Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Swollen joints: causes and symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Swollen joints: causes and symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

If the joints of the arms or legs are swollen, then you should definitely see a doctor, as this can be quite a dangerous symptom. A similar condition appears during the course of various kinds of diseases, inflammation, trauma. It is very important to carry out diagnostics and comprehensive treatment in a timely manner to eliminate the problem

Ulcerative colitis (UC): treatment with folk remedies, clinical treatments, symptoms, causes, doctor's advice and patient reviews

Ulcerative colitis (UC): treatment with folk remedies, clinical treatments, symptoms, causes, doctor's advice and patient reviews

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a disease characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the lining of the large intestine. This pathological process is chronic in nature, in which exacerbations appear periodically. The therapy of this disease is a very complex complex process that requires joint efforts from both the attending physician and the patient himself

Dangerous disease thrombophlebitis. Treatment

Dangerous disease thrombophlebitis. Treatment

What is thrombophlebitis? Inflammatory disease of the vein and blockage of its thrombus. Most often occurs on the lower extremities. Thrombophlebitis can occur as a serious complication after suffering a serious infectious disease, but more often due to the transition of the inflammatory process from the existing wound to the vein wall

Signs of cervicitis, ways to treat the disease

Signs of cervicitis, ways to treat the disease

Cervicitis is called inflammation in the vaginal segment of the uterus. Signs of cervicitis are presented in the form of cloudy mucous or purulent discharge, dull or pulling pains in the lower abdomen, pain during sex and urination

Gastritis hypertrophic: causes, symptoms, treatment

Gastritis hypertrophic: causes, symptoms, treatment

Gastritis is a very common problem nowadays. Many factors can contribute to its development, from malnutrition to frequent stressful situations

Colitis - what is it? Ulcerative colitis: symptoms, treatment

Colitis - what is it? Ulcerative colitis: symptoms, treatment

Colitis is a fairly common disease that mainly affects people of mature age. This is an extremely unpleasant disease that significantly impairs the quality of human life. If untreated, the inflammatory process can lead to a lot of unpleasant consequences

Treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes at home

Treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes at home

Hemorrhoids are considered a common problem that causes unpleasant and painful symptoms. To eliminate the disease, many methods are used. Treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes is an effective way. According to reviews, this product quickly relieves painful symptoms. The rules of such therapy are described in the article

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine: photos, reviews

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine: photos, reviews

Osteochondrosis is a very common disease. It knocks a person out of the normal rhythm of life, makes every movement painful. Regularly performed exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine will help heal your back and become as mobile as before

What is the danger of liver cysts, how to treat the disease

What is the danger of liver cysts, how to treat the disease

The liver is one of the main filters of the human body. When toxins enter the bloodstream, this organ makes the consequences of such penetration minimal for the patient's he alth

Kinböck's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, postoperative period, reviews

Kinböck's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, postoperative period, reviews

Kinböck's disease: causes of pathology, which individuals are at risk. What does conservative therapy consist of, what surgical operations will help to cope with the problem. Postoperative period and prognosis for recovery

Inflamed armpit lymph node: causes and treatment with folk remedies

Inflamed armpit lymph node: causes and treatment with folk remedies

An enlarged lymph node in the armpit can indicate a number of diseases, some of which can be cured at home. Read this article to learn how to bring it back to normal using folk recipes

Pyoderma: treatment, symptoms, photos

Pyoderma: treatment, symptoms, photos

Treatment of pyoderma - the fight against skin pathologies provoked by pyogenic microscopic life forms. Pyoderma is a collective concept that includes several types of diseases united by localization (skin), pathogens (one genus of bacteria). Specific studies have shown: 25-40% of cases of all skin diseases are pyoderma in various forms

Headache in the eye area: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Headache in the eye area: causes, diagnosis and treatment

As soon as there is pain in the forehead, it often immediately goes to the eyes. Or sometimes everything happens the other way around: first, the eyeballs tighten, and then the pain moves to the frontal region. Reasonable question: why is this happening? Why does headache appear in the forehead and eyes? What are the reasons for this condition?

Cholesterol and alcohol: influence and relationship with each other

Cholesterol and alcohol: influence and relationship with each other

Many people believe that alcoholic beverages have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. There is even an opinion about strong blood vessels in alcoholics compared to non-drinkers. But you need to consider the impact of alcoholic beverages on other organs. The relationship between cholesterol and alcohol is described in the article

"Hussar runny nose": symptoms, treatment, prevention

"Hussar runny nose": symptoms, treatment, prevention

Do you know what a "hussar runny nose" is? If you do not have such information, then it will be presented in the materials of this article

Acute vascular insufficiency: causes, symptoms and first aid rules

Acute vascular insufficiency: causes, symptoms and first aid rules

Acute vascular insufficiency is a rather severe and life-threatening condition that is caused by a violation of the general or local blood circulation. As a result of such a pathology, the circulatory system cannot provide the tissues with the necessary amount of oxygen, which is accompanied by damage and sometimes cell death

Systemic underdevelopment of speech: symptoms, causes, treatment, reviews

Systemic underdevelopment of speech: symptoms, causes, treatment, reviews

Any deviation that occurs in the process of development causes anxiety in parents. When speech functions are violated, the child does not have the opportunity to fully communicate with members of his own family and people around him. In severe cases, we are talking about such a pathology as systemic underdevelopment of speech

Prostate cancer: symptoms, treatment, causes and stages

Prostate cancer: symptoms, treatment, causes and stages

Prostate cancer is a serious oncological disease. A malignant tumor tends to allocate metastases to other organs. The progression of the pathological process is extremely slow and imperceptible. The appearance of microscopic signs of neoplasm, the onset of a critical stage can take from 10 to 15 years. Patients turn to the doctor with complaints when it reaches an impressive size and begins to metastasize

Lactose intolerance: symptoms, ways to detect and prevent

Lactose intolerance: symptoms, ways to detect and prevent

Lactose intolerance, the symptoms of which we will present a little below, can occur in children for various reasons. However, such a deviation is almost always based on a lack of an enzyme called “lactase” in the baby

The causative agent of HIV: a description of the infection, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The causative agent of HIV: a description of the infection, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The abbreviation HIV refers to the human immunodeficiency virus, which is the causative agent of AIDS. The pathogen affects the body's defense system, as a result of which it cannot function normally and prevent the development of various ailments. Currently, it is impossible to get rid of the causative agent of HIV, all methods of treatment are aimed only at slowing down the reproduction of the virus. This allows patients to significantly extend their lives

Pathogenic staphylococci: causes, symptoms, treatment. Influence of immunity on the development of infection

Pathogenic staphylococci: causes, symptoms, treatment. Influence of immunity on the development of infection

Pathogenic staphylococci can cause a number of serious illnesses in immunocompromised individuals. These can be problems with the respiratory system, skin, mucous membranes, soft tissues or even joints

Adrenal insufficiency: symptoms and signs

Adrenal insufficiency: symptoms and signs

Insufficiency of the adrenal cortex is a syndrome also called hypocorticism and manifested by a lack of hormones that should be synthesized by these glands. Let's look at the symptoms and causes of this condition. Adrenal gland disease in any case, severe stress for the body

Nephropathy - what is it and how to treat it?

Nephropathy - what is it and how to treat it?

Recently, kidney disease has become more frequent. For many, it remains unclear what nephropathy is, and they do not pay attention to the first symptoms, but in vain. This will certainly lead to more serious consequences

Diseases of the hands: description, causes of diseases, symptoms, treatment methods

Diseases of the hands: description, causes of diseases, symptoms, treatment methods

Diseases of the hands affect people regardless of age and condition of the body. Some may be caused by the presence of a disease, others due to the influence of mechanical factors. Today we will learn more about the most common diseases

Severe back pain and fever: causes, treatment

Severe back pain and fever: causes, treatment

Complaints of back pain accompanied by fever are common and occur in a variety of pathologies. They are not only inflammatory in nature, degenerative, non-infectious, and other changes are possible. Among them are influenza, SARS, meningitis and other viral infections, diseases of the genitourinary system, gynecological problems, complications of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, injuries of the muscles of the back and the spine itself, Pott's disease, osteomyelitis, gastrointestinal pathologies, etc

Rice allergy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Rice allergy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Allergy has become a real "plague" of our time. New ones are constantly being added to the usual list of products and substances that cause the immunopathological process. Allergy to rice, a phenomenon not common, is detected in 5% of the total number of people suffering from severe hypersensitivity. The pathological process can occur in any person, so it would be useful to know about its symptoms and methods of therapy

How can you get lice? Pediculosis in children - how to treat? Effective remedy for lice and nits

How can you get lice? Pediculosis in children - how to treat? Effective remedy for lice and nits

Lice is a big problem even in our modern world. How can you get lice? There are a lot of ways. The main condition is contact with the hair or things of people with pediculosis. What are the signs of a lice infestation? How to deal with pediculosis? What are the traditional methods? Read about it in the article

What to do if the right kidney hurts: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and urologist's advice

What to do if the right kidney hurts: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and urologist's advice

Each human organ plays a specific role in the functioning of the whole organism. And the kidneys are no exception, since they provide excretory processes. When any changes occur in their functioning, this means the beginning of the development of the disease. If the right kidney or the left one hurts, then you should immediately consult a doctor

Heart hurts, left hand goes numb: what to do?

Heart hurts, left hand goes numb: what to do?

Pain accompanies our lives. Situations when the heart hurts, and at the same time the pain gives to the left hand, are not uncommon, many people experience these unpleasant symptoms. Why do such painful combinations appear, what causes them?

What to do if the left kidney hurts? Ultrasound of the left kidney. How do kidneys hurt? Symptoms in women

What to do if the left kidney hurts? Ultrasound of the left kidney. How do kidneys hurt? Symptoms in women

Pain in the region of the left kidney can be disturbing not only in case of a disease of this organ, but also in many other conditions. Pain on the left in the region of the spine can be with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and spleen. To establish for sure that they are connected specifically with the left kidney, it is necessary to perform diagnostic studies

Fungal pharyngitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Fungal pharyngitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Fungal pharyngitis is a rather severe pathology that is difficult to treat. In order to achieve optimal results, it is very important to detect the nature of the pathology in time. All doctor's prescriptions must be followed exactly

Why does my head hurt for days? Possible causes, necessary diagnosis, treatment options, review of drugs, advice from therapists

Why does my head hurt for days? Possible causes, necessary diagnosis, treatment options, review of drugs, advice from therapists

Aching headache, throbbing, monotonous, sometimes it does not go away for weeks and becomes habitual. What about a person who has a headache for several days? Understand the causes of discomfort and seek treatment

Bezoar of the stomach: concept, description with photo, symptoms, causes, clinical and surgical treatment and prevention of appearance

Bezoar of the stomach: concept, description with photo, symptoms, causes, clinical and surgical treatment and prevention of appearance

Bezoars (from French - bezoard) are called foreign bodies formed in the stomach due to the ingestion, primarily with food, of such components that are not digested, but accumulate and form a foreign body

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a threat to the lives of tobacco users

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a threat to the lives of tobacco users

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease interferes with the normal breathing process and is not fully cured. The main cause of the disease is inhaled tobacco smoke

Allergic asthma: symptoms and treatment

Allergic asthma: symptoms and treatment

Allergic asthma is the most common type of allergy. It affects most of the children and almost half of the adult population. It is caused by allergens - particles that a person inhales along with the air

Pressure up! Diastolic and systolic pressure - difference in values

Pressure up! Diastolic and systolic pressure - difference in values

What is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure? What are the causes and danger of the situation when the pressure is increased?

Symptoms of thrush in women. Prevention and treatment

Symptoms of thrush in women. Prevention and treatment

Many women are familiar with the symptoms of thrush, because almost every second woman has experienced this disease at least once in her life. Symptoms of thrush in girls often begin to appear before menstruation, usually a week before

Why does my stomach hurt after eating

Why does my stomach hurt after eating

Abdominal pain is a very common symptom. This article will help you figure out what causes pain after eating, and also answer the question why it is important to start treatment immediately

Paroxysmal tachycardia: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Paroxysmal tachycardia: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Irregular heart rhythm is always an indicator of a malfunction in the cardiovascular system. Frequent attacks lead to serious consequences. Paroxysmal tachycardia is sudden and is an indicator of abnormalities in the work of the heart

Meningitis in kindergarten: what is it, how do they get infected, how to prevent this disease?

Meningitis in kindergarten: what is it, how do they get infected, how to prevent this disease?

Children get sick more often with meningitis, the main percentage of them is kindergarten age. To protect a child from the occurrence of a terrible disease, one should not panic, but have accurate information: what it is, how they can get infected, what are its signs, how to prevent it as much as possible