In the article, we will consider the reasons why the fingers became crooked.
This phenomenon is understood as a change in the bone tissue or the shape of the joints, resulting in a change in the configuration and direction of the bones. Such a pathology gives a person a wide variety of problems. If, for example, crooked toes, the load on the feet is distributed unevenly, as a result of which joint diseases begin to develop. Do not underestimate the aesthetic component - the toes can be hidden from prying eyes, but a similar problem with the fingers will not go unnoticed. In the absence of therapy, such a pathology can cause a complete loss of control over the hand. The most common problem in the field of orthopedics is deformity of the joints.

Causes of finger deformity
Crooked fingers and toes appear, as a rule, as a result of various pathologies. There are diseases against the background of which there is a curvature of only the toes. However, there are those that affect the legs and arms equally.
One of the complications of this pathology is neuropathy, which is manifested by damage to the nerve endings in the limbs. As a result, there is a decrease in sensitivity in them. That is why a person does not pay attention if his shoes are rubbed, something hurts his leg, he does not feel injuries and cuts. Dirt can penetrate into such wounds, after which the process of inflammation develops. That is, the deformation of the fingers can be a consequence of neuropathy. Another reason why fingers can become crooked?
Is a chronic degenerative-dystrophic disease of the joints, in which cartilage destruction occurs, the development of pathological changes in the capsule, ligaments, synovial membrane, and nearby bone structures. The main reason for the development of arthrosis is a violation of metabolic processes. Pathology is manifested by severe pain, stiffness in the morning, limited mobility. In the absence of timely therapy, the pathology causes deformation of the hands and curvature of the little finger. Crooked fingers are very ugly.

Psoriatic arthritis
Is a chronic joint disease that develops against the background of psoriasis. Pathology is characterized by asymmetric joint damage, pronounced secondary osteoarthritis, focal bone compaction, marginal growths. During the development of the disease in humans, subluxations and dislocations of the affected joints often occur,immobility of the distal joints develops between the phalanges on the toes and hands. In severe forms of the disease, it is not uncommon to bend the toes behind each other.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease that affects the structures of the joints. Any joints can become inflamed, but more often small joints of the feet and hands are affected by pathology. Periodically, the disease worsens against the background of climate change, hypothermia, trauma, psycho-emotional stress, physical exertion, infections, and comorbidities. Often, the development of rheumatoid arthritis is accompanied by damage to internal organs.

Crooked toes are usually the result of various pathologies:
- Atherosclerotic changes in the lower extremities. Atherosclerosis of the veins of the lower extremities is a pathology in which the blood flow in the legs is completely or partially blocked. The reason for this phenomenon is the blockage of blood vessels by blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques. As the pathology progresses, narrowing or complete blockage of the arteries occurs. As a result, the blood supply to the legs worsens, pain in the calves appears when walking, discomfort occurs at night, and the little finger is deformed. Why else do crooked toes happen?
- Flat feet. The foot in people with this disease lengthens, which is why the flexor muscles begin to overpower the extensor muscles. As a result, the tendons are stretched even more and provoke deformation of the fingers. Crossed toes with flat feet are common.
- Gout. It is a chronic progressive pathology, which is characterized by disturbances in the metabolism of purines, an excess of uric acid in the blood, recurrent arthritis, and the deposition of uric acid s alts in tissues. In the vast majority of cases, gout affects the joints of the thumbs and forefingers, less often the joints of the knee and ankle. Gout is accompanied by severe sharp pain in the affected joint, the development of pronounced edema, and the appearance of redness. As the pathology develops, a persistent curvature of the joints occurs, the motor volume is disturbed.

Varieties of leg deformities
Curvature of the toes can be of the following types.
- Taylor deformation. This deformity is often referred to as "tailor's foot". With this violation, an increase in the lateral part of the foot occurs, a varus deviation of the last toe is observed. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint. Factors contributing to the development of Taylor's deformity are congenital disorders of the ligamentous apparatus, injuries.
- Claw deformity. In this case, all toes of the foot are affected, except for the big one. The fingers begin to curl down, resembling the claws of an animal. Such deformation develops as a result of disturbances in the activity of the muscle system. Cerebral palsy, injuries, flat feet can contribute to the development of this pathology.
- Hammer-shaped deformation. Typically affects index fingerslegs. They begin to bend, after which they are fixed at a certain angle. The patient experiences severe pain. This deformity occurs mainly due to a genetic predisposition, in people with long metatarsal bones. The risk group includes people who have been diagnosed with progressive transverse flatfoot. People often have a crooked thumb.
- Valgus deformity. It affects the big toes, characterized by the formation of a bone growth at the base of the big toes. In the process of development of this disease, the flattening of the arches of the foot occurs, the first metatarsal bone deviates inward. Along with the formation of growths, the formation of corns and the development of a hammer-like deformity of the index, middle, and ring fingers occur.
Crooked index finger is also not uncommon.

On hand
Finger deformities are of the following types:
- Swan neck. This deformity is characterized by excessive extension of the fingers in the middle joint and flexion in the upper joint. There is only one interphalangeal joint in the thumb, so this deformity does not affect the thumbs. However, the development of severe hyperextension of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb can cause a rectangular or zigzag deformity. There are crooked and middle fingers.
- Button loop. With this type of deformity, the finger is bent at the middle joint, but straightened at the top. This deformity develops due to rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, dislocation, rupturetendon.
- Hammer-shaped deformation. It is a tendon injury that straightens the nail phalanx of the finger. With such a deformation, the nail phalanx is bent towards the palm. The disorder is characterized by the absence of active extension of the upper joint.
What to do when the finger becomes crooked?
Therapy for Deformed Fingers
Therapy for curvature of the fingers is complex and consists of exercise therapy, physiotherapy, the use of drugs and the use of orthopedic aids.

The main goal of drug treatment is symptomatic therapy, that is, relief of pain, elimination of inflammation, swelling, normalization of metabolic processes and blood supply to articular structures. The following medications are indicated for use:
- Anesthetics ("Analgin", "Baralgin", others).
- Miorelaxants: Sidalud, Mydocalm. These drugs can relieve spasm, minimize muscle pain, and normalize blood circulation.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Piroxicam, Ketorolac, Ibuprofen. These drugs help reduce pain, relieve inflammation.
Using orthotics
When using orthopedic devices, the load on the affected joints is reduced, the possibility of additional injury is excluded. The orthopedist will help you choose special shoes, clamps, various devices. If the disease is at an early stage of development, wearing wide and soft shoes may be effective.
To correct the curvature of the index finger on the foot will allow the use of arch supports and special insoles.
If we consider the curvature of the fingers on the hands, then, as a rule, it is sufficient to apply a special splint to the upper joint. You should wear such a splint for up to 8 weeks, after its removal, a gradual restoration of joint mobility will be required.
Surgical methods
Surgical methods of correction can only be used for fixed deformity, if conservative therapy has not yielded the expected results. Operations for curvature of the fingers are as follows.
- Removal of bursitis.
- Distal osteotomy (in which the doctor reduces the angle between the bones by cutting the distal edge and then moving it to the lateral plane).
- Installation of implants.
- Arthrodesis (artificial articular immobilization).
- Resection and subsequent replacement of soft tissues located near the affected joint.
- Resection arthroplasty (removal of the end section on the metatarsal bone).
- Exostectomy (excision of the upper part of the metatarsal bone).
It should be noted that surgery to correct the deformity of the fingers will require a follow-up rehabilitation that will take about two months.

Thus, with the curvature of the fingersit should be understood that the treatment of deformities on the arms and legs is different, and the pathology itself can only be a consequence of a serious illness. In the absence of timely therapy, surgical treatment may be required, and in some cases disability cannot be ruled out. In this regard, you should not postpone a visit to the orthopedist.
We looked at why the finger curve might be.