Pyoderma: treatment, symptoms, photos

Pyoderma: treatment, symptoms, photos
Pyoderma: treatment, symptoms, photos

Treatment of pyoderma - the fight against skin pathologies provoked by pyogenic microscopic life forms. Pyoderma is a collective concept that includes several types of diseases united by localization (skin), pathogens (one genus of bacteria). Specific studies have shown: 25-40% of cases of all skin diseases are pyoderma in various forms.

General information

Sometimes, treatment of pyoderma as an independent disease is required, in other cases, pathology is provoked by other he alth disorders. It is known that the risk of pyoderma in diabetics is increased, as the circulatory system is disrupted, skin cells do not receive the nutrients necessary for normal functioning.

You can understand that pyoderma treatment is required by a wide list of symptoms. Most cases are characterized by a change in the shade of diseased areas of the skin: the covers become reddish, then rashes and purulent blisters appear on them. If untreated, the blisters open, on theirwhere ulcers form. Without adequate therapy, such lesions heal for a very long time.

Chronic pyoderma caused by staphylococcus aureus causes scarring of the skin with a high degree.

One of the varieties of pyoderma is folliculitis. Similar manifestations are different and carbuncles. These diagnoses are made if pathological processes affect the skin areas in places where hair follicles accumulate. More often, treatment of pyoderma of this format in the perineum, armpits is required.

Disease diagnosis

To choose the optimal treatment program for pyoderma of the face, body, groin and other areas, you must first do a number of specific tests to confirm the diagnosis. At the appointment, the doctor takes scrapings from the diseased areas of the skin and sends them to the laboratory for a thorough examination. If bubbles are present, samples of their contents are obtained. By identifying the pathogen, you can finally understand whether pyoderma is present or the patient is suffering from another disease.

pyoderma symptoms and treatment
pyoderma symptoms and treatment

In addition to scraping, the doctor collects complaints, finds out the features of the patient's life to take an anamnesis. As a rule, patients do not follow the rules of hygiene too carefully, and this contributes to the active development of pathological microflora. The clinical picture of pyoderma differs significantly from other skin diseases, so diagnosis is rarely difficult.

Where did the trouble come from?

Before delving into the essence of the symptoms, the treatment of pyoderma, it is necessaryfigure out what causes the disease. Three bacterial varieties from the cocci family can provoke pathological processes: pio-, staphylo-, streptococci. In extremely rare cases, the disease is provoked by other pathogens. Scientists have found that microorganisms that can cause pyoderma normally live on the skin of any he althy person. With a decrease in immunity, deterioration of skin nutrition, colonies begin to multiply, which leads to pathological processes. More often, due to the symptoms of pyoderma, treatment is required for people suffering from:

  • diabetes;
  • disturbances in the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • malfunctions in the work of hematopoietic organs;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Tender age

Quite often it is necessary to select drugs for the treatment of pyoderma in children. Higher percentage of morbidity among infants. Most cases are due to poor hygiene, which leads to suppuration in the umbilical region. The natural protection of the skin in infancy is rather weak, so the risk of developing the disease is much higher than in older people. It is known from statistics that up to 40% of all cases of childhood skin diseases are pyoderma.

In older children, pyoderma is explained by frequent injuries received during games. All these cases are of particular difficulty due to the limited applicability of different drugs for the treatment of young patients. The practice of treating pyoderma with folk remedies is widespread - it is believed that homemade recipes are effective but safe. True, even theirapplication should be practiced only under the supervision of a doctor.

The right start is the key to success

The first thing to do is to visit a doctor as soon as the symptoms of pyoderma appear. Treatment in adults, children is chosen by a qualified doctor, focusing on the characteristics of the case, individual intolerance, the course and severity of the pathology. The course will be conducted by a dermatologist, although with signs of the disease you can also come to an appointment with a therapist - the doctor will write a referral to a highly specialized specialist.

At the appointment, the doctor will tell you: first you need to cut the hair short in the affected area. Treatment of pyoderma of the head, armpits, groin and other areas with hair involves strictly cutting them, you can not shave. Eliminating long hair prevents the transfer of bacteria to he althy skin areas.

pyoderma treatment with folk remedies
pyoderma treatment with folk remedies

An important rule of the therapeutic course is the exclusion of water procedures, except for the most necessary ones. It is especially important to observe this rule if large areas have been affected, the disease is severe.

To maintain the strength of the body, the doctor will recommend a special diet for the duration of treatment. Will have to give up:

  • spicy;
  • fried;
  • liquor;
  • s alty.

Treatment of pyoderma in adults, children involves the treatment of affected areas with aniline compounds, a pink solution of potassium permanganate. If your hands are not infected, you will need to wash them thoroughly daily using antibacterial soap. During treatment, it is important to constantly cutnails, every day treat them with a solution of iodine. This will prevent the spread of pathological microorganisms over the entire surface of the body.

Options and approaches

If the disease is chronic, pyoderma is treated with antibiotics. The choice of remedy is strictly at the discretion of the doctor. The doctor takes samples from the affected areas, reveals which pathological microflora is present, to which substances it is sensitive. Based on the information received, a comprehensive course is developed. Bacteriological analysis is carried out by inoculation using nutrient media.

Immunity boosters can be taken to improve the effectiveness of pyoderma treatment. The photo below shows, in particular, aloe vera. Such a plant grows in almost every home, and its anti-inflammatory qualities are known to everyone.

pyoderma treatment
pyoderma treatment

However, sometimes more serious methods are needed to hold the body's defenses. The doctor may prescribe a blood transfusion or ultraviolet baths. Such procedures will disinfect the fluid in the circulatory system. The choice of methods to maintain immunity depends on the severity and form of the disease.

Prevention is easier than cure

The most effective way is to prevent pyoderma. The measures are quite simple: you need to be attentive to hygiene rules, monitor the cleanliness of the skin, regularly undergo examinations with a doctor in order to timely identify systemic diseases, disrupt the functionality of anyor internal organs. If he alth problems are detected, adequate treatment should be started without delay.

Treatment at home

Mild pyoderma can be treated at home. Of course, you first need to go to the doctor to clarify the diagnosis, coordinate the therapy with him, but it is highly likely that the doctor will approve the use of simple traditional medicine recipes if the pathology is mild. The advantage of this approach is the minimal risk of an allergic reaction, the absence of a systemic effect on the body, and the stimulation of skin regeneration. With the correct use of folk recipes, the risk of relapse is minimized.

So, where to start the treatment of pyoderma? Pictured below is a dandelion. This plant, familiar to many, is often considered a weed, but healers can tell about its powerful healing properties.

pyoderma photo treatment
pyoderma photo treatment

When pyoderma use dried rhizomes, leaves of the plant. Take a couple of teaspoons in a glass of boiling water, boil the mixture for at least five minutes, then let it brew for eight hours. Before taking the medicine is heated. Single dosage - half a glass. The medicine is used before a meal.

There are many herbs that can help, if necessary, against the background of the symptoms of the treatment of pyoderma. In the photo, for example, nettle. Use it as a tea brew, eat it daily, as soon as you want to drink. The effect of nettle tea is especially pronounced for boils, suppuration.

pyoderma photo treatment symptoms
pyoderma photo treatment symptoms

You can use a decoction for foodrye grains. This medicine is recommended in the chronic form of the disease. The decoction is consumed several times a day.

Lots of options

Treatment of pyoderma with folk remedies involves the use of yarrow. A glass of boiling water is taken for a couple of tablespoons, the mixture is infused for an hour, then the water is drained and used for compresses. The gauze swabs soaked in the infusion are applied to the affected areas of the skin.

There are several ways to use a smoker. From a fresh plant, you can squeeze the juice, which is also used for lotions. A piece of cotton wool is moistened in the liquid, applied to the damaged areas. Another option is an ointment for the treatment of pyoderma. There will be 50 g of petroleum jelly per tablespoon of dried leaves, mix thoroughly. The medicine is smeared on diseased skin.

Calamus roots are mixed with sunflower oil (liquid - ten times more than plants), boiled for a third of an hour, allowed to cool, decanted and eaten in a tablespoon. The optimal program is twice before a meal until complete recovery. Another option for using oil is to mix it with celandine in proportions similar to those indicated above, apply the medicine to lubricate diseased skin areas.

How beautiful birch trees are always in the photo! With symptoms of pyoderma, the treatment of adults and children can be practiced using the buds, leaves, juice of this wonderful tree, which is not in vain considered one of the symbols of our country. The simplest option, which is also the most effective, is a medicine on birch buds. Take a glass of water per tablespoon of the product,boil for a third of an hour, let cool, then drain the water and use it to treat the affected areas.

Simple and effective remedies can be made from other improvised products. For example, beets are cleaned, crushed, and gruel is applied to purulent inflammations. It is not more difficult to use potatoes: the root crop is also peeled and chopped, applied to gauze, fixed with a bandage on the affected area and left for two hours, after which the mass is replaced with a new one.

Effective and simple

Above you can see aloe (there is a photo in the material). For symptoms of pyoderma, treatment using this plant is possible in the form of a tincture. Every day, the diseased areas are wiped with a medicinal product. Aloe shows the greatest effectiveness in the presence of suppuration.

Viburnum juice is mixed with water (a couple of tablespoons per glass), the diseased areas are wiped with the finished composition. Another option for external use is an infusion of dill seeds (pre-crush). In a glass of water - a tablespoon of the product. Dill is poured with boiling water and infused for 10 minutes.

It is believed that a mixture of strawberry leaves, walnuts, violets will bring benefits. A series is added to the composition. An infusion is prepared taking into account the following proportions: per liter of water - 50 g of a mixture of herbs. Pour the dry product with boiling water, leave for half an hour, decant the liquid and use it for food. Single dose - half a glass, frequency - up to six times a day.

Take a tablespoon of a mixture of an equal amount of burdock, elecampane, walnut (leaves) in a glass of boiling water. All together boil for 10 minutes, then decantliquid and used for food. Dosage - a glass. Three-hour intervals should be maintained between doses.

For a couple of glasses of carefully ground poplar buds, take half a glass of vegetable oil, let it brew for a day, boil over low heat, wait for it to cool. The finished product is used on the affected areas, lubricating the skin with it.

A good local treatment option is a mixture of wax, spruce resin, butter. The components are taken in equal volumes, the diseased area is smeared with the mixture.

Finally, folk healers can recommend alcohol with garlic. Products are taken in equal quantities, the root crop is crushed into gruel. The medicine is used for local treatment of festering areas, three layers of gauze are applied on top and fixed with a bandage. The drug will dry the skin, open the pores, prevent the reproduction of pathological microorganisms. The bandage is changed three times daily. The medicine is used until full recovery is achieved.

Comprehensive approach is the key to success

Unfortunately, there is no such unique recipe that would describe what suits everyone and everyone (and even showed in the photo!) Treatment of pyoderma. In adults and children, the disease is more often provoked by insufficiently responsible observance of hygiene rules, but this factor is far from the only one. After analyzing the patient's condition, the doctor will be able to understand what items should be included in the therapy. These could be:

  • treatment of underlying disease;
  • exclusion of aggressive factors that depress the he alth of the skin;
  • prescribing a specific diet;
  • ban on certain procedures;
  • taking medication;
  • hygienic and sanitary measures for treating foci of inflammation.

Quite often, pyoderma is observed due to hormonal imbalance, endocrine disorders and improper metabolism, low immunity. In these cases, it is indicated to begin treatment of the main disease, in parallel using means to relieve the symptoms of pyoderma. By eliminating or smoothing the effect on the body of the main problem, you can get rid of skin rashes.

Sometimes pyoderma is provoked:

  • overheat;
  • hypothermia;
  • dirt;
  • chemicals;
  • wounds.

Treatment of the disease involves the exclusion of all these factors, otherwise no course, even the most powerful drugs, will give a result.

During therapy, you need to eat protein foods, avoiding carbohydrates. Fermented milk products and fiber-rich vegetables and fruits are shown. To relieve local manifestations of pyoderma, the affected areas are washed twice daily with salicylic alcohol.

Nuances of treatment

If pyoderma is accompanied by inflammation of the follicles, conflicts, ostiofolliculitis, the patient is shown the procedure for opening purulent formations. It is carried out strictly under sterile conditions using a special needle, after which the surfaces are carefully treated with brilliant green. If pyoderma develops in the form of sycosis, mustaches and beards can only be removed strictly by hand.

Staphyloderma requires the use of ichthyol. A drugimpose on ripening abscesses, and after opening them, bandages are used with a special medicinal solution (at the choice of the doctor). When the pus is gone, you can use antibiotics in the form of an ointment. With impetigo, the resulting crusts are treated with fucorcin, and the course is supplemented with antimicrobial drugs. Synthomycin emulsion is widely used and:

  • "Levosin".
  • Levomekol.

Sometimes patients are prescribed systemic antimicrobials. Indications for such therapy will be:

  • heat;
  • intoxication;
  • large areas of infection;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • lymphangitis;
  • purulent inflammation on the face.

The most widely used drugs are from the penicillin series - "Amoxiclav" and its analogues, as well as preparations containing erythromycin, chloramphenicol. To increase the efficiency, the patient is shown multivitamin complexes, immunostimulants. If pyoderma is very severe, take staphylococcal toxoid.

pyoderma in adults symptoms and treatment photo
pyoderma in adults symptoms and treatment photo

Factors and methods

The optimal course of treatment is chosen taking into account not only the form of the disease, but also the age of the patient. The hardest thing is for little kids. The localized form is usually eliminated at home, but strictly following the doctor's recommendations. To control recovery, you will definitely have to visit a doctor.

In case of pyoderma in a newborn, foci of inflammation are treated with antiseptics and antibiotics. Alcohol, aniline preparations are used,calendula in the form of tincture (sold in any pharmacy), salicylic acid. If the areas itch and swell, the child is given antihistamines. A specific option is chosen based on the admissibility of its use by young children. Exact indications of age restrictions are in the instructions for use.

If at the same time the baby has several foci of inflammation, use ointments with antimicrobial components (tetracycline, metronidazole, erythromycin). With boils that appear in a small amount, at a distance from each other, Vishnevsky ointment and other drugs are indicated that are effective in foci of suppuration.

It is unacceptable to squeeze out the contents of the abscess on your own. This is especially dangerous if pyoderma appears on the face. There is a high probability of blood poisoning, meningitis, in which the membranes of the brain become inflamed. If you start a therapeutic course, the boil will gradually pass by itself.

Severe case

If the patient's condition is poor, infusions (intravenous injections) are indicated. Use solutions with s alts and glucose, including poligyukin, reopoligyukin. The specific choice remains with the doctor.

You can choose the most successful antibiotic if you first check the sensitivity of the microflora to various substances. Based on this, a decision is made in favor of cephalosporin, penicillin, macrolides, fluoroquinolones or other groups. There are cases when pyoderma was provoked by pathological microscopic life forms resistant to most of the known modern drugs.

folk pyoderma treatment
folk pyoderma treatment

In this case, the doctor prescribes combined funds, regularly checks the effectiveness of the course.

Most often, pyoderma is provoked by staphylococci, which means that it is the drugs developed against these pathogenic microorganisms that will show the best effect. Available to modern patients:

  • antistaphylococcal plasma;
  • gamma globulin.

With the help of such substances, artificial resistance of the organism to the pathogen is formed.

To increase the body's defenses, the patient is prescribed:

  • phototherapy;
  • autohemotherapy;
  • physiotherapy.

There are situations when an operation to remove a purulent formation is indicated. This is more typical of cases where the doctor diagnoses hydradenitis, furunculosis, carbuncles.

Pyoderma on the face

The peculiarity of this localization is the difficulty of dealing with it, the increased risk of infection by pathological microflora of internal systems and vital organs. Medical statistics show that more often on the face of pyoderma appears in young women. The disease comes unpredictably, rapidly progressing. More often rashes are localized on:

  • temples;
  • forehead;
  • chin.

Sometimes other parts may be affected.

pyoderma head treatment
pyoderma head treatment

Sick areas of the skin first turn red and swell, after a couple of days numerous pustules appear here. Skin pathology brings a lot of unpleasant sensations and impressions, he alth worsens,sleep is disturbed. Patients are apathetic, there is no appetite. In some cases, pyoderma can be cured in a month, but there are also difficult situations when the course is extended for a year. For therapy, hormonal ointments and creams that stop inflammation are usually used.
