Headache in the eye area: causes, diagnosis and treatment

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Headache in the eye area: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Headache in the eye area: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Video: Headache in the eye area: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Video: Headache in the eye area: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Video: David's Journey to Freedom from Ulcerative Colitis 2024, July

Headache in the eye area is familiar to most people. It is pressing, pulsating, paroxysmal, dull. Headaches in the eye area can be both permanent and episodic, but in any case, they give a person torment. Particularly difficult moments have to be experienced by those people whose headache in the eye area is associated with nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, photophobia, fainting.

It is too difficult to find the cause of a headache in the forehead and eyes on your own, a qualified specialist will better cope with this task.

headache in forehead and eyes
headache in forehead and eyes


Through pain, the human body gives signals that something is wrong with he alth. Headache in this area, like any other, has a number of serious causes. To recognize the cause of a headache in the eye area, it is necessary to take into account all the symptoms associated with pain. Often the pain is due tofatigue, severe physical or nervous tension. For example, if a person has been sitting at a computer for a long time. In this case, after a long rest, the pain quickly passes and does not pose a threat to he alth. Wearing the wrong lenses or glasses can very well cause a headache in the eye area. Prolonged, sharp headaches with fever can cause meningitis.


If the pain does not go away even after good sleep and rest, it is worth considering other, much more serious and dangerous causes. It is worth talking about such a cause of a headache in the temples and eyes as a migraine when the pain is concentrated in one part of the head or directly in the eye. Migraines begin gradually, with uncomfortable pressure sensations in the temples, eyes, and forehead area, and can last from several hours to several days.

headache in the temples and eyes
headache in the temples and eyes


Severe headaches in the eyes and forehead bother a person with cerebral aneurysm. A small expansion of the vessel over time gradually grows to a large size, and the vessel is filled with accumulating blood. The protruding segment of the vessel presses on the surrounding brain tissue and nearby nerves, at which time the person feels pain. An aneurysm poses a great threat to he alth and life, because as a result of a rupture, it leads to hemorrhage. In addition to headache and eye pain, aneurysms cause blurred vision, numbness, and facial paralysis.


Hypertension almost always makes itself felt with a headache in the nose andeye. When intracranial pressure is increased, a person is tormented by pain in the first half of the day, nausea, palpitations occur, pressure rises or falls. Pressure can also rise inside the eye itself, while the excretion of intraocular fluid is disturbed, and a person develops glaucoma. It eventually leads to complete loss of vision.


If there was an injury to the head or just a strong blow before the headache attack, then most likely the pain was caused by a concussion. There is a high probability of developing an intracranial hematoma, so a concussion requires an early hospitalization.


Intense headache also occurs with such a dangerous disease as a stroke. But for this, its characteristic signs must appear in the form of paralysis, visual impairment, double vision, loss of coordination in space.

Eye diseases

Some eye diseases have this kind of pain, such as astigmatism or conjunctivitis. Pain can occur due to inflammation of the choroid - uveitis, which is characterized by redness of the eyes, photosensitivity, blurred vision.


A brain tumor localized in the eye area manifests itself as bursting pains. But this is not the only symptom of sarcoma, it is caused by the appearance of seizures, vomiting, hallucinations, visual impairment.

Infectious diseases

Infections and viruses such as influenza, sinusitis or sinusitis are characterized by headache in the eye area (left or right) and haveaccompanying symptoms. These include: fever, general malaise, chills. Inflammation in the sinuses transmits pain to the eye area and is accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, congestion and runny nose.

headache in the eye area causes
headache in the eye area causes


Encephalitis - inflammation of the brain, can also cause severe pain in the eye area. The clinical picture of encephalitis with mild course includes impaired consciousness, fever, nausea, drowsiness, sensitivity to light.


With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the pain in the eye area is sharp and severe so much that in some cases the patient hardly opens and closes the eye. Trigeminal neuralgia torments patients with paroxysmal pain in the lower jaw, nose and eyes.


The use of certain drugs leads to headaches in the eye area, the same applies to food that a person does not tolerate on an individual basis. When pain in the eye area worries along with itching, burning, watery eyes, this may indicate an allergic reaction of the body to a certain substance.

headache in the nose and eyes
headache in the nose and eyes


Headaches in the eye area need to be diagnosed as soon as possible and appropriate therapy initiated. As a rule, in cases of headache, the doctor prescribes magnetic resonance imaging. It helps to diagnose tumors, disorders in the brainblood circulation, detect the effects of stroke and other ailments.

Electroencephalography provides information about the general state of the patient's brain. An x-ray examination is resorted to if there was an injury immediately before the unpleasant symptoms. Computed tomography will indicate the presence of hemorrhages, aneurysms, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, changes in the structure of tissues and blood vessels. Sometimes electromyography is required to examine damage to the neuromuscular system. In many cases, an ultrasound is done to investigate the cause of a headache in the eye area.

eye headache treatment
eye headache treatment

From laboratory diagnostic methods, blood and cerebrospinal fluid tests are applicable. The composition of CSF - cerebrospinal fluid - undergoes significant changes at a time when the brain is affected by any disease. Based on the blood test, the doctor can determine exactly what is causing the headache.

In many cases, you may need to consult an ophthalmologist, neurologist, otorhinolaryngologist.


Only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment for a headache in the eye area (right or left), whether it be medication, manual or physiotherapy.

headache in the right eye
headache in the right eye

The most popular drugs for relieving headaches in the eye area: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Piroxicam, Ketoprofen,"Dexalgin", "Indomethacin", "Baralgin", "Analgin". At high pressure, you can take "No-shpu", "Dibazol" or "Papaverine".

To relieve migraine pain in the eye area, it is better to take an analgesic containing ibuprofen, paracetamol or acetylsalicylic acid. Vomiting is successfully blocked by antiemetics.

Meningitis should be treated only in a hospital, as it is difficult for patients to tolerate and requires constant monitoring of their he alth. Drug treatment is carried out in accordance with the type of this disease. Antibacterial therapy is taken as the basis.

If the cause of a headache in the eye area is a stroke, then the treatment and subsequent rehabilitation is carried out in a hospital, under constant supervision. A stroke implies the use of emergency measures to restore damaged areas of nerve tissue. To do this, patients take medications that are part of the group of neuro-reparants.

headache in the left eye
headache in the left eye

For any injuries and concussion, you need to visit the hospital as soon as possible in order to avoid dangerous consequences and swelling. A person with a concussion is shown bed rest, as well as a course of vascular and metabolic therapy using drugs - Nootropil, Stugeron, Cavinton.

Eye diseases, in particular uveitis, are helped by taking immunosuppressive drugs, steroids, mydriatics. Uveitis of infectious etiology is cured by takingantiviral and antimicrobial drugs. Allergic uveitis resolves after the use of antihistamine medications. Treatment is never complete without topical eye drops or ointments.

Headaches in the eye area caused by sinusitis are successfully treated with antibiotics b-lactams (Amoxicillin, Sulbactam), macrolides (Clarithromycin, Azithromycin) and fluoroquinolones (Grepafloxacin, Moxifloxacin). The drugs of choice for the treatment of fungal sinusitis are Fluconazole and Amphotericin. Treating sinusitis at home includes rinsing the nose and inhaling. Sinusitis, which served as a catalyst for a headache in the eye area, suggests an integrated approach to treatment. Treatment can be non-puncture, puncture and surgical.

Treatment of encephalitis is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions. The method of treatment is prescribed individually for each patient. Depending on the causes of encephalitis, medical agents are selected. These can be antibiotics, antiviral drugs, glucocorticoids, decongestants, desensitizing drugs.

Therapy for trigeminal neuralgia consists of antihistamines, anticonvulsants, antispasmodics and vasodilators. Physiotherapeutic methods, such as electrophoresis of medicinal substances or ionogalvanization using amidopyrine or novocaine, help get rid of excruciating pain.

Preventive measures

In order not to miss the beginningdevelopment of a dangerous disease, it is worthwhile to undergo a preventive examination with your doctor as often as possible. Anxiety symptoms should not be ignored. And in order to prevent the occurrence of headaches in the eye area, it is recommended to take preventive measures. First of all, this includes proper rest and he althy sleep, because the correct sleep regimen will protect the nervous system from various disorders. A person with a predisposition to headaches needs to be outdoors more often and try to exercise regularly. The diet should be built in a balanced way, exclude harmful substances in any form and include a sufficient amount of water.


Several recurring episodes of headache in the area of such a vulnerable organ as the eyes should be the reason for a mandatory visit to a specialist. Drugs that relieve pain and spasms, as a method of temporary relief of the condition, cannot be a substitute for a full-fledged examination and treatment. The right decision is to trust the experts. This will protect he alth from the likely negative, irreversible consequences of a headache in the eye area.
