Bartolinitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the Bartholin gland, which is located in the vestibule of the vagina. According to statistics, this is a common pathology faced mainly by young women aged 20 to 35 years. Treatment of bartholinitis is rarely difficult, especially if the disease was diagnosed on time.
Of course, many of the fair sex are interested in additional information. Why does bartholinitis develop in women? Symptoms and treatment, risk factors and possible complications are important information that should not be ignored.
General information about the disease

Symptoms and treatment of bartholinitis - information that many women are interested in. But first, it's worth understanding the general information.
As you know, the Bartholin glands are small structures that are located in the thickness of the lower part of the labia majora. The diameter of the gland does not exceed one centimeter. Their main function is the production of a thick secret, which, through a small excretory duct, enters the vestibule of the vagina. This secret provides moisture to the mucous membranes of the vagina.
Bartolinitis is an inflammation of the gland, which develops against the background of the penetration and active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The inflammatory process may be the result of infection with sexually transmitted infections. For example, bartholinitis often develops against the background of trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea. In addition, inflammation can also be non-specific - it is associated with the activity of opportunistic microflora, in particular E. coli, staphylococci, candidal fungi, streptococci, etc.
Pathogenic microorganisms, as a rule, enter the cavity of the Bartholin's gland from the urethra or vagina. In addition, the spread of infection along with the flow of lymph and blood is possible.
Why does the disease develop? Risk Factors

Before considering the symptoms and treatment of bartholinitis in women, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the causes of its appearance. Of course, inflammation of the gland is associated with the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. However, there are some predisposing factors that increase the likelihood of developing the disease. The list of them is quite impressive:
- non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, especially when it comes to the period of menstruation (so the likelihood of infection in the duct of the gland increases significantly);
- presence of scratches, scuffs and othermicrotrauma (skin lesions can become a gateway for infection);
- wearing tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics (such clothing interferes with the outflow of secretions from the gland and injures the skin, which creates excellent conditions for the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms);
- promiscuous sex life, especially if appropriate protection was not used during sexual intercourse (the likelihood of sexually transmitted infections increases, which also entails inflammation of the gland);
- the presence of foci of infection in the body - even caries on the teeth can be potentially dangerous if a person does not go to the doctor in time (pathogenic microorganisms can enter the cavity of the Bartholin gland along with the blood and lymph flow);
- weakening of the immune system (the body's susceptibility to various infections increases);
- malnutrition, beriberi, local or general hypothermia, constant stress - all this affects the state of immunity and increases the likelihood of an inflammatory process;
- Previous operative and diagnostic procedures in the pelvic area.
Of course, it is extremely important to determine what exactly led to the development of the inflammatory process. Treatment of bartholinitis in women directly depends on the causes of the disease.
Clinical picture in acute inflammation

According to statistics, in most cases, the inflammatory process affects only one gland (bilateral inflammation is possible,but most often it develops against the background of gonorrhea).
At the initial stages, the disease proceeds without any visible disturbances. But as the inflammation progresses, the first symptoms begin to appear. The skin around the external duct of the gland turns red, the mucous membranes swell, which is accompanied by constant discomfort. On palpation in the thickness of the tissues, you can feel the solid duct of the gland.
Gradually, the opening of the duct closes, causing the secret to accumulate inside the gland. The activity of pathogenic microorganisms leads to the formation and accumulation of purulent masses - this is how a false abscess is formed. Bartholin's gland increases in size, the skin swells even more, sometimes there is an increase in body temperature.
When such violations appear, you must definitely go for a consultation with a doctor. Inept treatment of bartholinitis at home is fraught with very dangerous complications.
Chronic form of bartholinitis
The chronic form of inflammation is usually associated with untimely therapy or its absence. The disease is characterized by alternation of exacerbations with rather long periods of relative well-being.
During remission, there are usually no symptoms. Only occasionally do women complain of slight discomfort and the formation of mucous secretions. There may be pain during intercourse.
The period of exacerbation is accompanied by swelling, redness of the skin, soreness and other symptoms characteristic of the acute form of the disease. Treatment of chronic bartholinitis must necessarily be complex, since the disease is bad.responds to standard drug therapy.
Abscess Formation: Symptoms Features
As already mentioned, the accumulation of pus inside the gland sometimes leads to the formation of an abscess. This condition is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature (sometimes up to 40 degrees). Patients complain of weakness, nausea, drowsiness.
There is pain in the area of the affected labia. Unpleasant sensations are constantly present, intensified during physical activity. An enlarged gland can sometimes be seen with the naked eye. The tissues around it swell, redden, become hot to the touch. Palpation of the gland is accompanied by sharp pain. Sometimes there is an increase in the lymph nodes located in the inguinal zone.
In some cases, the abscess may open, leading to the formation of fistulas or the spread of purulent masses to the surrounding tissues. Such a phenomenon is extremely dangerous, as there is a possibility of developing sepsis.
List of possible complications

As evidenced by the reviews, the treatment of bartholinitis in most cases ends in complete recovery. However, the possibility of complications should not be ruled out. Their list is useful to study.
- If untreated, the inflammatory process becomes chronic. Gradually, a connective tissue capsule forms around the focus of infection - this is how a cyst with liquid contents is formed. Under certain conditions, the development of a purulent process is possible. Affected Bartholin's glandincreases in size, causing discomfort.
- If there is a purulent process, then there is a possibility of fistula formation, which can open outward (through the skin), and also communicate the cavity of the gland with the bladder and vagina.
- Among the possible complications include vulvitis - a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the clitoris, lower part of the vagina and labia. Accompanied by severe itching, discomfort and severe swelling.
- Possible damage to the organs of the excretory system. Patients often suffer from pyelonephritis, cystitis (inflammation of the tissues of the bladder) and urethritis (inflammation of the membranes of the urethra).
- The list of possible complications includes inflammation of the cervix (colpitis). The disease is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, the appearance of mucous and / or purulent vaginal discharge.
- Without treatment, bartholinitis can be complicated by adnexitis - inflammation in this case is localized in the tissues of the ovary. Patients suffer from fever, back pain, vaginal discharge and menstrual irregularities. It should be noted that without appropriate therapy, colpitis, adnexitis and other diseases of the reproductive organs can lead to infertility.
- Sometimes the pus that has accumulated in the Bartholin's gland penetrates through the wall into other tissues, and the infection enters the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body - this is how sepsis develops. Systemic damage to the body is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, a drop in blood pressure. Often sepsis ends with the development of purulent meningitis,septic endocarditis, patient death.
Treatment of bartholinitis with medicines

After a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will draw up a suitable treatment regimen. In this case, much depends on the causes and stage of development of the disease.
- Effective is the treatment of bartholinitis with antibiotics, since in most cases the inflammatory process is associated with the activity of bacterial microflora. Ideally, first you need to carry out bacteriological seeding - during the study, a specialist can only determine the type of pathogen and check the effect of certain antibacterial agents on the grown culture. Unfortunately, such a test takes about a week. That is why, in most cases, doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics to patients. Effective drugs are Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, Cefazolin, Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin.
- Treatment of bartholinitis with Vishnevsky ointment helps prevent the development of an abscess and relieve the inflammatory process. In addition, with inflammation of the Bartholin gland, Levomekol ointment is also used. It is simple to apply the medicine - you just need to apply the ointment on a cotton swab, then apply it to the affected area and fix it. Some doctors recommend alternating medicines: for example, Levomekol can be applied at night, and Vishnevsky ointment can be used during the day, or vice versa.
- In some cases, it is recommended to treat the affected skin with disinfectantssolutions. To do this, it is better to use drugs such as Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt and Miramistin, as they gently affect tissues without causing burns and discomfort.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are additionally used, in particular Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Paracetamol, etc. Such drugs help to cope with fever and relieve pain.
- Analgesics are used for severe pain.
- If a fungal infection occurs, then it is advisable to take antifungal drugs, in particular Fluconazole.
Treatment of bartholinitis during pregnancy is carried out according to the same scheme, but the choice of antibiotics should be taken more responsibly.
After the symptoms of exacerbation disappear (as a rule, this happens after 3-5 days), patients are recommended various physiotherapy procedures. Ozokerite, UHF therapy, magnetotherapy, laser treatment of bartholinitis are considered effective. In addition, patients are recommended sitz baths of herbal decoctions, as well as taking vitamin complexes.

Unfortunately, in some cases, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. Operation is indicated in case of abscess formation.
- In case of acute inflammation, the doctor carefully opens the abscess, removes the secretions accumulated in it, and then treats the cavity of the gland with hydrogen peroxide or other antiseptic (sometimes it is also additionally irrigated with a solutionantibiotic). Next, drainage is installed - a small tube is inserted into the cavity of the gland, which ensures the outflow of pus. The tube is removed after 5-7 days. Of course, during this period, the patient needs to stay in bed, take anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.
- If it is a chronic form of inflammation, then the drainage tube is not an option. In this case, marsupialization will be more efficient. The purpose of the procedure is to create a channel through which the secret of the gland will be independently excreted into the vestibule of the vagina. First, a special catheter is inserted into the cavity of the abscess (cyst), which remains in the tissues for 4-5 weeks. Next, the tube is removed - this time is enough for a new duct to form from nearby structures.
- If all of the above manipulations did not give the desired effect and the disease continues to progress, the doctor may decide to remove the Bartholin's gland. This is a relatively difficult procedure, which is associated with the location of the gland - its upper part is adjacent to a large accumulation of venous vessels. However, sometimes this is the only way. Rehabilitation lasts about 10 days - during this time the patient takes the necessary medications, visits various physiotherapy procedures.
Treatment of bartholinitis at home. Reviews of traditional medicine

You have already learned the basic methods of therapy. But many patients are interested in whether it is possible to treat bartholinitis at home. Undoubtedly,using various traditional medicine, you can significantly speed up the healing process.
- Compresses from aloe or Kalanchoe are considered useful. It is necessary to soak a cotton swab or disk with fresh juice from the leaves of plants and apply to the affected tissues. Such drugs have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, allow you to relieve swelling and prevent the formation of pus.
- For compresses, fresh cabbage leaves (white cabbage) are sometimes used. The washed cabbage leaf should be doused with boiling water, and then applied to the affected area. The compress must be kept all night.
- Daily sitz baths are also helpful. Herbal decoction should be added to the water. You need to mix a tablespoon of oak bark, calendula flowers and chamomile, and then pour a liter of boiling water, then hold in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and add to the water for a sitz bath (the procedure should last about 15-20 minutes).
- Lotions with a decoction of St. John's wort will help to cope with inflammation (you need to prepare a concentrated decoction, moisten a cotton pad or gauze bandage in it, which then apply to the skin in the area of the Bartholin's gland).
Of course, before using such tools, you must always consult with a specialist. Treatment of bartholinitis in women at home is possible only with the permission of a doctor.
Prevention: how to prevent inflammation?
Treatment of bartholinitis most often goes easily and ends with complete recovery. Still it's much easier to try to preventdevelopment of the disease.
- The most important is the careful observance of the rules of intimate hygiene. You need to wash every day. Doctors also recommend washing the vulva after every bowel movement.
- You can use a special soap for intimate hygiene with an appropriate pH level.
- Risk factors include promiscuity. If casual intercourse still takes place, then do not forget about condoms.
- Of course, it is important to keep the immune system working. Physical activity, hardening, proper diet have a positive effect on the state of the body.
When the first symptoms appear, you need to consult a gynecologist. Inept treatment of bartholinitis at home can lead to the development of a host of complications.