.
- Autoimmune thyroiditis.
- Radioiodine Therapy.
- Birth defects of the gland.
- Exposure to toxic substances.
- Iodine deficiency.
Central form or hypothalamic-pituitary develops:
- If availableneoplasms of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
- If this area of the brain received radiation therapy.
- An operation was performed.
- Impaired circulation in the brain.
- Birth defects of brain structures.
- Tuberculosis, abscess and other infectious pathologies of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
Peripheral hypothyroidism develops due to a genetic mutation that causes insensitivity of tissue receptors to hormones.

Danger of hypothyroidism for the body
Practically no organ system escapes the effects of a lack of thyroid hormones. This manifests itself in the following:
- The intensity of all metabolic processes is significantly reduced.
- Lack of therapy leads to atrophy of nerve cells and the appearance of foci of degeneration.
- The musculoskeletal system suffers. Bone formation slows down, muscles weaken.
- Heart rate decreases, cardiac output decreases, resulting in a deficiency of nutrients and oxygen in tissues distant from the heart.
- The vital capacity of the lungs decreases, hypoventilation of the alveoli is observed.
- Decrease in metabolic processes leads to loss of appetite, dyskinesia develops, the work of the digestive tract is disrupted.
- The blood flow in the kidneys decreases, the level of creatinine in the blood rises.
- Decreased production of sex hormones.
- The process of hematopoiesis is inhibited, developsanemia with all its consequences.
Given that pathological changes affect almost all organ systems, it is not surprising that the symptoms of pathology are quite diverse and extensive.
Manifestations of hypothyroidism
When hypothyroidism develops, symptoms do not appear immediately. For a long time, the disease can proceed without showing itself. Symptoms usually appear gradually, leading to a deterioration in the general condition of the person. Sometimes it is even difficult to say which symptom appeared first and when.
At the doctor's appointment, patients complain:

- For general weakness and lethargy.
- Constant sleepiness.
- Deterioration of memory and decrease in intellectual activity.
- The appearance of chilliness.
- Breach of stool.
- Violation of sensitivity.
- Prolonged and frequent colds.
- Consolidation of muscles with their simultaneous weakness.
- Violation of the monthly cycle, uterine bleeding.
- Having trouble conceiving.
But not only the symptoms of hypothyroidism are important: treatment can be prescribed after clarification and confirmation of the diagnosis.
During a more detailed examination and examination of the patient, the following are found:
- Dry skin with flaky patches.
- Puffiness appears.
- On the face under the eyes bags.
- Hair becomes dry and brittle, when combed in large quantities, it remains on the comb.
- Body temperature below normal.
- Speech slows down due to swelling of the tongue.
- HR drops.
- Blood pressure rises.
- The heart grows in size, the tones are weakly audible.
- Intestinal peristalsis is weak.
Depending on the manifestation of symptoms, there are several degrees of hypothyroidism.
Degrees of pathology
There are three of them:
- Easy. Efficiency remains, but the patient becomes slow, intellectual abilities decrease, the heart rate decreases.
- The average degree is marked by drowsiness, dry skin, heart rhythm disturbance, increased nervous excitability, a blood test shows anemia.

Severe degree. Myxedema develops, the body is edematous, constipation is observed, the timbre of the voice changes, performance is greatly reduced, there is a danger of developing a hypothyroid coma
Less deplorable consequences for the body will be if treatment of hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland is started in a timely manner.
Diagnosis of hypothyroidism
An endocrinologist deals with the treatment of a disease that he can suspect by obvious manifestations, but the following examinations are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis:
- A blood test for hormones. The content of thyroxine and triiodothyronine is determined. If normally they should be 2, 5-5, 7 mmol / l and 9-22, respectively, then with the development of pathology, the indicators will be significantly reduced. It is also importantdetermine the content of TSH.
- Radioiodine scintigraphy is performed to determine the structure and function of the thyroid gland.
- CT of the brain will reveal abnormalities in the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
- Glandular ultrasound.

After the diagnosis of hypothyroidism is confirmed, therapy is prescribed.
Treatment Approaches
To normalize the level of hormones in the body, two approaches in treatment are used:
- Medical. With its help, it is possible to replenish the missing amount of thyroid hormones. But hormonal therapy leads to a decrease in the size of the gland, its gradual atrophy. It is necessary to increase the dosage of drugs, which leads to an increase in side effects from all organs. Life expectancy is declining and medication has to be taken continuously.
- Restorative approach. It provides for the normalization of the synthesis of hormones by the gland itself without taking medication. Computer reflexology is used, it involves the impact of a weak current on biologically active points connected with the brain through the autonomic nervous system.
If the thyroid gland is almost atrophied or treated with radioactive iodine, then the restorative approach cannot be used, because there is practically nothing to restore.
Treatment of hypothyroidism with medication
If the symptoms of hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland are present, then hormone therapy is indispensable. Schemetreatment and algorithm are as follows:
- Often, drugs are prescribed for life, but in rare cases, there may be a restoration of the functions of the gland, then the therapy is stopped. This usually happens with early hypothyroidism or after removal of part of the gland.
- The dosage is selected for each patient individually.
- Treatment is monitored periodically.
- Dosage may be adjusted according to the patient's condition and the presence of concomitant diseases.
Drug therapy for hypothyroidism is carried out by the following means:
- Iodine supplements for early disease.
- For secondary manifestations, cardioprotectors, vitamin preparations, drugs to restore blood circulation in the brain, the monthly cycle in women are prescribed.
- Hormonal preparations to eliminate the inflammatory process and regulate the lack of hormones.
Hormone therapy involves the appointment of thyroxine drugs: "Eutiroksom", "L-thyroxine", "Bogathirox". Dosage and duration of administration is selected depending on the severity of symptoms.

During the treatment period, it is important to take all measures to restore the body, for this you need:
- Regulate sleep and wake patterns.
- Remove bad habits.
- Do as much physical activity as possible.
- Avoid stress.
- Reconsider nutrition for hypothyroidism.
Comprehensive approach tofixing the problem will bring positive results
Computer reflexology
Some experts say that hypothyroidism can be cured without drugs. By influencing biologically active points, hormonal failure can be eliminated. The procedure has the following effect:
- Restores the structure of the gland.
- Activates immunity.
- Restores the production of your own thyroid hormones.
- Activates the nervous regulation of endocrine processes.
As a result of such exposure, the severity of symptoms is reduced, which allows to reduce the amount of hormonal drugs.
It is possible to completely get rid of hypothyroidism, especially at the first stage, when there are no irreversible changes in the structure of the gland.
Nutrition against hypothyroidism
With the development of the disease, weight gain is often observed. Many, especially women, are wondering how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. Experts assure that the diet should be dominated by protein foods with a low fat content. Be sure to have vegetables and fruits on the table, which are not only rich in vitamins, but also in fiber, which is necessary for proper bowel function.
The following principles of nutrition can be noted:
- The diet for hypothyroidism should limit the intake of fatty foods, but you should not starve the body, this will only aggravate the condition even more.
- Most of the calories should be consumed in the morning.
- Dietshould include a variety of dishes and be sure to freshly prepared.
- The whole amount of food should be divided into 5-6 meals.
- Diet for hypothyroidism involves the use of steamed, baked or boiled dishes.
- When cooking, use as little s alt as possible, it is better to replace it with seasonings.
- Normalize drinking regime, be sure to drink clean water between meals.
Such principles in nutrition are suitable not only for deviations in the functioning of the thyroid gland. They will benefit absolutely everyone.
Doctors, if you have a thyroid disease - hypothyroidism, recommend to exclude from your diet:
- Products containing mucopolysaccharides. Their accumulation provokes mucous edema. These include: aspic, seaweed, marmalade, jelly.
- Some plant foods that bind iodine in the gut. Among them: cauliflower, spinach, peach, mango, cruciferous vegetables, soy.
- The menu for hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland should not contain buns, semolina, pasta, puffs and pies.
- Exclude s alty and canned foods. S alt retains fluid, and with such a pathology, it is fraught with severe edema.
- Limit the consumption of carbonated drinks and alcohol, and it is better to exclude them altogether.
- Trans fats are capable of blocking fatty acids, so they should not be consumed in case of hypothyroidism. Banned margarine, spreads, refined vegetable oil. Also foods that are prepared with theiruse: ice cream, sauces and ketchups, mayonnaise.
- Due to the content of chlorides and fluorides in tap water, which prevent the absorption of iodine, the amount of fluid consumed should be reduced to 1.5 liters.
And what can you include in your diet:
- Foods rich in tyrosine. This amino acid contributes to the production of hormones that suppress appetite. It contains lean poultry meat, bananas, beans, dairy products, lentils, sesame seeds.
- To make up for the lack of iodine, include sea fish, feijoa, buckwheat, seafood in the diet.
- To speed up metabolism: cinnamon, curry, cardamom.
- From drinks it is better to choose green tea, natural coffee.
- It is useful to use linseed oil, sesame, pumpkin, olive oil.
All permitted foods contain large amounts of B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
Sample menu for the day
The diet for hypothyroidism must be strictly observed. A menu for one day might look like this:
The first meal allows you to eat oatmeal or buckwheat with water or milk, you can cook an omelette, eat low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt
- Second breakfast: coffee or green tea, bran bread, cheese, egg and vegetable salad, you can fruit salad and tea.
- Before dinner it is good to have a snack. Suitable for this: fruits, kefir or yogurt, tea with crackers.
- For lunch you can eat: vegetable soup, a piece of fish or chicken, vegetable salad, pancakes fromzucchini.
- Snack. Vegetable salad, fruit with cottage cheese, seafood salad, kefir.
- Dinner: vegetable salad, pumpkin casserole, chicken or turkey fillet with green peas.
Calorie content is in the range of 1,100 - 1,300 Kcal. If you constantly adhere to such a nutrition system, then you can bring the weight back to normal, and at the same time not feel hungry.

Treatment of hypothyroidism with folk remedies
Some traditional medicine recipes will improve the patient's condition, but you should always remember that in difficult situations, only herbs cannot fix the situation. Such recipes can be used in complex treatment and only after discussion with the doctor. You can use the following tools:
- Chokeberry. Fruits contain a lot of iodine. You can prepare the following mixture: take the same amount of sugar per kilogram of berries, mix thoroughly and take a teaspoon three times a day. This recipe was used by Tibetan monks.
- Add more persimmons, apples, citrus fruits to the diet. They contain not only vitamin C, but also iodine.
- Take motherwort juice 40 drops 3 times a day, diluted in a tablespoon of water.
- Prepare a decoction of 15 grams of lily of the valley flowers and a glass of boiling water. Drink 2 teaspoons three times a day.
Hypothyroidism is a serious pathology, but with timely therapy, it is likely to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland and remove unpleasant symptoms, improve the patient's quality of life. Anysymptoms that indirectly indicate problems with the thyroid gland should prompt an urgent visit to the doctor. In this case, when the diagnosis is confirmed, there is every chance for a full recovery.