Wheezing when breathing is a common situation with impaired lung function. Every time air tries to pass through accumulations of sputum or sections of the bronchi distorted by spasms, a characteristic noise is heard, noticeable not only to the patient himself. This situation not only causes some discomfort, it can lead to a significant deterioration in the condition. Therefore, this symptom should not be ignored.
What can be wheezing when breathing?
There are two main types of wheezing - dry and wet. With a more detailed classification, large-bubble, medium-bubble and fine-bubble are distinguished. They differ in the type of noise heard during breathing. In any case, wheezing when inhaling or exhaling always signals the presence of a more serious illness, even if no other discomfort bothers the patient. Treatment must begin after a comprehensive examination. Crackles in the lungs during breathing are especially clearly audible when inhaling. By sound, a good diagnostician will be able to determine how serious the damage to the lungs is, whether they are filled with fluid or mucus. If the wheezing is dry, internal swelling or swelling may be the cause. However, listening to the lungs alone is not enough,the doctor must also conduct other tests, after which you can begin treatment.

How to get normal breathing back?
First of all, you need to rid the lungs of the mucus accumulated in them. To do this, you should take expectorants or use folk recipes from medicinal herbs. Try to give up cigarettes, limit the possibility of allergies, reduce contact with toxic substances. For an additional therapeutic effect, inhalations or warm compresses can be used. During treatment, try to remain calm. Since wheezing during breathing is a secondary disease, the main one should be treated. Regardless of the diagnosis, a he althy diet and breathing exercises for the bronchi will not hurt. To perform it, you can purchase a simulator that develops respiratory organs in a pharmacy. A simpler type of load on the lungs can be inflating a ball or balloon. It is undesirable to play sports during illness.
How to cure wheezing in a child?

When a baby wheezes when breathing, you should immediately consult a doctor to rule out pneumonia and bronchitis. If the diagnosis does not find any cause for serious concern, inhalations should be taken, vitamins and fruits should be added to the diet, more warm drinks should be drunk, bed rest should be taken, medications available in pharmacies without a prescription, as well as expectorants that remove sputum. Wheezing on breathing may persista few weeks after the disease, while the lungs are cleared, and the swelling of the mucous membranes subsides. To prevent recurrence, it is necessary to avoid crowded places, hypothermia, and use a gauze bandage.